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188542 articles

Students' Creativity in Matlab Programming as Media in Learning Mathematics

Octavina Rizky Utami Putri
The purpose of this research is to describe the process and product of student creativity in programming Matlab as the base of making of learning media of mathematics based on Information and Technology (IT). This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The data collection technique employed...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of CRM System on Sales Man-agement Control: A Case Study

Liang Li, Ji-Ye Mao
Whereas prior research has paid little attention to the effect of CRM system on internal process control, this case study illustrates control-related CRM usage by investigating how effective sales management control through CRM and why. Results show that the CRM application can strengthen formal control...
Proceedings Article

Design and Application of Photovoltaic Battery Digital Simulator

Wenhao Cai, Yun Li, Du Li
This paper uses a simplified mathematical model of engineering panels to accurately simulate the output characteristic of the solar cells only to know individual panels’ parameters. On photovoltaic characteristic curve fitting timeliness, the four broken-line method combined with linear interpolation...
Proceedings Article

Fusion Recognition Fingerprints and Handwritten Signature Recognition Fusion Based on the Bayesian Algorithm

Xiaojie Yang, Yunyun Zhou, Mandan Liu
This paper puts forward the fusion recognition using fingerprints and handwritten signature method, using Bayesian decision theory establishment decision-making optimization mathematical model to calculate the decision-making level fusion.

International Experience and Reference of PPP Model in Inclusive Preschool Education

Meng Zhang, Yang Liu, Jing Cheng
In order to standardize the marketization and privatization reform of inclusive preschool education and apply PPP model of inclusive preschool education scientifically and effectively, this paper firstly introduces the main forms and implementation status of PPP model of basic education in foreign countries....
Proceedings Article

The Characteristics of Climate Change in Latest 60 Years and Extreme Severe Weather in latest 10 Years in Qinhuangdao

Liling Ju, Hongming Guo, Yun Xia, Zhizheng Mao
Based on the meteorological data in Qinhuangdao in latest 60 years and major mereorological disaster data in latest 10 years, the characteristics of climate change and occurrence of extreme severe weather in Qinhuangdao were analyzed using mathematical statistical method. To provide a climate basis for...
Proceedings Article

Cognitive Maps in the Development of the Multi-dimensional System of Objects’ Management for the Manufacturing of Products From Composites

Tatiana Sazonova, Larisa Polyakova
The article discusses the problem of automation of technological processes for the manufacturing of products from polymer composite materials used in mechanical engineering. Classification of control systems is represented according to the degree of completeness of a priori information about the control...

Enhancing Teacher Professionalism in Learning Organization Perspective

Muammal Jasin
This paper analyzes the improvement of teacher professionalism through personal and organizational approaches. This study uses the library approach. Increasing the professionalism of teachers with the concept of learning organizations emphasizes that individuals in organizations must have a clear concept...

Future of Job Market in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

P.N. Hoang, B.T.T. Trang
In the fourth industrial revolution era, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly developed and will influence our lives and societies in many ways. In addition, AI technologies can work together with other technologies such as the internet of things, 3D printing, block-chain, and quantum...

Quo Vadis Gender Mainstreaming Policy to Fight Against the Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence in Indonesia

Anisa Rizki, Farida Hanum
Gender-based violence is still an unresolved problem in Indonesia. This is indicated by the high level of violence against women and children. Violence is one indicator in the gender equality and equity index used to measure development success. This certainly shows that Indonesia still has challenges...

Influence of Microcredit and Business Management Training to Micro and Small Business Performance in West Java, Indonesia

F.D. Trisnasih, L. Layyinaturrobaniyah, A. M. Siregar
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of national economy. However, there are still many problems faced by SMEs among other are the availability of capital, the difficulties to access finan-cial institution as a lender, low understanding in business management, limited market...

Analysis of Vote Behavior in Election (Psychological Study of Election Behavior on the Young Generation)

Mulyana Abdullah, Kama A. Hakam, Wilodati Wilodati, Ratnafitria Ratnafitria
Party ID can be formed when it looks like clearly. Through a process of socialization and institutionalization to the community which over the long term will build partisanship having opportunity to create loyalty of the voters. The problem is to build the loyalty and partisanship in the soul of voters...
Proceedings Article

Cold Pressor Test for Predicting Risk of Pregnancy Hypertension: A Case Control Study

Linda Yanti, Mariah Ulfah
As 60% of maternal deaths occurred during childbirth, 26.32% occurred during pregnancy and 13.68% occurred at the time of delivery. The causes of maternal mortality include metabolic disorders was 0.87%, infections of 4.34%, circulatory system disorders, 12.36%, bleeding 30.37%, hypertension in pregnancy...

Experimental Research in Phonics Classroom Instruction of Low-Grade Elementary Students from the Perspective of Translanguaging*

Hong Tang, Qinghua Peng
It is taken for granted that English-only classroom may be helpful to students in EFL teaching. However, there is an argument against this immersion approach, especially for low-grade elementary school students in Phonics Classroom Instruction. For the low-grade elementary school students, the immersion...

The Phenomenon of Hoax Narrative Among Religious Campuses: Anthropolinguistic Study

This study aims to explain the anthropolinguistic perspective of hoax narratives in campus religious institutions, classify community responses in religious campus environments to hoax narratives, and explain the potential threats of narrative hoaxes to patterns of religious and diversity. The method...
Proceedings Article

The Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Reducing Accidental Risk on Board

Iksiroh El Husna, Anissofiah Azise, Sarifuddin
Ships have been preferable transportation modes in archipelagic countries like Indonesia because of their capability of transporting heavy loads. Indonesia has a great potential in maritime business and employment. However, accidental rate on board is also very high. Therefore, human behaviors during...

Design of Cooperative Learning Models in Physical Education Learning in Elementary School

Muhammad Fitri, Tri Irianto, Rahmadi
The purpose of this study was to determine the contents of the steps of the Learning Implementation Plan using the cooperative model (Cooperative Learning) for elementary school students in the City of Banjarbaru. The research method used in this study is a quantitative method by using surveys and documentation...

Teacher and Student Communication in Science Education at Schools

Ike Junita Triwardhani, Wulan Trigartanti, Indri Rachmawati
One of the crucial factors in carrying out education is building an educational environment. Many school environments are not yet integrated with students’ learning needs and goals to be achieved. Building a school environment is not only done by teachers but also students and school support systems....

Disengagement of Hoax and Hate Speech from Social Context: Analysis of Intersection Between Criminal Law and the Influence of the Linguistic

Maryano, Rocky Marbun
Digital Age 4.0 is only considered as a digitalization era that focuses on the progress of humanity. However, the digitalization process legitimizes the reduction of wealth in meaningful experiences of human life (ausdrück) with all the intuitive traits contained in humans. This trait that makes a person...

Research on Experiential Design of Automobile Exhibition Space

Junwen Luo, Kai Cao
In recent years, designers have shifted from focusing on the auto product itself to the connection between “cars” and “people”, mainly focusing on interactive and experiential designs. The variety of forms of the exhibition space design can arouse the interest of the visitors and mobilize the enthusiasm...

Analysis of Mathematical Communication Skills of Junior High School Students Reviewed from Gender and School Origin

Puji Hayati, Sugeng Sutiarso, Syarifuddin Dahlan
This study aims to analyze and describe the mathematical communication skills of junior high school students reviewed from gender and school origin. This reaserch is a qualitative descriptive study, with the subject of the study being the eighth grade students of Pasir Sakti State 2 Junior High School,...
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Bioassay of Allelopathy in Robusta Coffee Callus Using Sandwich Method

Muchamad Imam Asrori, Hamako Sasamoto, Shinjiro Ogita
The allelopathic potential of various plants, including coffee species, has been studied. Although the allelopathic potential of coffee leaves, stems, and roots has been reported, there is no detailed information about coffee callus. Since this callus produces bioactive metabolites, we focused on investigating...

Review of Body Language Posture, and an Exercise Called “Power Posing Challenge” to Improve One’s Confidence

Gameiro, Marcelo Gonçalves
Body language posture with confidence is an important skill that cannot be ignored by people who wants to have high achievements in life. A much better first impression can be created in people’s minds if someone can display a good and confident body language. Such important skills can be applied professionally,...

Differentiation Services and Customer Value that Affects Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty PT. Samudra Jaya Sakti

Yusuf Suhardi, Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini, Anisa Nanda Novita, Arya Darmawan
Research aims to determine the influence of service differentiation and customer value to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty services of freight forwarding at PT. Samudra Jaya Sakti. Independent variables differentiation services and customer values that affect the analysis of dependent variables...

The Ecological Environment Optimization Mechanism of Rural Tourism Community Based on “Two Mountains Theory”

Hejiang Shen, Yang Zhang, Jianchun Zhang
The good humanities and natural ecological environment of rural communities are not only the basis for human survival and development,but also the favourable factor for promoting rural tourism development.However,with the continuous growth of rural tourism,the ecological,natural environment and production...

Particularities of Conflict of Interest Legal Regulation in the Civil Service System

O.N. Kichaluk, O.A. Morozova
The article analyzes the significant particularities of the legal regulation of the conflict of interest institution in the system of civil and municipal service. A comprehensive research of this institution from a legal point of view is significant for solving issues arising in the process of its legislative...

Formation of the Legal Competence of High School Students Through Club Activities in the Context of Digitalization

E.E. Andreeva, Ju.N. Galaguzova
In modern Russian society, the role of legal education in people’s lives continues to grow. The society dictates a new portrait of a graduate of a general educational organization, comprehensively trained, owning a complex of developed social competencies that meet social requirements and are necessary...

Defense Economics Viewpoint of Intellectual Property Rights

Kuncoroadi Prasetyadji, Witri Aulia Maudy, Supandi
Intellectual property Rights (IPR) is a self-esteem appreciation of the human imagination that has produced an intellectual work. Intellectual property that is obained is things that have more value and huge benefit in terms of economic, social, cultural, and development of a civilization. The appreciation...

The Usage of Virtual Laboratory on Grade 11 Students’ Learning Outcomes Toward Physics

Sitti Lailatul Qamaria
This studied investigated the usage of virtual laboratory (VL) on grade 11 students’ learning outcomes of fluid statics and dynamics toward physics. The research used quasi experiment with the design of static group comparison that aimed to determine; 1) the magnitude of students’ learning outcomes by...

Criminalization of Funding in Criminal Terrorism in Indonesia

Sukamarriko Andrikasmi
Terrorism is a crime that is currently a hot issue in Indonesia, attracting the attention of the international community and even terrorism is also a conversation between countries, and not a few of the issues of terrorism can affect the relationship between countries both bilateral and multilateral...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on Incidents of Helminthiasis Based on Home Sanitation of Elementary-School Children in Seluma Regency

Mario Sandro, Achmad Fickry Faisya, Rostika Flora, Mohammad Zulkarnain, Nur Alam Fajar, Samwilson Slamet
Intestinal helminthiasis is a worm infection transmitted from soil contaminated by helminths (soil- transmitted helminths). The incident of helminthiasis is commonly found in school-age children. Frequent outdoor activities, contact with soil, and poor environmental sanitation increase the incident of...

Nutrition Management in Sports State High School Athletes, Riau Province

Sasmarianto, Tandiyo Rahayu, Rumini, Tri Rustiadi
Proper and balanced nutrition delivery for athletes is indispensable in an effort to pursue maximum achievement. One important aspect that is often forgotten in coaching athletes is the athlete’s nutritional factor. The research aims to 1) know the nutritional management of athletes in high school sports...

The Improvement of Children’s Social Emotional Achievement Through the Implementation of Traditional Games (An Action Research in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Mutiara Hati Mataram 2015)

Istati Dwi Rahayu
The research aims to improve the children’s social emotionalachievement through traditional games. The traditional games are the solution for the existing cultural and untapped potential for the stimulation process in early childhood. The experiment was conducted among 16 children of group B of Early...

Evaluation of Humanities and Social Science Research Efficiency of the Normal Universities in China

Huibin Cui, Yongqi Huang
The prosperity of humanities and social science is a significant driving force for the improvement of technology thus contributing to construct the national innovation system with Chinese characteristics. By utilizing the three-stage DEA model, this article measured and evaluated the research efficiency...

The Construction of Meghan Markle’s Identity as a Biracial Woman in Media Reports

Maghfirah Fitrianur Ardifa, Harumi Manik Ayu Yamin
The construction of Meghan Markle’s identity as a biracial woman can be represented through the reports on the British royal wedding in 2018 in some UK and US media outlets. However, the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle became a controversy since Harry was the only royal family member to marry...

Student Perceptions of Social Studies Learning Problems in the Era 4.0 and the Way to Solve Them (Research at the Postgraduate School of Social Sciences Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta)

Rudy Gunawan
Social Sciences Learning in junior high schools is still constrained by various problems. Problems that often arise are too much material, while the lesson hours are too few, teachers who teach not teach do not come from the social sciences education study program, but come from social science study...

Business Model Development of PT. XYZ Using Business Model Canvas

Jasnovaria Jasnovaria, Ningky Sasanti Munir
Changes in external and internal environment often cause changes in a company’s business model. The business model currently used by PT. XYZ is not able to overcome the main problems such as falling income and increasing costs significantly which resulting a very high negative profits. The right business...

Digital Culture Towards Information Society (Case Study of Collaboration Between CIG and ICT Volunteers)

Manik Sunuantari, Erna Febriani, Irwa R Zarkasi
According to the agreement of The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), Indonesian government encourages community empowerment through the mastery of information and communication technology (ICT) skills. The partnership was developed between Community Information Group (CIG) and Information...

EEG based Drowsiness Detection using Relative Band Power and Short-time Fourier Transform

Pranesh Krishnan, Sazali Yaacob, Annapoorni Pranesh Krishnan, Mohamed Rizon, Chun Kit Ang
Pages: 147 - 151
Sleeping on the wheels due to drowsiness is one of the major causes of death tolls all over the world. The objective of this research article is to classify drowsiness with alertness based on the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals using spectral and band power features. A publicly available ULg DROZY...

Child Friendly School Organizational Culture in Minahasa North Sulawesi Indonesia

Ruth Sriana Umbase, Telly D. Wua
The fulfillment and protection of children’s rights in schools remains a controversial issue due to cases of violence both teachers and students in the school environment. Therefore this study aims to: (1) identify the culture of child-friendly school organization; (2) analyze the factors supporting...

The Effect of Product Quality, Prices, and Consumer Knowledge Levels on Product and Socio-Economic Status on Organic Rice Customer Satisfaction in Klaten, Central Java

Catur Rini Sulistyaningsih, Nugrahini Susantinah Wisnujati
Recently organic food has become people’s choice and the market demand on organic foods has been increasing. Research done by Maastricht Ageing Netherland shows that chemical substances, especially pesticide, within our daily food consumption may generate cognitive disfunction. This research because...

Text of Oral Tradition of Lullaby Songs Mainland Region of the Minangkabau Collective: Format, Content, and Functions

WS Hasanuddin, Emidar, Zulfadhli
This research article contains a discussion of the study of the format, content, and function of the oral tradition text of the lullaby songs mainland region of the Minangkabau collective. The Minangkabau collective mainland region is represented by three main custom areas, namely Luhak Tanah Datar,...

Discrete Laplace Operator in the Space with a Fuzzy Partition

Hana Zámečníková, Irina Perfilieva
Differential operators definitely play an important role in image processing tasks. One of the most frequently used operator for this purpose is the Laplace operator, usually defined as the divergence of a gradient of a function. Since images are considered as discrete objects, many applications require...
Research Article

Lung Ultrasound using a Handheld Device to Diagnose COVID-19 in the Emergency Department

Abdulrahman M. Alfuraih, Abdussalam A. Alshehri, Hani M. Alshehri, Sami A. Alamri, Tariq S. Aleyyed, Khalid G. Alaufi, Mohammed J. Alsaadi
Pages: 147 - 153
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has critically struck healthcare systems and burdened emergency services. To date, there is no accurate and rapid point-of-care diagnostic test. This study aimed to investigate Lung Ultrasound (LUS) against Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction...

Cultural Cooperation as an Important Area of Strategic Partnership Between China and Russia

Yuyao Wu
The article is devoted to the cultural cooperation between China and Russia at the beginning of the XXI century. In the modern stage China and Russia build bilateral relations with “strategic partnership” character. The aim of the study is to identify the role of cultural cooperation for the Chinese-Russian...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Guava Extracts on Ferritin Levels in Pregnant White Rats

Febby Herayono, Hasanalita, Silvie Permata Sari, Hartati Deri Manila
Background: Anemia affects almost a quarter of the world population. Irondeficiency is a cause of anemia. Pregnant women are declared to have anemia when using the 11g / dL limit in the first and third trimesters and 10.5 g / dL in the second trimester while ferritin acts as aniron reserve. Guava is...

The Perspectives on Philanthropic Hadiths in Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Lowanu Yogyakarta

The Perspectives on Philanthropic Hadiths in Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Lowanu Yogyakarta, this article discusses the perspectives on the hadiths that are used as theological foundation by Muhammadiyah in carrying out a social human movement in the form of an orphanage, which is Panti Asuhan Lowanu. The...

Planning Affects the Risk of Loss in Investing in the Capital Market

Z Mariskha., Hendra Sastrawinata, Dewi Fadilah, M. Riska Maulana
The Yuk Nabung Saham or let’s save stock campaign has provided insight to public that investing in the capital market is easy and cheap. This program is much in line with the development of capital markets in South Sumatra, which began to change the direction since 2008, namely from entrepreneurs to...

Optimization of Regional Assets in Aceh Province

Study on SKPA Aceh Province

Faridah, Abdul Rahman Lubis, Yossi Diantimala, Ridwan Ibrahim
This study aims to determine the relationship between regulatory understanding, asset management, asset knowledge, internal control standards (SPI) and apparatus behavior on the optimization of regional assets in the Aceh Province SKPA. The population in this study were District Working Units/Regional...
Proceedings Article

Psychosocial Distress in Breast Cancer Patients

Wenny Savitri, Amin Haryati
Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in Indonesia. Breast cancer and its therapy cause several impacts on patients, including physical, psychological, and social. Little information has been gathered regarding non-physical impacts on patients with breast cancer in the form...