The proceedings of the 2nd Bakti Tunas Husada-Health Science International Conference (BTH-HSIC 2019)

253 authors
The Influence of Age Factor on the Antepartum Haemorrhage Event in Cilacap Hospital Period of 2016–2018
The Relationship of Knowledge to the Attitude of a Pregnant Women’s Husband About Preeclampsia
Soni, Dang
Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Caffeine Using Acrylamide as Monomer
Suarez, Sherwin William B.
Congenital Cone-Rod Dystrophy to Progressing Central Vision Loss: A Low Vision Case Report
Subroto, Toto
In Silico Study of Single Chain Fragment Variable (ScFv) on Chikungunya Virus Using Indonesian Strain
Subroto, Toto
In Silico Study of Single Chain Fragment Variable Antibody and Indonesian Serotype-2 NS1 Dengue Virus Antigen
Sugiarti, Ida
Legal Protection of Patient Rights to Completeness and Confidentiality in Management of Medical Record Documents
Suhartati, Rochmanah
Clitoria ternatea Linn Extract as Natural pH Indicator in Mannitol Salt Agar Medium
Suhendy, Hendy
Antioxidant Activities Test of Selada Air Extract (Nasturtium officinale R.Br) by Using DPPH (I, I-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil) Method
Suhendy, Hendy
Analgesic Activity of Infusion of Beluntas Radix (Pluchea indica (L.)) on the Male Mice
Sukmawan, Yedy Purwandi
Allopurinol Administration: When is More Effective?
Sulastri, Meti
Effectiveness of Green Beans and Soybeans in Increasing Hemoglobin and Oxygen Saturation Levels in Adolescents
Sundalian, Melvia
Molecular Docking of Xanthone Compounds of Mangosteen Fruits Peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) as Beta-OG Pocket Binding Inhibitor in Dengue Virus Envelope
The Role of Assistance Toward Pregnant Women Against Low Birth Weight
Molecular Damage Evaluation and Chromosome Aberration in Blood Lymphocyte of Medical Radiation Workers
Suryani, Iis Sopiah
Effectiveness of Green Beans and Soybeans in Increasing Hemoglobin and Oxygen Saturation Levels in Adolescents
Suryaputri, Indri Yunita
Levels of Depression and Treatment Gap Overview in 3 Regions in Indonesia
Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Ficus elastica L. Leaves
Susanti, Ayuni
Systolic and Diastolic, Before and After Doing Deep Breathing Exercise
Suvivan, Viria Agesti
A Preliminary Study on DNA Damage in Peripheral Blood of Cancer Patients After Radiotherapy with Comet Assay
Tjitraresmi, Ami
Isolation and Identification of Ethyl Acetate Fractions in Flour Banana Fruit (Musa troglodytarum L.)
Tristiyanti, Deby
Inhibitory Activity of Tyrosinase Enzyme on Lotion Contains Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia (Burm.F) Nakai) Rind Extract
Turnip, Katarina
Antibacterial Activity from Ethanol Extracts and Fractions of Family Asteraceae Leaf Against Bacillus cereus and Vibrio cholera
Tuslinah, Lilis
Optimation of Cyanide Adsorption from Tapioca Industry Liquid Waste Using Activated Sludge
Tuslinah, Lilis
Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Ficus elastica L. Leaves
Virgianti, Dewi Peti
Clitoria ternatea Linn Extract as Natural pH Indicator in Mannitol Salt Agar Medium
Virgianti, Dewi Pety
Influence of the Growth of Candida albicans on Several Alternative Medium
Wardani, Gatut Ari
The Use of Dithizone for Lead Analysis in Blush
Wardani, Gatut Ari
Qualitative Analysis of Coliform Bacteria in Hospital Wastewater with MPN Method
Warya, Sohadi
Pharmaceutical Cocrystal of Ethyl p-Methoxycinnamate: Formulation and Characterization
Wesnita, Alvia
The Effect of the Use of Progressive Lens to Presbyopia Comfort in the Optical City of Padang
Widia, Chita
Systolic and Diastolic, Before and After Doing Deep Breathing Exercise
Widiyanti, Wina
Allopurinol Administration: When is More Effective?
Widyastutik, Desy
Effect Health Education on Improvement Knowledge of Students Class III and IV About Hand Washing
Smoking Behavior and the Related Factors Among the Students Diploma of Biomedical Engineering Binalita Sudama Medan
Winarto, Agus Tri
Specific and Sensitive Nutritional Intervention Toward Stunting in Mandalahayu Village Tasikmalaya District: A Qualitative Study
Winingsih, Wiwin
Preparation and Characterization of Water Soluble Curcuminoid Prepared by Complex Formation with κ-Carrageenan
Wulandari, Winda Trisna
Antioxidant Activity of Chitosan from the Waste of Green Mussels Shell (Perna Viridis L)
Evaluation of the Ocular Surface and Adnexa of Permed Lashes Wearer Among Selected 4-th year Female Students of the School of Optometry
Yu, Maria Cecilia L.
Adherent Leukoma Associated with Measles: A Low Vision Case Report
Yuliana, Anna
Fermentation and Determination of Anti-Cholesterol Monakolin K from Different Monascus purpureus Isolates
Yuliana, Anna
Correlation Between Absolute Neutrophil Counts with the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio in Hyperuricemia
Yuliantini, Anne
Fingerprint Analysis of Adulterant in Traditional Medicine of Orthosiphon aristatus Leaves Using FTIR Method
Yulyana, Anna
Potential of Family-Based Diet Management Programs to Behavior of Diet Hypertension Patients in Four Areas of Community Health Centers Cibeureum Working Areas in Tasikmalaya City, Indonesia
Yunita, Indri
Specific and Sensitive Nutritional Intervention Toward Stunting in Mandalahayu Village Tasikmalaya District: A Qualitative Study
Yusuf, Darlina
A Preliminary Study on DNA Damage in Peripheral Blood of Cancer Patients After Radiotherapy with Comet Assay
Yusuf, Muhammad
In Silico Study of Single Chain Fragment Variable (ScFv) on Chikungunya Virus Using Indonesian Strain
Yusuf, Muhammad
Molecular Docking of Xanthone Compounds of Mangosteen Fruits Peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) as Beta-OG Pocket Binding Inhibitor in Dengue Virus Envelope
Yusuf, Muhammad
In Silico Study of Single Chain Fragment Variable Antibody and Indonesian Serotype-2 NS1 Dengue Virus Antigen
Zahra, Shelma Az
Synthesis and Characterization of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Caffeine Using Acrylamide as Monomer
Zannah, Syifa Ul
Fermentation and Determination of Anti-Cholesterol Monakolin K from Different Monascus purpureus Isolates
Zustika, Diana Sri
Optimation of Cyanide Adsorption from Tapioca Industry Liquid Waste Using Activated Sludge
Zustika, Diana Sri
Antioxidant Activities Test of Selada Air Extract (Nasturtium officinale R.Br) by Using DPPH (I, I-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil) Method