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188542 articles

Discussion on the Reform of the "North Hankou" International Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center in Wuhan, Hubei Province and Circulation Mode

Zhang Xiaojun
As a new mode of trade circulation industry in Wuhan, "North Hankou" is not only a rising growth pole of regional economic development, but also a special area for the development of Wuhan's open economy. Therefore, it is helpful for Wuhan to build an international trade city and promote Hubei province...

Comprehensive Evaluation of Social Sustainable Development in Wumeng Mountain Area Taking Liupanshui as an Example

Ning Baoquan, Shan Zhenpei
Liupanshui is an important member of the Wumeng Mountain contiguous destitute area, so studying its social sustainable development has very important practical significance. This paper firstly gives the comprehensive evaluation index system of social sustainable development of Liupanshui, and then empowers...

Research on the Innovation of Residential Property Management Under Internet Thinking

Yang Yan
After years of development, residential property management has shown some drawbacks. Under the background of “Internet plus”, there are some innovative models in property management. How to make better use of Internet thinking and improve the professionalization and modernization level of residential...

Investigation and Research on the Influence and Practical Significance of the “Equal Rights for Home Tenants and Owners” Policy A Case Study of Guangzhou City*

Huang Bingchao, Xiao Xiaozhuan, Kong Deyu, Sun Yuechun
The “school district housing” in China’s housing rental market is the main target of scarce educational resources and “education investment”. Guangzhou Municipal Government has taken the lead in promulgating policies to implement “equal rights for home tenants and owners”, and empowered eligible tenants’...

Linkage Mechanism of “Internet Plus Targeted Poverty Alleviation” Theoretical Logic and Case Evidence

Xiao Shuxing, Bai Fuchen
Since the implementation of “Internet plus” action plan, exploring how to fully integrate Internet technology with targeted poverty alleviation and guide targeted poverty alleviation to develop towards informatization, intelligence and science and technology is a practical problem that needs to be further...

Research on Influence of Supply Chain Transformation on Economic Benefits of Commercial and Trading Enterprises Experience and Evidence from Supply Chain Integration

Zhou Hong
At present, the development mode of commercial and trading enterprises has transformed from internal integration to external integration. It is an important problem to be solved by commercial and trading enterprises and even the theoretical circle as how to coordinate and cooperate with relevant upstream...

A Study on the Impact of Mainland Structural Reform on Cross-strait Economic and Trade Exchanges

Xu Yonghui
This paper inspects the effects of structural reforms of the mainland on the cross-strait economic and trade exchanges between 1995 and 2014. The research focuses on four fields: the institutional reform, the reform of the financial sector, the reform of the labor market, and the reform of the trading...

Further Comprehension of Social and Historical Background of Institutional Reform of Party and State

Lang Deming
Deepening the institutional reform of the party and state is a profound change in advancing the modernization of the state governance system and governance capacity, and is a major political task that affects the overall situation of the party and the state. Only by profoundly understanding and accurately...

Thoughts on the Strategy of Green Finance Supporting Rural Revitalization

Wang Bo
China's rural green industry is huge in scale, but its financial supply is obviously insufficient. Under the background of vigorously implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, the development of green finance is just in the right time. At the time the strategy of rural revitalization has provided...

Research on the Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

Yan Xin
The human resources management system is not perfect in today’s SMEs due to relatively backward management mode, insufficient recruitment work, lack of effective employee incentive mechanism, lack of scientific compensation system, insufficient staff training and neglect of corporate culture construction....

Research on the Status Quo of Yunnan Social Organizations Participating in Community Governance

Ruan Mingyang
The participation of social organizations in urban and rural community governance is another major measure for the Chinese government to manage the country. From the current situation of social organizations participating in community governance in Yunnan Province, this situation has not yet been formed....

Research on the Two-way Linkage Development Mechanism Between Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao Bay Area and Guangdong Free Trade Zone

Zhong Jiayi, Zhu Aihua
The development plan of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay Area is going be launched soon, and the construction of Guangdong Free Trade Zone will continue to advance. Guangdong faces the dual national strategic and policy advantages of the Bay Area and the Free Trade Zone in the “One Belt and One Road”...

The Paradox of Mixed Ownership Reform in State-owned Enterprises and Its Countermeasures

Chen Tinghao, Tan Yang
The ownership of state-owned enterprises does not refer to the ownership of “state”, but to a common ownership formed by the transfer of ownership rights in individual ownership by the whole people. The retention of the residual claim by the whole people is a prerequisite for the establishment of joint...

Problems in Industrial Structure of International Tourism in Guangdong Province and Its Optimization

Li Hui
This paper is guided by the theory of industrial structure optimization, aiming at promoting the leap of Guangdong's international tourism industry. By analyzing the status quo and problems of the industrial structure in the development of Guangdong's international tourism, combining with the product...

Investigation and Thoughts on the Competency of New Young Teachers in Private Undergraduate Colleges

Chen Dan
The new young teachers are the main force of the teachers of our national undergraduate colleges. Their competency level has an important influence on the quality of talent training in private undergraduate colleges. Through the survey of 500 new young teachers in 20 private undergraduate colleges in...

Exploring the Development Path of Supply-side Structural Reform of Sports Industry Under the New Normal

Wang Hai
2017 is a year for deepening supply-side structural reforms. It is also the initial year of China's sports industry reform. It analyzes the new normal and supply-side structural reforms, the new normal of sports industry. And it believes that promoting the supply-side structural reform is the only way...

The Path and Countermeasures of Regional Industrial Promotion and Restructuring by “Internet Plus”

Lin Changhua
In the new normal of economic development, The country implemented the "Internet plus" action plan relying on the foundation of industrial development advantages, promote the innovation of the Internet and the integration of the three major industries, it become the effective way to promote the upgrading...

Research on the Correlation Between Carbon Performance and Enterprise Performance

Du Ziping, Li Genzhu
Why do companies spend money to disclose these carbon information? From the perspective of internal economic motives, this paper attempts to select the Fortune 500 companies as samples, and use the OLS method to study the relationship between carbon performance and corporate performance from both the...

Research Progress of Domestic Reverse Logistics Management from the Perspective of Circular Economy

Li Yabing, Pan Ting
With the development and application of Internet technology, the logistics industry has entered an unprecedented period of development. In order to achieve environmental, economic and social development, circular economy has been identified as an important part of the national development strategy and...

Research on the Typical Modes of China’s Rural Land Management Right Stock Cooperative

Deng Wenli
This paper compares and analyzes the six typical modes of rural land management right stock cooperatives in China, extracts the general characteristics of rural land management right stock cooperatives, and reveals the necessary conditions for the development of rural land management right stock cooperatives.

Effect of Financial Measures on the Export Competitiveness of Mongolian Livestock Products

Naranbat Dolgion
The agricultural sector is unique in comparison to other industries. Most of the households in Mongolia are having agricultural workers, most of who are in the local traditional animal husbandry industry. Local animal husbandry is a traditional industry that is adapted to the natural features of the...

The Impact of Electronic Money on Commercial Bank Loan Business

Lu Hualan
This paper uses state space model to study the impact of electronic money on commercial bank loan business. Through the establishment of a theoretical model system, the research methods are selected, and the indicators are selected and processed. Finally, the impact of electronic money on the commercial...

Analysis on the Problems and Perfecting Strategies of the Social Security System for Disabled People in China

Sun Jia
In China's social security system, disabled people, as special social groups, are vulnerable groups. They should receive more attention from the society. Also, there should be a sound and reliable social security system to help and protect disabled people. In recent years, China's social security system...

Research on Financial Management of Research-based Universities Under the Guidance of the Education Strategy in 19th CPC National Congress Based on the Perspective of Contingency Management

Chen Jing
Under the guidance of the education strategy of 19th National Congress of CPC "Promoting Development by governance", it is bound to trigger the resonance of research-based universities and affect their financial governance behavior. Based on the education strategy of 19th CPC National Congress and the...

Economic Transformation, Monetary Policy and Enterprise R&D Investment

Zhao Yan
The impact of macroeconomic environment and its regulatory policies on micro-enterprise investment and financing behavior has become one of the research hotspots in the company's financial field. This study takes 1754 listed companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges in 2007-2017 as...

Study on the Relationship of Trademark Portfolio and Enterprise Performance in China

Xiao Yangao, Ran Huaqing, Kang Kaiyue, Yu Ao
Since 2002, the number of registered trademark applications in China has consistently ranked first in the world. However, some scholars questioned whether massively registered trademarks had significant positive influences on enterprise competitiveness. From the perspective of trademark layout of enterprise...

Study on the Satisfaction for Resident Community Services in Weicheng District of Weifang City in the Background of First Diagnosis in the Community

Li Shanshan, Zheng Hong, Xu Lirong
Objective: To understand the operation situation of community first diagnosis in Weicheng District of Weifang City, to study the influencing factors of residents' degree of satisfaction with community health service organizations, and to analyze the existing problems and propose countermeasures. Methods:...

Thoughts on How to Do a Good Job in Information Service of Postgraduate Entrance Examination from the Perspective of Medical Students

Pan Bian, Wang Yuchen, Zhang Liangli
Because of the changes in professionalism and national policies, the postgraduate entrance examination for medical students has become an essential choice. Under the high rate of students taking part in the examination, due to the lack of information, a large number of medical students have to take the...

Risk Analysis of China's Internet Finance and Strategies

Xie Libin
In recent years, China's Internet finance has been developing rapidly. Compared with the traditional financial industry, Internet finance enjoys advantages of low cost, high efficiency, wide coverage and rapid development. At the same time, China's Internet finance has a large risk hidden danger. Starting...

[WITHDRAWN] Extraction and Characterization of Crop Oil from Seed Kernel of Feun Kase (Thevetia peruviana)

Suwari Suwari, Herry Z. Kotta, Yohanes Buang
Seed kernel of Thevetia peruviana is non-edible material but a potential resource to produce lights of the lamp in local society of west Timor people. This implies that the seed makes it a probable feedstock for biodiesel production. In this report, the optimum condition for extraction of the crop oil...

[WITHDRAWN] The Information Framing Effect on Attitude towards Organizational Change

Tulus Winarsunu
This study aims to examine the effect of different information framing strategy on attitudes toward the organization change programs. The sample of this study was 358 middle managers. Furthermore, the instrument applied in this study was change attitude scale developed by Oreg. The information framing...

The Gender Sensitivity of Political Parties in Indonesia and Asean Women Politicians Network in Realizing Community Development Programs

Vina Darvina Salviana Soedarwo
Women are assumed to have more sensitivity on gender issues than men. It means that women are assumed to have more sensitivity to fight genders for their interests. However, the limited participation of women in politics is becoming a crucial issue since the political parties have not given serious attention...

The Folklore of “Wali9” (Islam Spreaders) in East Java as Cultural Identity of Multicultural Community

Arif Budi Wurianto
Wali is a word that refers to the person who spreads Islam in the land of Java around the 13th and 14th centuries. The number of wali in the land of Java is nine, so they are well-known as WaliSanga or Wali Sembilan. The word waliis an abbreviation of Waliullah(the trusted one or the saint) chosen by...

The Impact of Low Health Literacy to Social Relationship of the People Living With HIV/AIDS

Rinikso Kartono, Mr Latipun, Abdulkadir Raharjanto
The development of HIV/AIDS is not only caused by virus, but also by the low health literacy. The low health literacy can also lead to various social problems including impeding the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) social relationship. This study aims to describe 1) The cause of low health literacy...

From Idealism-Rationalism to Pragmatism-Materialism: Shift in Understanding Religion to Islamic Society in East Java, Indonesia

Mr Ishomuddin
This research is conducted related to the tendency of society in understanding Islam in globalization era. With the many challenges faced in life, there is a change in understanding Islam from idealism-rationalism toward pragmatism-materialism. From the social phenomenon mentioned above, this research...

The Role of Headmaster in Revitalization of Vocational Education

Mr Akhyak, Mr Sokip, Mr Soim, Mr Riduwan, Yunis Hidayati
The headmater has a very important role and responsibility for education innovation in school both micro and macro scale. Vocational education in Indonesia as part of the national education system has a very strategic role for the realization of skilled labor. So the success of vocational education at...

Influence of Motivation, Communication and Work Culture on the Performance of Agricultural Extension in Parepare

Muhammad Siri Dangnga, Andi Nuddin, Irninthya Nanda Pratami Irwan, Mr Buhaerah
Agricultural counselling as an education for farmers should be used for the foundation of the work philosophy to increase the potential and ability of the farmers without depending on others. The results of this activity are farmers can be independent and be able to develop their agriculture business....

Responses and Efforts to Incorporate Essential Concepts of Food Safety into the Curriculum of Senior High School in East Java Indonesia

Ainur Rofieq
Teachers in Senior High Schools (Public Senior High School/Public Islamic-based Senior High School) in East Java only comprehend 42.5% out of thorough concepts of national food safety pursuant to Government Decree No. 28 Year 2004. Out of seven aspects of food safety, five of which are hard to comprehend,...

The Roles of Earthworms in Agroecosystem

Agus Mulyadi Purnawanto
Earthworms are invertebrates that have an important role in agro-ecosystems. Their burrow is the place where plant roots grow and develop and as well as the place where the water is stored. Earthworms are able to transform organic matters into inorganic matters that can be utilized by plants. Moreover,...

Trading Influence as the Phenomenon of the Corruption in Indonesia (Study of application of UNCAC principles of trading influence in corruption act law in Indonesia)

Mokhammad Najih, Fifik Wiryani, Kenny Desinta Saraswanti
This study intends to describe the model of engaging in the influence of corruption in Indonesia. Although it has not been regulated in anti-corruption laws, some cases of trafficking have been prosecuted by applying the provisions of a bribery offense. Reviewing the application of the principles of...

Tolerance in Dealing with Different Mazhab (Schools of Islamic Thought) in Makassar City

Muammar Muhammad Bakry
This paper discusses the development of tolerant character in dealing with the differences ofmazhabfiqh(school of thought within Islamic jurisprudence) through the development of four aspects, namely spiritual and emotional, intellectual, physical and kinesthetic, as well as affective and creativity....

Regulations of Recognition and Protection on Ulayat Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia

Fifik Wiryani, Mokhammad Najih
The Ulayat Right of Indigenous People is a constitutional right and is an Indigenous People's Human Rights. The current problem is that there is an inconsistency of constitutional rights regarding Ulayat rights implementation. The inconsistency is in the form of recognition of the Ultimate MHA's Ultimate...

Determining of Parking Lot Area Policy Using System Dynamic Simulation Approach

Intan Berlianty, Yuli Dwi Astanti, Irwan Soejanto, Eka Febriani S.
Parking lot is one of the important public facilities for all people because of its function to accommodate the stopping vehicles. However, because of its limited parking area, a lot of vehicle users park their vehicles at side of the road. It resulted in street problems because the road become narrower...

Some Notes on the Contemporary Views of Validity in Psychological and Educational Assessment

Estu Widodo
This paper aims at providing an analysis of views of validity as an important concept in psychological and educational assessment which has undergone transformation for several decades. The revolutionary change took place along with the release of the 1999 Standards followed by the 2014 Standards in...

Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions

Muntholib, Jian Mayangsari, Yunilia N. Pratiwi, Muchson, Ridwan Joharmawan, Yahmin, Sri Rahayu
Alternative conception is students' conception of scientific concepts that are inconsistent with the conception of scientists. Various studies show that alternative conceptions of chemical concepts occur in students, including acid-base concepts. Various identification of alternative conception methods...

The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy

Parlan, Suhadi Ibnu, Sri Rahayu, Suharti
Learning content of chemistry includes factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge. To well master the learning content, students’ metacognition is required. Students’ metacognition can be formed and developed through learning. Metacognitive learning strategy is one of the strategies...

[WITHDRAWN] On the Development of College English Teachers in Local Ethnic Universities

Ronglin Shan
The national medium and long-term education reform and development planning outlines the need to build a high-quality teaching team. The teachers are the base of education plan. Only if there are good teachers, can there be a good education. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility...

On the Development of College English Teachers in Local Minzu Colleges

Ronglin Shan
The national medium and long-term education reform and development planning outlines the need to build a high-quality teaching team. The teachers are the base of education plan. Only if there are good teachers, can there be a good education. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility...

Practice Report on Curwen Gesture Teaching -- Taking Do Re Mi as an Example

Lihan Fan
Curwen Gesture is an important component of Kodaly music teaching system. Through learning this group of gestures, it can help music beginners understand the sol-fa syllables and intonation concepts of the degrees in the scale; find out the high-low pitch connection between the degrees in the sol-fa...

Memetics and Pragmatic Cognition

Ran Li
This paper first introduces the definition of meme, and then analyzes its features and factors which play a significant part in its replication, spread, selection and elimination. After that the author studies and speculates the cognition process of language meaning and proposes the hypothesis of “pragmatic...