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188542 articles

The Improvement of Teachers’ Knowledge About Mental Health as a Prevention to Mental Health Problem on Designing School Wellbeing Establishment of Early Childhood Education Level

Maulia Desi, Suhendri, Rakhmawati Ellya, Suharno Agus
The establishment of school atmosphere in which pays attention on both student and teacher’s wellbeing, has not been achieved sufficient attentions by educational stakeholders. Until recent days, when talking about education, then most of the focus by researchers are about pedagogical and professional...

Media Construction of Langen Tayub Dancers in the Millennial Era

Anik Juwariyah, Trisakti Trisakti
Millennial era is characterized by the broader development of technology in the society. This condition also occurs in Langen Tayub performance. In Langen Tayub performance, the dancers are the prominent aspect of its performance; they are the main point of the show. Therefore, their interaction with...

Company Specific Characteristics, Leverage, Share Performance (A Case Study of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia)

Muhammad Ramaditya, Diana Supriati, Zanuar Eko Prasetyo
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of profitability, liquidity, leverage and firm size towards price earnings ratio on Manufacturing Company in Indonesia. This research is using quantitative by studying literature method. Data were gathered using a financial statement data from Indonesia...

Model of Analytical Decision-Making Styles of the State Senior High School Principals in West Java

Firman Adam, Dedy Achmad Kurniady
Principal leadership has a strategic role in the success of education in schools. Decision making is a very important in strategic role because mistakes in decision making will have an impact on the process and results of a program. This can be understood because the style of decision making is an action...

Error and Communication Strategies Employed by Souvenirs’ Sellers at Sukarara Village

Akhmad Heri Tasliman, Nuriadi Nuriadi, Amrullah Amrullah
A speaker needs strategy in communication especially when they are making error in order to make the interlocutor understand and receive the message clearly. This study aims to discover (1) The error made by souvenir’s sellers in communicating with foreign visitors at Sukarara village, (2) factor caused...

Specifics of Formation of Comfortable Socio-Cultural Environment as Factor in Formation of Well-Being of Modern Students

Nadezhda Gritskikh, Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Valentin Zagorodniy
The article presents the data from studies conducted by employees of the laboratory of psychological, economic and cross-cultural research of the Institute of Social Sciences of Irkutsk State University. The article examines the social well-being of students from two viewpoints: economic and socio-cultural,...

Evaluative Study of Logic Models in Women Empowerment

Popi Siti Ichsanniaty
Developing and empowering the community is inseparable from the programs run by both the private and government. In this research, the program under evaluation is related to women’s empowerment program named Female Heads of Household Empowerment Program (Indonesian, and henceforth, PEKKA) conducted by...

Learning Promotion Method Based on Concluding and Peer-assessment of Mind Maps

Qun Chen
The current situation of college students' learning is a certain Buddhist-style. They learn individually and passively, and in poor state, weak in ability, low in quality and in weak atmosphere. To deal with it, this paper puts forward a method of learning promotion. In the process of course teaching,...

The Role Of Low - End Disruptive Innovation In The Face Of Small Medium Industries Market Competition. A Case Study Of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Product

Prety Diawati, Henry H. Loupias
One of the potential Small Medium Industries (hereinafter, SMIs) in the province West Java Province is the embroidery center in Tasikmalaya City. The development of the global economy, for example, the establishment of AEC free markets and ACFTA trade agreement, has led to an increasingly competitive...

The existence of Pancasila Values in the Disrupted Era

Apeles Lexi Lonto, Theodorus Pangalila
The pace of industrial revolution 4.0 has driven disruption in various fields of life, including the life of the nation and state. The disruption era not only shifted old values and replaced them with new technology-based values, but also caused changes in lifestyle. Pancasila as the high value of the...
Proceedings Article

Damage Intensity of Pepper Stem-Borer (Lophobaris piperis) on Different Weed Control in Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province

Tri Lestari, Rion Apriyadi, Abdul Husein
Pepper Stem Borer (Lophobaris piperis) is one of main pest in pepper plant that can reduce the yield near to 72%. Ecologically, the development of L. Piperis can be influenced by the presence of weeds surrounding plants as temporary dwellings for both pests and natural enemies. This study aims to determine...

Reform and Practice of Algorithms and Programming Practice Course on Ideological and Political Education and Ability Training

Zhiguo Zhou, Jiahui Li, Wei Zheng, Chunyan Deng
In view of the phenomenon of "two skins" in ideological and political education and professional teaching in colleges and universities, this paper proposes the reforming ideas of ideological and political education and ability training. This thinking comprehensively considers the professional characteristics...
Proceedings Article

A probe into the causes of population loss in ShanDong province

Yong Che, Jing Wang
In 2017, there exists a serious population loss phenomenon in Shandong Province. Today, we advocate "a powerful country with talent and resources". Serious population loss leads to the decline of population dividend effect, the aggravation of population aging, and the increase of social security burden,...
Proceedings Article

The Research for Virtualization Network Security on Cloud Computing

Junjun Sun, Ying Zeng, Guowei Shi, Wei Li, Zhihong Li
The paper describes the benefits of cloud computing for enterprise cost reductions, rapid deployment and dynamic extensions, while the virtualization technology brings some potential hazards and risks to network security. According to the characteristics of cloud computing technology, we put forward...
Proceedings Article

Research of Power Consumers Behavior Using Fuzzy C-means Algorithm

Xiaohui Chang, Lei Yu, Yulong Han, Tao He, Xiayi Hao
Fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm is used to cluster monthly power consumption data of power consumers, which has been pretreated, in a certain domestic area, and power consumers clusters in three different months and each of clustering centers can be obtained. According to the algorithm, the reliability...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Optimization for Maintenance Support Human Unit based on Multi-objective Constraint

Qiaoran Ran, Qiang Wang, Zheng Sun, Sheng Pang
Aiming at the personnel optimization problem exist in equipment maintenance support unit, the personnel optimization problem of support unit is studied in this paper. Firstly, the relation between the maintenance time and personnel quantity is analyzed, the multi-objective model of maintenance time and...

The relationship between the urban rail transit network and the population distribution in Shanghai

Xia Li, Yong Wang
With the development of rail transit projects, the rational distribution of urban rail transit network will help to evacuate the population of the urban area and promote the suburbanization of the population. The change of population distribution will also have a far-reaching impact on the layout of...
Proceedings Article

Performance Analysis of Asymmetric PCMA Signal Demodulation

Xingchen Xu, Jian Cheng, Jingyu Tang
Targeting at the demodulation of asymmetric Paired Carry Multiple Access (PCMA) signal mixed by primary and secondary signal, this paper has studied the implementation framework of demodulation. First the frequency offset and phase of QPSK modulated PCMA signal are precisely locked by phase lock loop....
Proceedings Article

Determinant Analysis of Recovery Treatment for Tuberculosis Patients in Medan City

Chinta Yolanda Sari, Sorimuda Sarumpaet, Fazidah Aguslina Siregar
Tuberculosis is still global problem in the world. Indonesia was the second ranked with the highest Tuberculosis cases in the world. Based on the National Tuberculosis Program, the success rate of Tuberculosis treatment is 85%. Medan city is one area in North Sumatera Province with high incidence of...
Proceedings Article

Study on Mind Controlled Robotic Arms by Collecting and Analyzing Brain Alpha Waves

Yue Han, Yihe Ma, Lingkai Zhu, Yanpeng Zhang, Li Li, Wei Zheng, Junshan Guo, Yongqiang Che
Assistive robotic technologies that use neural interface systems are designed to allow people with limited mobility to assert control with signals directly from their brains. These robotic systems require detection and analysis of raw brain signals, machine learning methods to extract these signals into...

A Study on the Mode of Peer Revision in English Writing Based on WeChat Platform

Rongqin Ma
Peer revision plays an important role in College English writing teaching. It is the combination of educational function of WeChat platform and the peer revision mode in English writing that forms a new teaching mode in college English writing teaching, to some extent, improve the students’ English writing...

The Development Path of Leisure and Cultural Destination Tourism around Tai'an

Cheng-Lei Liang
Through the investigation of the natural ecological factors and cultural elements around Tai'an, in view of the analysis of the development value and development difficulty of resource elements, projects the overall development direction which on the basic of type rural leisure tourism, as the forerunner...

Task-Driven Teaching in Tax Accounting course Based on Virtual Platform

Ziang Yang, Tianqi Yang
This article explores how to use virtual platforms to develop innovative teaching activities in applied college. Take Tax Accounting course as an example, we discuss how to use “Forster tax declaration system” to develop “task-driven” teaching activities, including curriculum design, teaching strategies,...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Device of True Triaxial Apparatus for Making Layered Sand Specimen

Jinqiao Liu, Xuefeng Li, Hongyan Li
Due to the anisotropy of sand, the sand will inevitably lead to different patterns of failure under principal stress axes rotation condition. It is necessary to research sand with different deposition angles. However, the existing sand sample preparation device of true triaxial apparatus only can prepare...

Legal and Economic Consideration of Easement System

Weixin Wang, Xiuying Li
Easement system is an ancient system of other real rights originating from Roman law. As far as modern society is concerned, the easement system has made great progress, breaking through the limitations of traditional easement system in subject, content and setting conditions. This article intends to...

Research and Practice on School-enterprise Collaborative Talent Cultivation Mode in Higher Vocational Colleges

Chen Zhou, Lantao You, Ying Gao, Fangmei Ning
A major demand for colleges education is to improve the cultivation quality of higher vocational talents, but for higher education in our country, the major task is to fully combine forces of colleges, government and the society (enterprises), and build innovation and entrepreneurial talent cultivation...

Impact of Going-Concern Audit Opinion On Cost of Equity with Institutional Ownership as Moderation

Deriqqa Mawaddah Yulfa, Fitriany Fitriany
This study aims to examine whether going-concern audit opinion and 2institutional3 ownership' measured by the? percentage of institutional ownership affect the cost of equity, and whether institutional ownership moderates the impact of going-concern audit opinion on cost of equity. From regression using...

The Relationship between Spirituality, Quality of Life, and Resilience

Dinar Sari Eka Dewi, Hazaliza Binti Hamzah
A high spirituality level will lead to peace of mind and calmness in facing a life full of challenges. Thus, spirituality level determined how well someone’s quality of life and resilience are. This library research aims to seek the relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and resilience....

Profitability and Leverage to the Value of Companies With Dividend Policies as a Moderation Variable

Mardiana, Supami Wahyu Setiyowati
the purpose of this research is to test profitability and leverage to firm value with dividend policy as moderation variable. The method used is quantitative and correlational research type. The analytical technique used is Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that profitability and leverage...

Discussion on Teaching Reform of Analog Circuit Course for Overseas Students

Fangni Chen, Weiwei Qiu
With the implementation of China’s “The Belt and Road” strategy, more and more overseas students will enter universities in China. In view of the current teaching situation and characteristics of the overseas students in our university, and combining with the characteristics of the Analog Circuit course,...

The Social Security Models for State Civil Aparatus in the Concept of the State of Welfare

Budi Prasetyo, I.G.A.K. Rachmi Handayani, Adi Sulistiyono, Lego Karjoko
Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus mandates the Government to provide social security protection for State Civil Servants. This protection aims to provide protection for Participants in carrying out their duties and functions in carrying out public To support the implementation of...

Evaluation on Technology Innovation Efficiency of Big Data Enterprises Based on DEA

Xinpu Wang, Mu Zang
Pages: 145 - 148
Discussing the technological innovation efficiency of big data enterprises and carrying out in-depth research on big data enterprises will help to accurately evaluate the development status of big data industry and guide the development of big data industry. This paper uses DEA-BCC model to evaluate...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Extended CHP Plants with Energy Storages — an Open-Source Approach

Jakob Wolf, Christoph Pels Leusden, Silke Köhler, Jann Launer
An extended CHP system in a characteristic future market situation with a share of 50 % electric energy provided by renewable energy sources is analysed using the open energy modelling framework oemof. Cost-optimal plant configurations are computed based upon assumptions for investments costs and energy...
Proceedings Article

Automated Control of Technological Parameters of Ceramic Tiles Using Technical Vision

O.N. Fedonin, D.I. Petreshin, V.P. Matlakhov, V.A. Handozhko
The results of theoretical study and practical realization of a technical vision system in the production of ceramic tiles are summarized. The possibility of using technical vision during the technological operation to control the absence of defects of ceramic tiles when it moves along the conveyor in...

The system of economic processes in conjunction with digital technology

S.S. Akimov
The aim of this work is to display the structure of economic processes in their relationship with digital technologies. The study provides a literature review and analysis of economic processes and their transformation in connection with the development of digital technologies and the transition to a...
Research Article

Home Blood Pressure Assessment in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Feasibility Study

Kevin S. Heffernan, Luis Columna, Laura Prieto, Patricia Pagan, Jacob DeBlois, Alyssa Prawl, Gianpietro Revolledo, Natalie Russo, Tiago V. Barreira
Pages: 145 - 149
Introduction: Measurement of Blood Pressure (BP) in children provides insight into future Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk. Objective: To examine the feasibility and reliability of home BP monitoring in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and compare to office BP measurement. Methods: Seven...

Measurement of Superposition of New Energy Vehicle Industry Policy Based on Key Technology and Policy Optimization

Wenqian Lu, Benhai Guo, Wenjian Li
Measuring the superposition of industrial policies on the key technology chains of new energy vehicles,using multiple regression models to explore the impact of the superposition of various policy measures on overall coordination .The result shows the multiple superposition of existing industrial policies...

Need Analysis for Learning Journals App to Identify Learning Styles

Syafril, Ulfia Rahmi, Aina Almardiyah
This study is purposed to estimate the proportion of students' needs for a learning journal application that can detect learning styles. Learning styles can optimize learning achievement because individuals can learn in the right way with their learning styles. Learning journal applications can be used...

Food Security of Russia in Conditions of Western Sanctions

V.V. Moiseev, I.V. Kirova, Zh.N. Avilova, E.N. Parfenova
Regardless of the level of its political, socio-economic development and the situation in the world, every state has to solve certain national problems, among them the problem of sustainable supply of the population with its own (domestic) food. To this end, it develops and strengthens its agro-industrial...

Study on the Religious Ritual Polyphonic Music of Tibetan Groups in Qiaoqi

Xia Jiang
Located at the northern end of Baoxing County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, Qiaoqi is a fusion and transition zone of Tibet and Han ethnic culture, Tibet and Qiang ethnic culture and other ethnic cultures. It is separated from Aba and Ganzi Titibetan prefectures just by a mountain. Although they all...
Proceedings Article

On Effectiveness of Growth Regulators for Presowing Seeds Treatment of Soybean

Lyudmila Valeryevna Eliseeva, Ivan Petrovich Eliseev, Olga Varsanofieva Kayukova, Georgy Anatolyevich Mefodiev, Svetlana Veniaminovna Filippova
To increase the acreage of soybeans, it is necessary to introduce agrotechnical methods that promote its earlier maturation and increase the productivity of plants. The object of research was the soybean variety SibNIIK 315, the seeds of which were processed before sowing with Ekopin, Lignohumate and...

The Educational Ideology of Han Ying

Qiao Dong-xue
The study on the ideology of Han Ying, a famous scribe of the Western Han Dynasty, has always been easy to ignore in the academic world. In recent years, scholars have increased their research on Korean infants, but they are still not systematic. Especially in the educational thinking of Korean infants,...

Development of Physics Learning Model Based of Islamic Boarding School’s Learning Model to Improve Students' Problem Solving Skill

F Mudhofir, S Suharto, Mr Sulhadi
Islamic boarding school (pondok pesantren) is an educational institution that has special characteristics. Developing a model based on boarding school of Tahfidz Yanbu'ul Qur'an Kawan Kudus is applied in physics learning. Learning model includes tahfidz learning, foreign language habitation, and classical...

The Advertisement of Sampoerna Hijau Cigarette Kondangan Edition: Semiotic Reviews by Roland Barthes

Dina Rizki Triana, Nadiyatul Adabiyyah
Each sign has a hidden meaning and meaning to be communicated to others in order that communication process functions properly. One example is the advertising media on television. Ads basically uses a persuasive sentence that aims to invite consumers to buy the products. The purpose of the research is...
Proceedings Article

Ultrasound Method of Li-ion Electric Battery Monitoring

Vladimir Gaponov, Dmitry Kuznetsov, Vitali Dudnik, Nadezda Afanasieva
During the operation, the efficiency of Li-ion batteries is reduced. Alternative control methods are necessary for a comprehensive assessment. Experiments show ultrasonic signals appearing during the battery charging-discharging. The article is devoted to their registration and analysis

Judicial Analysis of Energy Management Regulation in the Local Level After the Enactment of Act Number 23 Year 2014 on Local Government in Indonesia

Indah Dwi Qurbani
In the past, policies on energy has always considered that the abundance of energy resources must be utilized in an optimizing manner. Whereas energy is classified as a limited natural resource and economically valuable therefore there is a need of certain awarenenss and care in exploiting it. In response...

Implementation of School and Community Relationship Techniques (A Case Study in SDN Karangbesuki 2 Malang, Indonesia)

Neris Eka Agustina, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Imam Gunawan
This study aims to describe the application of techniques for establishing school and community relations. This research method is a qualitative, phenomenological approach, through a case study design at SDN Karangbesuki 2 Malang. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, participant...

Key Policies: Complete The Promise To Terminate Citarum Crisis

Badrudin Kurniawan, Tjitjik Rahaju, Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf
Citarum River has a vital role to local community. But people behavior is precisely to make it increasingly threatened due to heavy pollution and siltation of river. Various government policies have been carried out but it had not yet result expected goal. Based on this fact, author is interested to...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Governmental Support of Education Reform and Development Need

Xiaolong Li
Governmental support is the key to the successful education reform and development. Three types of deficiencies exist in the education reform support system, which are demonstrated as the in-coordination of the overall support from central government, the reluctance of inter-governments support, and...
Proceedings Article

Immobilization of glucoamylase on stimuli-sensitive macroporous semi-interpenetrating stimuli-sensitive hydrogel carriers

Li-Xia Li, Yi Yang, Fang Zhu, Xiang-Yang Wu
Based on the special phase transition property of copolymer hydrogel of N-is opropylacrylamide, the immobilization of glucoamylase on five macro porous semi-interpenetrating stimuli-sensitive hydrogel carriers was studied. Four good preparations were screened, i.e. GelNIPAm/PAEMA-2.5, Gel NAEP/PAEMA-2.5,...