Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Science and Technology (BIS-STE 2020)
91 articles
Proceedings Article
Smart Survey Model of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) for Pavement Planning and Monitoring
Arthur Daniel Limantara, Tjahjaning Tingastuti Surjosuseno, Bambang Subiyanto, Fauzie Nursandah, Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan, Nawir Rasidi
Daily traffic volume surveys for the planning and supervision of manual paving require work, time and are not cheap. Furthermore, the accuracy and speed of data collection are not timely. This study aims to bring a smart survey model that automatically collects and processes data on the daily volume...
Proceedings Article
Measurement Analysis of Box Girder Production Cycle Times in Indonesia Infrastructure Projects
Verly Widiantoro, Mohammad Ichsan, Pungky Dharma Saputra
Infrastructure is one of the important elements in the development of a country. The number of bridge infrastructure projects that can increase the growth of the construction industry in Indonesia must be supported by construction technology as well as the use of precast box girders. Problems arise due...
Proceedings Article
Solar Tracking Using Extended Mean Shift Based Color Histogram
Asepta Surya Wardhana, Astrie Kusuma Dewi
Nowadays, there are many solar tracking applications using photodiode sensors and Solar Position Algorithm. This tracking depends on the power of light and natural conditions. Inaccurate sun tracking causes the heat concentration to become weak and miss focus on heat-receiving objects. We developed a...
Proceedings Article
Design and Implementation of Data Acquisition Device and Instrumentation Based on Microcontroller for Electric Motorcycle
Agus Ulinuha, Jatmiko, Almas Ghulam Riza
Along with intensive people activities in different places, the demand on transportation increases. For some dense road, motorcycle might be the better choice due to its ability to move flexibly. This may lead to massive use of motorcycle powered by fossil fuel engine. Beside causing severe air pollution,...
Proceedings Article
Catalytic Conversion of Oil and Gas Residue to Liquid Fuel Using Heterogeneous Catalysts
Pusparatu, R.Y. Perry Burhan, Sylvia Yusnica, Oksil Venriza
Petroleum residue is a by-product of oil refineries that has not been utilized optimally so that it accumulates in the stockpile tank causing disruption of the processing of petroleum into motor vehicle fuel. The catalytic conversion of oil and gas residue into liquid fuel has been carried out using...
Proceedings Article
Corrosion Study of Graphene Coatings on Carbon Steels
Hafid Suharyadi, Toegas Soegeng Soegiarto, Umi Yuliatin
The functionalized graphene with epoxy was applied on carbon steel pipes ASTM A53 grade B. The corrosion properties of coated and uncoated carbon steels were evaluated using a three-electrode cell system in NaCl solution at room temperature. The findings suggest a shift of corrosion potential value,...
Proceedings Article
Modeling of Spray Characteristics of Biodiesel Based on Vegetative Energy Resources Found in Tropical Forest Inside Leuser Area
Teuku Azuar Rizal, Hamdani, Taufan Arif Adlie
The depleting reserves of fossil fuels encourage the arrangement of biodiesel as an increasingly popular alternative. The energy is also more environmentally friendly, and at the same time, low in emission content. The biodiesel feedstock source is also easily found in Indonesia’s tropical forests, yet...
Proceedings Article
Internet-Based Multi-Platform Thermometer Using WhatsApp and Sensor MLX90614 with Location Tracker Feature for Covid-19 Surveillance
Putra Wisnu Agung Sucipto, Annisa Firasanti
Daily monitoring of symptoms of high fever and contact tracing are the main steps in early detection of COVID-19 transmission. A person who is suspected of being infected with COVID-19 with symptoms of a high fever based on a record of his body temperature scan, must as soon as possible get activity...
Proceedings Article
ANP and AHP Method Approaches in Selecting of Tourism Attraction in Samarinda
Noor Alam Hadiwijaya, Arbain Parid
The tourism sector, especially in Samarinda and its surroundings, is a sector that is experiencing quite dynamic development in supporting economic growth in the area. Apart from being one of the centers of education, Samarinda is also part of a tourist destination city in East Kalimantan. The objectives...
Proceedings Article
Ranking of Drivers and Barriers for the Green Management Implementation at MSME in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia
Asmawati Hasan, Murni, Junita, Intan Rahmi
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) still have low involvement in being environmentally friendly. Production processes that are associated with environmental pollution, such as the use of hazardous materials, and produce waste that are not properly managed, threaten sustainability. This study...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Sawdust as Mixture of Concrete Pipe on Water Absorption and Compressive Strength
Ayende, Hernawan Novianto
This article describes an experimental study of the effect of using sawdust as a mixture of concrete pipe on water absorption and compressive strength. This research was inspired by the amount of sawdust waste from sawmills that had not been utilized. For this purpose, 18 specimens were made with four...
Proceedings Article
The Alternatives for Urban Green Space in Riverside Area of Banjarmasin to Create a Sustainable City
Hanny Maria Caesarina, Dienny Redha Rahmani
Green space as one of the indicators of sustainable city in riverside area is very important to Banjarmasin, the city of thousands river. However, due to the limited space, no other form of urban green space founded in the riverside area of the city other than greeneries. This research aimed to identify...
Proceedings Article
Development of Indonesian Wellhead Generating Unit (Small Scale) Based on Legal and Regulation of PT. Geo Dipa Dieng: A Case Study
Akhmad Sofyan, Hari Sumantri Aka, Ade Maulana Rizaldy, Bambang Yudho Suranta
Geothermal energy is one of the environmentally friendly energies to generate electricity. Heat energy in the form of steam and hot water in the earth is flowed to the surface and into production facilities and generators to produce electrical energy. Currently there are many types of power plants for...
Proceedings Article
Rig Time Reduction During Kick Handling Operation in Exploration Well X by Applying Drillers Method
Bambang Yudho Suranta, Akhmad Sofyan, Didin Chaerudin Irwansyah
This journal will describe how the kick handling time is reduced from the actual condition by applying Drillers The method in Well X. This well is an exploration well with the main objective at the 9,000 ft range of depth in Kujung Formation, which has been identified as a gas hydrocarbon reservoir zone....
Proceedings Article
Design of PV-Wind Turbine Mobile Container for Disaster Area Using Homer: A Case study in Cepu - Central Java
A Sahrin, E Utami, M. A Fathoni
This paper purpose to design a system in the form of a PV (module) - Wind Turbine Mobile container for the first solution of the disaster area application in the Cepu city of Blora, Central Java. The solution given is to make a mobile container that can assemble a short time as an independent renewable...
Proceedings Article
Mechanical Properties Identification of Vulcanized Rubber by Using Mooney-Rivlin Method
Budi Setiyana, Rifky Ismail, Jamari Jamari, Sugiyanto, Ismoyo Haryanto
Mechanical properties identification of rubber is important to predict rubber performance. Identification of rubber mechanical properties is more difficult to do than it is on metals due to hyper-elastic and nonlinear properties of rubber behavior. Mechanical properties of rubber are often expressed...
Proceedings Article
Application of Polymer as Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery for Increasing Quantity of Crude Oil Resorcer
Oksil Venriza, Puspa Ratu, Andian Ari Instiningrum
Chemical injection using Polymer is expected to increase the pressing efficiency and sweeping efficiency so that the oil recovery can increase after the flood of water from the initial oil reserve (OOIP) in the reservoir. This research will carry out the stages of making polymers that are hygroscopic...
Proceedings Article
Temperature Control in The R-101 Reactor with Comparing the Ziegler Nichols and Tyreus - Luyben Tuning Methods
E Utami, A Sahrin, N Maulidya
The R-101 reactor is one of the units in the Catalytic Condensation Unit (CCU), XXX Refinery. This reactor functions to reprocess the mixed C4 feed originating from the RCC Complex processing to have a higher selling value such as propylene and LPG. In this reactor, there is a polymerization reaction...
Proceedings Article
The Impacts of a Long Residue Addition to the Briquette Quality of Ketapang Fruit and Siwalan Fruit Skin Charcoals Using Amylum as Additive and a Manual Briquette Machine
Suparno, W.R. Hatiningrum, A. Huzein, R.D. Syahputra, A.D Rahangmetang, HH Naim
A Long residue is a bottom product of an atmospheric distillation unit of crude oil. Generally this product is further processed in a refinery secondary unit to produce more yield. In case there is no refinery secondary process this bottom product is mixed with chemicals to produce marine fuel oil. This...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Lamina Wood on the Physical Properties, the Nature of Mechanics, the Strong Class on the Combination of Sengon Wood and Merbau Wood
Joko Suryono, Yudi Pranoto
Wood is a material used by man to meet his life needs, both as building materials and other tools. Conditions as a construction component require large size, one that can be by making lamina wood. This study is the influence of lamina on physical properties, mechanical properties, healthy classes using...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation Factors Causing a Losses in the System of Receiving, Storage and Distribution Diesel Fuel in PT Badak NGL
Oksil Venriza, Miftahul Jannah, Tri Warcono, Adi Luhung Pekerti
Diesel Fuel is a liquid fuel used in diesel engines. Diesel fuel is a petroleum fraction that has gone through a series of fraction separations. Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons that are formed naturally. In general, in the liquid phase which is stored in the fuel sotrage tank under certain conditions....
Proceedings Article
Study of Wear on the Metal on Polycarbonate Urethane (PCU) Contact in Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Finite Element Method
Wahyu Dwi Lestari, Luluk Edahwati, Ndaru Adyono, Rifky Ismail, J Jamari, Athanasius Priharyoto Bayuseno
Latterly, the polycarbonare urethane (PCU) has suggested a viable substitude to conventional bearings. The aim of this study is to determine the von Mises stress and contact pressure as a function of different of acetabular cup thickness. The analysis of this study was conducted by the finite element...
Proceedings Article
Experimental Study of Porous Paving Using Kalimantan Local Materials
Y Pranoto, A Sudibyo, E R Rivelda
Floods in Samarinda occur every year. It’s because the infiltration area is getting narrower, the drainage conditions are full of garbage, high rainfall, and the behaviour of people who litter. So, it needs improvement technology to reduce these problems. One way is to make porous paving that can absorb...
Proceedings Article
Military Type III Anodizing: The Optimal Limit Within Hardening Process of Aluminium Alloy in a Near Zero Temperature
Ndaru Adyono, W D Lestari, Luluk Endahwati
Hard anodization was a method that can enhance aluminium alloy surface characteristics by growing an aluminum anodic oxide (AAO) film on it surface. This method was very applicable to obtain a thick and hard coating. This process was carried out at galvanostatic-potentiostatic mode at high current densities...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Effectiveness of Stemming Algorithms in Indonesian Documents
Dyah Mustikasari, Ida Widaningrum, Rizal Arifin, Wahyu Henggal Eka Putri
Stemming is a process to determine basic word with some rules. In Bahasa Indonesia, the way is to eliminate prefixes, infixes, suffixes, or combination of prefixes and suffixes in derivative words. Several stemming algorithms for Bahasa Indonesia have been developed. But their effectiveness has not been...
Proceedings Article
Simulation Experiment to Predict the Critical Friction Area of Acetabular Liner Component on Hip Joint Replacement Implant During Movement
Tresna P. Soemardi, Agri Suwandi, Anwar Soefi Ibrahim
This paper has shown that simulation experiment to predict the critical friction area of acetabular liner component on hip joint replacement implant during movement. With the simulation method, that can help find the friction and stress area. The results of the friction simulation, the area friction...
Proceedings Article
Disaster Mitigation in Physics Learning: Pedagogical Approach and Teaching Material Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills
Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, Eko Setyadi Kurniawan, Umi Pratiwi, R Wakhid Akhdinirwanto
Public education about disaster mitigation in Indonesia needs to be done comprehensively. One of them is through learning at school. This study aims to integrate disaster mitigation in physics learning using a pedagogical approach and teaching materials based on higher-order thinking skills. This research...
Proceedings Article
Proposed Reversed Supply Chain as Problem Solver for Case of Returned Beef Products During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Paduloh Paduloh, Taufik Djatna
Beef is an agro-industrial product that is perishable has a high risk in the pandemic era. The Covid-19 pandemic impacts decreasing consumption of products in various sectors, including beef, with the closure of restaurants and cafes, will affect the accumulation of beef supplies so that the quality...
Proceedings Article
Scientific Literacy Ability Enhancement in Applying Appgeyser Web Learning Media of Sparkol Video Scribe During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Umi Pratiwi, Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, Eko Setyadi Kurniawan, Raden Wakhid Akhdinirwanto
Online learning and learning literacy during the Covid 19 pandemic is very important and very necessary. Online Learning through smartphones is the leading media for students in the Learning and teaching process. Therefore, learning physics material for optical tools requires the use of interesting and...
Proceedings Article
Structural Model of Smart Integration of Green Open Space and Slaughterhouses
Ismaniah Ismaniah, Maya Dewi Dyah Maharani, Tyastuti Sri Lestari
The value of Green Open Space is often overlooked or underestimated by policymakers, leaders and developers including animal slaughterhouse industry developers. One of the biggest environmental concerns associated with slaughterhouses is wastewater, water contamination, and air pollution. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Lubrication Performance of Thrust Bearing with Texture Height Variation and Cavitation Modelling with CFD Simulation
M Muchammad, M Tauviqirrahman, H Nurahman, J Jamari
Increased load support performance can be achieved by adding texture on the bearing surfaces. A study on the high textured effect on the hydrodynamic thrust bearing by cavitation is presented in this paper. The textured surface is applied in rectangular geometric with several dimension. The single-textured...
Proceedings Article
Validity of Navier-Stokes Equation in Single-Textured Thrust Bearing Considering Reynolds Number and Cell Aspect Ratio
M Muchammad, M Tauviqirrahman, H Nurahman, J Jamari
Research about hydrodynamic thrust bearing has been developed, the most concern is case about texture with several configuration. Numerical approaches using Reynolds equations and CFD simulation based on Navier-Stokes equations are a common method that used to analyze bearing performance. It is necessary...
Proceedings Article
The Orientation of Equipment Technology in Improving Production Performance in Batik SMEs
Chauliah Fatma Putri, Muhammad Agus Sahbana
Written batik is a work of art that is recognized worldwide as an original Indonesian cultural heritage. The production process of written batik is carried out traditionally and from generation to generation in Solo and Yogyakarta as the oldest batik development areas in Indonesia. Making written batik...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Industrial Waste as Soil Stabilizer to Enhance Direct Shear Strength
Anita Setyowati Srie Gunarti, Irwan Raharja
A problem that often occurs in industrial areas is roads damage that are caused by the low carrying capacity of their subgrade as well as by over capacity of heavy vehicles passing through those roads. A lot of waste that is produced in industrial areas, which also another problem, can be used as soil...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Learning Media Based on Android Using Crossword Puzzles to Improve Student’s Vocabulary Skill
Rini Yudiati, Hanifatur Rizqi
The aim of this study was 1) to develop learning media based on android using crossword puzzles to improve vocabulary skills, 2) determine the feasibility of learning media based on android using English crossword puzzles from material experts, media experts, and English learning, 3) Knowing the response...
Proceedings Article
Application of Continuous Wavelet Transform to Layer Boundaries Detection from Gamma Ray Log
Arya Dwi Candra, Bambang Yudho Suranta, Sulistiyono, Nur L Maulidiyah, Andri Syafriya, Dessy Widya, Sungkono
Layer boundary analysis is an important process in determining the net pay value. Although the layer boundary can be determined manually through mud log data, it can also be determined automatically by signal analysis using wavelet transform. This analysis uses the gamma ray (GR) log data and the resistivity...
Proceedings Article
Design of Environmental Pollution Monitoring Tool Based on Internet of Things (IoT)
Febrin Aulia Batubara, Bakti Viyata Sundawa, Meidi Wani Lestari
Monitoring of environmental pollution level on campus is very important to do. According to UI Green Metric 2018 data, there are 719 campuses to participate in the developing of green campus and issues of sustainability. One of assessment is implementation of smart system to solve environmental problems...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Rubber Deformation Along Sliding Contact on Its Stress and Friction Force: A Numerical Investigation
Budi Setiyana, Rifky Ismail, Sugiyanto, Jamari Jamari
Rubber is a material that easily deforms when subjected to friction, such as in tires, seals and transmission belts. It is very important to understand the relationship of deformation to its stress and friction contact on the rubber. The stress and friction force are closely related to the strength and...
Proceedings Article
Application of Haversine Formula in Education Game “Landmark Nusantara”
Heliza Rahmania Hatta, Muhammad Hadi Suroso, Indah Fitri Astuti, Dyna Marisa Khairina, Septya Maharani
Indonesia is the largest archipelago state is therefore also called Nusantara. Almost every region in Indonesia has a characteristic landmark that describes each area that has tremendous potential in form of lore and attraction. The tremendous potential of this must be backed up with a nice introduction....
Proceedings Article
Low Vertical Car Parking Automatic Control System Using Programmable Logic Control
Setyo Supratno, Seta Samsiana, Aeri Sujatmika, Muhamad Fajar Hermawan
A vertical car parking automatic control system using PLC is a prototype system which is intended to minimise the use of car parking size. This prototype is created with a maximum capacity of six cars which will be parked vertically. The vertical car parking automatic control system will use a Mitsubishi...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Student Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Graph Applications Learning Using the MEAs Approach
Nurlaili, Utti Marina Rifanti, Ridho Ananda
Problem-solving abilities is one of the competencies that students must have. However, the level of student abilities to address problems related to real-life is still low. This study analyzes the students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities after implementing learning using the MEAs approach in...
Proceedings Article
Hand and Foot Movement of Motor Imagery Classification Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Multilayer Perceptron Backpropagation
Prasetyo Cahyo Nugroho, Rahmat Widadi, Dodi Zulherman
The development of bionic aids for paralyzed patients leads to the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) implementation with various obstacles, especially in interpreting brain signals as triggers for the bionic organ. The reading of electrical signal activity in the brain in the BCI system uses electroencephalography...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Integrated Lecturing Event Recording System Based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model
Irfan Sudahri Damanik, Eka Irawan
The improvement of the student learning process in higher education is of course determined by technological developments. semiconductor technology that can be integrated with various systems such as electronics and informatics. In the teaching and learning process, the implementation of conventional...
Proceedings Article
Development of Delay Factor Model for Substructure Works in Building Construction
Iwan Kurniawan, Pungky Dharma Saputra, Safri, Ridwan Saputro
Building construction is one of the most complex construction hence construction delay is always happened. Substructure work is the first stage of building construction work. If a delay occurs in the substructure work stage, it will cause a snowball effect which can cause all of the building construction...
Proceedings Article
Typosquatting Potential on the Official Website (An Empirical Study of Popular Webites in Indonesia)
Dimas Sasongko, Agung Suprapto, Purwono Hendradi
At the time of typing the website address (URL), the users often make mistakes (typos) that are unable to visit the desired website. The situation becomes worse when the wrong URL pointing to other websites that do not wish to be visited by the user and may be made available for the aim of cyber-crime....
Proceedings Article
Identification of Precast Box Girder Erection Activities to Develop Work Breakdown Structure in Elevated Railway Infrastructure Project
Nina Purwanti, Pungky Dharma Saputra, Muhammad Hamzah Fansuri, Anasya Arsita Laksmi
The railway infrastructure development is being a concern to the government of Indonesia nowadays. One of construction methods mostly applied in building the railway infrastructure is box girder erection with launching gantry. After observing several big projects with this construction method, some problems...
Proceedings Article
Mechanical Properties of Eichhornia Crassipes Fiber as Lost Circulation Material for Oil and Gas Drilling Application
Purnomosidi, Waheed Afzal, Paul D. Hallett, Erdila Indriani
In Indonesia, people have long been produced Eichhornia Crassipes Plant (ECP) stalks as raw materials for handicraft products. Other research has demonstrated that the tensile testing of individual fibers provides relevant data to assess their integrity in drilling mud. Whilst data on the mechanical...
Proceedings Article
The Effectivity of Virtual Tour as an Alternative of Ecotourism Method: A Case Study of Tambora National Geopark, Indonesia
Diah Rahmawati, Alpiana, Joni Safaat Adiansyah
The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the tourism sector. Virtual tours become an alternative to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Geotourism Festival held online in June 2020. However, the environmental conditions such as endemic flora, fauna, landscapes, and ecosystem services could not be covered...
Proceedings Article
Zeolite and Active Carbon as Contacting Media for CO2 Removal: Case study - CO2 Removal of Produced Gas at PT Pertamina EP Asset XY
Erdila Indriani, Dwi Hardi, Purnomosidi
The carbon dioxide is a common impurity to the natural gas production which causing equipment failures due to corrosion and natural gas calorific content decreased. Gathering Station of PT Pertamina EP Asset XY has significant carbon dioxide concentration on its natural gas production. However, installing...
Proceedings Article
Design Fuel Efficiency on a Gas Turbine Generator Using a Fuzzy Logic Controller
Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Chalidia Nurin Hamdani, Damita Adhi Pratama, Agus Heriyanto
The Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) is an important part of the utility unit at a private company PT. XYZ, namely as a supplier of electricity for the entire plant. The performance of the control system needs to be considered because it is related to efficiency factors, especially to regulate the amount...
Proceedings Article
Detection of Criticism and Hate speech Text Formulation on Online Social Network Twitter for Semantic Recommendation System Framework
Migunani, Adi Setiawan, Irwan Sembiring
User opinions on high-volume social media and various themes provide relevant information for sentiment analysis. This information can be collected and analyzed using a natural language processing with a monitoring system to support classification of criticism and hate speech. Regarding monitoring results,...
Proceedings Article
Motorbikes Automatic Module for Hand Brake and Fuel Cut Off Relay
Muhammad Firdaus Jauhari, Dwi Abdurahman, Yuly Triono
Data on the number of motorbikes theft cases each year is quite high, this is related to the number of parties involved in the stolen vehicle business. To ensure the safety of motorbikes, the following research offers a module design that doubles as a hand brake and a fuel cut-off relay. The module works...
Proceedings Article
Detection and Control System of Electricity Consumption Towards Smart Vocational Education (SVE)
Roslina Roslina, Afritha Amelia, Heru Pranoto, Bakti Viyata Sundawa, Nurul Fahmi, Abdullah Arief, Irwan Saputra Hutauruk, Nurhafni Carol, Suherman
This research is a follow-up research to improve performance of Smart Control Electrical Energy (SiSCE) at idle time. In previous research, device serves to control consumption of electrical energy outside from operational hours of the institution. In this study, device performance is improved to be...
Proceedings Article
The Level of Critical Land in West Lombok Using Geographic Information Systems
Barzian Ali Aktab, Febrita Susanti, Sri Apriani Puji Lestari
Critical land is land that is caused by a decrease in the quality of the land as a medium for vegetation and a medium for water management, which causes the land to be degraded due to various types of land resource use that do not pay attention to the land. continuity. This study aims to analyze and...
Proceedings Article
Syngas to Synfuel Plant for Eastern Indonesia
S Y Agnesty, A Wibawa, M A Asri, M F Daniswara, H N Aulia
As we know, proven oil reserves in the world have decreased, as well as in Indonesia. Currently, proven oil reserves in Indonesia is about 2.483,97 MMSTB in 2019. Assuming a constant production without the discovery of new reserves, then in the next 10 to 11 years Indonesia will not be able to produce...
Proceedings Article
Community Water Conservation and Village Institutions: A Model of Water Resource Sustainability
Suryatri Darmiatun
The source of drinking water for most of the villagers in Malang Regency, East Java comes from springs. 60 springs in Malang Regency; 3 points for surface water, 41 springs and 16 points for deep wells; experience shrinkage. Water protection / conservation by government and non-government is a prerequisite...
Proceedings Article
Machine Learning Approach for Rhizomes Classification Based on Color
Bayu Agustian, Maimunah
Rhizome plants are often used as ingredients or traditional ingredients such as temuireng, temulawak and temumangga. Such rhizomes have the same color, shape, and smell characteristics. In this study, the types of rhizomes were classified based on their color into three classes, namely temuireng, temulawak,...
Proceedings Article
The Dynamics of Squid Population in Ternate Island Waters
Umar Tangke, Bernhard Katiandagho
Squid, known with scientific name Loligo sp, is a group of cephalopods or a type of Mollusca living in the sea, with horizontal distribution area from coast to open sea and vertical distribution area from sea surface to thousands of meters under sea surface in water column. Until now, squid production...
Proceedings Article
Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis on the Performance of Artificial Hip Joint for Sitting (“Iftirasy”) Movement in Muslim Prayer (Salat) Activity
Jamari, Mohammad Tauviqirrahman, Havilla Rizieq Husein, Muchammad
The patients of artificial hip joint are recommended to limit the extreme movements that could cause damage of the device, such as salat movement. As many studies performed the simulation by neglecting the presence of synovial fluid, in this study, we examined the performance of artificial hip joint...
Proceedings Article
Holistic Model for Guiding Good Design Quality in Learning Multimedia Design Development
Edy Jogatama Purhita, Eko Sediyono, Ade Iriani
Development of electronic learning (E-learnings), learning resources are teaching materials and a variety of information developed and packaged in various forms based on information and communication technology and used in the learning process. For this reason, special techniques for subject design,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Solar and Wind-Based Hybrid Power Plant Using HOMER Software (Case Study: EMAS BAYU Hybrid Power Plant in Bondan, Cilacap)
Supriyono, Devi Taufiq Nurrohman, Agus Santoso, Betti Widianingsih
Solar energy is an energy source that is widely used because it is free energy, eco-friendly and very abundant, especially in tropical countries. However, the energy obtained from solar energy is inconsistent and is heavily influenced by environmental factors. Recently, many researchers have developed...
Proceedings Article
Study of Utilizations Coconut Fiber with Kalimantan Local Material on the Concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength
Y Pranoto, J Suryono
East Kalimantan is an area which rich in natural resources, as a Mahakam sand and local stones. They also have coconut fiber waste to increase the flexural strength of concrete. This material is still underutilized by the people of East Kalimantan. But, they prefer to use materials from Palu, Sulawesi,...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Website for Durian Seed Marketing: Alternative Business Media During a Pandemic
Ray Miftakhul Ilmi, R. Arri Widyanto, Dimas Sasongko, Anggun Dwi Agustina, Agus Setiawan, Bambang Pujiarto
Argo Bibit is a local business in Magelang District which is engaged in selling fruit seeds by providing various types of durian fruit. Currently, the process of buying and selling seeds is carried out conventionally, prospective buyers must come to the nursery to select seeds to buy and make transactions....
Proceedings Article
Medical Record to Simplify the Hospital Decision Making System
Edy Kurniawan
Piles of medical record data in hospitals or health clinics are personal information of a patient. The data is a patient’s medical history that is recorded and stored in the hospital. Hospitals can use this data if at any time the patient returns to the hospital or is used for referrals to other hospitals....
Proceedings Article
Advanced Manufacturing Process of Orthotic Shoe Insoles Using A New Material Based on the Taguchi Methodology
Abet Adhy Anthony, Paulus Wisnu Anggoro, Jamari, Athanasius Priharyoto Bayuseno
Some people who have foot deformities such as diabetes often experience pain and difficulty wearing shoes. The optimization of advanced manufacturing based on CAM - CNC with EVA rubber foam material has not been optimal. Two new materials are proposed in this paper for manufacturing optimization through...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of the Toolpath Strategy for the Master Ceramic Jewelry Mold Pattern Using the Rhinoceros Software and Router CNC Machine
S.W. Ratnanta, P.W. Anggoro, P.K. Fergiawan, J. Jamari, A.P. Bayuseno
The progress of the manufacturing industry is very dependent on the development of science and technology. The current industrial revolution 4.0 encourages people to think more creatively in developing their business units. The creative economy helps the government of the Republic of Indonesia to increase...
Proceedings Article
Development of the Ceramic Jewellry Industry for Necklace with Indonesian Batik Motifs
CD Mahendri, PW Anggoro, PK Fergiawan, T. Yuniarto, AP Bayuseno, Jamari
Currently, the national ceramic industry has developed products based on culture and the creative economy. This product is increasingly in demand by local and foreign consumers. Design development is carried out to face competition in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) so that there is no decrease in...
Proceedings Article
Optimize Design Impeller to Increase Efficiency Centrifugal Pump That Functioned as a Turbine Use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Akhmad Fauzan Al Ansory, Istianto Budhi Rahardja
The energy crisis will be come soon and one of the very potentials of renewable energy is the energy usage of water for micro hydro power plant (PLTMH). A centrifugal pump is used for water turbine from the pump channels. The purpose of the study is knowing the influence of modelling the geometry on...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fuel Injection Pressure on the Diesel Engine Performances
Toto Sugiarto, Wawan Purwanto, Dwi Sudarno Putra, Multharizal Khidayat, Alim Kusuma
The purpose of this paper is to reveal the effect of fuel injection pressure on the power and torque of a diesel engine. The research method used is the experimental method. Pressure variations of 110 kg/cm2, 120 kg/cm2 and 130 kg/cm2 were applied to a 1981 Chevrolet LUV diesel car. From the experimental...
Proceedings Article
Digital Sector Innovation to Support Less Contact Economy in Indonesia
Yuda Syahidin
The paper presents the digital economy strengthening that acted as a stabilizer in the economic sector during the Covid-19 outbreak. In the lockdown period, most interactions between customers and suppliers must occur virtually. Although it still makes exceptions, digital operating is the only way to...
Proceedings Article
Android Based Information System and SMS Gateway to Improve PMI Donors
Jatmiko Indriyanto, Miftakhul Huda, Qirom
Researchers conducted research at PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) in Tegal City. After visiting PMI, the researchers found that PMI often held blood donor activities in various places. However, the efforts made are still unable to cover the blood needs that are needed each month. PMI has made efforts to send...
Proceedings Article
Synthesis of Acetin: Bio-Based Additive for Low Sulfur Petrodiesel
R. Arizal Firmansyah, R. Y. Perry Burhan, Puspa Ratu, Yulfi Zetra, Aditya Dharmawan
Valorisation of glycerol as a by-product of biodiesel production is the main reason researchers to synthesis acetin. It is known as a cold flow improver and emission CO reducer of petrodiesel. Generally, it can be applied as a supplement to diesel and biodiesel. Another route to synthesis it is trans-esterification...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Non-Verbal Communication Online Job Recruitment Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm
Anita Sindar Sinaga
Communication contains two dimensions, verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication behavior was evaluated using the feature extract calculation of the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Extraction formula consists of feature, contrast, energy, entropy and homogeneity at rotation 00, 450, 900...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of Social Media as an Online Learning Pattern in Improving the 3 Domains of Student Intellectual Ability During the Pandemic (Covid-19)
Dedy Ricardo Serumena, Febi M.E Utan, Moyo Hady Poernomo
Covid-19 has become an important note for the revolution of human civilization, various speculations that discuss the negative impact more intensively than the positive impact of this problem (a case study of a private university in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara). The use and utilization of technology...
Proceedings Article
The Optimization of Neural Network Based PSO Feature Selection in the Classification of Graduates Working According to Their Field
Very Kurnia Bakti, Dairoh
The many college graduates who work not by their field of knowledge. Obtained show that the horizontal alignment of < 80% in the last three years has not reached the ideal value. The question that often arises is why this can happen and what influences can determine the quality result of graduates...
Proceedings Article
Robot Arm Design for Coffee Maker Arduino Based
Ari Waluyo, Asni Tafrikhatin, Sri Rahandika Heri
Coffee is one of the favorite drinks in Indonesia. The way of making coffee is brewing and using a machine. Most coffee machines use a manual system, so they are less efficient and less attractive. The purpose of this study was to design a coffee machine using a robotic arm. This coffee machine can a...
Proceedings Article
Improving Quality Level of Dining Table Through Painting Process by Using Taguchi Method
Eko Muh Widodo, Oesman Raliby, Tuesi Ari Purnomo, Candra Widiarso
In the process of painting a product, it commonly occur defect results including corrugated painting, perforated, less smooth, speckled and uneven surface of painting. This can occur due to the setting parameters in the process of painting is not appropriate. This research is done to reduce the high...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Determining Cost of Products and the Application of Cost Plus Price Methods in Ordering Natural Gas Sell Prices in the Gundih Area of PT Pertamina Asset EP 4 Field Cepu, in Sumber Village, Kradenan Sub-District, Blora District
Yunanik, Andian Ari Istiningrum, Tri Warcono Adi
This study was to determine the determination of the Cost of Goods Sold for natural gas produced by the Central Processing Plant in Blora District. Total production of natural gas distribution in 2019 through the Natural Gas Distribution Network is 2.36 MMCFD. The cost of natural gas products which has...
Proceedings Article
Microstrip Antenna 2.4 Ghz U-Slolt Patch Dual Slit Vertical with Ground Square Design for Zigbee Technology
Sri Marini, Sukwati Dewi Asrika, Andi Hasad, Muhammad Fikri Bivani, Muhammad Viki Nisfani
In recent years, ZigBee technology has received many significant developments and high attention as the license free ISM frequency spectrum is available for commercial communications and applications. ZigBee’s attractive nature coupled with rapid growth in wireless communication systems has turned ZigBee...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Determining Cost of Products and Forecasting Dengue Fever Hemorrhagic Incidents: A Machine Learning Approach
Tien Rahayu Tulili, Yohanes K Windi, Bambang Cahyono, Damar Nurcahyono, Karyo Budi Utomo, Ahmad Rofiq Hakim
Dengue is a viral infection transmitted by Aedes mosquitos. This disease mostly spread in the tropical and sub-tropical countries and according to WHO, the dengue outbreaks has increased 30-fold over the last five decades. The disease is still an ongoing burden of throughout the world. In Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article
Design Men’s Bag for Starter Kit in a New Normal Life During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Doyo Weaving and Tumpar Embroidery
Dwi Cahyadi, Etwin Fibrianie Soeprpato, Andi Farid Hidayanto, Ditha Nizaora, Hidayat Hidayat, Erwinsyah, Sukmawati
Home industry handicraft products continue to survive in the current Covid-19 pandemic conditions. One way to survive in this condition is to innovate products to increase profits. This innovation can be made through the use of existing raw materials to produce products that are different from before....
Proceedings Article
Climate Change, Adaptation and Livelihood Resilience in the Context of Tourism Development
Budi Setiawan, Sugeng Eko Putro Widoyoko, Agus Budi Santoso
QuillBot will write your text for you. Paste or write something here and then press the Paraphrase button. Climate change is marked by frequent occurrences of drought and huge waves, which affect agriculture and fisheries. These sectors are the major means of livelihood of the majority of households...
Proceedings Article
Synthesis of 2-Hydroxy-Ethyl Ester from Peanut Oil as a Bio-Additive for Diesel Fuel
Yulfi Zetra, Laila Sukria, R.Y Perry Burhan, R. Arizal Firmansyah
Greenhouse gas emissions increase with the use of diesel fuel. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions can be done by using the desulphuration method. However, low sulfur in diesel fuel causes low lubricity values. One of solutions to this problem is by adding a bio-additive compound. In this research,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Fuel Variations Toward Honda CB 150R Performance
Hamid Nasrullah, Bahtiar Wilantara, Parikhin, Fadil Jatmiko
The performance every mmotorcycles is influenced by several factors as usual, including the usage of fuel typed. The study aim was to determine the effect fuels such as pertalite, pertamax, and pertamax-turbo type toward the power performance, torque and exhaust emissions produced by a 4-stroke motorbike....
Proceedings Article
Comparative Study on Fuzzy Supervision and Gain Scheduling for Nonlinear Level Control System
Chalidia Nurin Hamdani, Wasis Waskito Adi, Dimas Okky Anggriawan
Nonlinear system is always become interesting topic to be researched. Level system is the one of them. Deadtime, changeable dynamics, etc make the conventional controller like PID have to be improved and optimized to face this system. In this paper, we propose a comparative study about PID control which...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Development and Economic Competitiveness of Yogyakarta Urban Area
Ratika Tulus Wahyuhana, Hanna Amalia Putri, Ryan Hidayat
Yogyakarta City has a high population density and is classified as a large city. During its development, the increase in population led to the development of a city that expanded beyond administrative boundaries. In addition, differences and concentrations of economic activities in Yogyakarta City indicate...
Proceedings Article
Quality Optimization of Data Rate Video Streaming Over Bluetooth Network
Andi Hasad, Muhammad Amin Bakri, Abdul Hafid Paronda, Sri Marini
Video streaming over Bluetooth network as a medium of learning at higher education in the world began in 2004, in Indonesia, it began in 2012. Unfortunately, the development of video streaming using Bluetooth network has not been used optimally in the field of higher education, especially at client-server...
Proceedings Article
Extraction and Formulation of Quersetin Nanoemulation from Kenikir Leaves (Cosmos Caudatus Kunt) in the Phase of RBO Oil as Antioxidant
Siti Hajir, Ratri Ariatmi Nugrahani, Ismiyati, Nurul Hidayati Fithriyah
This study was an effort to obtain high yield of quercetin extraction from kenikir leaves employing several extraction methods, which were maceration, percolation, soxhlet, and reflux, using methanol as solvent followed by quercetin incorporation into a Nanoemulsion system with Rice bran oil (RBO) as...
Proceedings Article
Formulation of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) from Centrifugation and Spontaneous Fermentation Processes with Rice Bran Oil (RBO) for a Food Supplement
Upit Pitrianingsih, Ratri Ariatmi Nugrahani, Tri Yuni Hendrawati, Nurul Hidayati Fithriyah
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a plant belonging to the Arecaceae family with a myriad of uses. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is one of the products that can be derived from this plant. The free fatty acid content, especially lauric acid, determines the quality of VCO. There are several methods of VCO production,...
Proceedings Article
Attendance System Application for Lecturers and Students Using RFID and Web Based Raspberry Pi 3+
Agus Triyono, Farindika Metandi
Teaching and learning activities often have problems with the absence of lecturers from class in the teaching and learning process even though the lecturers’ attendance is recorded. The RFID presence system which has been widely researched does not perform the presence of the two objects, namely lecturers...
Proceedings Article
Pectin Isolation from Sentul Peel (Sandorium Koetjape) with Microwave Assisted Extraction
Medyan Riza, Muklishien, Ika Zuwanna, Rozanna Dewi
Pectin is usually isolated using the conventional extraction methods are time consuming. Pectin from sentul peel has been successfully isolated by using Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). This method has a short processing time and little solvent needed. This study is aimed to determine the effect...