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188542 articles

Misconceptions of the Students with High Mathematical Creative Thinking Level in Solving the Geometric Shapes Problems

Hajjah Rafiah, Aminah Ekawati
Students are frequently wrong in understanding a certain concept or material in learning mathematics or termed as misconceptions. Misconceptions do not occur only at students with low mathematics skills or low levels of mathematical creative thinking, but also for students with high mathematical creative...

The Artistic Characteristics of Huaxian's Shadow Play Music and the Xifu Regional Culture Inheritance

Qian Wang
With the development of social and cultural system, the protection of intangible cultural heritage and the inheritance of regional excellent culture have become the main content of cultural development. Shadow play has been widely regarded as the carrier of Chinese shadow art culture. Among them, Huaxian...

Research and Application on Teaching Mode Based on New Media

Keliang Jia
In order to guide students rationally to use the new media platform, according to the characteristics of new media, the paper combined the constructivism and blended learning theory, then designed a blended teaching model based on the new media and built a new media teaching platform, finally designed...
Proceedings Article

Research on Wide Band Smoke Materials

Yuting Liu, Qian Zhang, Zhining Zhao
In the modern war electromagnetic spectrums are used by many kinds of guided weapons involving radio, microwave, infrared, laser, etc. To countermine such weapon systems, the smoke jamming technology is highly paid attention to because of its simple operation, obvious effectiveness and high efficiency...

Analysis on the Meaning of Teaching with Dialectical Negation

Fujiang Sun
The unification of affirmation and negation of things can reach if we overcome and retain different factors of things or the different trends or properties of the same factor. Understanding that negation is the "unification of retaining and overcoming" can train students' ability and skill of dialectical...

Application of Hand-held Terminal-Based Micro-Learning in Teaching

Qin Xue
With the advance of technology and due to the universality and convenience of handheld terminal, the concept of life-long learning has been gradually interiorized. On this basis, hand-held terminal-based micro-learning emerges and develops in a rapid pace. This paper illustrates the concept and features...
Proceedings Article

Construction of A General Academic Search Engine Based on Multi-source and Heterogeneous Data

Qiangkui Leng, Shurui Wang, Qi Yan, Yuping Qin
For researchers, the retrieval needs on multi-source and heterogeneous academic data are increasingly urgent. However, the existing retrieval systems still have some shortcomings, such as expensive prices, poor integration, loss of information. In this paper, we present a general framework for designing...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Timing Synchronization Algorithm based on Signal Reconstruction in Multipath Fading Channel

Juan CHEN, Xueqiang ZHENG
Timing synchronization method for DS-SS system taking into account the multipath effect on HF channel is studied. A novel timing synchronization algorithm based on signal reconstruction is proposed in multipath fading HF channel. Through signal reconstructing and interference cancelling, the right path...
Proceedings Article

Study of Numerical Method of Synthetical Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient on Rail during Spraying Process

Li Ge, Liu Zhimin
In order to get precise synthetical heat transfer coefficients, the synthetical surface heat transfer coefficients on rail are calculated respectively by Two-point method, Three-point method and Whole method during spraying process, taken into the calculation model to get the cooling curve to compare...
Proceedings Article

Build Prediction Models for Gold Prices Based on Back-Propagation Neural Network

Chingpei Lin
In recent years, international gold prices have been constantly rising, gold investment and preserve (or even appreciation) effects have been widely concerned by the market. Whether it is based on speculation, investment or hedging purposes, the gold has been incorporated into the asset allocation by...
Proceedings Article

Risk Prediction Analysis of Oil Spill for the Channel of Changxing Island

Lei Liu, Jianguo Lin, Yuchi Niu
This paper adopted the model of the particles to predict oil film dynamic drift process. The prediction was supposed to happen in the channel of Changxing Island, and it carried through under four kinds of circumstances. The circumstances are no wind condition, NNE, WSW and SSW. Through simulating the...

The Negative Influence of Network Language and the Analysis of Countermeasure on College Students' Ideological Education

Ning Ning
Network language is its different distinct characteristics from the traditional language. It has great influence on the ideological education in Colleges and universities. Through the analysis of the negative influence of network language on the contemporary college students and its cause of formation,...

Research on the Linkage Development and Countermeasures of Manufacturing Industry and Logistics Industry

Qingmin Yuan, Jianan Lei
The linkage development of manufacturing industry and logistics industry is an important project in the plan of our country's logistics industry adjustment and revitalization, also its influence has been continued until now. At present, the integration of the manufacturing industry and the logistics...

A Research on the Four-State Control Strategy Based on the Specific Condition

Zhihong Wang, Fei Zhang, Changqing Du, Huiping Yang
The Four-State control strategy based on the original CD-CS strategy has been designed by using a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) as the research object. The disadvantage of the CD-CS strategy is that when the driving distance is more than the maximum pure electric driving range, vehicle enters...
Proceedings Article

Study on High-Quality Wide Dynamic Image Synthesis Algorithm in Multiple Image Processing

Cheng Zhu, Bing Guo
The key to adopting DSP technology to deal with multiple images into a high quality wide dynamic image is to adopt a suitable synthesis algorithm. In order to solve the puzzle of synthetic effects in image by image synthesis method and weighted average method based on relative illumination, the paper...
Proceedings Article

An Improved Decoder Motion Estimation Algorithm in Distributed Video Coding

Cunying Chen, Hua Zhang
This paper focuses on the theory of side information generation, and puts forward an improved scheme based on unsupervised learning of motion vector which improves system's performance. The scheme generates and optimizes side information through the introduction of rate control at the encoder and EM...

The Status and Role of Women in The Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu

Puspita Wulandari, Achmad Hufad, Siti Nurbayani
The community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu values the status and role of women as being more important compared to that of men’s. This study applied descriptive method and Spradley’s analysis design to explain the phenomenon. The result of this study shows that the highest status...

English Reading Skills of College Students

Zhiyong Sun
One of the basic skills crucial to every individual is the ability to read. Reading is a fundamental skill that allows a person to be able to expand knowledge and widen their horizons. It is also a kind of skills that students need to have. With the advent of the era of information, the English materials...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis on the Development of Dong Nationality Settlement from Ecological Perspective

Yanmin Liang, Zhimeng Huang
The traditional concept about original ecological culture can be reflected largely by the unique settlement culture of Dong nationality and their behavioral habits. Actually in Dong nationality villages, the site selection and the spatial construction have also shown their unique cultural and ecological...
Proceedings Article

L1-induced Performance Analysis for Positive Systems with Interval Uncertainties

Xiaoming Chen
The L1 performance analysis is studied for continuous-time interval positive systems. In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions for stability and L1 performance are established for positive linear systems through linear inequalities.
Proceedings Article

Using information logistics techniques to develop an integrated information pool for improving efficiency of post-clearance customs control

Oxana V. Bleikher, Vera V. Ageeva, Oxana E. Brazovskaya, Natalya B. Butorina, Alexander V. Kuleshov
A key issue in Russian post-clearance customs control is the automation of customs procedures and day-to-day customs management at national and regional levels, as well as the building of a single information space. In order to expedite Russian post-clearance customs control, it is necessary to develop...
Proceedings Article

The Research on Anti-Tumor Related Effect and Its Mechanism of Herba Sarcandrae

Xiuxia Wang
Purpose of this paper is to explore Herba Sarcandrae anti-tumor effect and related mechanisms. Methods Now Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CNKI), Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (CBM), Wanfang database and VIP database aggregated from 1994 to the relevant literature and 2009, and summarized...
Proceedings Article

Connection Mode Optimization of Power Distribution Network Based on Load Fusion and Hierarchical Control Theory

Bingqian Song
With the complex and variable structure and operation mode of power distribution network, the traditional load area model is difficult to adapt to the distribution network transformation. Therefore, based on the idea of information fusion, this paper puts forward a kind of load fusion theory, and constructs...

Research on Innovations of Management Mechanisms under the Background of Shaanxi Free Trade Zone

Peng Zhang
At present, China's free trade zones have formed a gradual expansion of the coastal areas to the inland regions. Many free trade zones have formed a large number of replicable experiences, which provide valuable references for the construction of Shaanxi free trade zone. Learning the advanced experiences...

Dynamic Analysis of Academic Research on "Pension Service" in the Last 20 Years in China and Abroad - Quantitative Analysis Based on Citespace 5.0

Dan Gao
With the improvement of aging, "pension services" has become a hot topic in academic research; China has also taken "pension services" as an important content of the supply-side reform. This paper, with the aid of Citespace 5.0, using the literature data of CNKI and WOSTM database in 1997-2016, takes...

Roles of Conjunction in Developing Cohesion-Based Ideas: A Study in Speaking Class

Many researches on English as second language have been conducted in various countries with different first languages. One of the researches is analyzing the second language acquisition of English. This research discusses the progress of the students'English skills in speaking class. It describes the...

Evaluation the Television Dramas Ranking Using the Bayes' theorem

Bo-yang Lu, Ji Li, Yin-zhu Chen, Hang Xu
With the development of the TV industry, the prediction of the TV drama is becoming more and more important. In recent years, large data analysis has gradually developed, so through large data to analysis the trend of TV drama will be the greatest extent to accelerate the development of the TV industry....

Learning Management System Towards Learner's Independent Learning

Kalthom Husain, Puziah Abd. Wahab, Mohd Faeez Ilias, Mohd Izzuddin Mohd Pisol, Fariza Hanan Muhammad
This paper reports on an ongoing research project at International Islamic University College (IIUCS), Selangor, Malaysia where students from faculty of education are consulted to explicate their experiences utilizing Learning Management System (LMS). LMS is an online learning platform enables stu-dents...
Proceedings Article

Algorithm and Data Research of Computer Aided Course Arrangement System

Weili Chu, Yanmei Meng
In course arrangement, the factors, such as time, courses, teaching areas, classrooms, faculties, classes, teachers, and so on need to be taken into consideration. The conflicts in any period of time in the teacher, the teaching, the class of the teaching, the classroom occupation will be avoided in...

Research on Network Financial Data Analysis System

Tanxin Guo
With the continuous development of social and economic, the role and impact of the financial industry in the whole economic system have gradually been people's attention. The financial industry can help the circulation of social funds, resulting in more economic benefits, which also has a reasonable...

The Implementation of Assessment Character Education Results in Secondary School

Gendon Barus
Integrated character education in secondary school (SMP) has been planned and conducted since 2010, but the result is not yet optimal and there is a lot of obstacle in conducting the plan. The weak monitoring from the government toward this integrated character education, not all guidance and counseling...
Proceedings Article

End of Life Care in Elderly: Family Experiences

Retno Indarwati, Rista Fauziningtyas, Sylvia Dwi Wahyuni, Elida Ulfiana
Mostly, death occurs due to aging, while the rest because of illness. In palliative care, Indonesian elderly with a chronic disease more likely to stay at home with their families until the death. These conditions give a unique experience to the family when taking care of elderly at the end of their...

On Approaches Embodying the Market Value of Film And Animation Publication

Yan Yonghao
At present, in the background of that the country vigorously develop the cultural industry, the film and animation publication industry has rapidly developed in our country, and the quantity and quality of products have significantly improved in our country. But its market value has not been fully embodied....

The Effect of Inside-Outside Circle Strategy to Students' Vocabulary Mastery

Rahmania Rahmania
The research is an Experimental Research at the First Year Students of Junior High School (SMP Negeri 1 Syamtalira Aron). The problem faced by students were they lack of vocabuary. They also did not know the spelling of word. The objective of the study were to know whether Inside Outside Circle Strategy...
Proceedings Article

Fine Mining Technology for High Water Cut Reservoir

Lijia Song, Liyang Song, Jiwei Wang
The oil production rate is slow in Oilfield, Low recovery degree, the difficulty of improving oil recovery by chemical flooding. Combined with formation heterogeneity characteristics and production dynamic situation, according to the distribution characteristics of remaining oil, adopting new drilling...

Study on the Commercial Sexual Behavior among Migrants in China

JunQing Wu, YuYan Li, YiRan Li, ChuanNing Yu
Background: The commercial sexual behaviorual behavior maybe a high risk factor for STD/ HIV spread. To understand the commercial sexual behaviorual behavior and some potential influencing factors among migrants in Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqin, Chengdu, Shanxi and Hanzhou, we conducted this epidemiology...

Discussion on Ideological and Political Management Level of College Students

Shengnan Liu
Ideological and political level of college students is closely associated with education development in each period. Ideological and political of colleges should also be valued. According to current situations, proper management of ideology and politics represents such defects of laggard cognition, imperfect...

Under the Brand Based on the Relationship between the Fracture and Adjourned Perspective Pehchaolin Brand Recovery

Wang Yi, Mi Lizhong
This paper is mainly based on the relationship between the fractures and adjourned the brand perspective, it chooses classic domestics Pehchaolin skin care brand for study. On the basis of the relevant theoretical literature review on the use of empirical analysis methods for the recovery of Pehchaolin...

A Home-Made and Low-Cost Basic Logic Kit for Learning Basic Digital System

Endah Rahmawati, Imam Sucahyo, Khairurrijal
A home-made and low-cost basic logic kit equipped with lecture notes has been developed. The main purpose of developing this kit is to support undergraduate students in learning basic digital system, which is delivered in the digital electronics topic of Basic Electronics-2 course, at Physics Department,...

Discussion on Selection of Accounting Methods for University-affiliated Hospitals

Lu-Lu Ma
Most of affiliated hospitals to colleges and universities are subordinate to the financial departments. Cash basis of accounting is used in these hospitals. But with the introduction of the new Financial Regulations for Institutions of Higher Learning, more requirements are imposed on cost accounting...
Proceedings Article

Model Identification of Continuous Fermentation under Noisy Measurements

Rudy Agustriyanto
The dynamic model concept plays a central role in automatic control. Understanding the dynamic behavior of chemical and biological processes depends first on understanding the steady state behavior of these processes, then the dynamic characteristics of the process (e.g., the time constant, gain and...
Proceedings Article

Improved Probability Algorithm Based on Low Energy Bluetooth Technology

Zhu Lin
With the use of low energy Bluetooth technology, it aims to examine the positioning accuracy and performance of location fingerprint algorithm and thus to make improvements. To locate by means of Bluetooth 4.0 (i.e. low-energy Bluetooth tech) is energy saving, costing less, deploying easily etc. So here...

An Adaptive Target Extraction Algorithm Based on Energy Functional

Weichuan Ni, Weijian Mo
Objective: Solve the problem that was the low extract accuracy of existing target extraction algorithm. Methods: Proposes an adaptive object extraction algorithm based on energy functional. Article algorithm was defined the average item and the contour curve for the energy functional, which combining...
Proceedings Article

2-D DOA Estimation of LFM Signals Based on Sparse Representation in Fractional Fourier Domain

Zhibo Shen, Songyang Liu, Yangyang Dong, Guoqing Zhao, Chunxi Dong
For the problem of two dimensional direction of arrival (2-D DOA) estimation of Liner Frequency Modulated (LFM) signals, a novel 2-D DOA estimation method is proposed based on sparse representation in fractional Fourier domain. First, utilizing the energy-concentrated characteristic of fractional Fourier...
Proceedings Article

Design of LED streetlight control system based on the Zigbee wireless network

Xiaguang Dong, Bin Wang
With the development of our economy and the improvement of urbanization level lighting system has increased largely and significantly. So energy saving lamp is significant to some extent. This paper has designed a kind of street light control system based on ZigBee wireless network. Using this control...

Teaching medical function experiments reformation and laboratory construction

Medical function experimental teaching platform is an important foundation to support the teaching of medical experiments; it’s significant in cultivating students' creative ability. Seeing from the three aspects of pilot project, open experimental teaching platform, digitized virtual experiment platform,...
Proceedings Article

Analysis and Optimization of the Transmission Angle of Crank Rocker Mechanism

Jian Sun
In view of the quick return characteristics of I and II type crank rocker mechanism, the inner relationship between the size of components is analyzed. The parametric model of mechanism is established based on ADAMS software, then, with the minimum transmission angle to take the maximum as the optimization...
Proceedings Article

Characterization by SIMS of silicon Layer deposited by VPE on SiP in the Solar cells with thin layers

Malika Madani, Amaria Bensaoula, Fethi Benkhenafou, Wen Shi, Weiwei DU, Lyes Douadji
Classically, in the field of photovoltaic, porous silicon (PS) is used as an antireflecting layer, but these last years, we are interested in a new application of this material, which allows, by technologies very different from proceed usual to detach from the singlecrystal thin layers from a substrate....
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Influence of the Average Thickness of Sandstone in Overburden upon Mining Subsidence

Shijie Song, Xiaoguang Zhao, Mengdi Gao, Wenjie Nie
The layered structure of overburden strata of coal measures is a remarkable geological characteristic of coal occurrence. The average thickness of sandstone is one of the key characteristics in the overburden layered structure, which can impact significantly the development of mining subsidence. Based...
Proceedings Article

The Dynamic Characteristics of the Controllable Floating Raft System

Chao Geng, Zeyu Weng, Hui Wang, Jie Tang
In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of some controllable floating raft test system are studied. The virtual dynamic model of the system is established in Adams, the acceleration responses of system in different damping states are simulated, and the vibration level differences of system in different...