Proceedings of 2023 China Science and Technology Information Resource Management and Service Annual Conference (COINFO 2023)

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21 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Chen Bai, Yue Cao, Wenqian Jin
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the COINFO 2023 during October 26-27, 2023 in Xiong’an New Area, China. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Academic Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful...
Proceedings Article

Research on the formation mechanism of data value

Bai Chen
Data elements contain great value, can directly participate in the process of production, exchange and distribution, and promote the input of other factors of production and empower other factors, this paper analyzes the data processing process from the perspective of life cycle, explores the value-added...
Proceedings Article

Intelligent Intelligence Perception Technology and Applications Based on space-air-ground Multi-Modal Data Fusion

Zhuo Lin
With the continuous advancement of information technology, aerospace technology has become one of the crucial directions in informatization construction. Intelligent intelligence perception based on the fusion of space-air-ground multi-modal data refers to the acquisition of data through means such as...
Proceedings Article

Semantic Evaluation and Identification of Academic Representative Papers

Hongmei Guo, Xingyu Chen, Zheng Ma
Academic papers are the main output and important knowledge carrier of scientific activities. They have the functions of knowledge flow, diffusion, and transfer. Academic representative paper is very significant to funding project review, talent introduction and institutional evaluation. These existing...
Proceedings Article

Research on the global development trend of biological breeding

Xu Zhenyan
[Objective] Through the study of the global development trend of bio-breeding, we can find global research hotspots, major research institutions, collaborations, etc., and provide decision-making support for organizations in the field of bio-breeding. [Methods] International high-level papers are an...
Proceedings Article

A Research on Enterprise Technical Risk Threshold Activation Model Construction in ICV Industry

Zhang Yue, Cao Yue, Bai Chen
Addressing the critical need for enhanced industrial risk monitoring, this research advances the analytical capabilities of management entities and policy advisors in scrutinizing enterprise technological risks in specific sectors. It introduces a machine learning-assisted approach to systematically...
Proceedings Article

Visualization of the Semantic Knowledge Landscape of Editing and Publishing Domain in China

Shuang Zhang, Feifan Liu, Li Wang, Haoxiang Xia
The rapid advancement of information technology is reforming the ecosystem of the editing and publishing industry. Under the demand for building novel publishing patterns, it is critical to map out the research trends and evolutionary trajectories of the field of editing and publishing comprehensively....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Data Right Confirmation Mechanism from the Perspective of the Value Chain

Zhang Xuanxuan, Bai Chen, Zhang Yue, Cao Yue
In the era of big data, data rights confirmation has become an important strength to promote data circulation and market development, ensure data revenue, and achieve data security. Based on the previous research results of value chain and data value chain, this study constructs a value chain model involving...
Proceedings Article

Current status and future prospects of research on the recognition of Academic Papers Masterpiece

Wang Xu, Liu Hui, Zhang Ying, Ren Huiling, Wang Junhui
[Purpose] This paper analyzes the development status of research on magnum opus recognition theory and methods in academic papers, and clarifies the future development direction of related research, which is aim at providing reference for subsequent research on the method system of magnus recognition....
Proceedings Article

An Entity-Based Main Path Analysis Method to Trace Knowledge Evolution at Micro-Level

Chi Yu, Weijiao Shang, Xiaozhao Xing, Haiyun Xu, Liang Chen
Main Path Analysis (MAP) method is a significant method for knowledge flow extraction from citation networks. Traditional MPA methods treat documents as network vertices, while neglecting the more granular information within the document, this neglect limits an in-depth understanding of knowledge development....
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of a Label System for Scientific Research Institutions

Xin Xian, Chuan Ge, Huiying Yang, Bo Yang
Research institutions, as the core entities in research activities, constitute a vital component of technological prowess. The intuitive and dynamic revelation of information pertaining to research institutions holds significant implications. Addressing issues such as the uni-dimensional depiction of...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Enhancement Paths of Scientific Researchers’ Information Literacy under the Background of AIGC Technology

Hao Jianjun, Xu Hui, Hemuqi
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, generative intelligent technologies such as ChatGPT are profoundly transforming the paradigm of scientific research. As an essential support institution for scientific research, libraries need to adjust and improve their service models...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Construction of Technology Co-opetition Network Based on Patents and Its Application in Industrial Analysis

Yan Li, Yingfan Gao, Di Cui, Mo Pu, Ming Yuan
Objective This study constructs a technology co-opetition network based on patent data, which then reveals the competitive and collaborative relationships in the technological field. By analyzing the innovation characteristics and advantages of enterprises, industries, and regions, it provides...
Proceedings Article

Research on Data Security Governance of Industrial Information Service Platform

——Based on Information Ecology Theory

Cao Yue, Bai Chen, Zhang Yue, Zhang Xuanxuan
Industrial information service platform gathers all kinds of data resources that are closely related to industrial development activities, and it is essential to guarantee the security of the whole life cycle of data for platform construction and operation services. In the face of the platform’s large...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Characteristics of Scientific Researchers’ Demand for Scientific Data and Its Implications for the Construction and Service of Literature Resources

——Taking the customers of the National Science and Technology Library as an example

Liu Yuwei, Zhou Qin, Yang Chenlu
The rapid development of new artificial intelligence and data processing technologies has made scientific data an indispensable and crucial resource in scientific research. This study conducted a survey and analysis of scientific data needs among users of the National Science and Technology Library (hereinafter...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Value Chain Management and Circulation Bottlenecks of Scientific Data Elements

Xiao Xu, Fu Yiyan
In order to understand the practical problems of the circulation and utilization of scientific data in the value chain in China, explore and construct the theoretical model of the value chain of scientific data elements on the basis of discussing the value effect of data elements, and then reveal the...
Proceedings Article

Research on Shandong Technology Data Allocation from the Perspective of Market-oriented Allocation of Data Elements

Zhen Qiao, Qi Zhang
As one of the data elements, the market-oriented allocation of scientific and technological data elements plays an important role in promoting technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Based on theories such as market-oriented allocation of data elements, this study constructs an analysis framework...
Proceedings Article

The Evolution and Enlightenment of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Policy from the Perspective of Advocacy Coalition Framework

----Based on 122 Policy Text Analysis from 1992 to 2022

Jingzi Wang
From the perspective of Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), the study conceptualizes “external intervention - policy orientation learning” framework on the evolution of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation (STI) policies under the background of national technology strategy. Based on textual analysis...
Proceedings Article

Study on Ontological Theory and practice in Literature and Documentation

----Taking Standard Documentation as an Example

Li Jing, Li Guopeng, Tian Fang
Objective The goal of this study is to practice the application of ontology in documentation. Methods Literature research method; Website research method; System development method. Results ...
Proceedings Article

Technology framework and application scenarios on Digital Humanities research

Li Tianshuo, Zhang Dongrong
Digital technology is an important driving force for Digital Humanities (DH) research. Along with the iterative innovation of technology, more and more new technologies are being applied in DH projects. Based on the process of DH discipline and the use of technology in domestic DH projects, we sort out...
Proceedings Article

An Initial Exploration of Building Convergence Media Resources for Proceedings Aimed at Academic Exchange

Han Jing
With the introduction of the “Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Deep Integration and Development of Publishing”, the construction of high-quality journals and high-level academic exchange platforms in the era of convergence media has become urgent. Based on the research object and purpose, two...