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188542 articles

Analysis on the Professional Title Reform of Chinese Local Universities in New Era

Liwen Zeng, Hua Yin
China's social development has entered a new era. The main idea of "Some opinions on deepening to streamline government functions and administration, delegate powers while improving regulation for higher education " is consistent with the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress in China. Guided by...

Practical Teaching, Social Resources Embeddedness, and Undergraduate Employment

Lei Zhou, Li Ma, Rui Wang
This paper analyzes the social resources embedded in practical teaching and its impact on undergraduate employment, in order to provide guidance for solving the problem of "employment difficulties" caused by the disconnection between classroom teaching and enterprise needs. Firstly, social resources...

Symbolism in Katherine Anne Porter’s Novelettes

Ru Wang
Katherine Anne Porter is a famous American novelist in the 20th century. With superb writing skills and a unique literary style, she has become a recognized literary stylist in American literary circles. Porter is not a prolific writer, but her works are excellent, which gain the attention and praise...

Teaching Reform and Practice of Ornamental Botany Course in Tourism Management (Ecotourism)

Wenhe Wang, Xiangfeng He, Ruili Zhang, Yazhou Zhao, Xuelian Guan
This paper analyzed the complex content and poor effectiveness in practical teaching of “Ornamental Botany” which is widely opened in China's Tourism Management specialty. The paper proposed to streamline curriculum content according to the orientation of ecotourism. Deliver introduction with vivid cases...

Research on the Design Specialties Practice Course Teaching Mode Based on “Four Stratums and Four Modules” in the Context of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education”

Yan Zhao, Jing Su
Now it is the consensus of universities and colleges nationwide to launch teaching reform through positive innovation and entrepreneurship education. Cultivating the consciousness of innovation, entrepreneurship and practical abilities of the college students and encouraging them to start their own business...

Optimization and Design of Regional Innovation Resources Allocation Strategy in China -- Based on the Measurement of Innovative Polarization Contribution

Rui Huang, Su Zhang, Wen Guo
This paper uses the factor analysis method to measure the degree of polarization of innovation resources in China. The results show that between 1997 and 2016, the degree of polarization of innovation resources in China has generally shown an upward trend, that is, the flow of regional innovation resources...

Analysis and Solution of the Problems in Professional Postgraduate Practice Bases

Zheng Zheng, Yongshuai Wang, Jianxing Jin, Kaili Guo, Jun Zhu
According to the state's aim of accelerating the training of high-quality and applied professional degree postgraduates, Henan Polytechnic University and Xu Ji Electric jointly built the Henan Province Graduate Education Innovation Base, the base played an important role in the implementation of the...

A Tale of Two Cities: Woman and City in “The Age of Innocence” and “The Song of Everlasting Sorrow”

Shiyu Zhou
Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and Wang Anyi’s The Song of Everlasting Sorrow are regarded as masterpieces in their respective countries and arouse many critics’ interest. This essay explores how the two heroines, Wang Qiyao and Ellen, are closely connected with the cities they live in. Although...

The Influence of Two-way Conflicts of Medical Staff work-families on Burnout

Pinyi Sun, Ping Wang
The long working hours and high-intensity work pressure of medical staff cause conflicts between their family and work roles, a high level of burnout, and various psychological and physical problems, which are urgently needed to be resolved. Therefore, with the medical staff as the research object, the...

On Optimization and Innovation of Rural Circulation System in Western China under the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategy

Rong Pu
The poor development of the circulation industry in rural areas of western China is a major issue restricting the economic development of the region. This paper analyzed the development of circulation industry in western China and the mechanism of circulation industry and targeted poverty alleviation....

An Empirical Study of College English Autonomous Learning Ability Based on Flipping Classroom Mode

Weiqiang Qiu
Cultivating students' autonomous learning ability is one of the important goals of college English education. Based on the theory of constructivism and relying on the network platform, this study constructed a flipping classroom teaching model. By means of comparative teaching, questionnaires, interviews...

Understanding Continuous Use Intention of MOOCs -A Perspective from Subjective Task Value

Genfu Yang
Although MOOCs have developed rapidly in recent years, little is known about learner engagement. This paper integrates ECM and subjective task value to analyze the influencing factors of MOOCs users' intention to continue to use. A total of 294 learners participated in the survey. The research shows...

A Comparative Study of Polarization Effects of Regional Innovation in China -- Calculation Based on TW Index

Su Zhang, Wen Guo, Rui Huang
Innovative resources are concentrated from the surrounding backward areas to the economic center, thus forming an innovative polarization effect. As the growth poles appear to the surrounding areas, the polarization effect transitions to the diffusion effect. This paper uses the factor analysis method...

Analysis and Practice of the Cultivation Methods of Students' Innovative Ability Based on Industry- University-Research Cooperation

Shuqin Li, Kun Meng, Meng Ding
The most popular technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data are inseparable from the support of computers. Those who are proficient in the working principle of computer systems and innovative in using computer technology to solve real problems in production and life have become the shortages...

Exploration on the Reform of Basic Course Teaching Based on Discipline Competition

Yuci Wang
The combination of subject competition and basic course teaching can achieve the purpose of “promoting learning by competition and promoting competition by learning”. In order to promote the reform of basic courses by subject competition, it is necessary to integrate the discipline competition into the...

Research on Regional Cultural Characteristics in the Design of Electric Vehicle Charging Pile

Chunli Liu
Regional culture is an important feature of urban public facilities. It provides the political, economic, and cultural backgrounds of public facilities. The climate characteristics and cultural customs of different regions are not the same, and the demand for urban public facilities is different. If...

Prospect Analysis of Hand-drawn Animation under Digital Technology

Shuzeng Li, Bing Liu, Xuefang He
Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary integration can not only provide the viewers only give viewers a better way of behavioral experience but also bring new vitality into the industry. With the promotion of digital technology, 3D animation has developed rapidly and become the mainstream of the animation...

On Lin Yutang's Ideas Inspired by William Shakespeare -- Taking The Importance of Living as an Example

Lan He
Careful research shows that Lin Yutang’s concept of four life periods is inspired from works of Shakespeare, and his creation of the fool can be a modified version of that of Shakespeare. It is clear that Shakespeare has an enormous influence on him, and humanism serves as the foundation for Lin Yutang...

The Influence of Organizational Boundary Flexibility on Enterprise Innovation Performance

Jiahui Wang, Huimei Jiang, Tong Ye
From the perspective of management, this paper studies the linkage mechanism between organizational boundary flexibility and innovation performance, and establishes the correlation model with innovation capability as the intermediary variable. We performed exploratory factor analysis on the data, established...

Discussion on Talent Training Mechanism of “New Engineering” in Local Colleges and Universities

Xuehua Jiang, Peijiang Chen, Xingqiang Zhang
The technological revolution has promoted industrial transformation, in order to meet the needs of the development of new economy, new technology and new industry, the state has implemented the major strategies of innovation driven development and "China Manufacturing 2025". China's higher education...

Task-based Teaching Approach and English Writing Teaching

Zhipeng Liu
English Writing is difficult not only for students to learn, but also for teachers to accomplish the teaching task. The English proficiency of Chinese college students is generally not high. In order to improve students' English writing level, teachers should actively change the teaching concept, give...

On the Development of Business English Majors in Colleges and Universities Promoting Regional Development under National Standard

Xiuzhen Xie, Fengjiang Gao, Hongwu Huang
Under the background of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship education, education diversity emerges in domestic colleges and universities. However, the construction of disciplines is the core of the development of higher education. This paper took the...

Enlightenment of Miao Cultural Art to Modern Design

Qing Wu, Hong Peng, Xianfeng Ai
The Miao ethnic people gave birth to the unique cultural art. Their aesthetic taste is also different from others. Under the situation of globalization, people try to discuss the cultural characteristics of Miao ethnic design art in order to establish cultural self-confidence. Furthermore, it is necessary...

Application of Incentive Theory in Personnel Management in Colleges and Universities

Xiaojun Dai
In the process of personnel management in colleges and universities, scientific use of incentive methods is an effective means to arouse teachers' enthusiasm and bring their creativity into full play. The importance of incentive theory in personnel management is self-evident. Psychologists in the 20th...

Deep Ecological Perspective on the Development of China's City Marathon Events

Fan Zhang
In combination with the basic theory of deep ecology, the development of city marathon events in China is studied in this paper by literature and other research methods. The existing problems in development are as follows: interests-centered and events-centered, lack of ecological concept; focusing on...

Research on the Interactive Promotion Mechanism of Urban Parks and Leisure Sports

Fan Zhang
In this paper, methods of documentation, field investigation, etc. are utilized to study the interactive relationship between urban parks and regional leisure sports development in combination with the theory of urban leisure function. In order to better promote the interaction between fitness activities...

Exploration of Talent Training Mode by Combining Disciplinary Competition and Innovative Training

Lei Yang, Xin Song, Nan Wu, Li Wang
This paper takes the scientific competition as the breakthrough point and the innovation training as the inheritance, in order to realize the echelon development of students' abilities, to establish a benign interactive development mode of “practice reform—disciplinary competition-innovation training”,...

The Effectiveness of Barrage Use in Audio-visual Class of College English

Yonggang Zhao
Barrage can be applied to teaching audio-visual courses because of its own features and its close connectivity with network teaching. This study provides an empirical study on the effectiveness of the audio-visual curriculum in college English. The research focuses on exploring whether the use of Barrage...

Research of Library Information Security Based on Cloud Computing Platform

Fangjing Yang, Yinhong Liu, Xinyan Chen, Ronghui Zhang
Information security based on cloud computing platform is becoming one of the main concerns and challenges for library in big data era. This paper analyzes the current situation and security problems under the cloud computing platform, and then proposes to use encryption algorithm to ensure data security,...

On the Operation Mechanism of Finance Companies under Synergistic Controlling

Wenhao Tan, Zhenpeng Ma
As a new business operated by enterprise group, finance company is faced with the problem that how to effectively connect with the group headquarters in practice. In this paper, based on the dual perspective of interests coordination and internal control, by using the methods of comparative analysis...

Research on the Coupling Mechanism between Urban Economic Heat Island and Urban Service Industry

Jun Xu, Xingcheng Ge
In recent years, the rapid progress of urban service industry in our country makes it play a more and more important role in the economic development and modernization of our country. It is an important symbol to measure the socialization of production and the development level of market economy in a...

Dramatic Characterization in Chinese Yuan Drama

Suhua Wang
The Chinese Yuan drama is featured by the dramatic and humanoid figures created. The characters in Yuan drama are full of characteristics and vitality and burnish the value of Yuan drama. The dramatic characterization in Yuan drama is achieved within a role system featured by Danben and Moben script...

Annual Report Readability and Earnings Management: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

Jinfeng Cheng, Jixin Zhao, Chang Xu, Haocheng Gong
This paper attempts to find the connection between earnings management and the readability of annual reports. We use STATA15.0 to search data of China's stock market annual report from 2012 to 2016. This study is based on 1163 listed companies in China stock market, and use Software developed by s Taiwan...

The Role of Recitation in the Process of English Learning for College Art Students

Zhipeng Liu
Recitation--the traditional teaching method should be taken seriously again in English teaching. This is a survey report on the role of recitation in college art students' English learning. The research questions are: (1) Do you think recitation is useful for improving English? (2) Which recitation materials...

Social Lopsided Exchange: On High Bride Price in Rural Areas -- Taking Village X, Town Q in Heze County as an Example

Xiaojie Gong, Xin Qiao, Jia Cong
The betrothal gift is a peculiar social phenomenon. The high bride price reveals the some culture. The article analyzed the betrothal gift from the theoretical perspective of social exchange. It is essentially a medium of marriage exchange. With the development of modernization, the price of it in rural...

Research of Teaching Behaviors in Smart Classroom Supported by Interactive Media

Jiahua Zhu, Hezhen Ba, Hongli Yang, Xiuhong Zhang, Hong Cui
The smart classroom with the support of interactive media can effectively integrate resources, reshape the ecological environment of teaching and optimize classroom teaching and learning. New changes occur to the learning features and learning organization of the interactive media-supported smart classroom...

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting

Zehong Li, Li Zheng
With the rapid development of economy, science and technology, the era of artificial intelligence has come, which has exerted a great influence on all aspects of life. Whether the situation of accountants facing elimination is widely concerned. This article will be focusing on how to use artificial intelligence...

Analysis of China's Supply-side Structural Reform

Yexia Sun, Liang Zhang
The supply-side structural reform is a major decision, which is made in the macro context of the Chinese economy entering a new normal. The question is based on five major problems, such as the imbalance of regional development and urban and rural development, the insufficient power of industrial structure...

Discussion on the Application of Financial Accounting Thinking in Equity Investment

Qingzi Cao
With the rapid development of China's economy, the number of private equity investment funds has increased greatly in recent years. Equity investment funds help to accelerate the growth of enterprises. However, due to the low entry threshold of equity investment funds, the financial accounting knowledge...

A Review on the Application of Flipped Classroom Model in College English Teaching

Haijuan Liu
The application of flipped classroom in college English teaching is an innovation in the new teaching method in line with the current education system of higher education. The flipped classroom model turns the role of teachers and student’s upside down, and turns the accepted teaching upside down. It...

Research on the Teaching Model of College English Reading Based on Flipped Classroom

Wei-qiang Qiu
Flipping classroom is the teaching practice paradigm of the integration of modern information technology and education. By analyzing the advantages of the flipping classroom teaching model and combining the characteristics of college English reading teaching, this study applies the flipped classroom...

Philosophy in Chinese and Western Traditional Garden Landscape

Shi Qian, Ping Yang
Philosophy is a theoretical and systematic world view. As the generalization and summary of people's natural knowledge, social knowledge and thinking knowledge. Philosophy, is the unity of world view and methodology. It is the concrete existence and manifestation of social consciousness and a social...

Development Direction and Focus of the New Energy Industry in Jilin Province

Chunyan Qu, Ying Shan
Jilin Province's new energy industry is a strategic emerging industry in Jilin Province and has broad prospects for development. In recent years, Jilin Province has made great efforts to adjust its energy structure and has made active explorations in the development and utilization of new energy, and...

The SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures for the Development of the New Energy Vehicle Industry in China

Chunyan Qu, Tianhe Zu
Under the pressure of environmental and energy issues, the development of new energy vehicles is a general trend. China attaches great importance to the event of new energy vehicles. After 20 years, the combination of production and learning, demonstrate and operation have made the new energy vehicles...

The Performance Evaluation of Chinese Commercial Banks under the “Equator Principle”

Peng Zheng, Jianhua Zhu, Hongji Wang
The implementation of “the equatorial principle” in commercial banks is of great significance for reducing the risk of project financing, fulfilling corporate social responsibility and realizing the sustainable development of society, economy and environment. This study examined the performance of commercial...

Risk Measurement of China's SME Board Market Based on GARCH-VaR

Mengnan Wang, Liang Dai
The GARCH model can describe the dynamic characteristics of the stock market yield better, but the conclusion of the analysis is not the same because of the different sample data selected by the research. On the basis of the research at home and abroad, this paper selects the China's SME board index...

Research on Marine Economic Growth Data Mining based on Model of Multiple Industries and Shift-Share Analysis

Yihua Zhang, Yuan Wang, Ruoli Ma, Jun Chen
This paper builds model of multiple industries to analyse contribution of Fujian marine industrial structure change to marine economic growth and apply shift-share analysis method to analyse effect of Fujian marine industrial structure change on marine economic growth. Research results show that the...

Analysis of Investment Value of Listed Companies in New Energy Lithium Battery Industry Based on Factor Model

Ruohan Sun
As a clean, efficient and pollution-free new energy source, lithium batteries have entered various industries. The article is based on the macro environment background of the new energy lithium battery, the factor analysis method is used to calculate the 3 most representative financial indicators of...

Analysis of the Influence of Three Industrial Sectors’ Investments on Yunnan's GDP

Liujie Tang, Hongming Zhang, Hongxiang Luo
To change the economic backwardness as soon as possible, Yunnan Province in China has promoted its industrial structure. The paper selected economic indicators of Yunnan's GDP and the three industrial sectors’ investments from 1978 to 2015 as the variables, and conducted the ADF test, Granger causality...

Research on O2O's Connotation of Promoting Catering Enterprises’ Value Growth

Jingjing Zhao, Lianpeng Liu
The purpose of this article is to explore the trend of O2O promoting the value growth of catering enterprises. The basic research object of the article is catering enterprises on the third party O2O platform. Based on the data of the O2O platform, the paper explores that O2O platform has changed the...