Proceedings of the 9th Asbam International Conference (Archeology, History, & Culture In The Nature of Malay) (ASBAM 2021)
108 articles
Proceedings Article
Distribution and Spreading of the Underwater Archaeological Sites in the Selayar Waters
Andi Jusdi, Rosmawati Rosmawati, Andi Muhammad Ahkmar, Abdullah Abdullah, Yadi Mulyadi, Khadijah Thahir Muda
Selayar Islands Regency of South Sulawesi Province has 10.369 Km2 wide (including land and sea). It has a strategic location between the west and the east of the archipelago. It shows that the waters are a shipping lane now and back then. The evidence of shipping activities in the past was proved by...
Proceedings Article
Simbuang Stone as a Symbol and Medium of Respect for the Ancestor of Toraja Nobleman
Akin Duli, Rosmawati Rosmawati, Muhammad Nur, Yusriana Yusriana, Stephen Chia
The Toraja ethnic community has a unique culture that was passed down from a predecessor generation and is still maintained today. One of the cultural uniqueness is the tradition of establishing a simbuang (menhir) in the implementation of ritual ceremonies, especially in the ceremony of the death of...
Proceedings Article
The Sultanate of Bima in the Fragments of Islamic Civilization in the Archipelago
Abdullah Abdullah, Aksa Aksa, Lydia Megawati
The Bima Sultanate was one of the many sultanates that ever existed in the Malay Archipelago. Within the framework of Nusantara civilization, the Sultanate of Bima has succeeded in making Islam the Kingdom’s official religion. Islam as a new civilization in Bima began to take root since Islamization...
Proceedings Article
Potential and Distribution of Archaeological Sites in North Bolaang Mongondow Region, North Sulawesi Province
Asmunandar Asmunandar, Yadi Mulyadi, Rustamawat Rustamawat, Jhon Rivel Purba, Wuri Handoko, Annita I. Mokodongan, Henki Riko Pratama, Muh. Akil
North Bolaang Mongondow is one of the areas in North Sulawesi Province that has the potential for archaeological remains, especially those from the royal period. Historical data and oral traditions in the community contain information about the kingdoms that existed in this region in the past, namely...
Proceedings Article
Reflection of the Pasang Ri Kajang in Settlements Traditional Communities Kajang Bulukumba Regency
Erni Erawati, Inriati Lewa, Anwar Thosibo
The Kajang indigenous people believe in pasang. Pasang are conveyed orally from generation to generation, and are considered a source of law to regulate all aspects of people’s lives to interact with God, fellow humans, and humans with nature. This is reflected in everyday life starting from the religious,...
Proceedings Article
Direction and Orientation of Prehistoric Graves: New data from the North Coast of Java
Gunadi Kasnowihardjo
The direction and orientation of prehistoric graves in Indonesia have not been widely studied. Some research on prehistoric graves does not explain the direction and orientation in detail. This research on the direction and orientation of prehistoric tombs in the North Coast of Java aims to answer the...
Proceedings Article
The Industry and Iron Trade on Barito Watershed in 17th-19th Century AD
Hartatik Hartatik, Eko Herwanto, Bambang S.W. Atmojo
Iron is important tool in human life since the abandonment of stone tools until now. This article aims to explain the iron industry sites on Barito watershed and iron trade in Kalimantan before the 20th century. The research’s method used is qualitative with inductive reasoning. Primary data were obtained...
Proceedings Article
The Landscape of Austronesian Speakers in South and West Sulawesi, Indonesia
Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Andi Muhammad Saiful, Bernadeta AKW, Ratno Sardi, Suryatman Suryatman
The aim of this research is to assist scholarly appreciation of the potency of the landscape in South and west Sulawesi for the Austronesian speakers. This investigation proceeded with a review of the literature and previous research by the authors so as to assess the data obtained from survey and excavation...
Proceedings Article
The Some Aspects of Forms and Raw Materials Wood Buildings at the Liyangan Site
Hery Priswanto, Sofwan Noerwidi, Baskoro Daru Tjahjono, Sugeng Riyanto, Widyanto Dwi Nugroho
The Liyangan site is located in Liyangan, Purbosari, Ngadirejo, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia, was buried by material from the eruption of Mount Sindoro and reappeared due to sand mining activities in 2009. Based on the archaeological data found, the Liyangan Site has a very complex function with...
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of the Dorobata Terrace, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara
I Nyoman Rema, Satrio Satrio, Nyoman Arisanti
Dorabata is a terrace-shaped site that has an important role in the history of the Dompu civilization. This study aims to analyze the utilization period of the Dorobata terraced terrace. Data were collected through excavations, interviews and literature studies, then analyzed by laboratory analysis and...
Proceedings Article
The Hand-Print Tradition of the Community from Maros Karst
M. Irfan Mahmud, Pawennari Hijjang, Muhammad Basir Said, Yahya Yahya
This study aims to describe the ritual of the handprint tradition (mabbedda’ bola) and its symbolic message to obtain an overview of the essence of the handprint concept in the culture of the Karst Maros community. Methods of collecting data through literature research, in-depth interviews, and participatory...
Proceedings Article
The Pattern of Minahasa Chinatown Settlement in Colonial Era: Urban Archaeology Study
Irfanuddin Wahid Marzuki
Minahasa is located in North Sulawesi that has various ethnic and culture. The indigenous inhabitants are from some sub ethnics such as Tonsea, Tombulu, Tondano or Tolour, Totemboan (Tompakewa), Tonsawang, Ponosakan, Ratahan (Pasan), and Bantik. Besides Minahasan other ethnic also exist such as Chinese,...
Proceedings Article
Pottery of Fort Kuta Lubuk, Non-European Goods in European Fort
Libra Hari Inagurasi
This paper presents the existence of the Portuguese fort of Kuta Lubuk. It reveals the artifacts buried and indicates whether the European fort’s architecture resembles the artifacts left behind. Fort Kuta Lubuk is located on Lamreh beach, Aceh Besar, Aceh, located on the edge of the Strait of Malacca...
Proceedings Article
Tomb Architecture
A Phase of Cultural Development of Bantaeng People in South Sulawesi
Makmur Makmur, Yadi Mulyadi, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Muhlis Hadrawi, Nila Kalsum, Ade Sahroni, Lucas Wattimena
Bantaeng is one of the areas in eastern Indonesia, precisely in South Sulawesi Province known as Butta Toa or the oldest land, the claim as an old area is supported by archaeological evidence from prehistoric times to history. The existence of Bantaeng in the historical era is evidenced by the existence...
Proceedings Article
Prehistoric Archeology in Baling, Kedah: A Review of Chronology, Cultural Evolution and Environment
Mohd Fauzan Zuraidi, Zuliskandar Ramli, Yunus Sauman, Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir
Kedah is a state rich in historical records and this includes the existence of prehistoric communities in some areas such as in Baling which have done archaeological research and excavations. This research is conducted by researchers from within and outside the country using various approaches as examples...
Proceedings Article
An Anaylysis of Water Supply Cooperation Among Northern States in Malaysia, 1965-1981
Mohd Firdaus Abdullah, Arba’iyah Mohd Noor
The state of Kedah, Perlis and Penang are the northern states of Malaysia. Perlis and Penang experienced a severe lack of raw water resources for use in domestic water supply plans after independence. The construction of the Muda Irrigation Plan in 1969 has provided an excellent raw water source for...
Proceedings Article
Analysis on the Composition of Ancient Brick in Telagajaya Village, Batujaya Temple Complex, West Java, Indonesia
Muhamad Shafiq Mohd Ali, Zuliskandar Ramli
Telagajaya Village is known as one of the rural areas that is located in the Batujaya Temple Complex, Karawang, West Java. Preliminary investigation in Telagajaya discovered that there were 16 sites which are believed to have been the construction sites of ancient temples, while an excavation revealed...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of the Environment on the Construction of Candi
A Study on Several of Ancient Kedah Candis
Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir, Zuliskandar Ramli, Hamdzun Haron, Muhamad Shafiq Mohd Ali, Mohd Fauzan Zuraidi
The present study is an archaeological approach on several of the candis that have been unearthed in Kedah. These candis were associated with the Ancient Kedah, a polity that once located in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula. Archaeological surveys and literature study have been conducted on several...
Proceedings Article
Intake of Minang Cultural Values as Strengthening the Character of the Nation’s Children in the short story “Tsunami” by Ismalinar
Ninawati Syahrul
This study will analyze the cultural values and local wisdom of the Minang ethnic group contained in the short story “Tsunami” by Ismalinar. This study uses an interpretive qualitative descriptive method with a literary anthropological approach. The focus of the analysis rests on local cultural values,...
Proceedings Article
Turco-Persian Influence in the Islamic Art of the Malay Archipelago
Muhammad Uzair Ismail, Zuliskandar Ramli, Ros Mahwati Ahmad Zakaria
In the Islamic history of the Malay Archipelago, the Persian’s contribution in terms of the artistic repertoire influence towards the shaping of the Malay’s Islamic art has rarely been discussed by scholars. This is troubling as much of the Persian land (Iran & Iraq) from the 10th until early 13th...
Proceedings Article
River Transportation Network and the Development of Civilization on the East Coast of Kalimantan at the End of Colonial Era
Muslimin A.R. Effendy
The east coast of Kalimantan tends to be overshadowed by a grand narrative constructed by ethnic groups living around the Makassar Strait with a perspective that tends to negate the capabilities and portray stereotypes of local communities in response to progress and modernity of civilization. Such impression...
Proceedings Article
Megalithic Culture in Luak Jempol
Nur Farriehah Azizan, Zuliskandar Ramli, Shamsuddin Ahmad, Daeng Haliza Daeng Jamal
This article focuses on the Megalithic culture in Luak Tanah Mengandung especially in Luak Jempol. The objective of this writing is to discuss the origins, social structure and views of the community related to Megalithic culture among the local community from a sociocultural. In addition, this paper...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Hindu-Buddhist on Islamic Tombs in Palembang
Retno Purwanti
Palembang is the oldest city in Indonesia with a long history. Archaeological evidence proves the history of Palembang has started since the Srivijaya Kingdom until the sultanate. From the time of Srivijaya until the pre-sultanate period, Palembang was influenced by Hindu-Buddhist religion. Archaeological...
Proceedings Article
Burial System of Austronesia
(A Study of Lansot Site, Tomohon, North Sulawesi)
Ipak Fahriani, Khadijah Muda, Triwurjani Triwurjani, Nur Ihsan, Paulina Nugrahini, Erni Erawati
Minahasa is one of the migration routes that traversed by Austronesia native speaker who came from Taiwan (Out of Taiwan theory). They came with their origin culture that later assimilated with the local culture (Minahasa). Burial activity was one of the cultural activities that developed in Minahasa...
Proceedings Article
Archaeological Heritage of Ancient Tomb as Evidence of Early Islamic Civilization in the Makassar Etnic Region, Jeneponto South Sulawsi, Indonesia
Rosmawati Rosmawati, Akin Duli, Khadijah Thahir Muda
This research aims to be able to comprehensively explain the evidence of Islamic civilization in Makassar ethnic areas, such as those in Makassar, Gowa, Jeneponto and Bantaeng. Distribution patterns, origins, diversity, development period, local cultural influences, and the meanings contained therein....
Proceedings Article
Decorative Motifs as Identity of Austronesian Speakers in South Minahasa: Preliminary Analysis of Decorative Patterns of Pottery at Lansot Site, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province
Rr. Triwurjani, Ipak Fahriani, Khadijah Tahir Muda, Nur Ihsan, Paulina Eko Nugraheni
Migration of Austronesian speakers in a certain area usually makes an adaptation in a colonization in a new area and even innovations are born from here. As immigrants from Taiwan (Out of Taiwan) who migrated to the archipelago (Indonesia) they have passed through a series of islands at the northern...
Proceedings Article
Distribution of Archaeological Sites on the Fluvial Landscape of Musi River
Sondang Martini Siregar
In the downstream part of the Musi River Basin, especially Palembang region, archaeological sites are found containing temple buildings. The problems that arise are a) how is the topography (height) of archaeological sites in Palembang, b) how are archaeological sites located in Palembang? c) What is...
Proceedings Article
The Relative Dating and Art Style of the Dwārapāla Statues of the Adan-Adan Temple
Sukawati Susetyo, Agustijanto Indrajaja
Dwārapāla is a guardian statue depicted as a giant and is usually found in a temple or palace complex. The term dwārapāla comes from the word dvar (Sanskrit), which means entrance/gate, and pala means guard, so the overall meaning is the guard of the gate or entrance. Dwārapāla is depicted in a standing...
Proceedings Article
Gravestone Typology and Landscape of Sultan Banjar’s Tomb
Islamization in South Kalimantan
Nia Marniati Etie Fajari, Sunarningsih Sunarningsih
The existence of the Banjar Kingdom has been depicting in the tale of Hikajat Banjar. It was centre in Banjarmasin and Martapura. The Islamic kingdom of Banjar was a continuation of Negara Daha, the previously Hindu monarchy. During its reign, the centre of Banjar Kingdom had moved several times, leaving...
Proceedings Article
Landscape of Pre-Islamic Beliefs: The Rise of Agriculture and Bugis Diaspora
Lanskap Religi Pra-Islam: Kebangkitan Pertanian dan Diaspora Bugis
Syahruddin Mansyur, Moh. Ali Fadillah, Nur Ihsan Djindar, Nani Somba, Hasrianti Hasrianti, Aldi Mulyadi, dan Hamdan Hamado
Agricultural traditions in South Sulawesi and the Bugis diaspora in the archipelago have a long history. Available historical sources and archaeological evidence suggest that upland agriculture began at least in the 12th century, and lowland from the 14th and 15th centuries, before increasing in th 16th...
Proceedings Article
The Publication of the Results of Archaeological Research Through Comics and Animated Movies
The Opportunities and Challenges
Vivi Sandra Sari, Putra Kamajaya, Irfanuddin W Marzuki
Comics and animated movies have become one of the most appealing to teenagers and children in addition to being the trend in digital era. Meanwhile, the findings of archaeological researches are interesting materials, many of the animation and comics used archaeological themes such as Indiana Jones,...
Proceedings Article
Local Genius/Knowledge in Science and Technology in the Context of Early Malay Kingdoms in Peninsula Malaysia and Borneo
Zuliskandar Ramli
The early Malay kingdoms in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo were often associated with the proto-historical period, an era where people began to recognize writings in forms of ancient characters such as the South Indian, Pallava and Kawi scripts that is written in ancient languages such as Sanskrit, Pali,...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Beanembala Naguhi Cave Prehistoric Site 2 in Yuruf Village, Yaffi District, Keerom Regency, Papua Province
Zubair Mas’ud, Yadi Mulyadi, Ilham Abdullah, Klementin Fairyo, Sri Chiirullia Sukandar, Fardi A.R.
Keerom Regency, West Papua Province has the potential for archaeological remains in the form of prehistoric caves with remains in the form of rock images and various artifacts. The archaeological remains were first reported by Galis in the Gumamit and Pinfeloe caves in the Web district area, rock drawings...
Proceedings Article
Buginese Arranged Marriage in Mappasitaro Movie
A.ST. Aldilah Khaerana, Rezky Ramadhani, Andi Inayah Soraya
Finding a perfect match to marry is one of the most important concerns in someone’s life. Some say that finding a perfect match to live with will define the quality of life. In some cultures, someone is considered mature enough to get married when he/she has turned into teenagers. Beside age, accomplishing...
Proceedings Article
The Maritime Lexicon of Indonesian Proverbs as a Guide in the Dynamics of Cultural and National Life
Asriani Abbas, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin
Language and culture have values and legal order that greatly influence people’s behavior. The behavior of the Indonesian people can be reflected through the way they interact using language devices. Indonesian people who live in coastal areas have specific language tools, one of which is the maritime...
Proceedings Article
Historical Film: Cinematic Narrative of Indonesian History – Raden Ajeng Kartini
Kartini (2017) & Surat Cinta untuk Kartini (2016)
Ayu Haswida Abu Bakar
Historical film often serves as a medium to the development of national historical culture narrative. Upholding the nation as ‘an imagined community’ to the locals and the global. The narratives compromises between the fact and fiction, thus fabricated a new set of historical narratives culture. Hence,...
Proceedings Article
The Metaphor of the Cosmos in the Cenninrara of Bugis Community
Firman Saleh, Elysmah Elysmah
This paper is the result of research that describes the form and meaning of the metaphor of the cosmos in the Cenninrara mantra of the Bugis community. The data collection technique was carried out using the field method. Interview and note-taking, starting with transliterating and translating the Cenninrara...
Proceedings Article
The Comparative Analysis of Cultural Aspect in the Idioms of Zodiac Animals in Indonesian and Chinese Language
Dian Sari Unga Waru, Ria Riski Marsuki, Firman Saleh
Language is a part of culture. In the modern world, people who have the ability to speak other languages beside mother language are no longer taboo. Learning the second language, probably will find some dynamics, including interesting things in the foreign language. Researcher’s mother language is Bahasa,...
Proceedings Article
Indians Hybrid Communities in Aceh
Between Identity and Assimilation
Fakhriati Fakhriati
Aceh is one of the areas settled by various nations and tribes derived from different places, areas, and even continents. Its location has a strategic position and attracted many nations to stop over and settle at this place. It cannot be denied that this area became home to ethnic diversity of different...
Proceedings Article
Women, Electric Trains, and Emancipation
Subtitle In Title Case (Optional)(Alt+S)
Erlis Nur Mujiningsih, Erli Yetti, Suryami Suryami
This article will discuss the position of women in public transportation in Jakarta in the short story “A Word in the Train Carriage” by Arsiyfa Palan Tarlan. As it is known that Jakarta is an urban city whose residents commute from the surrounding area to work, study, study, trade, and other things....
Proceedings Article
Awakening the Mother Nature: The study of Motif-Index in Putri Tandampalik
Rezky Ramadhani, Arga Maulana Pasanrangi, A. Inayah Soraya
Putri Tandampalik, a South Sulawesi tale, has recalled one of the major phenomena that long recited in the prose narrative. The main character, a royal princess, represents an idea that fitting into a multicultural society and the looming crisis seemed strangely prophetic. This story somehow talks about...
Proceedings Article
The Ethnic Identity: The Genesis and Its Dynamics (The Case of Bugis)
Wahyuddin Wahyuddin, Irma Nurul Husnal Chotimah, Muhammad Hasyim
This paper will discuss the genesis of Bugis as an ethnic and its dynamics over time and space. Following the theories regarding ethnicity and identity, the author will elaborate on three questions: (1) How the Bugis emerge; (2) How the ruling power perceives the Bugis through the census; (3) How their...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Archaic Dictions in Buginese Song Lyrics in Globalization Era
Abdul Asis, Herianah Herianah, Besse Darmawati, Nuraidar Agus, Jusmianti Garing, Jerniati I.
Buginese songs are the literary treasures of the South Sulawesi region. One interesting aspect to talk about is song lyrics by looking at the stylistic aspect, including choosing the right words to express the creator’s thoughts and felt. The term “archaic,” which possesses ancient qualities, is used...
Proceedings Article
Personal Pronouns in Bidayuhic Language at the West Kalimantan, Indonesia – Sarawak, Malaysia Borderland
Agus Syahrani, Dedy Ari Asfar, Syarifah Lubna, Irmayani Irmayani
Personal pronouns are words that are used to substitute for people. The objective of this study is to describe the forms of personal pronouns in the Bidayuhik language in Siding District, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, in the border area with Sarawak Malaysia. The method of data collection...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Lexicon in the Pantun of Iban Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan
Ahadi Sulissusiawan, Dedy Ari Asfar, Binar Kurniasari Febrianti
Iban language is one of the local languages in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. The Iban Kapuas Hulu community recognizes the pantun tradition as cultural communication. In particular, this article aims to describe pantun containing environmental vocabulary, such as plants, animals, objects, circumstances,...
Proceedings Article
Directive Speech Acts of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in Politics Interview
Andi Meirling AJ, Indarwati Indarwati, Munira Hasjim, Lukman Lukman, Ikhwan M. Said
This research aimed to explain (1) the forms of the directive act of Ahok in political interviews, (2) the politeness strategy of the directive of Ahok in political interviews. The research was a qualitative research. The samples were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. The data were oral...
Proceedings Article
Term of Address to Differentiate Familiarity in Sundanese
Eri Ester Khairas, Ina Sukaesih, Evy I. Siregar
Verbal communication in an interaction has many subtle messages sent along with the exact words coming out of participants. Through it all there are distinct social situation that can be discerned. It determines social situation as an important part in the language being used. It regulates who says what...
Proceedings Article
Elementary School Teachers’ Efforts in Enriching Elementary School Students’ Reading Literacy during the Pandemic Period through Literacy Reading Books
Exti Budihastuti
This study aims to determine the efforts of elementary school teachers in enriching the reading literacy of elementary school students during the pandemic through literacy reading books that have been compiled by Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa in 2019. The study uses a qualitative method with...
Proceedings Article
Linguistic Deviation in the Novel of Sayat-Sayat Sunyi By S. Gegge Mappangewa
Herianah Herianah, Muhammad Rapi Tang, Salam Salam
This paper aims to describe the linguistic deviation in the novel of Sayat-Sayat Sunyi by S. Gegge Mappangewa. The method used in this paper is descriptive qualitative. This research is a library research, so that in its implementation it is carried out by using inventory, reading-listening, and notes....
Proceedings Article
The Migration of Non-Local Communities and Effects on Language Ecosystem in Baling, Kedah: Historical and Linguistic Evidence
Mohammad Khairulanwar Abdul Ghani, Mohd Tarmizi Hasrah
The migration of the Patani Malay community to Kedah is documented in the Hikayat Patani (Siti Hawa Salleh, 1992). According to some linguists, the migration has resulted in language contact, impacting dialect diversity in the northern part of Kedah, such as the district of Baling (Asmah, 1985; Umaiyyah,...
Proceedings Article
Issue of Reconciliation: A Case in Makassar Sinrilik Kappalak Tallumbatua Oral Literature
Inriati Lewa, Erni Erawati
This paper aims to reveal the issue of reconciliation as an instrument of peace that is used as a background for the creation of the Sinrilik Kappalak Tallumbatua. Therefore, a discussion of the background of the creation of the SKT, especially the Makassar War which took place in 1666-1669 and involved...
Proceedings Article
Transitivity Study: Riau Malay Characters in Gurindam 12 Raja Ali Haji
Medri Osno, Ratnawati Ratnawati, Anis Rahmawati
This paper aims, firstly, to find the character of the Riau Malay community in Raja Ali Haji’s Gurindam 12 through a Systemic Functional Linguistic Transitivity approach and secondly, to find the dominant percentage of the emergence of Riau Malay values and characters and the reasons for their emergence....
Proceedings Article
Numerals of the Sawai Language
Mujahid Taha, Fida Febriningsih, Erniati Erniati
Sawai is one of the regional languages in North Maluku. This language is spoken by the people of Lelilef Village and Sagea Village in Central Halmahera Regency. This language has uniqueness and diversity in the numeralia system. This study aims to describe the forms and types in basic numerals and the...
Proceedings Article
Karaeng Pattingalloang and the Advancement of Makassar in Seventeen Century (1636 – 1654)
Karaeng Pattingalloang dan Kemajuan Makassar pada Abad XVII (1636 – 1654)
Rismawidiawati Rusli, Muhammad Subair
Strategic location is not the only determining factor for a region to develop readily and quickly. Although the Makassar Kingdom had a strategic location, it required a long time to develop and played an active role in the spice trading network. Many factors contributed to this improvement, particularly...
Proceedings Article
Changes in Meaning of Terms on BNPN Social Media Poster in the Post-Covid-19 Period
Morphosemantic Studies
Purwanti Purwanti, Ian Wahyuni, Eka Pratiwi Sudirman
This study focuses on the form and the meaning of words used in posters uploaded to a Facebook account by BNPB (National Disaster Management Authority) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The poster is a means of communication to present information, suggestion, or ideas in such a way that it attracts people...
Proceedings Article
Exploring Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and their Performance in Writing Argumentative Essay
Ninuk Lustyantie, Ramli Ramli, Fathurrahman Nur Isnan, Yetti Supriyati
Writing is one of the academic competencies that are central vital competence for students to master. It also has become a competence promoting at the university level. However, several studies reveal that many students have not mastered this competency comprehensively even after completing their studies....
Proceedings Article
Modality in Teaching English
Modality Use by the Teacher in Teching Online Class
Nur Ina Syam
During the Pandemi Covid 19 the teacher have to teach in online class, it makes some students are not interest in studying because they face some difficulties in online class. as a teacher they have to used persuasive style to catch the students attention. using modality in teaching as away to make the...
Proceedings Article
Pattern and Meaning of Buginese People Naming as Cultural Mark
Nuraidar Agus, Muhlis Hadrawi, Jusmianti Garing, Herianah Herianah, Jerniati Jerniati
Giving self-naming, or ‘pattelareng,’ is a Buginese concept that differs from the naming system in other cultures. The self-naming represents the Buginese community’s identity that includes symbols, meaning, or cultural markers. In the Buginese culture, a self-naming system, or ‘pattelareng,’ is assigned...
Proceedings Article
The Existence of Virtual Theater Performances of Pandemic Era
Rismayanti Rismayanti, Munirah Hasjim, Muhammad Fadhly Kurniawan
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, various sectors have experienced changes, especially in the arts. Performing arts are commonly witnessed directly in the stage, however, nowadays, the performance obtain be watched through virtual, focusing the theatrical performing arts. The theater virtual stage is about...
Proceedings Article
Community Perception of Sustainable Tourism Destination Management and Development
A Case Study at Kampa Beach, Wawonii Island, Southeast Sulawesi
Ade Yolanda Latjuba, Rosnita Sari
Understanding and assessing the public view of the existence of a tourist destination is essential to maintain the sustainability of the tourism industry of any type. This paper focuses more on coastal tourism or ecotourism. Ecotourism contributes to preserving natural landscapes and can be used as an...
Proceedings Article
Four Transmission Patterns Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Tek) Cerekang People
Andi Muhammad Akhmar, Fathu Rahman, Supratman Supratman, Husain Hasyim, M. Nawir
The Cerekang people are indigenous peoples holding local wisdom who have a knowledge system about forest and river conservation and the use of natural resources. How this community transmits traditional ecological traditional (TEK) so that they can survive until now is the main question that will be...
Proceedings Article
Applying Cultural–Based Narrative Text to Induce Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Proficient EFL Learners at English Department, Hasanuddin University Makassar
Abidin Pammu, Sitti Sahraeny, Nasmilah Nasmilah, Rosmiaty Rosmiaty
This paper reports a six-month survey on final year students from English Department Faculty of Cultural Sciences Hasanuddin University. The purpose of this survey was to reveal the extent to which narrative text could induce metacognitive strategies of the students. Using MARSI questionnaire to investigate...
Proceedings Article
The Forest Cultural Heritage in The East Coast Sumatra
Azmi Fitrisia, Ernawati Ernawati
The East Coast Sumatra have vast forest begin north of Aceh to Jambi area in the south. The other places have vast forest in Riau and North Sumatra. The forest was rich with various tree likes medicine tree, wood, and others. The tradisional peoples depend the forest to primer need and believe that forest...
Proceedings Article
Denotational and Interactional Power of Speech in the Implementation of Customary Firmness
Harlinah Sahib, M. Amir P, Sitti Sahraeny
This study aims to analyze the denotational and interactional power of speech or the utterance in costumary firmness. Secondly, it is to disclose the features of costumary firmness of tana kamase-masea. This study use descriptive qualitative research method which was carried out in Tana toa sub-distcrict...
Proceedings Article
Tradition and Industry
Representation of Silek Minangkabau in Cinema
Herry Nur Hidayat, Bani Sudardi, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Sri K Habsari
Film is a complex work of art production as well as a symbol of social behavior. Films also have an influence on the audience through the content they convey. This article examines three film titles containing Minangkabau: Harimau Tjampa, Merantau, and Surau dan Silek. All three are assumed to convey...
Proceedings Article
Coastal Environment and Ancient Tomb Damage: A Case Study of The Tomb of the King and Hadat Banggae at Majene West Sulawesi Indonesia
Khadijah Thahir Muda, Yusriana Yusriana, Nur Ihsan D., Erwin U. Saraka, Muhammad Nur Zulfikar, Destania Destania
The Hadat Banggae Kings Tomb Complex contains 480 ancient tombs. These ancient tombs have been mixed with new tombs, most recently in 1985 the addition of new tombs was stopped. In general, the technique of making graves that is recognized is the technique of connecting in layers and having supporting...
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of Sultan Ground: Reflection of Asymmetrical Decentralization Reinforced by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta
Muhammad Ezra Everest, Hasna Maimuna Izmya, Muhammad Khalid, Syifa Hana Agristya, Sudarmono Sudarmono
This article explains the implementation of land administration under an asymmetrical decentralization policy, reinforced by Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (further stated as DIY). Currently, the sultanate of Yogyakarta rules the territory under a particular normative scheme (Law No. 13/2012). It reflects...
Proceedings Article
Reflections on the Contributions of the Palace, the Sultanate Palace and the Kings of the Archipelago
Norashikin Salleh
Keraton or the palace was once the center of Science Education, Culture and Administration. The palaces in the Archipelago have produced many scholars, intellectuals, as well as leaders to take care of the people and preserve their respective cultural traditions. Indigenous tradition and works of art...
Proceedings Article
The Main Issues in Archaeological Resources Management Based on Indigenous Community in Central Sumba District
Nyoman Arisanti, Nyoman Rema, I Gusti Made Suarbhawa, Ati Rati Hidayah
Traditional villages in Central Sumba Regency have close emotional bond to the indigenous community and the marapu tradition. The uniqueness and potential of archaeological resources owned can be developed and utilized in terms of education, culture, economy, and tourism. The non-optimal management of...
Proceedings Article
Al-Asy’ariyyah Theory of Al-Kasb and Its Urgency in Work Productivity Improvement
Hamzah Harun Al-Rasyid
This article discusses the al-Asy’ariyyah theory of al-Kasb and its important role in improving work productivity. It further analyzes how the alAsy’ariyyah school of thought exists in Muslim life; examines whether the theory has shackled the mind and freedom of human beings and led the adherents to...
Proceedings Article
Malay Poetry as Media of Zodiac Explaination and Its Relation in Manuscript ’Abi@ Ma‘syari al-Falakiyyi al-Kabi@r
(Effort of Malay Heritage Preservation)
Khairul Fuad, Irmayani Irmayani
This article aims to analysis the description of zodiac filled in the manuscript titled ’Abi@ Ma‘syari al-Falakiyyi al-Kabi@r. A Persian language work is translated into Malay language by ‘At}a> Rah}man. Image circle in the sky centered to ecliptic that sourced from Greek civilization translated into...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom of Indramayu Community in Transforming Islamic Values through Bujanggaan Tradition
Muhamad Rosadi, Reza Perwira, Oga Satria
This study aims to explore the religious values contained in the Bujanggaan tradition in the village of Jambak, Cikedung, Indramayu, West Java. One important part of this tradition is the reading of the Lontar Yusuf. The lontar contains several verses which are divided into several parts that tell various...
Proceedings Article
The Impeachment of Mara’dia Balanipa
A Study Based on a Mandar Manuscript
Muhammad Amir, Bahtiar Bahtiar, Tini Suryaningsi, Abdul Asis
This research aimed to explain the impeachment or the dismissal that was done to mara’dia (King) Balanipa’s throne in the kingdom of Balanipa. The method used in this research is the history and philology method. The result of the research showed that since the beginning of the Balanipa kingdom, between...
Proceedings Article
Expression and Social Convention in “Pappaseng Kajaolaliddong” for the Millennial Generation of the Buginese In Bone Regency, South Sulawesi
Muhammad Bahar Akkase Teng, Firman Saleh
This research aims to document and examine the “Pappaseng Kajaolaliddong” as well as to encourage the government and the Buginese, mainly those who reside in Bone regency, to preserve this document proactively, which is a local heritage that could reflect the richness of the Buginese culture. This research...
Proceedings Article
From Ujungpandang to Rotterdam: Transfer Power and Name of Fort Based on Lontara
Muhlis Hadrawi, Nuraidar Agus, Makmur Makmur, A.St. Aldilah Khaerana, Hastianah Hastianah, Taqdir Taqdir
Benteng Ujungpandang or Fort Rotterdam constructed in the 16th century is the only inheritance fort of Kerajaan Gowa-Tallo that still exist and well taken care until 21st century nowadays. Benteng Ujungpandang is a monumental building which located in the west coast, in the suburb of Makassar City. This...
Proceedings Article
Manuscript as a Source of Cultural and Spiritual Inspiration
Messages of Culture and Spirituality to Prepare Death in Tulkiyamat Manuscript
Nur Setiawati Mappaselleng, St. Samsuduha, Bisyri Abdul Karim
This paper aims to explore the concept and significance of the existence of manuscripts as a source of cultural and spiritual inspiration while at the same time encouraging efforts to preserve the tradition of reading the Tulkiyamat manuscript in Takalar regency. This is related to the lack of studies...
Proceedings Article
Literacy, Orality and Memory
The Historical Intersection of Gowa and Polombangkeng
Taufik Ahmad
In the sixteenth century, Gowa had conquered all the Makassar kingdoms, including Polombangkeng. To maintain their hegemony, Gowa began to write their historical texts that chronicled their origins and preserve their victories. At the same time, Polombangkeng began to produce resistant orality to the...
Proceedings Article
Development of Islam in Indonesia Post-Independence
(A Historical Study)
Abd Rasyid Rahman
The process of Islamization in Indonesia was peaceful, conducted by Islamic preachers who happened to be traders. Those trading activities were supporting elements in the Islamization process. The development of Islam in Indonesia in the independence era especially in the Old Order era (under the Constitution...
Proceedings Article
The Establishment of Special Election Courts in Indonesia Based on the State Principles of Democratic Law
Abdullah Abdullah
The existence of different settlement institutions for disputes in some courts make law enforcement often run ineffective and inefficient. Disputes over the election process have become too convoluted because those involve many institutions such as Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) in province, regency/city,...
Proceedings Article
Symbolic Interaction in Reading Hoaxes About Covid-19 Shared on Social Media
Burhanuddin Arafah, Muhammad Hasyim
Digital media (internet) has changed human behaviour in accessing information. Digital media (smartphone, tablet dan Notebook) help people to get information about current issues within a relatively short time. The development of information technology nowadays making internet users publishers, besides...
Proceedings Article
Covid-19 Health Protocol
The Poster Language and Politeness for Community Compliance
Gusnawaty Gusnawaty, Serliana Serliana, Irwani Irwani
Covid-19 is a pandemic that involves all parties to minimize its spread in the community through various media, including posters for socializing health protocols. This article examines the language of the poster to identify and classify the types of clauses and characteristics of Bugis language politeness...
Proceedings Article
Practicality of Academic Supervision Module on Distance Training for Madrasah Supervisors
Ilham Ilham
This study aims to explain the Academic Supervision Module for Madrasah Supervisors in the Ministry of Religion. Where in this study the researchers took samples at the Religious Education and Training Center. While the problems in this study are; how is the practicality of the distance learning-based...
Proceedings Article
Procession of Making Holy Water for the Addinginging-Dinging Rituals in the Tenro Communities of Selayar Islands
Dafirah Dafirah, Pammuda Pammuda, Bahar Akkase Teng
This study aims to reveal one of the processions carried out in addinging-dinging rituals. Adding-dinging rituals are one of the rituals that are carried out routinely every year by the Tenro community in Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi. This ritual is regularly held on the last Monday of every...
Proceedings Article
A Lesson from the Past
The Impact of the Bubonic Plague on Dutch East Indies’ Economic Downturn in the 20th Century
Ipik Ernaka, Imas Emalia, Didik Pradjoko
The Covid-19 outbreak hit the world, including Indonesia, and had resulted on the decline of the national economy within various sectors. Efforts had been made by the government to overcome these impacts. In regard to this issue, this article discussed the impact of the bubonic plague on the Dutch East...
Proceedings Article
Arrest Authority by Police Investigators and BNN Investigators on Narcotics Crimes
Paradongan Hasibuan, Andi Muhammad Sofyan, M. Said Karim, Haeranah Haeranah
Agents from the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and agents from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) have the specialist to conduct examinations into narcotics crimes. However, in the case of arrests, there are differences in authority regarding the time limit for arrests. This study aims to find the...
Proceedings Article
Religious Moderation Values in The COVID-19 Vaccine Phenomenon in Indonesia
Abdul Syatar, Chaerul Mundzir, Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin
The emergence of the COVID-19 vaccine has raised pros and cons among the public regarding the permissibility of its use. Apart from these pros and cons, the religious moderation aspect is a concern that should not be ignored. This article aimed to reveal the priority values of religious moderation in...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Religious Moderationin Local Culture Through Community Leaders Perspectivein Jeneponto District
Amiruddin Amiruddin, Asnandar Abubakar, Israpil Israpil, La Mansi, Abdul Rahman Arsyad
This study attempts to describe the strengthening of religious moderation in local culture through the perspective of community leaders. The process of collecting data using qualitative methods. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. This study aims to determine the substance...
Proceedings Article
The Dissemination of Moderate Islam in Digital Campus
Angga Marzuki, Moh. Fanshuri Abdillah, Muhammadun Muhammadun, Jauhar Aziziy, Aghust Muhaimin, Agus Dian Alirahman
Innovation in learning is a necessity for the present context, in this pandemic era, on the other hand, keeping students embracing understanding moderate Islam is a necessity, because nowdays Islamic conservatism is strengthening. This study analyzes learning innovations with the application of a lecturing...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom and Disseminating Moderate Islam; A Study of Wayang Golek Purwa
Anik Farida, Zakiyah Zakiyah
Wayang Golek Purwa is one of the living cultures that have existed in West Java. This art is usually performed by a dalang accompanied by certain gamelan. Initially, in this Wayang Golek a dalang would perform a story of Mahabharata or Ramayana coming from Hinduism from India, however in the recent time...
Proceedings Article
Being Moderate in Religious Societies
Reality and Thoughts on Religious Moderation Education
Badruzzaman Badruzzaman
The thought of learning religious moderation is important because students have a low understanding and behavior about religious moderation. This paper reveals some realities and thoughts about learning religious moderation. Religious moderation is not taught as a lesson in all Religion Subjects in schools,...
Proceedings Article
The Policy of Land Reclamation Use of Coastal Dike Development in Jakarta Bay
A Social Problem-Solving
Andi Suriadi
This paper discusses the social problems of the use of land (old and new) in tidal flood disaster management that often occur in Jakarta Bay and its alternative solution policy. One of the mitigation efforts is to build a coastal dike that serves to hold off the runoff of the sea to the mainland. However,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Foreign Policy and Moderate Muslim Community Responses to the Taliban Recently Attained Regime
A Macrostructure Analysis (CDA)
Nursamsani Nursamsani
This article aims to investigate the Indonesian foreign policy and the moderate Muslim community responses to the Taliban regime which has recently toppled the Ashraf Ghani regime. In the case of Indonesian foreign policy in respect to international-recognized groups of extremism, any response to globally...
Proceedings Article
Transformation of Religious Extension during the Covid-19 Pandemic Campaigning for Religious Moderation in Society
Reslawati Reslawati, M. Taufik Hidayatulloh, Dwi Purwoko, Ahsanul Khalikin, Warnis Warnis
The purpose of this research is: (1) Describing the transformation of religious extension before and after social distancing due to the enactment of the new normal; (2) Explaining what religious extension campaigns for to the community during the Covid 19 pandemic; (3) Knowing the forms of methods and...
Proceedings Article
Satu Tungku Tiga Batu: The Model of Religious Moderation in Fak-Fak Regency, West Papua
Rusyaid Rusyaid, Hermanto Hermanto, Syarif Hidayat Nasir
Fak-Fak regency is inhabited by various tribes, such as the local tribes of Papua, Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Timor, Bali, including Indonesian-Arabic Chinese descendants, who have been occupying this area for hundreds of years. Fak-Fak residents are used to living together in diversity,...
Proceedings Article
Concepts and Practices of Religious Moderation in Kei Local Wisdom
Sabara Sabara, Sitti Arafah, M. Ali Saputra, Nensia Nensia, Syamsurijal Syamsurijal, Muh. Irfan Syuhudi, Paisal Paisal, Siti Aflahah, Muh. Dachlan
Religious moderation based on local wisdom is spread throughout Indonesian archipelago, one of which is that of the Kei ethnic group in Southeastern Maluku. This paper deliberates concepts and practices of religious moderation based on Kei local wisdom, as it is still practiced today. Due to the strong...
Proceedings Article
Genealogy of Moderate Islam at DDI Pattojo Islamic Boarding School of Soppeng
Sitti Syahar Inayah, Husnul Fahimah Ilyas, M. Hamdar Arraiyyah
This research aims at describing the genealogy and dynamics of Pondok Pesantren DDI Pattojo Soppeng (DDI Pattojo Islamic Boarding School of Soppeng) in developing moderate Islam. The Pesantren have been developing religious moderation for more than eighty years. The research explains important periods...
Proceedings Article
Political Interpretation of the Muslim Youth Migration Movement in Makassar City
Syahrir Karim, Nur Utaminingsih, Yusti Ramadani, Abd. Wahid
This study examines the migration movement of Muslim youth in the socio-political context in Makassar City. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pattern of movement and interaction with the political movement of Islamic populism especially in Indonesia. The method used is qualitative by using...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning Construction of Jihad Muslim Youth Activists in Kabupaten Poso Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Syamsuri Syamsuri
This study aims to determine The Meaning Construction of Jihad Muslim Youth Activists in Kabupaten Poso Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, in guarding peace between Muslim groups and Christian groups. The purpose of this research is to find out the understanding and experience of Muslim youth activists, who until...
Proceedings Article
The Encounter of Customs and Religion in Cultivating Religious Moderation in Bugis
Syamsurijal Syamsurijal, Andi Miftahul Maulidil Mursyid, Husnul Fahimah Ilyas, Abdul Kadir Ahmad
The encounter of Islam and culture in Bugis society has been widely studied by various groups. But how these encounters can shape the character of religious moderation in society has not been studied in depth. In fact, culturally religious ways have so far been one of the important elements that shape...
Proceedings Article
Implicature in Political Campaign for the Local Government Leader Elections of Province South Sulawesi Governor and Deputy Governor for the Period 2018 - 2023
Munira Hasjim, Tadjuddin Maknun, Ita Suryaningsih
Before the general election took place, each pair of Governors who had been appointed by the General Election Commission, actively use multiple media platforms for campaigns. For example, they put advertising campaigns on billboards, newspapers, and other political events. This doesn’t mean that they...