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188542 articles
Proceedings Article

Technology Compatibility Factors in the Implementation of the Ovo Digital Payment Application

Rahadian Bisma, Yuanita Puspita, Endang Sulistiyani
Digital developments are increasingly reaching the financial world, leading to a variety of new payment service innovations, one of which is OVO. The emergence of digital payment technology is not necessarily in accordance with the habits of users in using digital payments using mobile devices. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article

Study on Modular Design Based on the Theory of Life Cycle

Jun Zhou, Qinghong Chen
Based on the analysis of the traditional automobile design mode, the paper puts forward that the concept of changing from simple function design to product life cycle design. Moreover, the life cycle design theory based on modular design can better serve the subsequent links of automobile manufacturing...

Blended Learning in Russian Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Three Cases

S.N. Kucherenko, I.L. Skripnik, I.O. Shcherbakova
Blended learning has become a popular technology which combines traditional methods and tools with e-learning strategies. This paper compares and contrasts three cases of blended learning implementation at Russian higher education institutions. The cases were selected to represent three different curriculum...

The Promotion of Scientific and Technological Innovation Capacity: A Path Analysis Based on PLS-SEM for Northeast China

Yanan Shen, Min Shi, Yuhan Wu
In this paper, PLS-SEM is used to investigate the influence of the input level of science and technology resources, the intensity of scientific and technological activities and the environment of scientific and technological innovation on the ability of scientific and technological innovation, and deeply...

An Analysis of the Conversation Art and Skills of College Counselors

Jianying Wu
The communication between college counselors and students is the most direct and effective method for ideological and political education. The college counselors themselves should get well prepared for the communication, during which some rules and strategies should be followed. It is exactly the art...

Mantuku (Manekin Tubuhku: As an Adaptive Media for Sex Education to Toddlers)

Nor Laili, Vivi Mariesca Vibraena, Novira Silmi, Umi Safiul Ummah, Mohammad Efendi
Sexual assault to children in Indonesia or global has become a serious issue. Ideally, sex education is introduced since the children is in early age. Therefore, MANEKIN TUBUHKU (MANTUKU) is made as an adaptive technology for sex education to early childhood. This research includes a research and development...
Proceedings Article

Black Box Modelling and Simulating the Dynamic Indoor Air Temperature of a Laboratory Using the Continuous-Time Transfer Function Model

Shamsul Faisal Mohd Hussein, Noor Bazila Sharifmuddin, Mohd. Fitri Alif Mohd. Kasai, Abdulqader Omar Al-Rabeei, Amrul Faruq, Siti Munirah Zulkapli, Noorazizi Mohd Samsuddin, Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Shaikh Salim, Shahrum Shah Abdullah
The air conditioner is one of the devices that uses a high amount of electricity – more electricity consumption means more heat and greenhouse gases emitted to the environment if the electricity is generated by fossil fuel sources such as coal, diesel, natural gas etc. Energy-efficient control algorithms...

Construct 2-Based Educational Games as Learning Media for Anti-Corruption Education (MEDPAK) in the PPKN Study Program, Sriwijaya University

Mariyani, Sri Artati Waluyati, Rini Setiyowati
This research is motivated by the importance of anti-corruption education, especially for students as agents of change. Anti-corruption education is a compulsory subject in higher education to internalize anti-corruption values. Therefore, learning media are needed so that the material presented is more...

Differences of Visual Attention to Memes: An Eye Tracking Study

Mohammad Badrus Soleh, Yayu Hiza Anisa, Nur Fajar Absor, Suswandari, Rizki Edmi Edison
Nowadays, memes are used as funny yet effective approach to send the messages for people. The growth of internet and digital media in recent years make memes easier to spread around the world. There are many studies about the perception to memes among different ages. However, it is still unclear the...

Building Mechanism of Lifelong Learning

Best Korean Practices

Dae Joong Kang
This paper deals with the role of lifelong learning in the process of forming and developing local communities, taking the case of the Gamgol residents’ association in Ansan, South Korea. The Gamgol residents’ association, which started from the elementary school library volunteer mothers, formed a social...

Music Education in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges of Distance Learning and Digital Platforms

Kheren Sara Octaviani
This article discusses the challenges faced by music education students as prospective teachers who were carrying out teaching practice at schools located in Yogyakarta Special Region, Purworejo, Solo, and Medan during the Covid-19 pandemic. Teaching and learning activities that had to be carried out...
Proceedings Article

Composition and Structure of Mangrove Vegetation on Baai Island, West of Sumber Jaya Village, Kampung Melayu District, Bengkulu City

Fatimatuzzahra, Jarulis, Rochmah Supriati
Mangroves have an important role both ecologically and economically, so their existence is very necessary to maintain the stability of the mangrove ecosystem. Therefore, data related to the composition and structure of mangrove vegetation are needed. The observation location is on Baai Island, west of...

How are Buying Intentions in a Marketplace Formed? An acceptance of New Technology in Young People

Bryan Julio, Dudi Anandya, Indarini, Freddy Mutiara
This research discusses the existing marketplaces in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of Social Influence on Behavioral Intention and Perceived Usefulness on Attitude in a marketplace. This study is quantitative research with a causal design, with 304 respondents from...

The Model for Implementing Bureaucratic Reform in the Ministry of Administrative Reform

Hendrikus Triwibawanto Gedeona, Endang Wirjatmi Trilestari
President Jokowi-Amin’s administration (2019-2024) continues to make bureaucratic reform on of Indonesia’s development priorities. Currently, the steps being taken are bureaucratic downsizing. Administrative positions (echelon III and IV) were removed and replaced with certain functional positions, as...

Identification and Evaluation of a Market Opportunity of Elderly Caring Service

Jialan Xu
This paper identifies a market opportunity for elderly caring service in China, and illustrates the entrepreneurial idea from the aspects of value proposition, customer segment, key resources and profit model using Timmons model of entrepreneurship. Then this paper evaluates the feasibility of this startup...

Challenges and Responses of Urban Community Governance from the Perspective of Risk Society

Yin Hanhan, Gong Xueyan
The modernity centred on subjectivism and anthropocentrism tries to grasp the external world with reason. However, with the development of history, it has developed into an uncertain global risk society. There are frequent emergencies in my country, and the adverse effects of various risk disasters on...
Proceedings Article

Speed Of Reaching The Full Potential Heat Capacity Of A Basalt Product: Experimental Results

Karin Rindt, Lukáš Pilař, Frantisek Hrdlička
Renewable Energy Sources naturally deliver energy intermittently, causing fluctuations in energy supply. The energy is therefore also not provided corresponding to the actual need, but according to the availability. Hence, the demand for energy storage is rising with the increasing utilization of renewable...

Balinese Perception on Acceptance of Biotechnology and GM Crops

Dase Hunaefi, M. Syaefudin Andrianto, Yuli Sukmawati, Puput Noerfitriani Muzzayyanah
Genetically Modified (GM) crops for cultivation actually has been applied in many countries including Indonesia. However, sometimes facing limited acceptance by consumers because of some reasons. Bali one of the Indonesian strategic islands with agricultural local wisdom also has controversial perceptions...

Intelligent Application of Stunting Monitoring and Mapping Systems (Smart Ting) in Toddlers Based on Android in Jember

Erna Selviyanti, Mochammad Choirur Roziqin, Dony Setiawan Hendyca Putra, Muhammad Syeikhoni Noor
The Jember Regency Government, across sectors, across programs, and the community will synergize in a massive movement to accelerate stunting reduction down to the village level. The prevalence of stunting over the last 10 years shows no significant change, therefore stunting needs to be addressed immediately....

Recruitment Application Revamp Using Agile Development Methodology

Damon Prasetyo Arso, Wawan Dhewanto
To speed up the recruitment process of Maxtekno, a robust and reliable application platform needs to be developed. The agile development methodology is being used in this research along with qualitative research for the supporting data. The result of this development is a prototype that can be evaluated...

The Decline of Offline Business: The Impact of TikTok Technology Transformation in the Digitalization Era

Cahyasari Kartika Murni
In the digital age, businesses harness technology to maintain competitiveness and are increasingly leveraging TikTok for broader outreach. This study investigates TikTok’s role in shaping online purchasing behavior. Results demonstrate a positive correlation between increased TikTok usage and heightened...
Proceedings Article

Student Experience and Perception of Blended Learning: A Case Study on Basketball Course Delivery During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Agam Akhmad Syaukani, Nur Subekti, Vera Septi Sistiasih, Mohammad Sanggita, Noval Karunia Ramadhan
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education. The right learning strategy is needed to get around the situation to achieve learning objectives amid pandemic challenges. This research aims to explore the perceptions and experiences of students during basketball lectures in a blended...

Improving Students’ Social Skills Using Literacy-Based Learning on Social Science

Karningsih Karningsih
This study discusses about improved social skills for students through literacy based learning on the subject of social sciences to determine the implementation of literacy in social science learning so that it can improve students’ social skills. This study aims for students to be more active, creative,...

Herding Behavior and Investor Investment Decisions in Capital Market

Dian Kurnianingrum, Nugraha Nugraha, Disman Disman, Budi Supriatono Purnomo
The paradigm of conventional financial science assumes that market participants are rational in explaining financial markets. Sadly, it was later discovered that the aggregate capital market, the average rate of return, and the behavior of traders did not conform to these assumptions. Herding is a behavioral...

The Influence of Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Loans, and Return on Assets on Credit Distribution In Commercial Banks Listed on the Bei for the 2015–2022 Period

Rafiqoh Rafiqoh, Chottam, Nyoria Anggraeni Mersa, Foster Maenaria Dachi
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of third-party funds, capital adequacy ratio, non-performing loans, and return on assets on lending to commercial banks listed on the IDX in 2015–2022. The total population is 46 banking companies, and after going through several observations, 10...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Carica Papaya Linn. LEAF Extract with the Contact Poison Method for Controlling Subterranean Termites Coptotermes sp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)

Zulyusri Zulyusri, Rosi Fitri Ramadhani, Desyanti Desyanti
The study to find out the effectiveness of Carica papaya leaf extract using contact poison on the termite Coptotermes sp., one of the most harmful types of termite, mortality was conducted. This research using an experimental research with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in seven extract treatments...

Assessment of the Effect of Using Geographic Information Technologies in Identifying Taxation Objects and Violations of Land Legislation

Irina V. Gavrilenko, Artem O. Rada, Elena A. Fedulova
Digitalization and informatization of processes are an integral part of the society development. The industrial sector is also undergoing continuous improvement and implementation of new technologies. One of them is territorial planning based on geographic information systems. The study has been carried...

Elaborate The Loanword Arabic in Kaili Language: The Perspective of Language Contact

Deni Karsana, Lukman Lukman, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Katubi Kutubi, Wati Kurniawati
The Arabs (Islamic leaders) came to the archipelago with the aim of doing business and spreading Islam. On the island of Sulawesi, especially Central Sulawesi, these Islamic leaders visited and settled there, such as Abdullah Raqie (Dato Karama) and Sayed Idrus bin Salim Al-Jufri,. They came to Donggala...

The Difficulties of EFL Graduate Students in Writing a Scientific Article

Uchy Mukho Adrianty, Muhd. Hafizh
Reflecting on the previous conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, many students face serious problems with English as a foreign language skills in online learning. EFL students find it challenging to comprehend and communicate, even in spoken or written form. Research on students’ difficulties in writing...

Analysis of Pollution Characteristics and Health Risk of Phenolic Pollutants in the Surface Soil of an Industrial Park in Ningxia, China

Yue Sun, Zengyu Han, Wenjuan Jiang, Hongbin Cao
In this article, surface soil samples from an industrial park in Ningxia were collected to determine the concentrations of six phenolic pollutants. Single factor pollution index and Nemerow integrated pollution index methods were used to evaluate the degree of soil phenolic pollution, the spatial distribution...

Research on the Protection of Volunteers’ Rights and Interests in China —Based on 167 Cases of Volunteer Infringement Disputes from 2011 to 2022

Qingchao Meng, Jianpeng Zhou
At the moment, administrative, local, and governmental guidelines make up the majority of the laws governing volunteers and their volunteer work in China. No comprehensive national laws protecting the rights and interests of volunteers have been developed. In real-world situations, there is a distinction...

The Development of Tutorial Video Media Learning in Specialty Food Subject

Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Dyah Nurani Setyaningsih, Pudji Astuti, Agus Khamid, Atria Ray Delta Rivani
The objectives of this study are: (1) to create learning media based on tutorial video for Specialty Foods subject, (2) to determine the adequacy level of Specialty Food tutorial video media according to material experts, (3) to determine the adequacy level of Special Food tutorial video media according...

The Construction of College Employment Distance Guidance Service Platform Based on Streaming Media Technology

Yu Zhang
This paper takes college employment guidance as the research object, highly integrates the application advantages of streaming media technology, network information technology and computer application technology, and builds a Web-based college employment remote guidance service platform. The whole platform...

Comparison of the Content of Chinese and British Senior Secondary Mathematics Textbooks

Siyan Liang, Yingyi Lyu, Yingkai Zhi
This paper explores the differences between Chinese and British mathematics textbooks, mainly from three aspects: 1) Focus on the training object; 2) Comparison of content difficulty; 3) Comparison of mathematical culture and function. The textbooks this paper selected are Chinese People’s Education...
Proceedings Article

Physical Quality and Microstructure of Casein-Sodium Tripholyphosphate Edible Film Making

Imam Thohari, Mulia Winirsya Apriliyani, Ayunitasari Rachmawati, Eka Nur Rakhmawati Ningsih, Putri Masfufah Aminuzzuhriyah
Edible film is a natural packaging that is environmentally friendly (biodegradable) which is strong and elastic, resembling plastic packaging. Cow’s milk has component fractionation capabilities that produce a variety of functional ingredients for applications in the food industry. Cow’s milk has properties,...
Proceedings Article

Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office

Driaskoro Budi Sidharta, Slamet Prasetyo Sutrisno, Firmansyah Abdullah Rosanto, Paulina M. Latuheru, Febriansyah
It is necessary to make various efforts to save energy usage by each party. Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang as part of the Indoneia government is trying to find ways to use electrical energy. The use of motion sensors, wireless switches, window film, controlling room temperature...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Location of Community Group Purchase Pick-Up Points Based on Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm

Fei Chen
In order to develop in the long run and improve the overall revenue, community group buying enterprises should further improve the end of the self-pickup point. Community group buying self-pickup points are characterized by direct communication between the head of the group and the customer, therefore,...

Development of Textile Made From Clothing Fasteners Material Using Weaving Technique

(Case Study: Cigondewah Kaler Textile Center, Bandung, Indonesia)

Annisaa Nurfitriyana, Dian Widiawati, Bintan Titisari
Cigondewah area is home to the largest textile centre in Bandung city, West Java province, Indonesia, which plays an essential role in developing the fashion industry in Bandung and Indonesia. In addition to selling textiles, in the Cigondewah Textile Center, especially in Kelurahan Cigondewah Kaler,...

Factors Influencing Customers Loyalty Towards Electronic Commerce

Pankaj Misra, Anjana Pandey
Long term growth of any firm is depends upon profitability. Customer retention and customer loyalty is very important for growth of any firm. The objective of this paper is to identify the factors which influence the customer’s loyalty towards business to customer (B2C) electronic commerce (E-Commerce)...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Formation Mechanism and Promotion of Brand Loyalty in Tourism Destinations

Taking Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an Example

Liping Xu, Sen Yang
The competition among tourist destinations is becoming more and more fierce. For tourist destinations, it is not only necessary to maintain the core market, but also to attract opportunity markets and guide tourists to become loyal tourists to the destination. The study found that the direct effect of...

How We Media should Promote the Development of Traditional Culture-Taking the 24 Solar Terms as an Example

Yiyang Jiang
Nowadays, China, due to the increasing reform and opening up, attracts a large number of western cultures and suddenly comes into contact with many new foreign things. The original concept of so-called traditional culture is slowly diluted in this process. Excellent traditional culture, as the source...

Customer Satisfaction Analysis for Medical Service Quality from Foreign Females’ Perspective in Korea During COVID-19

Seieun Kim, Yiwen Shen
The aim of this paper is to measure the relationship among medical service quality, customer satisfaction, and revisit intention for foreign female hospital visitors in Korea during COVID-19. This study employed an extended SERVQUAL model including COVID-19 regulations such as keeping social distance...

Implementation of the “Sippadu 2.0” in Terms of Public Service Innovation Successes

Trenda Aktiva Oktariyanda, Ngukup Cahyo Achmadja
The government and public sector organizations must be able to meet people’s expectations in providing fast, accurate, affordable, and innovative services in welcoming the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as well as in emergencies such as the Covid-19 pandemic which we may not know about in the future. One...

Parent Involvement in the Implementation of Education Program Through the Community “Paguyuban”

Dyas Bintang Perdana, Raden Bambang Sumarsono, Nova Syafira Ariyanti, Maulana Amirul Adha
The purpose of this study is to trace parental participation in education, and reveal the supporting factors and obstacles to parental participation in the implementation of educational activities. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The data collection steps are...

Indonesia’s Tax Sovereignty Toward Digital Multinational Companies

Ujang Badru Jaman, Endah Pertiwi, Nucharaha Alhuda Hasnda
In the 21st century, international trade dynamics have shifted due to the rise of digital and internet-based communication networks. Companies now leverage technology to expand their global sales without significant investments in time, labor, and capital. While this benefits companies by reducing costs,...

The Influence of Reading on English Speaking

Yifei Jia
For non-native speakers, it is challenging to make communication easier. This study shows that the improvement of oral English ability has become the most challenging task for non-native speakers. Therefore, this paper aims at the influence of reading on oral English learning and will introduce the trouble...

Constructing an Abridged Life Table based on Estimator of the Probability of Death Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation

M. Hasbi Ramadhan
This research aims to construct an abridged life table by estimating the probability of death using maximum likelihood estimation. This research is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The model used is Polya Model. Subjects in this research were five students of the Islamic Economics...
Proceedings Article

Long-Term Induction by Duck Egg Yolk Resulting in Increased Total Cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein, High Density Lipoprotein and Atherogenic Index in Experimental Animals

Muhammad Hanif Al As’ad Budiyanto, Dimas Agus Cholili, Diva Berliana Adhyaksa, Dwina Permatasari, Fathiyatul Mudzkiroh, Anindya Amanda Damayanti, Dwi Nur Ahsani
Induction by high-fat diet (HFD) is frequently performed for research on hypercholesterolemia in experimental animals. In general, HFD is obtained by combining various components, but only few studies have investigated the potential of each component to induce hypercholesterolemia in experimental animals....

Implementing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as Teaching Innovation for Islamic Religious Education (IRE): A Study on Student’s Perception

Titis Thoriquttyas, Nur Faizin, Nur Ahsin
This study aims to measure student perceptions regarding the use of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) learning innovations through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). In simple terms, NLP is oriented to four principles of expertise, namely self-skills, systemic thinking skills, relational skills and...
Proceedings Article

Investigation of Washer Influence on Bolt Connections in Non-Ferrous and Non-Metal Constructions

Radka Jírová, Lubomír Pešík, Josef Vosáhlo
Modern design of production and transport machines is currently characterised by a wide range of non-ferrous and non-metal materials. Typical reasons are demands on cost and weight. Further reasons are requirements on physical properties, e.g. thermal and electrical non-conductivity, the ability to dump...