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189328 articles

History of Medicine As an Academic Discipline: Current Problems and Approaches to Teaching

Yana G. Grigoryan
This article focuses on the place and significance of the history of medicine in the system of higher medical education and the formation of the professional competence of doctors. The author identifies current approaches to the teaching of the history of medicine that aid the fullest development of...

Factors That Influence Tax Compliance of Taxpayer Trading Business Agency in Banjarmasin

Sri Ernawati, Jumirin Asyikin, Wahyu Sapto Rini
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of tax awareness, understanding tax regulations and understanding of accounting for taxpayer tax compliance of trading business entities in Banjarmasin. The analysis was conducted on the answers of 57 respondents to the research instrument submitted to...

The Role Of Migrant Workers' Village (Kampung Buruh Migran/KBM) in Establishing a Free School For Migrant Children

Mr. Fajar
The aim of this article is explaining about the role of Migrant Workers Village (locally known as Kampung Buruh Migran/KBM) Society for establishing free school. This research conducted in Tracap Village Kaliwiro district Wonosobo Regency. The subjects in this research are the members of Indonesian Migrant...

Network Game Simulation Research on “South China Sea” Economic and Trade Cooperation Based on Reciprocal Model

Chang-Ping Zhao, Rui Li, Xiao-Jiang Xu, Yu Gong
According to the economic and trade cooperation network of the stakeholders of the South China Sea, the paper built a reciprocal network game analysis model based on the reciprocal model. And the influence of national type (the degree of altruism or egoism), the belief in the goodwill of other countries,...

The Use of Media Audio Visual Learning Appreciation of Visual Art at Junior High School Class IX

Martono Wahyuddin, Wahyuddin Ridwan, Martono Martono
This research is an experimental research in the form of a pre-experimental design of One-group pretest-posttest design. The research sample consisted of 30 students in grade IX of Junior High School in Parepare, Indonesia. This research aims to find out the model and effectiveness of appreciation learning...

Teams Games Tournament Method in Improving Knowledge, Attitude, and Handwashing with Soap Practice on 3Th Grade Elementary School Students

Danti Mutia Sari, Sitti Baddrah, Malpaleni Satriana
Handwashing with Soap Practice can prevent diarrhea contagious. HWS should be taught to children through health education. Various methods can be used in health education such as preaching method that is tent to be passive in its activity. Teams Games Tournament bases on interesting game and it is most...

English in Subscene’s Indonesian Subtitle of Superhero Movie: How does It Affect the Audience?

Bayu Budiharjo
Movies as one of many forms of entertainment have experienced fast development from time to time. With the globalization allowing movies from a country to be enjoyed in other countries, movie subtitles undergo development as well. Subtitles of many popular movies today are not only produced by certified...

An Analysis of the Multi-roles the Mississippi River Plays in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Yinxiu Ji
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the peak of the Mississippi series composed by Mark Twain. The story both begins and ends on the Mississippi, which reflects the writer’s special attachment to the childhood familiar river. The Mississippi, soul of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, plays multi...

How to be a Party Branch Secretary Based on The Background of the New Era

Yun HAN, Jin DU, Yu SHI, Hong-Ying SUN, Hua LIU
This article elaborates on the ability and quality of a party branch secretary from four aspects, and analyzed the duties and tasks of the party branch secretary. Through continuous study, improve their overall quality, manage and drive the members of the branch, do a good job in the construction of...

The Approach to Measuring and Assessing the Intensity of Iinnovation Activity at the Macro Level

B.L. Lavrovskiy
The approach to measuring and assessing the intensity of innovation activity is based on the ratio of investment efforts and indicators of labor productivity dynamics caused by them. Two methods based on this approach are proposed. In one of them the innovation activity intensity is measured via decomposition...

Pondok Pesantren Al-Musyarrofah Cianjur: Forgotten History Reconstruction

Abd. Wahid Hasyim
Al-Musyarrofah is one of the oldest Islamic Boarding School in Cianjur, West Java. It was founded in 1833 AD by Sheikh Tb. Abdullah Umar Syarifuddin, an ulama whose lineage was from his mother's path to Abdul Muhyi Pamijahan to Sunan Giri Gresik. While from his father’s line, it came to Sheikh Manshuruddin...
Proceedings Article

The Clusterization of Geo-Tagged Data for Finding City Sights with Use of a Modification of k-MXT Algorithm

Anastasia Stepanova, Sergei Mironov, Eugene Korobov, Sergei Sidorov
The paper considers the task of detection of the most attractive for tourists city sights using the database with geo-tagged data of photographs.We form a graph on the basis of the geo-tagged spot coordinates and rewrite the problem as the graph clusterization task. In our work we use two clustering...

Kris as a Symbol of Statehood in Indonesia

Diana Aniesah Rahman, Juju Masunah
In Indonesia, the tradition on creating and using the kris has occurred since the kingdom era and it has been inherited to the family until now. The purpose of this article is to report the result of the study on the meaning of the kris as symbol of statehood in Indonesia. This qualitative study uses...

Backward and Forward Linkages of Productivity Effect from Foreign Direct Investment

Suyanto, Yenny Sugiarti
Productivity related to foreign direct investment (FDI) has been examined for the last two decades, but the findings are mixed. This paper contributes to shed the light by analyzing the backward and forward linkages of FDI-related productivity. By estimating manufacturing firms of Indonesia, the results...

Evaluation of Financial Competitiveness of the Listed Insurance Companies

Dongchuan Lin, Wen Shao, Miao Xu, Ying Chen
This paper through the combing of the relevant literatures of financial competitiveness of enterprises, combined with the financial characteristics of the insurance industry, build an index system to evaluate the financial competitiveness of listed insurance companies. Through the method of factor analysis,...
Proceedings Article

Designing The Crab Shell Crusher as an ingredient for The Teeth Restoration using Grinding and Sizing Method

Asmeati, Muhammad Yusuf Ali, Irwan Paserangi
Grinding is the process of reducing the particle size of processed material from a large (coarse) shape converted into a smaller size. For that whose name is grinding is the process of splitting or milling. Sizing is the process of leveling the sizes in a sieve according to the desired size so that the...

Coping Strategy among Bullying Survivors

Nur Andini Sudirman, Alif Aulia Masfufah
Bullying is a phenomenon that often occurs in adolescents because at this time children are in an unstable period and are easily influenced by external stimuli. The selection and use of the right coping mechanism can help individuals to reduce the stress experienced, so they can successfully pass the...

Evaluating Problem-based Material in a Social Class: Sounds from Indonesian primary school students

Ratna Tiharita
Problem-based material is rarely found in the context of Indonesian Primary Schools. Therefore, this paper is attempted to evaluating the current issue of problem-based materials and its outcomes for the students in the social class. This study used qualitative approach. The respondents were the social...

Viewing the World Significance of the Thought of "A Community of Shared Future for Mankind" from the Perspective of the Manifesto of the Communist Party

Haining Hu, Ting Jiang, Lei Shi
From the view of safeguarding the common interests of mankind, coordinating the inherent contradictions of the development of human society and paying attention to the living circumstances of modern individuals,"a community of shared future for mankind" and "community of freeman" have common theoretical...

Effective Decision Making Influence on Nurse Performance in Al Islam Hospital Bandung

Caecielia Wagiono, Prathama Gilang
This study aimed to review the influence of effective decision making on nurse performance in Al Islam Hospital Bandung in 2017.This was a cross sectional quantitative verification analytical case study on a population of 212 nurses working at the Inpatient Unit. Sampling was performed using the proportional...

The Challenge Of Change Of The Principalship Orientation In The Era Of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Aceng Muhtaram Mirfani
This paper tries to explain the various challenges of changes in principalship orientation in relation to the demands of educational leadership in the industrial revolution era 4.0, with a background case illustration in Indonesia oriented towards entering the era of education 4.0. The study is carried...
Proceedings Article

Phase-Focusing Model of Freak Wave Based on Boussinesq Equation

Xiang-jun Yu, Qing-hong Li, Hua Wang
Freak wave is a kind of instantaneous disastrous wave with large wave height, which has great destructive effect on the navigation of ships at sea. Based on the Boussinesq equation, a phase-focusing model for focusing simulation of freak wave is established, and the numerical generation of freak wave...

Land Conflict in Tourism Destination Development at West Halmahera Regency: A study at Tuada and Bobanehena Villages, Jailolo District

Saiful Deni, Thamrin Husain, Muhlis Madani
Hindrances are also tackled by the villages in the implementation of their development program, mainly the communities located in West Halmahera Regency, namely: first, there are conflicts or land disputes related to the development in tourism objects and destinations between the Village Government and...

The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Decrease Aggressive Behavior in a Child with Alopecia

Aryani Rahmah Utami, Sri Redatin Retno Pudjiati
Anger often serves as a defense mechanism when handling conflict. It can also occur as part of the pathology of physical illness, and someone who has not been able to accept disfiguring symptoms such as alopecia may exhibit aggressive behavior. For the current research subject, alopecia led to bullying...

Effectiveness of Underdeveloped Regional Development Policies in East Java Province to Reduce Interregional Gap

Ali Maskur, Ike Arni Noventi, Martina Purwaning Diah
This study aims to examine the policy effectiveness of the development of underdeveloped region in Indonesia. Bondowoso district was chosen as a locus due to its status as one of the underdeveloped region. The policy effectiveness was examined according to the achievement of the underdeveloped region...
Proceedings Article

Methodical Approach and Tools for Creating and Modifying Ontology-based Information System

Elena Khayrullina
The article discusses the methodological approach and tools for creating and modifying information systems based on ontologies in the field of energy. To create an information system, it is necessary to create two classes of domain ontologies, in which entities will be indicated, connections between...

Application and Practice of the " Scaffolding + BOPPPS" Teaching Mode for Building Fire Engineering Based on Rain Class

Ying Song, Haixia Li, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Ling Zheng, Shuang Wu
Starting from the reality of higher education teaching, taking the construction of fire protection engineering "3H" as the teaching goal, and the registered fire engineer's examination outline as guidance, this paper determines the key difficulties of the construction fire engineering project, builds...

The influence of remittances on macroeconomical figures in Ukraine

Oleksandr Chernyak, Yevgen Chernyak, Yurii Horobets
During last ten years an increase of amount of the remittances, as well as its importance among the sources of foreign capital in the list of developing countries, is mentioned. The share of remittances in GDP of some countries grew so dramatically, that it caused the economical dependence from their...
Proceedings Article

The Application of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Method to the Increase of Aerobic Ability of Female Futsal Players

Yunita Sari, Dikdik Zafar Sidik, Komarudin Komarudin
Physical training is one of some important and decided factor in reaching the achievement. There are some method of training that can be used in increasing the abilities of physic. Futsal is the sport which need the prime physical ability. One of some components of futsal player physical ability as the...

The Computer-Based Examination in China’s Higher Education: Policies, Advantages and Problems

Chanting Chen
China’s educational industry is undergoing the informatization process under the background of the scientific development, the big data application and the integration of international education market. This paper, based on previous situation, firstly reviews a series of educational informatization policies...
Proceedings Article

3D Target Recognition Based on Decision Layer Fusion

Ma Xing, Yu Fan, Yu Haige, Wei Yanxi, Yang Wenhui
Target recognition has always been a hot research topic in computer image and pattern recognition. This paper proposes a target recognition method based on decision layer fusion. ModelNet[1]??"The 3D CAD model library,which is used to be identified. Features are extracted from the model's point cloud...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Incoherent Pumping on Phase??"dependent Absorption Property of Atomic Systems

Aiyun Li, Fengshou Liu
We find that in the open and closed ladder systems with vacuum induced coherence, the relative phase between the probe and driving fields has an important manipulation role on the absorption property, while the incoherent pumping has a considerable effect on the phase??"dependent absorption property....

Analysis on the Influence of Transportation Infrastructure on Manufacturing Agglomeration in Different Regions

Weimin Dong
Industrial restructuring and upgrading has been the focus of national industrial policy, accompanied by industrial migration, the state is also a large-scale construction of transport infrastructure, but specifically, what is the relationship between the two, the use of mainland China 31 Autonomous regions...
Proceedings Article

Design and Implementation of Stator Resistance Identifier Based on Fuzzy Control

Lianfei Wang
The change of stator resistance has an important influence on the performance of asynchronous motor direct torque control system. Accurate acquisition of stator resistance is very important in high-performance motor control system. According to fuzzy control theory, we devise a stator resistance identifier....

An Analysis of the Reform of the Teaching Philosophy of Application-oriented University Based on Students

Lujun Lv
The scale expansion of higher education has made China’s higher education the highest in the world .However, a series of problems that followed have aroused great concern from the society. Since the beginning of the new century, people's demand for college education is constantly changing from a single...
Proceedings Article

Digital transformation of Eurasian Economic Union's (EAEU) logistics system

Vera Viktorovna Borisova, Natalia Sergeyevna Pechenko, Ayuna Vladimirovna Molonova
This article is addressing the key items regarding digital transformation of export-import trade operations taking place while designing the logistics system of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Results of investigation enable the authors to reveal the problems occurring during creation of common market...

Distribution of local expenditure for sustainable development of united territorial communities (economic and mathematical approach)

Lidiіa Horoshkova, Ievgen Khlobystov, Liliya Filipishyna, Damir Bikulov
The paper analyzes current expenditure system of united territorial communities, which includes funding of education, culture, health care, social safety net, housing and community amenities, infrastructure development, which together ensure territories` sustainable development. It has been proved that...

How to value equity in national accounts?

Jana Kramulová, Jakub Vincenc, Helena Houžvičková
The objective of national accounts is to present a model of the real economy in the most accurate way. It means that not only officially recorded data from business accounting are included, but also model computations are used (e.g. in estimating the size of the shadow economy or correcting a phenomenon...

Ways to Cultivate College Students’ Teamwork Consciousness in College Basketball Teaching

Dawei Wen
With the increasing attention of the state and the education department to the higher education, the all-around development of students’ quality has received extensive attention. Both the levels of students’ academic knowledge and the improvement of students’ sports quality have received the attention...
Proceedings Article

Determining the Criteria for an Air Hub in Indonesia using an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Gito Sugianto, Purwanto Bekti Santosa, Mina Yumei Santi
Provisions of infrastructure that encourage national connectivity will reduce transportation and logistics costs so that they can increase product competitiveness and accelerate economic growth. The application of an optimum hub and spoke airport model will improve the efficiency of transportation costs...

Female leadership in rural areas: a social innovation review

Angela Niño-Torres
This paper aims to study the active role of women in initiatives that favour the socioeconomic development in rural area. It identifies ventures and different economic dynamics led by women that have prospered worldwide, beyond the support to the family and the reproductive sphere. It focuses on the...
Proceedings Article

Behavior of a First Variation under an Analytic Feynman Integral and a Convolution

Sik Kim Young
We investigate the behavior of a first variation under an analytic Feynman integral and a convolution for cylinder functions〖 f((h_1,x)〗^~,⋯,(h_n,x)^~ ) and we prove that the analytic Wiener integral and the analytic Feynman integral of the convolution of two cylinder functions can be successfully...
Proceedings Article

Family Involvement in the Treatment of Hypertensive Patients using Dunn’s Health Grid: A Multiple Case Study

Antonius Yogi Pratama
Non-communicable diseases such as hypertension have overtaken infectious diseases as the leading causes of death in the world. However, it is considered to be a preventable disease. Family has a role in preventing and controlling this disease. The study aimed to analyze the involvement of family in the...

Bank Health Level Analysis Using CAMELS and RGEC Methods on PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Ltd.

Barbara Gunawan, Khairunisa Maynora Arvianda
This research aims to rate Panin Dubai Syariah Bank’s health level and to investigate whether there are result differences of bank health level using both methods. This study was conducted on PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Ltd. Financial Statements 2016 and 2017. The results of this study are: (1) When...
Proceedings Article

Determinacy of pre-competitive heart rate regulation processes by personal characteristics of athletes

Evgenia Belova, Natalia Rumiantseva, Natalia Melentieva
The purpose of the article is to study the features of heart rate regulation in the pre-competitive period, depending on personal characteristics. Materials and methods: qualified and highly qualified athletes of various specializations (n ​​= 50) participated in the study. The parameters of autonomic...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Adhesion of a Surface Composition Made of SME Materials at Various Stages of Its Formation

Zh.M. Blednova, E.Yu. Balaev
The article describes results of an experimental study of ultrasonic treatment as a part of a complex temperature-force effect on the adhesive properties of a surface composition made of materials with thermoelastic phase transformations at various stages of formation: at the stage of the base preparation;...
Proceedings Article

Drying of Longan Fruit (Dimocarpus longan lour) at Low Temperature

Endah Sulistiawati, Alma Sulaeman, Priesta Nafisah
Longan fruit comes from a subtropical climate, and it can grow well in Indonesia. With the drying process of longan can also be beneficial as a tonic for the maintenance of insomnia and neurosis. Once the longan fruit separated from the skin and seeds, longan fruit put in plastic containers and then...

Competency readiness of labor resources to digital economy

M.I. Plutova, E.E. Lagutina, I.V. Sadkova
Currently, the economic development of countries is directly dependent on the full scale of digitalization processes. As a new trend in social development, digitalization has replaced informatization and computerization. On the scale of economic and social life of both a single country and the whole...

Identifying and Managing Key Success Factors for Sino-Estonian Joint Ventures

Jiani Xie, Yuhan Hu, Yangxinran Sun
International Joint Venture (IJV) has been one of the main approaches to entering a foreign market in the last decade. Recently there has been a growing interest to examine the factors of successful IJVs in China and how these IJVs manage effectively with cross-culture from major developed countries....
Research Article

Porphyromonas gingivalis vesicles reduce MDA-LDL levels and aortic wall thickness in high fat diet induced atherosclerosis rats

Aditya Indra Mahendra, Jonny Karunia Fajar, Harapan Harapan, Teuku Heriansyah, Sumarno Reto Prawiro, Edi Widjajanto, Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Karyono Mintaroem, Budi Susetio Pikir, Yash Prashar
Pages: 20 - 27
Background: Recently, atherosclerosis-associated disease has been reported simultaneously increased. Whereas, to date, no atherosclerosis vaccine is available. Since the epitope mimicry between malondialdehyde low-density lipoprotein (MDA-LDL) and arginine specific epitope gingipain (Rgp) on the Porphyromonas...