Proceedings of the 9th Asbam International Conference (Archeology, History, & Culture In The Nature of Malay) (ASBAM 2021)
344 authors
- A.R., Fardi
- Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
- AJ, Andi Meirling
- Directive Speech Acts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in Politics Interview
- AKW, Bernadeta
- The Landscape of Austronesian Speakers in South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Abbas, Asriani
- The Maritime Lexicon of Indonesian Proverbs as a Guide in the Dynamics of Cultural and National Life
- Abdillah, Moh. Fanshuri
- The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
- Abdullah, Abdullah
- Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
- Abdullah, Abdullah
- The Sultanate of Bima in the Fragments of Islamic Civilization in the Archipelago
- Abdullah, Abdullah
- The Establishment of Special Election Courts in Indonesia Based on the State Principles of Democratic Law
- Abdullah, Ilham
- Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
- Abdullah, Mohd Firdaus
- An Anaylysis of Water Supply Cooperation Among Northern States in Malaysia, 1965-1981
- Abubakar, Asnandar
- Strengthening Religious Moderationin Local Culture Through Community Leaders Perspectivein Jeneponto District
- Aflahah, Siti
- Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
- Agristya, Syifa Hana
- The Utilization of Sultan Ground: Reflection of Asymmetrical Decentralization Reinforced by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
- Agus, Nuraidar
- Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
- Agus, Nuraidar
- Pattern and Meaning of Buginese People Naming as Cultural Mark
- Agus, Nuraidar
- From Ujungpandang to Rotterdam: Transfer Power and Name of Fort Based on Lontara
- Ahkmar, Andi Muhammad
- Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
- Ahmad, Abdul Kadir
- The Encounter of Customs and Religion in Cultivating Religious Moderation in Bugis
- Ahmad, Shamsuddin
- Megalithic Culture in Luak Jempol
- Ahmad, Taufik
- Literacy, Orality and Memory
- Akhmar, Andi Muhammad
- Four Transmission Patterns Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) Cerekang People
- Akil, Muh.
- Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
- Aksa, Aksa
- The Sultanate of Bima in the Fragments of Islamic Civilization in the Archipelago
- Al-Rasyid, Hamzah Harun
- Al-Asy’ariyyah Theory of Al-Kasb and Its Urgency in Work Productivity Improvement
- Ali, Muhamad Shafiq Mohd
- Analysis on the Composition of Ancient Brick in Telagajaya Village, Batujaya Temple Complex, West Java, Indonesia
- Ali, Muhamad Shafiq Mohd
- The Influence of the Environment on the Construction of Candi
- Alirahman, Agus Dian
- The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
- Amir, Muhammad
- The Impeachment of Mara’dia Balanipa
- Amiruddin, Amiruddin
- Strengthening Religious Moderationin Local Culture Through Community Leaders Perspectivein Jeneponto District
- Amiruddin, Muhammad Majdy
- Religious Moderation Values in The COVID-19 Vaccine Phenomenon in Indonesia
- Amrullah, Firda
- Hoax Detection Through Analysis of Modality: A Systemic - Functional Linguistics Study
- Arafah, Burhanuddin
- Symbolic Interaction in Reading Hoaxes About Covid-19 Shared on Social Media
- Arafah, Sitti
- Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
- Arisanti, Nyoman
- The Utilization of the Dorobata Terrace, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara
- Arisanti, Nyoman
- The Main Issues in Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba District
- Arraiyyah, M. Hamdar
- Genealogy of Moderate Islam at DDI Pattojo Islamic Boarding School of Soppeng
- Arsyad, Abdul Rahman
- Strengthening Religious Moderationin Local Culture Through Community Leaders Perspectivein Jeneponto District
- Asfar, Dedy Ari
- Personal Pronouns in Bidayuhic Language at the West Kalimantan, Indonesia – Sarawak, Malaysia Borderland
- Asfar, Dedy Ari
- Environmental Lexicon in the Pantun of Iban Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan
- Asis, Abdul
- Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
- Asis, Abdul
- The Impeachment of Mara’dia Balanipa
- Asmunandar, Asmunandar
- Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
- Aswad, Iqra
- A Study of Technical Terms in Shipping Science
- Atmojo, Bambang S.W.
- The Industry and Iron Trade on Barito Watershed in 17th-19th Century AD
- Azizan, Nur Farriehah
- Megalithic Culture in Luak Jempol
- Aziziy, Jauhar
- The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
- Badruzzaman, Badruzzaman
- Being Moderate in Religious Societies
- Bahtiar, Bahtiar
- The Impeachment of Mara’dia Balanipa
- Bakar, Ayu Haswida Abu
- Historical Film: Cinematic Narrative of Indonesian History – Raden Ajeng Kartini
- Budihastuti, Exti
- Elementary School Teachers’ Efforts in Enriching Elementary School Students’ Reading Literacy during the Pandemic Period through Literacy Reading Books
- Buduroh, Mamlahatun
- Spices Trade and Social-Political Conflict at Molucca in the Literature
- Chia, Stephen
- Simbuang Stone as a Symbol and Medium of Respect for the Ancestor of Toraja Nobleman
- Chotimah, Irma Nurul Husnal
- The Ethnic Identity: The Genesis and Its Dynamics (The Case of Bugis)
- D., Nur Ihsan
- Coastal Environment and Ancient Tomb Damage: A Case Study of The Tomb of the King and Hadat Banggae at Majene West Sulawesi Indonesia
- Dachlan, Muh.
- Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
- Dafirah, Dafirah
- Procession of Making Holy Water for the Addinginging-Dinging Rituals in the Tenro Communities of Selayar Islands
- Darmawati, Besse
- Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
- Destania, Destania
- Coastal Environment and Ancient Tomb Damage: A Case Study of The Tomb of the King and Hadat Banggae at Majene West Sulawesi Indonesia
- Djindar, Nur Ihsan
- Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
- Duli, Akin
- Simbuang Stone as a Symbol and Medium of Respect for the Ancestor of Toraja Nobleman
- Duli, Akin
- Archaeological Heritage of Ancient Tomb as Evidence of Early Islamic Civilization in the Makassar Etnic Region, Jeneponto South Sulawsi, Indonesia
- Effendy, Muslimin A.R.
- River Transportation Network and the Development of Civilization on the East Coast of Kalimantan at the End of Colonial Era
- Elysmah, Elysmah
- The Metaphor of the Cosmos in the Cenninrara of Bugis Community
- Emalia, Imas
- A Lesson from the Past
- Erawati, Erni
- Reflection of the Pasang Ri Kajang in Settlements Traditional Communities Kajang Bulukumba Regency
- Erawati, Erni
- Burial System of Austronesia
- Erawati, Erni
- Issue of Reconciliation: A Case in Makassar Sinrilik Kappalak Tallumbatua Oral Literature
- Ernaka, Ipik
- A Lesson from the Past
- Ernawati, Ernawati
- The Forest Cultural Heritage in The East Coast Sumatra
- Erniati, Erniati
- Numerals of the Sawai Language
- Everest, Muhammad Ezra
- The Utilization of Sultan Ground: Reflection of Asymmetrical Decentralization Reinforced by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
- Fadillah, Moh. Ali
- Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
- Fahriani, Ipak
- Burial System of Austronesia
- Fahriani, Ipak
- Decorative Motifs as Identity of Austronesian Speakers in South Minahasa: Preliminary Analysis of Decorative Patterns of Pottery at Lansot Site, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province
- Fairyo, Klementin
- Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
- Fajari, Nia Marniati Etie
- Gravestone Typology and Landscape of Sultan Banjar’s Tomb
- Fakhriati, Fakhriati
- Indians Hybrid Communities in Aceh
- Farida, Anik
- Local Wisdom and Disseminating Moderate Islam; A Study of Wayang Golek Purwa
- Fatimah, Ainun
- A Study of Technical Terms in Shipping Science
- Febrianti, Binar Kurniasari
- Environmental Lexicon in the Pantun of Iban Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan
- Febriningsih, Fida
- Numerals of the Sawai Language
- Fitrisia, Azmi
- The Forest Cultural Heritage in The East Coast Sumatra
- Fuad, Khairul
- Malay Poetry as Media of Zodiac Explaination and Its Relation in Manuscript ’Abi@ Ma‘syari al-Falakiyyi al-Kabi@r
- Garing, Jusmianti
- Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
- Garing, Jusmianti
- Pattern and Meaning of Buginese People Naming as Cultural Mark
- Ghani, Mohammad Khairulanwar Abdul
- The Migration of Non-Local Communities and Effects on Language Ecosystem in Baling, Kedah: Historical and Linguistic Evidence
- Gusnawaty, Gusnawaty
- Covid-19 Health Protocol
- Gusnawaty, Gusnawaty
- Hoax Detection Through Analysis of Modality: A Systemic - Functional Linguistics Study
- Habsari, Sri K
- Tradition and Industry
- Hadrawi, Muhlis
- Tomb Architecture
- Hadrawi, Muhlis
- Pattern and Meaning of Buginese People Naming as Cultural Mark
- Hadrawi, Muhlis
- From Ujungpandang to Rotterdam: Transfer Power and Name of Fort Based on Lontara
- Haeranah, Haeranah
- Arrest Authority by Police Investigators and BNN Investigators on Narcotics Crimes
- Hamado, dan Hamdan
- Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
- Hamid, Wardiah
- A Contextual Study on Mi’raje Manuscript of Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman Community in Maros Regency
- Hamsiati, Hamsiati
- A Contextual Study on Mi’raje Manuscript of Tarekat Khalwatiyah Samman Community in Maros Regency
- Handoko, Wuri
- Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
- Haron, Hamdzun
- The Influence of the Environment on the Construction of Candi
- Hartatik, Hartatik
- The Industry and Iron Trade on Barito Watershed in 17th-19th Century AD
- Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin
- The Landscape of Austronesian Speakers in South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia