Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Technology, Applied Science and Engineering Conference (ATASEC 2023)
124 authors
- Adil, Muhammad
- The Effect of Corn Cob Powder Volume Fraction on the Quality of Composite Acoustic Boards for Airport Buildings
- Adiputra, Bangga Dirgantara
- Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
- Adzikirani
- System Design Renewable Energy Using Applications Bright Energy Solar Meter Panel Based on The Internet of Things
- Ahmadi, Nurfi
- Effect of Addition of Pineapple Leaf Fiber and Palm Fiber on The Bending Strength of Polypropylene Composites as Materials Candidate Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Ahmadi, Nurfi
- Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
- Al-farizi, Rafi Maulana
- Image Processing in Automatic Locking System on SS2 TNI AD Weapon Rack Using Fingerprint Sensor with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algorithm Method
- Alqavid
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Amalia, Eka Larasati
- Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
- Ananto, Rhezal Agung
- Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
- Andrie Asmara, Rosa
- Peer-Review Statements
- Anugraha, Niko Candra
- Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
- Ariani, Ariani
- Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 1–1 Counter Current Formalin (Shell) – Water (Tube) Fluid Systems in Industry
- Asa, Roger Benyamin George
- Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
- Ayuningtyas, Astika
- Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
- Budiono, Arif
- Optimization of Green Liquid Fuel for Diesel Engine
- Budiono, Cyrilus Sukaca
- Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
- Budiono, Cyrilus Sukaca
- Mapping of Earthquake Risk Areas Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Method from Earthquake Sources on the Island of Bali
- Cahyono, Tri Setyo Aji
- Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
- Chalim, Abdul
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Chalim, Abdul
- Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 1–1 Counter Current Formalin (Shell) – Water (Tube) Fluid Systems in Industry
- Dinaryanto, Okto
- Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
- Dinaryanto, Okto
- Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
- Dinaryanto, Okto
- Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
- Dinaryanto, Okto
- Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
- Emzain, Zakki Fuadi
- Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
- Enggar Sukmana, Septian
- Peer-Review Statements
- Eryk, Irwan Heryanto
- Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
- Fanani, Mochammad Farhan Fiko
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Gumono, Gumono
- Influence of Extraction Methods and Solvents on Tannin Content and Performance of Bio Inhibitor In Inhibiting Corrosion Of Seawater Battery Electrodes
- Hadi, Syamsul
- Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
- Hakim, Muhammad Fahmi
- Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
- Hapsari, Ratih Indri
- Analysis of the Degree of Service at Gajayana Intersection of Malang City
- Hardjito, Agus
- Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
- Hardjono, Hardjono
- Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 1–1 Counter Current Formalin (Shell) – Water (Tube) Fluid Systems in Industry
- Haris, Abdul
- Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
- Haris, Abdul
- Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
- Hartini, Dwi
- Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
- Hartini, Dwi
- The Mechanical Properties of the Sea Pandan Leaves (Pandanus Tectorius) Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Were Assessed Using Bending Tests
- Hermawan, Dedet
- Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
- Heru, P. I Yoyok
- Design of a Radio Repeater System to Counter Jamming Using the Channel Hopping Technique
- Hidayat, Mohammad Noor
- Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
- Irfin, Zakijah
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Iswara, Moch. Agung Indra
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Junaidin, buyung
- Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
- Junus, Mochammad
- System Design Renewable Energy Using Applications Bright Energy Solar Meter Panel Based on The Internet of Things
- Kurniawan, Riski
- Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
- Kurniawan, Riski
- Mapping of Earthquake Risk Areas Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Method from Earthquake Sources on the Island of Bali
- Kusumaningrum, Anggraini
- Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
- Lestari, Vivin Ayu
- Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
- Listiyono, Listiyono
- Influence of Extraction Methods and Solvents on Tannin Content and Performance of Bio Inhibitor In Inhibiting Corrosion Of Seawater Battery Electrodes
- Lukito, Indro
- Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
- Lukito, Indro
- Mapping of Earthquake Risk Areas Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Method from Earthquake Sources on the Island of Bali
- Mardwianta, Benedictus
- Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
- Mardwianta, Benedictus
- Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
- Mauidzoh, Uyuunul
- Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
- Maulana, Ahmad
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Maulidina, Eksa Lailia
- Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
- Mentari, Mustika
- Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
- Moentamaria, Dwina
- Optimization of Green Liquid Fuel for Diesel Engine
- Mubarak, Pramuda Naufal
- The Mechanical Properties of the Sea Pandan Leaves (Pandanus Tectorius) Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Were Assessed Using Bending Tests
- Mulyani, Sri
- Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
- Mulyani, Sri
- Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
- Mulyani, Sri
- Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
- Nafidiin, Naufal
- Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
- Naryono, Eko
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Nugroho, Fajar
- The Effect of Corn Cob Powder Volume Fraction on the Quality of Composite Acoustic Boards for Airport Buildings
- Nugroho Pramudhita, Agung
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nur Wijayaningrum, Vivi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nurdin, Riani
- Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
- Pamungkas, Dedi Bintang
- Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
- Pasha, Muhammad Anka Al
- Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
- Pinandhita, Lazuardy
- Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
- Pinandita, Lazuardy Rahendra
- The Mechanical Properties of the Sea Pandan Leaves (Pandanus Tectorius) Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Were Assessed Using Bending Tests
- Prattiwi, Elisabeth Anna
- Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
- Prattiwi, Elisabeth Anna
- Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
- Prattiwi, Elisabeth Anna
- Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
- Pribadi, Farid Angga
- Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
- Priyahapsara, Istyawan
- Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
- Priyahapsara, Istyawan
- Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
- Pryahapsara, Istyawan
- Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
- Pujiastuti, Asih
- Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
- Purnomo, Fajar
- Analysis of the Degree of Service at Gajayana Intersection of Malang City
- Rachmad Syulistyo, Arie
- Peer-Review Statements
- Rachmanto, Ashyadil Listyo
- Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
- Rahmawati, Fajar Khanif
- Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
- Ramadhan, Egi Saiful
- Effect of Addition of Pineapple Leaf Fiber and Palm Fiber on The Bending Strength of Polypropylene Composites as Materials Candidate Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Ramadhon, Taufik Hidayat
- Influence of Extraction Methods and Solvents on Tannin Content and Performance of Bio Inhibitor In Inhibiting Corrosion Of Seawater Battery Electrodes
- Rasyid, Rasyid
- Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
- Ronilaya, Ferdian
- Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
- Rozi, Imam Fahrur
- Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
- Rubianto, Luchis
- Optimization of Green Liquid Fuel for Diesel Engine
- Sajati, Haruno
- Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
- Salsabila, Anne Rahma
- Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
- Santoso, Muhammad Bimo
- Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
- Santoso, Prasidananto Nur
- Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
- Saputra, Pramana Yoga
- Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
- Sari, Ardila Lukita
- Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
- Setiabudi, Dedet Hermawan
- Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
- Setiawan, Achmad
- Design of a Radio Repeater System to Counter Jamming Using the Channel Hopping Technique
- Shulhan Khairy, Muhammad
- Peer-Review Statements