Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Technology, Applied Science and Engineering Conference (ATASEC 2023)

124 authors
Adil, Muhammad
The Effect of Corn Cob Powder Volume Fraction on the Quality of Composite Acoustic Boards for Airport Buildings
Adiputra, Bangga Dirgantara
Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
System Design Renewable Energy Using Applications Bright Energy Solar Meter Panel Based on The Internet of Things
Ahmadi, Nurfi
Effect of Addition of Pineapple Leaf Fiber and Palm Fiber on The Bending Strength of Polypropylene Composites as Materials Candidate Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Ahmadi, Nurfi
Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
Al-farizi, Rafi Maulana
Image Processing in Automatic Locking System on SS2 TNI AD Weapon Rack Using Fingerprint Sensor with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algorithm Method
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Amalia, Eka Larasati
Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
Ananto, Rhezal Agung
Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
Andrie Asmara, Rosa
Peer-Review Statements
Anugraha, Niko Candra
Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
Ariani, Ariani
Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 1–1 Counter Current Formalin (Shell) – Water (Tube) Fluid Systems in Industry
Asa, Roger Benyamin George
Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Ayuningtyas, Astika
Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
Budiono, Arif
Optimization of Green Liquid Fuel for Diesel Engine
Budiono, Cyrilus Sukaca
Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
Budiono, Cyrilus Sukaca
Mapping of Earthquake Risk Areas Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Method from Earthquake Sources on the Island of Bali
Cahyono, Tri Setyo Aji
Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
Chalim, Abdul
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Chalim, Abdul
Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 1–1 Counter Current Formalin (Shell) – Water (Tube) Fluid Systems in Industry
Dinaryanto, Okto
Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Dinaryanto, Okto
Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
Dinaryanto, Okto
Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
Dinaryanto, Okto
Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
Emzain, Zakki Fuadi
Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
Enggar Sukmana, Septian
Peer-Review Statements
Eryk, Irwan Heryanto
Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
Fanani, Mochammad Farhan Fiko
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Gumono, Gumono
Influence of Extraction Methods and Solvents on Tannin Content and Performance of Bio Inhibitor In Inhibiting Corrosion Of Seawater Battery Electrodes
Hadi, Syamsul
Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
Hakim, Muhammad Fahmi
Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
Hapsari, Ratih Indri
Analysis of the Degree of Service at Gajayana Intersection of Malang City
Hardjito, Agus
Fatigue Life Prediction of Injection Molded Polymer Materials
Hardjono, Hardjono
Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 1–1 Counter Current Formalin (Shell) – Water (Tube) Fluid Systems in Industry
Haris, Abdul
Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Haris, Abdul
Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
Hartini, Dwi
Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
Hartini, Dwi
The Mechanical Properties of the Sea Pandan Leaves (Pandanus Tectorius) Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Were Assessed Using Bending Tests
Hermawan, Dedet
Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
Heru, P. I Yoyok
Design of a Radio Repeater System to Counter Jamming Using the Channel Hopping Technique
Hidayat, Mohammad Noor
Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
Irfin, Zakijah
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Iswara, Moch. Agung Indra
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Junaidin, buyung
Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
Junus, Mochammad
System Design Renewable Energy Using Applications Bright Energy Solar Meter Panel Based on The Internet of Things
Kurniawan, Riski
Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
Kurniawan, Riski
Mapping of Earthquake Risk Areas Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Method from Earthquake Sources on the Island of Bali
Kusumaningrum, Anggraini
Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
Lestari, Vivin Ayu
Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
Listiyono, Listiyono
Influence of Extraction Methods and Solvents on Tannin Content and Performance of Bio Inhibitor In Inhibiting Corrosion Of Seawater Battery Electrodes
Lukito, Indro
Functional Hazard Assessment Aircraft Electrical System
Lukito, Indro
Mapping of Earthquake Risk Areas Based on the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) Method from Earthquake Sources on the Island of Bali
Mardwianta, Benedictus
Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
Mardwianta, Benedictus
Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
Mauidzoh, Uyuunul
Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Maulana, Ahmad
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Maulidina, Eksa Lailia
Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
Mentari, Mustika
Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
Moentamaria, Dwina
Optimization of Green Liquid Fuel for Diesel Engine
Mubarak, Pramuda Naufal
The Mechanical Properties of the Sea Pandan Leaves (Pandanus Tectorius) Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Were Assessed Using Bending Tests
Mulyani, Sri
Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
Mulyani, Sri
Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
Mulyani, Sri
Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
Nafidiin, Naufal
Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
Naryono, Eko
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Nugroho, Fajar
The Effect of Corn Cob Powder Volume Fraction on the Quality of Composite Acoustic Boards for Airport Buildings
Nugroho Pramudhita, Agung
Peer-Review Statements
Nur Wijayaningrum, Vivi
Peer-Review Statements
Nurdin, Riani
Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Pamungkas, Dedi Bintang
Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
Pasha, Muhammad Anka Al
Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
Pinandhita, Lazuardy
Longitudinal Stability Analysis of STTA-12 MXA
Pinandita, Lazuardy Rahendra
The Mechanical Properties of the Sea Pandan Leaves (Pandanus Tectorius) Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Composite Were Assessed Using Bending Tests
Prattiwi, Elisabeth Anna
Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
Prattiwi, Elisabeth Anna
Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
Prattiwi, Elisabeth Anna
Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
Pribadi, Farid Angga
Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
Priyahapsara, Istyawan
Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
Priyahapsara, Istyawan
Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
Pryahapsara, Istyawan
Study Of Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport In Banda Aceh With An Eco-Airport Concept
Pujiastuti, Asih
Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
Purnomo, Fajar
Analysis of the Degree of Service at Gajayana Intersection of Malang City
Rachmad Syulistyo, Arie
Peer-Review Statements
Rachmanto, Ashyadil Listyo
Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
Rahmawati, Fajar Khanif
Delamination analysis of entry and exit surface with carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers composite materials (CFRP) in UAV
Ramadhan, Egi Saiful
Effect of Addition of Pineapple Leaf Fiber and Palm Fiber on The Bending Strength of Polypropylene Composites as Materials Candidate Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Ramadhon, Taufik Hidayat
Influence of Extraction Methods and Solvents on Tannin Content and Performance of Bio Inhibitor In Inhibiting Corrosion Of Seawater Battery Electrodes
Rasyid, Rasyid
Green Material Characterization Of Recycled Fabric Waste Composite For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Structure
Ronilaya, Ferdian
Effect of Intake Variations on Vortex Hydro Turbine Performances
Rozi, Imam Fahrur
Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
Rubianto, Luchis
Optimization of Green Liquid Fuel for Diesel Engine
Sajati, Haruno
Measuring the level of student satisfaction in the open final exam system using correlation analysis
Salsabila, Anne Rahma
Comparison of Recirculation and Non-Recirculation Leachate on Bio-drying of Organic Fraction of MSW
Santoso, Muhammad Bimo
Load Analysis Of The Landing Gear Structure On The Grob G120TP-A
Santoso, Prasidananto Nur
Analysis of Service Satisfaction at A. A. Bere Tallo Atambua Airport Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Methods
Saputra, Pramana Yoga
Automatic Java Code Generation System from Flowchart for Basic Programming Learning
Sari, Ardila Lukita
Preliminary Analysis of Experimental Results Using Drag-and-Drop and Log Data on PseudoLearn in Learning Logic Programming
Setiabudi, Dedet Hermawan
Increasing solar radiation energy in equipment distillation to produce fresh water for airport
Setiawan, Achmad
Design of a Radio Repeater System to Counter Jamming Using the Channel Hopping Technique
Shulhan Khairy, Muhammad
Peer-Review Statements