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193168 articles

Motor Vehicle Tax Bleaching Program and Motor Vehicle Return Fees in Increasing Community Awareness of Taxpayer at the Regional Revenues Agency

Asmaria, Erwin Putubasai, Zesty Miranda, M. Fikri Akbar, Mat Sholeh, Sulis Aprilia
Factors causing taxpayers’ indifference in paying motor vehicle taxes include the abolition of motorized vehicle taxes and fees for transferring the name of motorized vehicles which do not educate the public, the existence of tax bleaching and motor vehicle bleaching charges can be misinterpreted by...

Teachers’ Multilanguage Use in EFL Classroom of Senior High Schools in Padang

Tiffany, Yetti Zainil
As non-native English speaking teachers, there is a problematic issue which has been debateable until the present time. It is the multi languages which are used by teachers when they are teaching foreign language in the classroom. It is suggested that teachers should employ English as language input...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Capability Evaluation of Nuclear Emergency Equipment System Based on Multi-level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model

Xiaoguang He, Qing Zhang
The capability evaluation of equipment system is a key work for promoting the capability improvement of equipment system. Scientific capability evaluation of equipment system plays an important role in improving ability of equipment to complete tasks. Firstly, the capability evaluation index system of...

The Future Development Path of Zhoushan’s Tourism Economy

Dehang Zhu
This paper first reviews the history and current situation of tourism development in Zhoushan, and analyzes the challenges and opportunities it faces. Subsequently, this paper discusses the strategic positioning and development direction of Zhoushan in the development of tourism economy, and puts forward...

Empathic Communication Skill Optimization for Minimizing Children’s Excessive Use of Gadgets

Andi Tenri Pada Rustham, Muhammad Imran Rusadi, Salsa Sakinah, Ailani Kristanti, Fidya Ainun Cholisha
Excessive use of gadgets can have physiological and psychological impacts on children. Physiologically, it can cause obesity due to lack of movement and radiation exposure. Meanwhile, psychologically, it can cause speech delay and ADHD symptoms. Children also become aggressive and throw a tantrum when...
Proceedings Article

Bacteriological Profile of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection at West Nusa Tenggara’s Hospital

Baiq Isti Hijriani, Pauzan Pauzan
Hospitals have the potential for developing the transmission of nosocomial infections. Nosocomial infection is an infection that develops in the hospital environment. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections in hospitals and more than 80% of UTI cases are associated with the...
Proceedings Article

Empirical Research on Economical Spillover Effect of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area on Surrounding Cities Base on Spatial Big Data

Yun Yang
Using TOPSIS evaluation method, the comprehensive strength of cities were calculated and evaluated according to some economic indicators of Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and surrounding cities in 2021, and the social network analysis tool was used for empirical research to analyze the...

The Concept of Indonesian History Learning Oriented Creative Products with Commercial Value

Dha Widhi Witir, Zulkarnain
Education is an effort to humanize humans. One of the indicators of a perfect human being is a human who is able to fulfill his needs. However, the reality on the ground shows that there is educated unemployment due to a lack of job opportunities. Education should respond to this by emphasizing learning...

Is Critical Thinking Accomodated in Junior High School English Textbook?

Noni Agustina, Ilza Mayuni, Ifan Iskandar
Critical thinking is essential and becomes one of education objectives; however the previous studies showed that students have no it sufficiently since the material particularly textbook used in learning process do not accommodate them to think critically in English class. There is a scarcity of research...
Proceedings Article

Ideological and Political Teaching Practice of Specialized Curriculums Under Mixed Teaching Mode

Take Investment Prediction and Decision as an Example

Liyan Pan
The hybrid teaching mode not only realizes the organic unity of online learning and offline face-to-face teaching, but also integrates ideological and political education into the teaching process of specialized curriculums, so that “specialized curriculums” and “ideological and political education”...

Cleanse and Protect: Harnessing the Antibacterial Power of Guava Leaves in Liquid Soap Antiseptic Formulation

Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah, Khusna Santika Rahmasari, Urmatul Waznah, Herni Rejeki
Patients with diabetes mellitus are at a higher risk of developing complications in the form of open wounds on the skin’s surface. Guava leaves contain secondary metabolite substances that have been used in the treatment of wounds. This study aimed to test the antibacterial activity of guava leaves extract-based...
Proceedings Article

Analyzing Erosion Using GIS in Way Besai Watershed

R. A. Saputro, D. I. Kusumastuti, E. P. Wahono, O. T. Purwadi, A. Zakaria
The impact of erosion globally shows huge losses in food production. Economic damage due to erosion is related to the total rainfall that falls in an area. High rainfall due to extraordinary climate change will have an effect on soil erosion. Specific planning in various regions will restrain erosion...
Proceedings Article

Techno-Pedagogy Model Development: Can Techno-Pedagogy Learning Improve Digital Literacy

Ocih Setiasih, Nandi, Rusman, Wawan Setiawardani, Eri Yusron
The purpose of this research is to develop a techno-pedagogy-based educational model to improve digital literacy skills. This research uses mixed methods. The research design is explanatory starting with qualitative development and testing the results of quantitative development. The research sample...

The Urgency of Strengthening Profile of Pancasila Student in the Digital Era

Afifah Chusnul Qomariah, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati
The development of technology is rapidly increase, made everything became digital. Technological developments could directly or indirectly affect lifestyle. The entry of digital influences also significantly impacts children’s development. The rise of free sex, crime, pornography, student street fighting,...
Proceedings Article

Enhancing User Engagement in Digital Health Data: Factors Affecting the Usage of My Daily Data Repository

Haikal, Enny Rachmani, M. G. Catur Yuantari, Bayu Yoni Setyo Nugroho, Muhammad Iqbal
In the era of Industry 4.0, data has become a valuable commodity. The continuous growth of data has the potential to be burdensome or rendered useless if not managed effectively. Various sectors of human activity have now become substantial data sources, often called Big Data. Open Science principles,...
Proceedings Article

Topological Aspects of Synthetic Polymers through NM Polynomials

Sushmitha Jain, A. S. Maragadam, V. Lokesha, Dafik
In this study, we delve into the versatile application of the Neighborhood M-Polynomial (NM) in predicting a wide array of material characteristics. Our research investigates the capability of the neighborhood M-polynomial to discern neighborhood degree sum-based topological indices when analyzing synthetic...

The Influence of Budget Planning And Human Resources on Budget Absorption at The Bali State Polytechnic

Anak Agung Putri Suardani, Ida Bagus Anomyasa, I. Made Wijana, I. Ketut Astawa
The research objective was to analyze the influence of budget planning on budget absorption and human resources on budget absorption at the Bali State Polytechnic. Sources of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected directly using questionnaires, observation,...

Traditional Culture in Modern Bali Crafts Product Design

I Wayan Mudra, Ni Made Rai Sunarini, I P. Ketut Muka, Ida Ayu Gede Artayani, I Wayan Suardana, Ni Kadek Karuni
The design of modern Balinese craft products in the current digital era, visually still displays the cultural content of local Balinese traditions, although there are also those who break away from this traditional content. This research aims to discuss the design of modern Balinese craft products which...
Proceedings Article

Design of Load Carrier Composite Reinforcement of Zero Generation of an Electric Car Frame

Ladislav Ševčík, Martina Ryvolová
The aim of the article is to report the methods of solving the construction of the electric car frame. The electric car is designed for movement in the field. This is a functional model marked generation 0. The electric car should move in the field according to the specified trajectories with a load...

Improvement of Welding Skill Using Competence Based Education and Training (CBET) Method

Decky Antony Kifta, Ambiyar, Remon Lapisa, Maria Magdalena Zagoto
Batam is the growing industrial island in the province of Kepulauan Riau, its advancing improvement technology especially in the welding industry causes more structural steel and shipyard companies are struggling to get more welders or welding operators in this region. Currently workers with welding...
Proceedings Article

Precise Analysis of Road Fissures Detection under Ccomplex Road Conditions based on Deep Learning

Hui Li
Road crack recognition and detection is one of the fundamental tasks in the fields of autonomous driving and intelligent transportation, which has attracted a lot of research interest in recent years. Thanks to the rapid development of Convolutional neural network, the accuracy of road crack recognition...
Proceedings Article

Research on an Innovative Bromination Leaching System for Gold Leaching Technology

Chao Xu, Guangsheng Li, Xingfu Zhu, Mingming Cai, Zhongbo Lu
An innovative bromination leaching system for gold leaching technology research. The conventional liquid bromine+sodium bromide leaching system has an acidic pH value and high leaching temperature requirements. At the same time, liquid bromine is highly toxic, volatile, and has strong irritation and...

KNN Classification of Kolb Learning Styles: A Comparative Study on Balanced and Unbalanced Datasets

Waladi Chaimae, Lamarti Sefian Mohammed, Khaldi Maha, Khaldi Mohamed, Boudra Said
In this work, the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm’s performance was compared across two datasets with various class distributions and sizes. The goal variable, Kolb learning style, and three features—total reading time, total problem-solving time, and total technical demonstration time—were the identical...
Proceedings Article

Optimization Model Performance through Pruning Techniques

Hanzhang Tang
Due to their ability to automatically extract features, Deep Neural Networks (DNNS) have demonstrated performance never before seen. Due to this high degree of performance during the past ten years, a considerable number of DNN models have been combined with various Internet of Things (IoT) applications....

Learning Based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Remote Regions Study of SMAN 3 Tungkal Jaya

Ahmad Wahyu Hidayat, Andrianto, Khikmatul Istiqomah, Dwi Noviatul Zahra, Rendy Saputra, Ulfa Kesuma
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-Based Learning in Remote Areas Study of SMAN 3 Tungkal Jaya, Musi Banyuasin district. The writing of this paper aims to explain the benefits of Information and Communication Technology-Based Learning in explaining the concept of learning, so that the delivery...

Critical Reflection on ELT Practicum: Stimulating Preservice Teachers’ Pedagogical Competence for Transformative Learning

M. Zaini Miftah, Utami Widiati, Anik Nunuk Wulyani
In the teaching practicum programs, stimulating ESL/EFL preservice teachers’ (PSTs) pedagogical competence is essential in the transformative learning (TL) framework. This paper discusses stimulating PSTs’ pedagogical competence (PC) for TL through critical reflection on ELT practicum. Critical reflection...
Proceedings Article

Exploring AI Applications in Web Interaction Mode Design: Chatbot, Accessibility, and Search Engines

Zikai Song
The rapid development of the web has made it one of the most important elements of modern daily life. One recent trending approach to implementing the web is using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. AI tools are becoming more and more reliable, and using them to develop the web has become a practical...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Electronic Control Unit (ECU) Simulator Engine for Improving Vehicle System Performance Modern

Agus Supranartha, I Wayan Dikse Pancane, I N. Sunaya, I Made Adi Yasa, I Made Aryasa Wiryawan
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is the system computerized embedded in modern vehicles. The presence of an electronic system in the vehicle provides limitations for in-depth system analysis of the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The reason for the limitations of testing tools for computerized vehicle...

Students’ Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Green Ethic Behavior at Politeknik Negeri Bali

I Gusti Ketut Gede, I Gede Made Subagiana, I Wayan Wirga, Kadek Eni Marhaeni, I Gusti Agung Mirah Sanjiwani
This study aims to determine students’ attitudes and perceptions towards green behavior, both from knowledge through formal/informal education and awareness of the environment, motivation, and the role of social media in maintaining the environment sustainably. Engagement and awareness of green ethical...

The Potential Effect of Conferment Jamu “Pegal Linu” to Pharmacokinetics of Paracetamol in Wistar Male Rats (Rattus norvegicus L.)

Gilang R. Farizi, Ovikariani, Rahmasani, Any M. Sari, L. Isti’adzah
Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is a ubiquitous drug usually prescribed for its analgesic and antipyretic effects. It is a readily available over-the-counter medication. Consumption of jamu and paracetamol causes pharmacokinetic interaction. This study aimed to determine how much the potential of jamu “pegal...

Criticism of Xenoglossophilia in National Competition Pamphlets and Its Implementation with Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2019

Dani Anwar Hadi, Harun Joko Prayitno, Bambang Sumardjoko, Noor Aida Afiahah, Nurul Hikmah Kartini, Noorliza Jamaluddin
This research criticizes the phenomenon of language xenomania in relation to the implementation of Presidential Decree number 63 of 2019. The aim of this research is to describe the phenomenon of language xenomania in writing national competition pamphlets and describe the relationship of language xenomania...
Proceedings Article

Performance Improvement of Integrated Microgrid Based Predictive Control Scheme

P. Sai Sampath Kumar, P. Suresh, D. Lenine
The voltage quality of a renewable energy system may be undermined by variable power demand and erratic energy source outputs. The suggested approach entails the use of both a Model Predictive Based Voltage and Power control (MPVP) method and a Model Predictive Based Current and Power (MPCP) control...
Proceedings Article

Demonstration of the effectiveness of data visualization analysis applied to quantitative research of academic papers

-- Taking the quantitative visual analysis of research papers on subject services of university libraries from 2010 to 2024 as an example

Ding Yu
This paper demonstrates the application efficiency of data visualization analysis in an empirical way. The example is to take the literature resource database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) as the data source, the bibliometrics method is used to make a statistical analysis on the distribution...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Mental Health Disorders Post Confirmation of Covid-19 in Health Workers Using Functional Status

Edy Husnul Mujahid, Sri Susanty, Mubarak Mubarak
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, most of the focus has been on limiting the spread of severe acute disease. COVID-19 is thought to have a significant impact on physical, cognitive, mental, and social health status, even in people with minor symptoms of sickness. In terms of medical workers killed by Covid-19,...

Deciphering the Indian Start-up Landscape: A Spotlight on Chennai’s Ecosystem

Kabirdoss Devi, D. Janis Bibiyana, K. Sampath, Meeya Nawazkhan
Post-independence, India had been exceling in all the fields of science, engineering, arts, and business challengingly against the rough international competitive and political environment. India is compelled to keep up its economy strongly through its gross domestic product. It is also forced to take...

Do Personality Traits Predict Online Adolescent Consumers’ Impulsive Fashion Buying Behavior?

Bonar Hutapea, Valencia Christabel
Several previous studies have found that Indonesians adolescents tend to purchase clothes impulsively, but it is still rare to focus on personality. This study uncovered the effect of personality traits on impulsive buying in the online fashion segment, particularly fashion products. 386 teenagers’ responses...

Indonesian Political Communication Response in the Face of Radical Terrorists

Anang Anas Azhar
Radical movements are often aimed at Muslims in Indonesia. This movement is growing rapidly and has even become a serious threat to the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The results of this research show that;...
Conference Abstract


Dariusz Gasecki*, Mariusz Kwarciany, Kamil Kowalczyk, Anna Gójska-Grymajło, Tomasz Nowicki, Edyta Szurowska, Pierre Boutouyrie, Stephane Laurent, Krzysztof Narkiewicz, Bartosz Karaszewski
Pages: 43 - 44
Objective: Cerebral lesion growth in acute ischemic stroke leads to secondary neurological deterioration and poor outcome. Whether cSBP and arterial stiffness are related to the early brain infarct growth in patients after ischemic stroke is unknown. Design and Methods: We enrolled 65 patients (43 males,...

The Effect of Customer Engagement, Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction Towards Customer Loyalty in the Indonesian Low-Cost Airlines Industry

Hardy Wicakra Kartanegara, Keni Keni
This study was conducted in order to analyze the effect of customer engagement, perceived value and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty within the Indonesian low-cost airline sector. A total of 200 respondents join this research, in which all of the data were collected from respondents using questionnaires...

Tourists’ Perception and Decision making Towards Maguri Motapung Wetland as Popular Tourism Destination Aftermath of Baghjan Disaster

Subhadeep Chakraborty, Deborshee Gogoi, Samrat Bharadwaj, Murchana Gogoi, Kumar Aditya, Akash Dahire
Maguri and Motapung Beel (wetland) - an Important Bird Area site in the district of Tinsukia is one of the most popular bird watching destinations of India. Bird watchers and photographers from around the globe visit the wetland to experience its diverse birdlife. A explosion incident occurred at the...

Return on Assets on Dividend Payout Ratio in Sharia Banks Listed on IDX: Impact to Sustainable Banking Governance

Mari Maryati, Amadea Ajeng, Adeh Ratna Komala
This inquiry objective to ascertain how Sustainable Banking Governance is impacted by Ratio of Return on Invested Capital for Dividend Payment at Sharia Banks Registered with the Indonesian stock marketplace (IDX). The objects used for the research are Return on Invested Capital with Net Profit and Total...

Analysis of Islamic Monetary Instruments and Islamic Bank Financing on Monetary Stability in Indonesia

Lavlimatria Esya, Deden Misbahudin Muayyad
This study aims to analyze the effect of Islamic monetary instruments and financing on monetary stability in Indonesia. This study uses the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), Granger Causality Test, Impulse Response Function (IRF), and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD) by first conducting...
Conference Abstract


Chloe Park*, Therese Tillin, Robert Stewart, Nish Chaturvedi, Alun Hughes
Pages: 43 - 43
Background: Vascular risk factors have been associated with brain aging. We aimed to determine the associations between blood pressure (BP), atherosclerosis, arterial stiffness and microvascular damage with both structural and functional measures of the brain. Methods: A community-based sample of 1287...

Microblog Used as Personal Branding

Study on Instagram Account @vikirahardja

Fadhila Azzahra Apridita, Nieldya Nofandrilla
As social media, Instagram can be utilized to send messages, in the form of either writing or images, to the public. One of the barista influencers, Viki Rahardja (@vikirahardja), employed it to build strong personal branding. The purpose of this study is to describe how a microblog can be used as a...
Conference Abstract


Hirofumi Tomiyama*, Akira Yamashina
Pages: 43 - 43
Background: The mechanisms underlying the development of hypertension have not yet been fully clarified. The mutual relationships among the development of hypertension and the longitudinal changes of arterial stiffness and renal function, and also the effect of maintenance of a normal body weight on...

The Paradigm of “Responsible Consumption”: Myth or Reality in Modern Conditions

Aleksandr Kiselev, Marina Ugryumova, Marina Mayorova, Aleksandr Sazonov, Anna Savicheva
Currently, researchers talk a lot about the possible paradigm of consumption development in relation to modern conditions, when in the pursuit of profits, the development of consumption leads to an unjustifiably high use of resources without the necessary replenishment. Wherein, most often, waste recycling...
Conference Abstract


Francisco Londoño*, Jelle Bossuyt, Patrick Segers, Luc Van Bortel
Pages: 43 - 43
Objective: The use of different devices and methods still hampers the widespread clinical use of the reference values for arterial stiffness. The aim of this work was therefore to create a web-based application that allows easy assessment - for different methodological approaches - of a given measured...

A Cooperative Game Theoretical Approach to Risk Analysis, Using Network Structure

Jun-ichi Takeshita, Hiroaki Mohri
Pages: 43 - 48
The principal aim of this paper is to introduce the framework for a cooperative game theoretical approach to risk analysis using network structure. Probabilistic risk analysis (PRA) is a common methodology for evaluating risks associated with real-world network structure. Although there are numerous...

Classifying image analysis techniques from their output

C Guada, D Gómez, JT. Rodríguez, J Yáñez, J Montero
Pages: 43 - 68
In this paper we discuss some main image processing techniques in order to propose a classification based upon the output these methods provide. Because despite a particular image analysis technique can be supervised or unsupervised, and can allow or not the existence of fuzzy information at some stage,...

Wargame Mapping and Implementation for Emergency Evacuation of Residents in Urban Waterlogging Disaster

Peng Chen, Jiquan Zhang, Yingyue Sun, Xiaojing Liu
Pages: 43 - 51
Urban waterlogging disaster represented a serious threat to the residents and the traffic. For the purpose of drilling, the wargame excise is introduced to the residents’ emergency evacuation in urban waterlogging disaster. As an essential component of wargame, the chessboard (map) is an important tool...