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194175 articles

On Theoretical Principles of Managing the Processes of Musical Communication in Society

Alexander Yakoupov
The author considers the theory of musical communication management in contemporary society and its most relevant principles. The author focuses on the theoretical principles of multi-factor differentiation of the listening audience and purposeful programming. The theories of prominent musical sociologists...
Proceedings Article

Crystal structure and band gap studies of hydrogarnet calculated results by density functional theory

Lijun Pan, Wanchao Chao, Yan Kun
Herein, we investigate the hydrogarnet sample by X-ray diffraction and calculated the related garnets included grossular, katoite and hydrogrossular by density functional theory to investigate the effect of silicon composition. The results of X-ray diffraction suggests that the chemical formula should...

Research of Material Concepts on Arts Education

Bing Liu, Fan Wang, Fu Liu, Hongtao Zhou
Materials changes interpretation of the art updates, the replacing of the idea determines the language value and significance of the material in art, in modern art education, knowledge of the material not only in the understanding of its surface texture, outer shape of emotional experience, more importantly,...
Proceedings Article

OCControl: A Novel Congestion Protocol for Oceanic Delay Tolerant Networks

Bingxin Li, Xudong Zhang
Because of oceanic surface's complex environments, such as varied weather conditions, and its easy reflection and refraction of wireless signals, Oceanic Wireless Communication Networks (OWCN) suffer low link quality and intermittent connectivity, which in turn disable the stability of end-to-end communication...
Proceedings Article

Is there a pattern for innovative firms? A case study from a Portuguese and a Polish Region

Nelson Duarte, Francisco Diniz, Matylda Bojar, Anna Arent
The article presents the results of the study and comparison of innovation of Portuguese and Polish companies. For this research, the perspective is taken from innovation based in intangible factors, trying to measure, above all, the organizational culture of companies on innovation. The results state...

Sergey Hessen's Philosophy of Education

Igor Grebeshev, Sergey Nizhnikov
The Article considers the project of Sergey Hessen's Philosophy of education, addressed in the context of the thinker's general philosophical views, which had been influenced by the European neo-Kantianism tradition. However, Hessen argued (in line with the Russian personalist metaphysics) that "identity...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Primary and Secondary Schools Information Literacy ResearchSituation in China

Jiasha Zhang, Jing Liu, Min Hou, Jun Han
Today, information literacy has become one of the essential qualities of every citizen. However, the college entrance examination system in China determines the information technology curriculum in primary and secondary schools in the lower position, which makes the information literacy training of students...
Proceedings Article

Data Management and Three-dimensional Visualization of Global Velocity Model Crust 2.0

Xuefeng Zheng, Yuwei Sun, Xiong Xu
This paper described the method for managing and visualizing three-dimensional earth velocity model Crust 2.0 based on knowledgebase. Firstly, we managed the velocity structure data with Geodatabase. And then, we presented a method to model and visualize the three-dimensional velocity structure with...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implement of a Persian-Chinese Online Dictionary Based on WAMP

Wei Li, Liming Zhang
According to the actual demand, there are more and more Persian learners in China. However, there doesn't exist a Persian-Chinese online dictionary of comprehensive and rich explanations so far. This paper designs and implements an online dictionary based on WAMP, which can look up words, phrases and...
Proceedings Article

Application of MM40 Invert in Direct Torque Control of PHEV

Zhixue Tong, Baozhen Zhang
In order to meet the problem of motor torque control for plug in hybrid electric vehicle, direct torque control system is designed with Profibus-DP bus and Ethernet communication by using Siemens S7-300 series PLC and MM 440. Structure and control scheme of the system is described. Hardware design of...

Tactics for Improvement of Combination between IE Education and Engineering Practice by Exploring Historical Employment Statistics

Yabo Luo, Xia Li
Industrial Engineering (IE) is a comprehensive and practical emerging major. Due to unclear definition of professional field, there is a certain disparity between IE education in high school and engineering practice. To find the approach to bridge the gap, this paper analyzed IE comparative education...
Proceedings Article

Research on Embedded Electrical Impedance Measurement System

Xiaoyan Chen, Liang Sun, Meng Du
Based on S3C2440 processor and Linux3.6.6 kernel, wedeveloped an embedded impedance measurement system. This embedded system employ AD5933 as the impedance sensor, and data communication between AD5933 and S3C2440 processor is implemented with IIC communication protocol. In addition, the measurement...

Discussion About Teaching On Interior Space Design

Jiangyong Li
Interior design is the essence of the interior space design, including physical space design and psychological space design two levels. Interior design style is an important issue for interior designers and owners. Through analysis and Research on the relationships between design and interior design...
Proceedings Article

A case for the development of data standards for reporting projections of growth in the Internet's energy consumption

Etienne-Victor Depasquale, Chris Preist
A growing body of literature (the "energy litera-ture"), from academic as well as industrial sources, is contrib-uting to knowledge about the growth of the Internet's energy consumption. Despite a general consensus on trends, there exist significant differences in the values published as well as in the...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Running Behavior of Pedestrian at Urban Signalized Intersection

Zhiyin Li, Ziyang Wang, Boran Wan, Mingtao Wu, Haiyue Zhao
Pedestrian is the main traffic participants in the signalized intersection. And its running behavior, on the one hand, will increase hidden danger because of reducing driver's reaction time; on the other hand, it will decrease the time of exposure to the road and reduce the security risk. The study found...

Research on Evaluation and Selection of the Third Party Logistics Supplier

Jinhua Li, Min Liu, Xiaojie Chai
Through analyzing the characteristics of fresh agricultural products, this paper sets up the third party logistics provider selection index system, and constructs the selection model based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. At the end, the paper introduces the example analysis, to demonstrate the effectiveness...

The Historical Evolution, Main Experience and Enlightenments of the Relationship between Government and Social Organizations since the Foundation of China

Li-Yuan Cao, Qing Li
In China, the relationship between government and social organizations has been promoting the emergence and development of social organizations directly, and studying the historical evolution of the relationship between them has much significance for the future development of social organizations. Since...
Proceedings Article

On energy-saving control during the power plant production process and its application

Song Zhao
Faced with the threat of environmental pollution and energy consumption, China has put forward the sustainable development policy, and encouraged all sectors and industries to realize energy-saving production. As important energy supply units, power plants should also actively explore an energy-saving...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Disposal of Space Debris

Huaihui Liu, Zhijie Sun, Tong Nie, Furong Wang, Hongpeng Pan
Since human launched the first man-made earth satellite, we have made more and more great achievements in this field. Accompanied with the rapid development, however, there are left multitudes of debris in the space. And the growth of space debris has a strong impact on the normal human space activities....
Proceedings Article

The Establishment of Blouse'S Parameter Constraint Database Based on Pattern Automatic Generation

Lina Cui
This study takes fast pattern generating as the goal and takes blouse pattern as the research ob-ject, then raises up the parametric design method based on numerical geometric constraint, and take constraint solving for each part of the blouse pattern, furthermore, this paper uses numerical method of...

A Clinical Research on the 60 Cases of Intrauterine Asphyxia Rescue and Nursing

Yanhua Guan, Daoxin Jin
To explore the effective methods and clinical effect of neonatal asphyxia rescue. Method: To select 60 cases of newborn asphyxia diagnosed and treated in our hospital from January 2014 to 2016 May. After admission, all the children were performed 1 min Apgar score, and immediately taking some measures,...
Proceedings Article

Resource Approach to the Estimation of International Cooperation in Integrated Development of Calciphyre Deposits

Olga Kamkicheva, Anna Voznaya, Tatyana Mikhailova, Galya Gribanova
Deposits of precious corundum are very rare, since the transparent crystals can be formed only under favorable growth conditions. The most important core sources of precious corundum are marble with ruby mineralization and sapphire-containing basalts. The scholars of T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical...
Proceedings Article

Noise Characteristics Test of Hy-Vo Silent Chain for Hybrid Vehicles

Yabing Cheng, Xiaopeng Wang, Honggang Qi, Lei Li, Zhenming Fu, Nen Wan
Based on the structure of hybrid vehicle and meshing theory of silent chain, the Hy-Vo silent chain drive system for hybrid vehicles is built. Through performing the noise characteristics test of Hy-Vo silent chain drive system, the noise value and noise characteristics under different rotational speeds...

Elementary Study on the Relationship between Employees' Career Competencies and Turnover Intention

Xixi Wu
Employee turnover management is an important aspect of organizing human resources management, and turnover intention is the most direct antecedents of employee turnover behavior. Based on previous literature, this paper put forward that career competencies will also influence workers' turnover intention...

Law of Negligence: Duty of Care, Standard of Care, and the Notion of Personal Responsibility

Qiang He, Jia-Ling Feng, Wan-Yun Huang
This essay's main body divides into two parts. After a brief background of the historical development of the law of negligence, the first part is to demonstrate the principles of Duty of Care and the Standard of Care, including duty of care for negligent acts and the guidelines of breaching the standard...
Proceedings Article

The Research on The Synchronous Control System of Load-sensing Hydraulic Bending Machine

Xi Yang, Yuwan Cen, Xiaohua Ye, Jianzhong Huang
As the energy consumption and the synchronous control precision of the large metal plate bending machine is undemanding currently, it employs load sensing and pressure compensation technique and constructs the AMESim model of synchronous control system in load sensing hydraulic bending machine, adopting...

Analysis on Technical Efficiency of Regional Listed Agricultural Companies of Economic Nature in China Based on DEA-Tobit Two-Step Method

Youyang You
In this paper, the efficiency of regional listed agricultural companies of economic nature in China is analyzed based on financial data of 39 regional agricultural companies of economic nature listed at Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets (A-share) in 2015 in combination with both constant returns to...
Proceedings Article

Calculation and Analysis of The Safety of Pressure Vessel Wall Climbing Robot

Jixin Liu, Fengju Hu, Haiyan Wang, Jitao Chen
In order to solve the problem of safety detection of pressure vessel wall, a wall climbing robot based on permanent magnetic adsorption is proposed in this paper. For climbing wall robot adsorption mechanism, from analysis of the adsorption of active permanent magnet wheel, and the statics analysis of...
Proceedings Article

Target Detection Algorithm Based on Region Segmentation in Moving Background

Shanqiu Zhang, Jianhua Yang, Wei Lu
A new method of target detection based on region segmentation was proposed for the problem of reciprocating pumps and other disturbances for segmenting moving foreground. In this method, the background region is segmented by means of mean and variance, and divided into static background area and dynamic...

Intelligent Predictive Maintenance (IPdM) for Elevator Service- Through CPS, IOT&S and Data Mining

Kesheng Wang, Guohong Dai, Lanzhong Guo
With the rapid economic growth and urbanization development, most of elevator production and service companies have completely changed their service policy opting to eliminate the standard preventive service policy. They now provide some form of predictive service policy and emphasize that they utilize...
Proceedings Article

Research and Implementation of the UDS Diagnostic System

Lingfeng Xie, Feng Luo
As an automotive diagnostic technology, the UDS (unified diagnostic services) protocol has been more and more widely applied. In this paper, a diagnosis system based on UDS is developed and tested. According to the UDS protocol, the software is designed and groups of diagnostic services are implemented....
Proceedings Article

IPv6 Enabled Smart Home Using Arduino

Mahesh Patil, Sumathy Subramaniam, Rajendra Hegadi
Internet of Things (IoT) is a widely emerging technology making our lives smarter with smart applications. One of its applications is smart home where any device or object at home can be made smart and can be controlled via internet or in a local network. All recent projects in smart home are using IPv4...
Proceedings Article

Numerical study on deflagration and combustion effect of aircraft impact

Junwei Zhang, Wenxiang Cai, Ling Yu
In the survey stage of nuclear power plant site, it is necessary to consider the impact on nuclear power station brought by the aircraft. The most serious consequence is the fuel leak. The fuel combustion process is divided into two stages of deflagration and pool fire. This paper is mainly focus on...
Proceedings Article

Collection of Basic Data on Thorax and Abdomen of Chinese 50th-Percentile Adult Males

Yan Yin, Chunsheng Ma, Yongqin Feng, Xiaorui Zhang, Lingyun Zeng
Nowadays, body data model, as a powerful means for occupant crash protection against impact loads, has been widely used to measure and predict the injury degree of those occupants exposed to the crash or explosion of transportation tools such as cars, airplanes, spacecrafts and ships. The numerical model...

Discussion on college students' ideological and political education in the we-media era

Hailong Shao, Dongju Du
We-media is an important symbol of the advent of the individual media era. Especially with the development of network techniques, new media represented by WeChat and microblog have diversified communication platforms for we-media. College ideological and political educators no long have information advantages,...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Different Soil Water Potential at Tillering Stage on Rice Yield and Physiological Traits in Saline-alkali Soil

Feng Jin, Yanqiu Geng, Shuang Hua, Xiaoxuan Huang, Yueyue Liu, Xiwen Shao
To explore the effects of different soil water potential of tillering stage on rice yield and physiological traits in saline-alkali soil, using four treatment levels of soil water potential of 0 kPa (H1: soil moisture), soil water potential of -15 kPa (H2), soil water potential of -30kPa (H3), and CK...
Proceedings Article

Statistical Significance of Typhoon Risk and Calculation of the Risk per Year

Chongfu Huang
The risks in terms of statistical significance refer to ones that could be analyzed by using random samples. The typhoon risk in statistics is the average loss caused by typhoons. The risk per year calculated with a stochastic process has more clear physical meaning. Monte Carlo method can not improve...
Proceedings Article

Establishment and Practice of Training Program for Undergraduate Talents of Agricultural Industry

Lijia Xu, Zhiliang Kang
Aiming at training inter-disciplinary agricultural engineering talents with sound theoretical basis and strong practical capacity and focusing on fostering students' consciousness of innovation, engineering capacity and pioneering capacity, we integrated reform of talent training program with requirements...

Analysis on External Circumstances for the Development of Chinese Real Estate Finance

Yiran Tao
Real estate finance as a branch of finance accompanied with the real estate industry, strategy is a global response to adapt to the change of external environment. The Research and development of Chinese real estate finance strategies is inseparable from the objective analysis of the domestic and international...
Proceedings Article

Coal Mining under Water-containing condition and it's Research Status and Trend

Xue-Yang Sun, Qian-Wen Liang, Heng-Xin Fu, Zi-Qiang Liu
The one core content of Green mining technology is how to achieve coal mining under water-containing, which means implementing efficient exploitation of coal resources and protecting the valuable water resources in coal mining, and is the trends and requirements of the development in the coal mining...
Proceedings Article

Multi Agent Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on Double Layer Behavior Driven

Yan Cheng, Zhiming Yang, Weisheng Xu, Xiaoling Ao
In recent years, with the development of the Internet and network learning community rapid development, information technology is changing people's ways of e-learning with amazing speed. At the same time, learning trek, knowledge overload problems gradually emerged. Personalized learning recommendation...
Proceedings Article

Functional Cellulose by Microwave Initiated Grafting Polymerization in Homogeneous Media

Gang Chang, Tiaokun Fu, Xiaoyi Wei, Jihua Li, Fei Wang, Haiyan Feng
The cellulose grafted copolymer was synthesized by homogeneous media grafting 2-(Dimethylamino) ethylmethacrylate (DMAEMA) onto the sugarcane bagasse under microwave irradiation. A homogeneous solution formed with cellulose dissolved in 1-butyl-3-methylinidazolium chloride ionic liquid which the grafting...
Proceedings Article

Dynamic Assessment in ESL Writing Classroom

Tianshun Miao, Lyu Mian
Based on the Socio-cultural Theory and its key notion of Zone of Proximal Development, this study constructs a Dynamic Assessment writing Framework, which integrates three stages of writing process into the pre-writing – mediation – post-writing dynamic assessment model. The thesis conducts a detailed...
Proceedings Article

The Integration of Critical Thinking Skills into College Students’ Spoken English Classes

Bei Zhang
Solving problems and making worthwhile decisions is valued in our rapidly changing environment today. Nowadays we see students as too often being passive receptors of information and knowledge. Surely students need a guide to weed through the information and not just passively accept it. Students need...
Proceedings Article

A Fault Propagation Model of Embedded Systems Based on Fault Association

Qing Hua Gao, Chang zhen Hu, Kun sheng Wang, Huai Zhi Yan
According to the characteristics of the hardware associated with software in embedded systems, this paper defined a new Fuzzy Petri Nets, and presented a model of embedded systems based on the Fuzzy Petri Nets according to the new definition. Finally, an example showed the specific modeling method and...
Proceedings Article

Construction and Research of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Practice Platform for Students of Industrial Design

Qiulei Du, Liai Pan
In the paper, the construction and measures of innovative and entrepreneurial practice platform for the major of industrial design have been studied, and it have been introduced comprehensively and detailedly how to how to develop their innovative and entrepreneurial abilities. According to the teaching...
Proceedings Article

The Enlightenment of German FH Education to the Cultivation of Applied Talents for Our Country's Local Colleges and Universities

Xiang-feng Guan, Jin-ling Liu
German universities of applied science and technology (FH is the abbreviated form to Fachhochschule) are the new kind of institutions of higher learning to cultivate advanced applied talents in Germany. This essay first introduces the teaching concept, the training goal, the curriculum system, talents...
Proceedings Article

Research on FMCW Radar Signals Processing

Bin Li, Xiaodan Yu
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar or FMCW radar has obvious advantages on its low emitting power, strong resistance to inference signals, compact in size and high precision, therefore it is becoming widely used for distance and velocity measurement. The resolution of the FMCW radar is largely...
Proceedings Article

On a Graded Inclusion of Bipolar Fuzzy Relations

Ludovic Liétard, Olivier Pivert, Daniel Rocacher
This paper deals with database fuzzy queries in the context where the fuzzy preference conditions involved are of a bipolar nature (the first pole corresponding to a constraint, the second to a wish). More precisely, we consider queries where an inclusion-based condition comes into play (a typical example...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Innovation: Localization and Internationalization of China’s Higher Education

Dengchao Zhou
The chief aim of the paper is to study the major function of higher education in cultural innovation through an analysis of how China’s higher education nationalizes and internationalizes and draws challenges for cultural innovation. The starting points are an original contribution to the understanding...