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189597 articles

The Influence of Exchange Rate on Indonesian Export Value

Yulinda Tarigan, Morgan Kindler, Ella Elfira, Zainal Abidin Tarigan Silangit
This study aims to determine the effect of exchange rates of rupiah against the value of oil gas and non-oil gas exports in Indonesia for the period 2010-2017. The population in this study is the values of oil gas and non-oil gas exports on Bank Indonesia website in 2010-2017 provided in quarterly form....

Facilitating Children with Hearing Impairment Towards Inclusive Education in Malaysia: Document Analysis of Pediatric Clinical Audiology Guidelines

Cheu Lih Aw, Lay Wah Lee, Aznan Che Ahmad
Inclusive education (IE) is a worldwide trend. Academic outcomes of students studying in inclusive setting varied. This is closely related to the early intervention the children with hearing impairment (HI) received in their early years. Audiologists are the front liners who deal with young children...

Implication of Adat Existence in Regionalisation of Politics

Sukri, Andi Ali Armunanto, Ariana Yunus, Sakinah Nadir, Dian Ekawaty
This paper aims to analyze how democratization through regional election has the potentiality to harmful the existence of an ethnic group that also recognizing as indigenous people in Indonesia. It seems to occur where the political dynamics happen in the regional area. Based on research in the Toraja...

Social Adaptation of Foreign Students in Higher Educational Institutions (Case of Samara University)

Anna Pustarnakova, Lyudmila Vandysheva, Svetlana Mitrofanova
Research interest of the authors of this article was inspired by the objective of the Education National Project: to increase the number of foreign citizens studying in Russian universities. The aim of this study is theoretical and practical understanding of the social adaptation of the foreign students...

Prospects of Guizhou Province’s Ecological Agriculture Benefit Evaluation Index System

Jian He, Hongmei Zhang
Pages: 185 - 193
Ecological agriculture is a major reform in the history of world agriculture. The study of ecological agriculture benefits is of great significance to the development of ecological agriculture. In this paper, by referring to the evaluation index system of ecological agriculture at home and abroad, and...

Assessment of Changes in Water Use Indicators in the Agricultural Sector in the South of Western Siberia

Zhanbolat Tusupbekov, Natalia Ryapolova, Victoria Nadtochiy
In this paper, we made an assessment of the change in water use indicators of the agro-industrial sector (AIS) in the south of Western Siberia at the present stage of production and economic activity development. In order to solve planned tasks, an assessment of surface water resources was given in detail...

Development of Interactive Learning Media Based on Google Application for Distance Learning in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Feri Hidayatullah Firmansyah, Intan Permata Sari, Fahmi Candra Permana, Asep Herry Hernawan
This research aims to develop interactive learning media distance learning. In order to support the industrial revolution 4.0, human resources are expected to be skilled in making and using technology. One of them is development of learning model 4.0 where learning can be done anywhere and without being...

The Effect of Role Conflict and Burnout Toward Turnover Intention at Software Industries, Work Stress as Moderating Variables

Mochamad Soelton, Putri Ayu Lestari, Harefan Arief, Ratyuhono Linggarnusantra Putra
This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of role conflict, burnout, job stress, and Turnover Intention on employees of PT. EDI Indonesia. The method being used for this research is descriptive method. The objects of this research are 80 employees of PT. EDI Indonesia. The approach being used...

Evaluation on Tourism Developing Potential and Modes of Revolutionary Base Area in Jiangxi

Quanen Guo, Danli Luo, Jiami Zhou
Tourism development has been recognized as an important way to bring up economic growth of revolutionary base area. This paper builds index system from four aspects, including city base, economic growth, transportation accessibility and tourism resources, and then makes an evaluation on the tourism developing...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to the Provision of DPT Immunization in Baduta in the Meureubo Puskesmas Working a West Aceh Regency 2018

Susy Sriwahyuni, Zakiyuddin, Muhammad Reza Firdaus, Darmawan, Tuty Alawiyah
Immunization is a prevention effort that has succeeded in reducing infectious morbidity and mortality in infants and children. Based on a preliminary study on mothers who have baduta, there is still a low knowledge of mothers where mothers who do not want to give immunizations to the clan, then the mother...

The Practicality of Physics Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom in the Wetland Environment

Misbah, Mustika Wati
The background of this study is that there is no teaching materials that use local wisdom in wetland environment as the problem object in learning. The aim of this study is to describe the practicality of physics teaching materials based on local wisdom in the wetlands. This study is a research and development...

Economic Analysis of Law: Study the Law Purpose in Term of Transition Period Regulation of Rusun Management

Aida Maysriwigati Mustafa, Prisca Oktaviani Samosir
Regulation of maximum term of transition period is 1 (one) year, and cannot be extended is an important aspect for the transition process of the Rusun Management from the Developers to PPPSRS. Practically, the Rusun Magament by Developers run over the term of transition period. Based on these, the authors...
Proceedings Article

Survey of Physical Education Facilities and Teaching and Learning Process of Physical Education in State High Schools in the Middle City of Tebing Tinggi Academik Year 2018/2019

Hisar Edy Irwanto Sibarani
The purpose of this study was to find out how the Physical Education Facilities and the Teaching and Learning Process of Physical Education in High Schools in the Middle City of Tebing Tinggi in Academic Year 2018/2019. The method in this study is a descriptive method using survey techniques, using these...

Research on Emotional Design and Strategy of VLOG Under the Background of 5G Network

Xiangyu Zhang
5G networks with high bandwidth and low latency will have great impact on network video, and VLOG, which represents personal video diary, will usher in a new opportunity. This paper discusses the characteristics of VLOG from the perspective of emotional design under the background of 5G network, and...

Indonesian Government Policies in Protecting the Rights of People with Disabilities in Getting a Job at Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises

Susiana, Wardah
The Government of Indonesia has approved and signed an important number of domestic laws and international conventions/treaties relating to the rights and opportunities of persons with disabilities, and one of those is the right to work. The right has been guaranteed in Article 27 of the 1945 State Constitution...

The Existence of Migrants in Tarutung City

Elvri Teresia Simbolon
Tarutung is the capital city of North Tapanuli regency, which is located in North Sumatera province, Indonesia. The amount of people in this city is about 42.125 (men are 20.525; women are 21.600), who are majorly Bataknese tribe. Nevertheless, besides Bataknese there are also some other coming tribes...

Students Insights on Indonesian EFL Pre-Service Teachers in Malaysian ESL Schools

Ayu Liskinasih, Riza Weganofa, Thermutis Paulina Renyaan
With the advancement of global workforce, English language teaching program in Indonesia should be designed to prepare students with adequate knowledge and experiences to teach globally. Many collaborative works are done among universities to give first-hand experience on international pre-service teaching....

Electronic (Digital) Educational Resource as a Tool of Teaching a Foreign Language in the System of Higher Education

D.A. Salimzanova, G.T. Gilfanova
The article discusses the possibilities of using electronic content, as well as the structure of an electronic educational resource in teaching a foreign language in the universities. The ability to speak foreign languages fluently and apply them in professional activities is undoubtedly the quality...

Research on the Theory of Intelligent Management of University Physical Education Teaching Data

Dongxu LIU, Jiayi LI
With the rise of artificial intelligence and the advent of the 5G era, the field of education is constantly incorporating new technologies and things. Teachers and students get more educational information from it and get better teaching effect. However, in the physical education teaching, the traditional...

Generalized Chain Exponential-Type Estimators under Stratified Two-Phase Sampling with Subsampling the Nonrespondents

Aamir Sanaullah, Muhammad Hanif
Pages: 185 - 195
In this paper some generalized exponential-type chain estimators have been proposed for the finite population mean in the presence of nonresponse under stratified two-phase sampling when mean of another auxiliary variable is readily available. The expressions for the bias and mean square error of proposed...

Absolute and Relative Leadership of the Ural Region in the Budget and Debt Sphere

Natalia Istomina, Yulia Dolganova, Veronika Koskova
The main idea of this paper boils down to the totality of the results of a study of the absolute and relative indicators of consolidated budgets and debt parameters of the Ural regions, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn on the definition of leading regions in the budget and debt sphere. We...

Determinants of Behavioral Intention To Use Digital Wallet (A Study in GoPay Users in Malang)

Maria Ulfatul Jamila, Kusuma Ratnawati, Ananda Sabil Hussein
The use of cellular technology provides an opportunity to apply technology in modifying consumer behavior. The purpose of this analysis is to understand digital literacy and technology experience which contribute to behavioral intentions to use digital wallet. This study aims to develop a framework outside...

The Application of Practical Project-Based Approach in Police English Teaching

Jun Liang
The practical project-based approach integrates teaching with training and practicing, which is a teaching activity enrolled with “learning project” by teacher and students. The practical project-based approach improves the learning and knowledge construction with the help of training and practicing...

The Application of Big Data Analysis in the Optimization of Mobile Communication Network

Ding Chen
At this stage, big data technology has become one of the most practical and widely used technologies, and the application of big data in people’s daily life is also very common, and the application of big data technology has brought a lot of convenience to people’s lives in society, but at the same time,...

An Empirical Study on the Effects of Industrial Structure on Economic Fluctuation in China

Fang-Fang Zhang
This paper built an econometric model to explore the research topic from optimization of industrial structure, based on the concrete analysis of the development course of industrial structure and the characteristics of economic fluctuation. The results show that Chinese overall industrial structure layout...

Contributions of Leg Power Muscle on Sickle Kick Ability of Pencak Silat Athletes

S Tri Juwanda, Zulrafli, Kamarudin
The problem that appears in the research is that: at the time of the kick, there are still legs that focus is not rotated. At the moment of the kick trajectory, not half-circle, the lack of balance when doing A crescent kick. The study aims to figure out the contributing power of the limbs to the crescent...
Proceedings Article

The Diversity of Ferns (Pteridophyta) at Pundong Japanese Cave, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Zuchrotus Salamah, Hadi Sasongko, Risdianti Novida
Yogyakarta Special Region is one of the regions with many historical relics and strong cultural exposure. These assets are widely used as a tourism attraction as well as education. One of the relics, widely known as Pundong Japanese Cave, is one of the mentioned historical tourism attractions in which...

Application of Tutoring Based on Principles of Learning in Islam Through Strengthening Application Services for Learning Ethics

Affan Yusra, Rasimin
In Islam to get a respectability in learning, ethics must be involved in the process of interaction between learning and teaching takes place. In the context of learning and teaching in an Islamic perspective, learning ethics is a science that explains the feelings, attitudes, and ways of thinking of...

Research and Exploration on an Integrated System of Practice Teaching of Post Education—Take Aeronautic Equipments Management Specialty as an example

Li Li, Sun Weiqi, Guo Feng, Zhang Suqin, Guo Xingxiang, Li Kun, Wang Xiaoyan
To strengthen the research of practical teaching theory and the construction of practical teaching system has become an urgent problem in the construction and development of post education college. The major of aviation equipment management, on the basis of studying the law of running a university, correctly...

Understanding the Visual Impairment Student’s Epistemic Beliefs With Low English Lexicons Spelling Competence

Ive Emaliana, Ni’matul Lailiyah
Learners with visual impairment have different way of acquiring and understanding written material. The learners with visual impairment learn through listening then memorizing the sounds as it is sounded. While writing, both of nondisabled learners and learners with visual impairment urge to recall the...

Effect of Employee Empowerment on Lecturer Performance

G. Agustina, S.E. Nurhayati, L.A. Wibowo, Nandang Djunaedi, Feby Febrian
This study aims to analyze the effect of employee empowerment on the performance of lecturers at one private university in Bandung. In this study there were two variables, namely employee empowerment and performance. The method used in this research was descriptive and verification methods. The data...

Research on the Media Image Construction of “People’s Daily” on Alzheimer’s Disease

Cheng Li, Rujing Hao
The “China Statistical Yearbook 2020” issued by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that China’s elderly population aged 65 and above has reached 176 million in 2019, accounting for 12.6% of the country’s total population, realizing the transition to an aging society. [4] Solving the problem of aging...

The Differences of Learning Achievement of Vein Puncture Using Mannequin Learning Objects and Real Patients

Linda Rosita, Mahdea Kasyiva, Ester Tri Rahayu
Background: Clinical competence is a mandatory requirement in medical education. The learning form of clinical competence is the skills lab. This learning activity uses tools that resemble the actual conditions of the patient. This study aims to compare the effectivity of learning venous puncture using...
Proceedings Article

Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in City of Mosul-Iraq

Ahmad Meshaal, Radhwan Hussein Ibrahim
Introduction: To calculate the prevalence of mental disorders and identify the availability of essential psychotropic medicines and mental health facilities in the hospitals of Mosul city Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in city of Mosul _Iraq for the period between January 1 2020 to January...

The Expression of Cross-cultural Values in American Animated Films from the Perspective of Communication

Pei Yan
Animation refers to the comprehensive visual art with images as the core medium and carrier. The essential attributes determine that its core should originate from the national cultural characteristics of the region. Contemporary American cartoons have a huge influence on global national culture. From...

The Comparison of Offline Class Learning Outcomes by Applying Online Class Learning Models for Practice Subject to the Dancing Art Students, Faculty of Art and Design Education, Indonesia University of Education

Yuliawan Kasmahidayat, Agus Budiman, Ria Sabaria
This research was aimed to find out the comparison of result in learning between offline class and online class or called as online learning model (OLM). By optimizing the improvement of knowledge and information technology, the students were given a chance to optimize their skill in online class. The...

Pooled Data Analysis of Tourism Industry in Special Region of Yogyakarta

Bimo Harnaji, Rini Raharti, Titop Dwiwinarno
Tourism industry is one of sectors which is relied by government as regional acceptance post, therefore, the government of Special Region of Yogyakarta is requested to be able to dig and manage tourism potencies that it has. Tourism industry can be developed as an effort to get source of funds through...

Study on the Design Features of “Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture” and Its Picture Book

Jie Zheng
In order to realize discourse communication, terms go first. In order to realize term planning, design goes first. The terminological project named “Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture” has displayed multifaceted traditional Chinese culture through channels such as online term bank, printed books...

Problems of Preschool Education in the Russian Federation in the Context of the Digital Economy

Natalya Bobrova, Ilona Komarcheva
This article analyzes approaches to implementation of national projects in the area of preschool education in the context of digital economy. We show that declaration of ideas, goals and objectives at the federal level of government does not match with the methods of implementation on dreams level (at...

Transformation of Islamic Values in the Development of the National Legal System

Efa Rodiah Nur
The positivization of Islamic law to national law is part of the transformation of a positively justified legal system. The role of Islam in national development exists as a paradigm in the legal development system. The formulation of the legal texts contained in the state’s ideology of Pancasila is...
Proceedings Article

The Effort to Increase Patient Visits With Marketing Mix Strategies at Sekarpuro Medical Clinic Malang

Elmi Nafi Lestari, Sapto Adi, Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari
The decline in patient visits of general polyclinic at Sekarpuro Medical Clinic requires the clinic to have an effective marketing strategy. The strategy used is a marketing mix consisting of product, price, promotion, place, people, physical evidence, process, and customer service. The purpose of this...

Management of the Madrasah Principal to Get “A” Accreditation in MTSN 1 Sijunjung

Aprizal Ahmad, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rusdinal
This study aims to describe madrasah’s principal’s management to get accreditation A at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Sijunjung. This study’s results are an in-depth description of madrasah principals’ management to get accreditation at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Sijunjung. This research is a field...

Analysis on the Development Mode of New Car E-Commerce Platform Enterprises

Hugejile, Zhuqi Xu
Under the background of Internet +, automobile e-commerce has become an important part of automobile marketing channel. EMo new car, Maodou new car, Tangeche and other new car trading and leasing businesses begin to emerge as the main commercial forms. This paper focuses on the new car e-commerce platform,summarizes...

COVID-19 in Indonesia: An Analysis of DKI Jakarta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Its Governance During the New Normal Period

Saut Sagala, Danang Azhari, Arief Rosyidie, Salma N. Annisa, Amesta K. Ramadhani, Rufaida N. Vicri, Muhammad Dimas Mahardika
Since the first cases in Early March 2020 until August, Jakarta is still the epicenter of the spread of the COVID-19 in Indonesia. Entering the seventh month of the outbreak the situation in Jakarta has been spiraling beyond control, indicated by a sudden rise of COVID-19 confirmed cases. The cases’...

The Lie symmetry group of the general Liénard-type equation

Ágota Figula, Gábor Horváth, Tamás Milkovszki, Zoltán Muzsnay
Pages: 185 - 198
We consider the general Liénard-type equation u¨=∑k=0nfku˙k for n ≥ 4. This equation naturally admits the Lie symmetry ∂∂t. We completely characterize when this equation admits another Lie symmetry, and give an easily verifiable condition for this on the functions f0,..., fn. Moreover, we give an equivalent...

Risk Perception and Coping Strategy Towards the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

A Survey on the Government Employees in the Ministry of Education and Culture

Wahyu Nurhayati, Septian Dwi Cahyo, Irma Auliah
The differences in risk perception regarding the pandemic will cause different responses to the situation or condition which will affect someone’s mental health and person’s protection to their health. Lazarus and Folkman, stated two types of coping strategies, namely Problem-Focused Coping (PFC) and...

Influencing Factors of the United States Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) under the Trump Administration

Nisrina Nur Aathif
The United States (US) joined North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) trade regime along with Canada and Mexico to increase trade among members by reducing or eliminating trade restrictions such as tariffs and import quotas. Under the Trump administration, the United States—for the first time—proposed...

Innovative Development of Power Grid Enterprises Under the Background of Energy Digital Economy Transformation

Yunfei Xu, Suwei Liu, Baoming Song, Rui Liu
The new round of scientific and technological innovation drives the convergence of energy revolution and digital revolution, which gives birth to a new development model of energy digital economy, and provides a new way of thinking and method for breaking through the bottleneck of energy development....
Proceedings Article

Product Characteristics from the Torrefaction of Bamboo Pellets in Oxidative Atmosphere

Jacky Michael Pah, Lisman Suryanegara, Agus Haryanto, Udin Hasanudin, Dewi Agustina Iryani, Christine Wulandari, Jiho Yoo, Sangdo Kim, Sihyun Lee, Wahyu Hidayat
Bamboo is a potential energy crop for the future and an attractive option to replace wood due to its fast growth, high productivity, and essential fuel characteristics such as low ash content, alkali index, and high heating value. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of torrefaction on the physical...

Prevention of Accounting Fraud in the Village Government

Fila Sartika Sari, Ari Kamayanti
This research has a purpose to examine factors that affect the level of accounting fraud. The population of this research was employees who work in 10 villages in Kesamben District, Blitar Regency. The approach used in this research was a mixed method, in which a qualitative approach was used to strengthen...