Proceedings of the 4th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference on Creative Industries 2017 (4th BCM 2017)
80 articles
Proceedings Article
Studies on Culture and Creative economics in Belgium (Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia)
Elisabetta Lazzaro
In recent decades, new forces, such as China, Russia and Brazil, have emerged in the international contemporary art market as part of the creative economy. At the same time the art market is becoming more visible globally, with the same art galleries and the same artists can be exhibited in different...
Proceedings Article
A Study on Applicability of Sound Art as Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients
Kamal Sabran, Norfadilah Kamaruddin, Ismail Lasa, Norfarizah Mohd Bakhir
As Alzheimer's disease increases around the world with still no absolute medication to solve the problem, art has become the alternative treatment. Nevertheless, with sound art exploring public spaces to exhibit, and seen as not too distant from conventional art approach such as music therapy, the use...
Proceedings Article
Recontextualization Audio Visual in Film Warkop DKI 70s Chips Into Warkop DKI Reborn 2016
Kurniawan Akhmad Muzaki, Anggar Erdhina Adi
This research discusses audio video recontextualization of 1970s Warkop DKI movies into 2016's Warkop DKI Reborn. Both movies have contextual similarity in which the latter repeat the context of the former. The purpose of the research is to find out the characteristics and contextualization in terms...
Proceedings Article
The Java Furniture as A Local Cultural Response and Preservation In Surakarta
Mr. Kusmadi, Ms. Sunarmi, Mr. Sumarno
This study aims to preserve ethics and Javanese manners through understanding the Javanese society sitting culture on the temple relief. A specific target in this discussion is the discovery of information about the form of Javanese furniture in the development of the best furniture design in Surakarta....
Proceedings Article
The Existence of Batik Esuk-Sore Pekalongan Style
Muhammad Arif Jati Purnomo
The purpose of this research is to examine the existence of Esuk-Sore batik style in Pekalongan. This research uses qualitative research methodology, with descriptive research form, supported by phenomenology theory of hermeneutics, sociology, and aesthetics. Research location covers Pekalongan City,...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Design Needs of Wifi-Marketing as Promotional Strategy for Mall Industry
Nalal Muna, Fajria Fatmasari, Aji Kresno Murti
Jakarta is one of mall paradise in Indonesia. The emergent of middle class economy has shifted consumer behavior in visiting Mall. Nowadays, people visit mall for various reasons such as hangout with friends, meeting with client, window shopping and many more. Moreover, Wifi Marketing is new trend in...
Proceedings Article
Umbrella-Canopy as an Icon of Braga Permai Restaurant in Bandung
Setiamurti Rahardjo, Andreas D. Handoyo
Braga Permai restaurant is well known as one of heritage buildings in Bandung. Through times, the building has been going through renovations which have changed the general form and facade, preserving the umbrella-canopies at the outdoor seating area as an icon. The intention of keeping this iconic exterior...
Proceedings Article
Shape Exploration Analysis on Sungkai Wood Fossil
Susmitha Fauziah, Yoga Pujiraharjo
Sungkai wood fossil is one of the fossils found in Merangin district, Jambi. The availability of abundant sungkai wood fossil makes it an industry that specializes in sungkai wood fossil. In the industry processed sungkai wood fossil and made it into a furniture, made of large chunks with every outer...
Proceedings Article
Response Santri Putri Assalam Solo for TV Commercial Fashion Products
Ahmad Adib, Deny Tri Ardianto
Assalam is one of Islamic Boarding School at Solo, Indonesia. Santri Putri Assalam as student of the school, like youth like female as other youth in their age, have interest on fashion product. Different with youth that learned in normal school, santri putri Assalam have the rules about all of their...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Mystery Shoppers Program as a Benchmark of Service Culture at Shopping Center "X"
Azizi Algi, Eduard Lukman
Mystery Shopping program becomes options for Shopping center to do appraisal directly to tenant, employee and stake holders inside and outside organization. This program can be used as base in applying marketing strategy to be applied, also as indicator of application of service culture RATER is run...
Proceedings Article
Designing Of Aerobic Gymnastics Campaign To Reduce The Risk Of Dementia In The Early Adulthood
Diana Fajar Rahmawati, Sonson Nurusholih
The prevalence of dementia sufferers is directly proportional to life expectancy. The higher life expectancy, then the likelihood of dementia are also high. In the city of Bandung, life expectancy exceeds the National life expectancy, so that estimated an increased amount of dementia can occur a few...
Proceedings Article
Board Games As A New Media To Local Geniuses Narratives Case Study: BoardGame Project Based On Astrological System Of Kolenjer
Dimas Krisna Aditya, Moh. Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata, Syarip Hidayat, Taufiq Wahab
Many critics and questions frequently asks in comics (or any popular cultures') events about where does Indonesian legends, myths and other local geniuses go in this modern era's generations. There also a strong tendency from some critics, who blamed foreign popular cultures characters popularity for...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Recycling Plastic Waste Activities as AQUA's Corporate Social Responsibility Program
Dini Nur Amalina, Ummi Salamah
In this technological development era, companies need to pay more attention to the environment and the surrounding community in order to avoid the various demands put forward by the public due to the impact of company's production in running its business. The classical economic doctrine, "maximization...
Proceedings Article
Keris Symbols in The Emblem and Brand Logo
Mr. Handriyotopo, Lono Lastoro Simatupang
The Keris as a result of Indonesian culture that existed in the archipelago was born since this ancestor experienced a cultural change from agrarian culture to metallurgical culture that synergize with human behavior. As a worthy artifact, keris has a personal philosophy value for the wearer, where the...
Proceedings Article
Eco-Packaging Campaign through Motion Graphic
Haekal Muhammad, Wirania Swasty
Nowadays, the use of food packaging is inseparable from food products. Today many food and beverage sellers still use hazardous food packaging (e.g. styrofoam) to reduce production cost but they do not aware of its negative effects. Local government especially Bandung has banned the use of styrofoam...
Proceedings Article
Integrity of Photography in Visual Communication
Husaini Yaacob, Salinatin Mohamad-Saleh
Integrity is truthful and unaffected quality. Truthful images in visual communication are aligned with an ethical photography code of ethics. Since the long time ago even during World War II, images had been the tools for propaganda to affect the mind of the public and cause behavioral change among the...
Proceedings Article
Organizational Behaviour in Higher Education Institution: What is the Dominant Factor in Telkom University?
Ida Nurnida, Ai Lili Yuliati, Cut Irna Setiawati, Titin Rini Kartini
Currently the number of Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia is still very low, ranks 108th out of 187 countries. One of the important steps is of course the increase of Indonesian HDI through education, especially higher edu-cation. The World Bank argues that higher education in Indonesia has not...
Proceedings Article
Communication and Crisis Management in Emergency: A Case Study of Engine's Breakdown
Alfi Dinda Sasantie, Firman Kurniawan
The purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to examine communication of leadership during emergency and (2) to investigate engagement between communication and crisis management to restore organization's objectives. This qualita-tive study conducted with case study method. The data were collected interview...
Proceedings Article
Ergonomics Review : Identify Discomfort Seating Posture Among Elderly Taxi Drivers at Malaysia Perspective.
Ahmad Zuhairi Abdul Majid, Irwan Syah Yusoff, Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin
World Health Organization (WHO) describes people aged above 60 years old fall under a category of elderly. The alternative profession could involve with this community is to be taxi drivers. Therefore, numerous factors should take part to ensure the elderly taxi drivers could serve their best performance...
Proceedings Article
A Method of Investigating the Ageing Perception and Satisfaction towards Product Appearances
Ahmad Zuhairi Abdul Majid, Nurazlina Jamalludin
The purpose of this paper is to proposing a method investigating on product appearance perceived by the ageing consumers. It also examines the relationship between ageing perception towards product appearance in order to better understand how they will respond to products as they grow older. A general...
Proceedings Article
Designing Promotion of Festival Pekan Batik PekalonganDesigning Promotion of Festival Pekan Batik Pekalongan
Adelia Nanda Puti, Sri Nurbani
To support the branding program of Pekalongan city, Government holds an annual event named Festival Pekan Batik Pekalongan (FPBP), with a series of events namely Pekalongan Batik Carnaval, Batik Exhibition, Gala Dinner and Fashion Show, and etc. However, visitors who come are mostly pekalongan only,...
Proceedings Article
Aesthetic Values of Classical Batik as the Source of Contemporary Painting Ideas
Adam Wahida, Endang Sri Handayani, Figur Rahman Fuad
As one of the Javanese culture centers, Surakarta is known to have batik tradition that has reached the top of the classical ones. The Surakarta classical batiks have taught the values of ideals, life expectancies, existences, establish-ments, behaviors, glories, and noble guidance as contained in the...
Proceedings Article
Intercity Express Bus Safety Design Issues In Peninsular Malaysia
Zuhairi A. Majid, Siti Zubaidah Ibrahim
The purpose of this paper is to provide a study on passengers' safety for intercity express bus and road crashes data trends starting from 2003 until 2017. The study focused on the rate of injuries and deaths of intercity express buses passengers. Therefore, this study should be able to reduce the trend...
Proceedings Article
Hermeneutics Studies On Representation Of Merry Riana On Her Biography Cover Design
Ms. Asthararianty, Fanny Lesmana
The development of book, both on cover or content, has been changed depending on the trend of design at that time. Nowadays, among many various books, biography is a kind of book that attracts readers. Biographies are becoming more frequently published, both written by writer and the figures themselves....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Organizational Communication Climate on Organizational Communication Satisfaction to Non-Profit Organization CIOFF Indonesia
De Rembulan Ayundhasurya, Firman Kurniawan
CIOFF Indonesia is a non-profit organization of art and culture. This study aims to analyze the influence of interpersonal communication and organizational behavior on organizational commitment in non-profit organization of CIOFF Indonesia. This study used content analysis methods of qualitative research....
Proceedings Article
The Contribution Of Sculptor Artist (Edhi Sunarso) To The Development Of Indonesia
Donny Trihanondo, Didit Endriawan, Teddy Ageng Maulana, Tri Haryotedjo
Edhi Sunarso is one of the well-known sculptors in Indonesia. There are a lot of monumental works had been created by Edhi Sunarso in strategic places in Indonesia. Edhi Sunarso had produced works that would become a symbol of a historic memorial in Indonesia. There are works such as the West Irian Liberation...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Of Technopreneurship Applications In Alternative Energy Company: Study On Cv. Wahana Putera Ideas, Bandung
Ida Nurnida, Eko Kurnia Wicaksono
At this time, some people are still reluctant and afraid to use LPG gas stove, because in addition to the many cases of explosions, this type of stove is also rare in the market. These conditions require people to find other alternatives to meet their needs. On the other hand, in the business world,...
Proceedings Article
Kandinsky Inspired Digital Print Motive with Pattern-Making, Cutting Exploration of Edgy Looks for Ready to Wear Deluxe
Janet Rine Teowarang
The collaboration in between industry creative people will deliver strength in concept of design and creation for the result, as fashion industry is the largest and rising industry in Indonesia. Digital printing on textile is becoming trend development from few years ago, following emerging of international...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Design Development Borobudur Chair with The AŠng Method (strange)
Rahmanu Widayat, Anung B Studyanto
The Borobudur chair originated from the reconstruction of seat image (two-dimensional) in the Borobudur Temple relief in Central Java Province Indonesia. This reconstruction process produces a replica of Borobudur Chair and has redesigned the chair with wangun or indah concept (Javanese beauty concept)....
Proceedings Article
Developing of Indonesian Animation Based on Local Culture
Ranang Agung Sugihartono
In developing the Indonesian animation, it has a lot of opportunities in using the potential of local culture. The animation creation that referring on the characteristics of traditional arts is the best choice. This study uses a practice-based research. Research procedures conducted in two phases, namely...
Proceedings Article
Processing "Limbukyu" as Supporting Material in the Java Furniture Producing
Joko Budiwiyanto, Mr. Sumarno, Siti Badriyah
The waste of wood powder produced from timber industry has not been utilized optimally, its use is limited for firewood alone. Through the process by formulating with other materials can produce new materials that can be used as a supporting material of furniture industry. This study aims to make a formulation...
Proceedings Article
Study of Language Form in Silent Manga
Sayid Mataram
Manga is a variety of comics that emerged from Japan that has a lot of fans in every part of the world. Silent manga appears as variations that appear with the construction of different elements with conventional comics. Symptom analysis in the construction of visual languages of comic elements was used...
Proceedings Article
Innovation of Hand-Drawn Batik in Context of Tourism
Sujadi R Hidayat
A Batik center which initially only serves as the center of the batik industry, now, it also serves a role and turns into a tourist destination. Changes in the world of batik has led to different demands on how batik products are produced. This article discusses the innovative design strategies of batik...
Proceedings Article
Interior of Pracimayasa as the Cultural Inheritance of Solo City in Creative Industry
Ms. Sunarmi, Bani Sudardi, Pande Made Sukerta, Titis Srimuda Pitana
Interior of Pracimayasa as the cultural inheritance of Solo city in creative industry is a cultural studies research. The problem of research was how the preservation of Pracimayasa's interior as the cultural pledge building in creative industry. The interior of Pracimayasa as the noble family's residence...
Proceedings Article
The Existence of Crowdsourcing Graphic Designers in Indonesia
Taufik Murtono, Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
This study focused at crowdsourcing in graphic design as internet phenomenon that bring designers and clients all around the world together in competition system. Designers offered designs, and the chosen designs would get rewards. Indonesia became one of the world's biggest source at crowdsourcing in...
Proceedings Article
Visual Design Using Elements of Walikan Malang Language
Zulfikar Sa'ban, Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
Malang City, in addition to having a distinctive culinary meatball. Malang is also famous for its distinctive language, the language of the walikan Malang is well-developed and still preserved by the people of Malang. The application of walikan Malang language elements on the merchandise design is growing...
Proceedings Article
Designing Promotion Of New Ngelepen Tourism Destination Village
Agata Hepy Puspitasari, Yelly A. Barlian
New Ngelepen Tourism Village is a village that has unique characteristics in the form of home architecture. The village is also famous for its anti earthquake house. In addition to home architecture, New Ngelepen has a diverse tour package, ranging from fun games, home stay, tracking, birthday, package...
Proceedings Article
Dolalak in Branding Activities of Purworejo Regency, Central Java
Agus Budi Setyawan, Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
Dolalak dance art in Purworejo Regency as one of manifestation of traditional art, its presence is the continuity of cultural life that has rooted from generation to generation which becomes one of culture manifestation. Along with its development, Dolalak is used in activity of city branding conducted...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Study of Environmental Friendly Concept on Fashion in Indonesia
Arini Arumsari, Agus Sachari, Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara
Rapid development of fashion industry in Indonesia provides good opportunities and potentials for fashion products in Indonesia, where at a closer look, it is also provides bad impacts towards the environment and commu-nity. The bad impacts come from the usage of non-eco-friendly materials, industrial...
Proceedings Article
Designing Campaign of Blue Light Hazard for Teenager in Bandung
Azmil Ibrahim Aziz, Muhammad Hidayattuloh
Eyes is one of the most important part belonged to the human body. Eyes became one of the important organ because it can represent a figure. But many people forget to pay attention to the health of their eyes. Using gadgets without regard for the dangers that are present in every gadget, i.e. Blue Light....
Proceedings Article
Moving Video Camera Base on Expression Dancer Move and Kinesphere
NRA Candra DA, Nur Rokhim, Ranang AS, Muji Soewasta
Video has become the medium of choice for documenting work of dancing performed in limited space and time. Nevertheless, there is something that most people still miss in creating the video work of a dance, that is the reduced dance expression that is expressed by the dancers. Visual dance in a video...
Proceedings Article
Users That Do Personalizing Activity Toward Their Belonging
Dandi Yunidar, Ahmad Zuhairi Abdul Majid, Hardy Adiluhung
This research is based on the belief that "the Asian people prefer more colorful interfaces with images rather than plain interfaces" (Tzvetanova, 2007) [2]. The previous research conducted by Tzvetanova was about interface, the question is what if it's a three dimensional form of daily use product?...
Proceedings Article
Representation of Power In A Smartphone : Semiotic Analysis of Smartphone Culture in Watch Dog Game
Daniel Kurniawan, Ryan P. Sutanto
This is a research contains analysis and case study on visual communication design, especially in game design. Game has become a visual activity that gives meaningful experience for the player in relation to its narrative and culture. The research method of this research is using qualitative interpretative...
Proceedings Article
Developing a Tabletop Game that Stimulates Creativity through Design Thinking and Design Ethnography
Dessy Aliandrina, Firna Pricilla, Hans William, Kadek Feby Anggraeni, Nicholas Augustin Jiemas, Sarah Grace Dwi Anggraheni, Vijjadhammo Anwar
Science and technological advancement in the automation era called the 4th Industrial Revolution requires human to adapt in terms of skill set, particularly creativity, lest they are replaced by the machines. Creativity enables collaboration with the machine, providing opportunity rather than viewing...
Proceedings Article
Posyandu: Community's Temporary Landscape of Healthcare Events
Diandra Pandu Saginatari, Yandi Andri Yatmo, Paramita Atmodiwirjo, M. Mirza Y. Harahap
This paper proposes a discussion on the importance of design thinking phase in a healthcare facility design development. The research particularly tries to explore Posyandu as one of commonly known government-initiated healthcare program in Indonesia which aim is to provide healthcare services for babies,...
Proceedings Article
Benefits And Challenges Of Cloud Computing Technology Adoption In Small And Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Dwininta Widyastuti, Mr. Irwansyah
In today's digital era and globalization, many small and medium business (SME) businesses are adopting cloud computing for the company's operations. Cloud computing is a growing data center technology in line with increas-ing traffic on the internet in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology...
Proceedings Article
The Spirit to Conserve Wayang Kulit through E-Commerce
Emi Widiyanti, Deny Tri Ardianto
Electronic Commerce has been growing for over a decade. In addition to the support of technological advances, the community's need for effective and efficient trade transactions is also contributing to the great number of emerging online stores. One of them is online shop that...
Proceedings Article
Identity Shift On Traditional Clothes For Women Tuban, East Java, Indonesia
Fajar Ciptandi, Agus Sachari, Achmad Haldani, Yan Yan Sunarya
Tuban, East Java, Indonesia has a long history. Since centuries ago, Tuban has playing a role as one of ancient trading ports between western and eastern world. It has been explained Sedyawati, et al (1992) that foreign people who came to Tuban were traders came from North India, South India, Sailan,...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis on Jogging Jacket Product for Urban Society (Case Study : Society of Bandung City)
Iqbal Ghiffari, Mr. Muchlis
Jogging is one of the kind of sport that the urban societies loves in order to maintain their health. When doing jogging, urban people tend to need a variety of support items, these items are usually stored in a jacket pocket that they use when jogging. This way of storing creates discomfort while doing...
Proceedings Article
Designing Of Healthy And Ideal Lunchbox Campaign For Children In Bandung City
Ghifari Dwiputra, Iman Sumargono
In the environment of children in elementary schools, closely related to learning activities, play and eat snacks. On the eats snacks activity, kids often buy snacks outside of the school that turns out, food they consume is far from assured of cleanliness and health, which could be bad for their health....
Proceedings Article
Creation of Pamor's Knives as Business Diversification and Increase Sales Value Product Blacksmiths in Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency
Mr. Karju, Aji Wiyoko, Mr. Suyono
This study focused on the application of pamor Wos Wutah, Ngulit Semangka, Mrutu Sewu, Tunggak Semi into the shape of a stab knife, slice knife and cutting knife.the research focuses directed at the manufacture of various kitchen knife, cutting knife, and blades especially the skewer with the following...
Proceedings Article
Plywood Furniture Designs ( A Study on Shapes, Functions, Materials, Construction Techniques, and Production Processes)
IF. Bambang Sulistyono
Furniture is a facility or means for various human activities in certain spaces. Furniture design was born because of the need of function. Furniture designs are made according to its use, its users, and the time when as well as the space where it is used. The designer will also consider the materials...
Proceedings Article
People, Ideas, Culture in Shaping the Shared Value Society
Kenneth Wong See Huat
In March 2017, the open call of artists in participate the LOCK UP locker art exhibition has been realized, whereby ten artists have created 24 artworks that can fit only into the compartment size of the two locker cabinets. This happened in collaboration with Harry Rogers Home furniture outlet and was...
Proceedings Article
Kamasan Puppet Painting, Balinese Traditional Comics
I Dewa Alit Dwija Putra
The development of comics in Indonesia at this time so rapidly besides the interest and public interest especially among children and teenagers so big. The tendency of comic visuals in Indonesia is dominated by Japan and America. Many of them have not yet learned that comics in Indonesia have been started...
Proceedings Article
Designing Promotion Of Oat 8 To Reduce Obesity Risk For Woman Through Digital Media
Indah Rendi Puspitasari, Runik Machfiroh
Oat 8 is a biscuit made from Oat. Oat 8 has green beans and almonds variant. Oat 8 has encourage its promotion activities through digital media. From social media, to e-commerce. But, Oat 8 still needs more effort to increase its brand awareness, gain new customers, and reinforce its brand image as a...
Proceedings Article
Measuring Dimension of Brand Equity in Tour and Travel in Bandung, Indonesia
Iwan Sidharta, Robbi Saepul Rahman, Imam Heryanto
This study aims to measure the attributes that form the dimension of brand equity. Dimensions include brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association and brand image. The research method used exploratory survey method. The object of research conducted on tour and travel companies in Bandung with...
Proceedings Article
Sustaining Malay Comic Design: Transformation From Paper To Digital
Julina Ismail Kamal, Kam Chin Haw, Norfarizah Mohd Bakhir
In Malaysia, cartoon and comic arts is a branch of art that reflects the identity and the culture of this nation. The golden age of local cartoon and comic arts that occurred between the late 1970s and early 1990s has prompted the emergence of range of genres, local cartoon and comic styles from diverse...
Proceedings Article
The "Sleborz Aesthetic" of Amenkcoy a.k.a Mufthi Priyanka
Lingga Agung, Novian Denny Nugraha
Mufti Priyanka a.k.a Amenkcoy is a graphic artist from Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Amenkcoy likes to capture the everyday life that for most people can be so trivial, trivial, unimportant, plebeian, crotch, even taboo. But precisely therein lies the expertise of Amenkcoy in the work, he always succeeded...
Proceedings Article
Materialism and Consumerism Through Urban Social Lifestyle In The Context of Shopping Malls: Malaysian Perspective
Mohammad Khizal Saat, Shahrul Anuar Shaari, Tetriana Ahmad Fauzi
This research is carried out to study the values and lifestyle and culture of the city dwellers through the principles of materialism and consumerism by giving more emphasize on the values of consumers as well as on the values which can be identified at the main shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur which in...
Proceedings Article
The effectiveness of marketing communication through digital content for startup business (Case Study: Brandish beverage product)
Made Devicca Surya, Firman Kurniawan
In today's modern era, food and beverages business has grown in Indonesia. The newly established business is called startup business. The number of startup businesses is increasing economic competition in their respective industries. No wonder many new businesses have failed in a short time period. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Bayesian Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Models with Covariates Measured with Spatio-Temporally Correlated Errors: Evidence from Monte Carlo Simulation
Mohammad Masjkur, Henk Folmer
Spatio-temporal data are susceptible to covariates measured with errors. However, little is known about the empirical effects of measurement error on the asymptotic biases in regression coefficients and variance components when measurement error is ignored. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Bayesian...
Proceedings Article
Development of a Bus Stop Design Guideline: Case Study on the Main Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Mohamad Omar Bidin, Mohd Alif Ikrami Mutti, Hafeezur Rahmaan Mohd Yassin
Non-conducive bus stop designs can cause various problems to passengers, bus drivers and other vehicles on the road. A preliminary survey has revealed that specific guidelines have yet to be established as a reference for bus stop designs - to cater for consumer needs - especially in Malaysian university...
Proceedings Article
The Phenomenon of Online Shopping in the Digital Age: Why Do People Like It?
Mohamad Suharto, Deny Tri Ardhianto, Anugrah Irfan Ismail, Nadia Sigi Prameswari
The purpose of this study is to explain what factors influence consumers like to shop online. The concept underlying this study is the phenomenon of online shopping as a behaviors transformation that occurred in Indonesia. Not only in Indonesia, online shopping has spread to many countries along with...
Proceedings Article
Wisely Using Gadget for Parents in Family Environment Campaign Design
Hasna Budi Ariani, Gandara Permana
A gadget is a device that functions primarily to ease human communication. However, nowadays there pretty many people that using gadget unwisely, they are too busy with their own gadget and tends to be neglected their en- vironment roughly. This behavior also occurs in the family environment, which caused...
Proceedings Article
Aeng Visual Ornament of The Surakarta Palace's BuildingAeng Visual Ornament of The Surakarta Palace's Building
Rahmanu Widayat, Anung B Studyanto
Problems arise when building ornaments are considered to be not useful by architects and the modern world of architecture. Ornaments had been presented as important parts of the royal palace buildings from the time of Ancient Egypt until the Renaissance era. It is not so different from what happens in...
Proceedings Article
Semiotics in Advertising As A Way to Play Effective Communications
Sri Hesti Heriwati
Advertising can be regarded as a marketing activity in addition to its function for the means of communicating. Advertising in principle is a product of mass culture and cultural products of industrial society characterized by mass production and consumption. That is, the mass is seen no more as a consumer...
Proceedings Article
Utilizing of Nylon Material as Personal Lugage Protector for Biker
Mr. Muchlis, Sheila Andita Putri
This design begins from trend of using scooters has increased nowadays. This trend based on people whom are feeling uneasy using public transportation. Furthermore, the whole process to get a scooter is a lot easier. There are many kinds of profession that utilize scooters, from student to office workers....
Proceedings Article
Design of Visual Communication Media as Learning Hadith Since Early Age
Nadhilla Sabrina, Syarip Hidayat
Hadith is a knowledge about what Rasulullah SAW speaks, behave and determination. Rasulullah SAW is a perfect role model for all moslem and a main character builder. The important things to learn about hadith for preserve it are to build the islamic character especially for children as Rasulullah SAW...
Proceedings Article
Defining Radicals: Comparison Between Language Style Used in Social Media Between Government-Approved and Radical Moslem Group
Rian Hardinata, Ms. Liestyowati
Lately, there is a rise on Muslim radical groups topic in Indonesia. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) is one of a group deemed as the militant group that endangers Indonesia's unity according to the official statement by Wiranto, Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, on behalf of ÿIndonesian...
Proceedings Article
Courtyard Placement for Maintaining Air Movement of Natural Ventilation inside a Transformed House
Silfia Mona Aryani, Soepono Sasongko, If. Bambang Sulistyono, Nur Hidayati
A courtyard has effectively induced fresh air into the interior of the house and hence is recommended for inclusion in an additional-room program in a house transformation initiative. However, because of the limited space and the vast choice of room programs that need to be considered in the transformation,...
Proceedings Article
Exploration of Golden Section Proportion Potency in Mosque
Tri Wahyu Handayani, Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
Various mosque designs appear in Indonesia, with various shapes, with or without domes. Until now the visualization of mosque formation that mosque has domes still accepted in general. Architectural forms are part of the visual language that is bound by the rules of geometry and proportion. Historically,...
Proceedings Article
Seeing Jokowi, The President of Indonesia's Leadership: Case Study of Goldhaber's The Charisma Factor in Leadership Theory
Suci Marini Novianty, Ummi Salamah
As the seventh and current President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo or Jokowi, has changed the face of Indonesian style of leadership. The image of modesty that Jokowi implies are seen by his choice of attires and daily activities. The president is famous for his modest attires in mostly any ocassions. He...
Proceedings Article
Visual Identity and Packaging of Dairy Products From Small and Medium Enterprises
Mohamad Tohir, Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
Small and medium enterprises are one of the most significant and dominant drivers of the economy as producers of gross domestic product, in addition to absorbing the largest employment in some areas. Processed milk products of small and medium enterprises in Jatinangor as healthy drinks have a good chance...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Visual Aids in Corporate Annual Reports in Drawing Wider Audience Internally
Mochammad Surjo Koentjoro, Firman Kurniawan Sujono
As obligations go, the designing, writing and creating process of Corporate Annual Reports has always been viewed as something that is burdensome and exciting. It describes what the company has achieved during the last year, and the people creating it is under pressure to get all the details right. All...
Proceedings Article
Employee's Trust and Work Commitment With Management Using Internal Social Media Application, TAP Playground, in PT. Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV)
Putri Ayu Ningtyas, Firman Kurniawan Sujono
One indication of the success of a company's communication is how the company can build internal commu-nication so that there is trust in the employee to the company where they work. Current internal communication becomes the basis for an organization in developing and moving towards the desired destination....
Proceedings Article
The Reposition of Tradition-Batik in The Culture-Mercantilism
Mr. Sarwono
The globalization in the fields of economics, information and culture has driven the culture of tradition batik to post itself into a new situation. The method used in this research is the case study. Mercantilism is the result (effect) of the globalization era, because it causes to happening an interaction...
Proceedings Article
City Mascot as A Supporting Force in City Imaging
Paku Kusuma, Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen
The discourse about mascot in Indonesia nowadays starts emerging on the discussion among visual communication designer community as well as creative industry practicioners. Moreover since its existence is not only applied on sport event, but also expands to various field, whether as business promotion,...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis on Shoelace Tools Type Magnetic Sholeace and Silicone Shoelace (Case Study: Urban Societies In Early Adult Stages Of Development)
Hammam Faqieh Azzuhdy, Mr. Muchlis
The type of strappy/lace-up shoes have a quite large market range up to nowadays. Along with its high mobility as well as supported by the convenience that it is offered to users, sometimes users enforce or modify the usefulness of shoes itself. Usually this occurs frequently on users within the age...
Proceedings Article
Designing Social Campaign Healthy Life Style for HIV/AIDS Prevention Through Muaythai
Fildzah Shabrina Firdaus, Jiwa Utama
The number of those who suffer HIV/AIDS in Indonesia especially in Bandung is gradually increasing each year. This was caused by lack of awareness about HIV/AIDS causes, so they are still doing risky things. Teenagers and early adulthood are very worrying, because the most number of those who suffer...
Proceedings Article
Females Body Representation, Movement, and Perspective: The Fragile Longevity of Feminism in Indonesia
Charissa Adria Rizanti
The emancipation of women and gender equality movement was the turn points for the rights possessed by women today. However, people in Indonesia in particular still has the presumption that tends to the paradox of the female body. The female body is still a taboo to talk about by society. Many are judging...