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189597 articles

Aesthetic Research of Colors in Chinese Folk Art

Yejun Fu
Chinese folk art is a traditional ethnic culture formed through long-time historical sedimentation. Since a relatively complete color system has been developed in folk art, and distinct color esthetic characteristics have been formed, numerous researchers have been attracted to focus on the topic of...
Proceedings Article

Research on Algorithm of Renting Extenics Strategy Generating System

Jianxin Li
Facing massive house rental information, the tenants consider many factors. Usually, it is difficult for them to make an optimal strategy. Considering the large amount of storage, fast computing and other characteristics, if introducing computer technology to assist in generating and evaluating strategies,...
Proceedings Article

Study on the location of the emergency storage for processed grain based on multi-objective location model--take a direct-controlled municipality as an example

Qi Wang, Jianjun Han
Under the background of the current frequent emergencies, the problem of the processed grain emergency storage has the practical significance and theoretical value. This paper considers the facility location efficiency for processed grain emergency storage and coverage radius demands satisfaction differences,...
Proceedings Article

Research on Design of Intelligent Parking System Based on Internet of Things

Baozhong Liu
Aiming at the low efficiency and imperfect management system of urban parking system in China, a new urban intelligent parking system based on Internet of Things is designed. The system will be radio frequency identification technology, wireless sensor network detection technology and information processing...

Effect and Risk Analysis of New Rural Cooperative Medical System in Guizhou Province under big Data Environment

Yong-mei He, Hong-mei Zhang
In September 2016, Guizhou Province started the full implementation of the new rural cooperative medical insurance policy. The coverage of NRCMS in the future will be more extensive and its development will be more rapid. As a result, the data of the disease insurance will increase in a faster manner,...

Women's Rebellion towards Patriarchal Culture in Latest Indonesian Novels

Yasnur ASRI, Yenni HAYATI
This article aimed to expose the portrayal of women's rebellion inthe latest Indonesian novels through characters description. Method of the research was content analysis method to interpret literary works trough certain perspectives. Data of the study were collected from selected latest Indonesian novels...

Research on the Implementation of Stratified Teaching of Public English in Vocational Colleges

Nuan Wang
As the reform of public English teaching in vocational colleges in China, the credit hours of public English in vocational colleges have been shortened greatly. But many vocational colleges still require teachers to achieve the teaching efficiency in the past and improve the students' public English...

The Reinforcement of History Material with Multicultural Base Insocial Studies Lessons (IPS)

Murdiyah Winarti, Yani Kusmarni
In social studies education, history is included as one of social sciences responsible in making good citizens. The role of history as one of the foundation for social science education especially for the growing values is to grow the sense of belonging and sense of solidarity, which are required to...

The Effectiveness of Traditional Games on The Development of Social Ability of Children in Kindergarten of Baiturridha Padang Pariaman

Serli Marlina, Rismareni Pransiska
This study aims to find out how big the effectiveness of traditional games on the Development of Social Capabilities of Children in Baiturridha Kindergarten Padang Pariaman. Research type is Quantitative research with experiment method. The sample of this study was determined based on Cluster Sampling....

Reyog Bulkiyo as a Cultural Potential in The Natural Laboratory of Sounthern Slopes Of Kelud Volcano And its Use For Social Studies Learning Based on Environment

Siti Malikhah Towaf, Mr Sukamto
Implementing integrated-contextual teaching and learning based on constructivistic theory is needed in Social Studies Education. This study describes the importance of the Natural laboratory and its cultural potentials such as Reyog Bulkiyo and how to use it in promoting an integrated contextual teaching...

Vehicle Photoelectric hybrid rotary System

Xingke Tian, Shengrui Yuan, Xunyi Dang, Zheng Zhu, Shuo Yang
The current vehicle rotating platform uses the electric slip ring to realize the communication and power supply function between the platform equipment and the chassis equipment. With High-definition video, radar and other equipment installed in the vehicle system, on-board rotating platform to transmit...

The Meaning of Friends for Javanese Adolescent: A Preliminary Study in Indonesia

Tri Rejeki Andayani
This exploratory research done by Indigenous psychological approach aimed to understand the meaning of friend especially for Javanese adolescent in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. Going through adolescent phase they have longer getting along with friends than with parents. Furthermore, friendship...


Resha Dwiayu Pangesti Mulyono, Elia Mustikasari
This study aims to evaluate the investment policy in the form of tax reduction facility as a result of the slowing down of the economic sector on the impact of global business competition resulting in a decline in foreign investor confidence in investing in Indonesia. Policy review is needed to stimulate...

Research on the Beauty of Art Animation

Weina Sheng
In addition to the universal characteristics of animated works such as creativity, exaggeration, fun and humor, the art animation has strong individuality and avant-garde in the pursuit of art, which is experimental, original and exploratory. This article elaborates the difference between art animation...
Proceedings Article

Degradation, Characterization, Ferrous Ion Chelating Ability and Repair Effect of Sulfated Polysaccharides of Six Kinds of Seaweed Polysaccharides

Xin-Yuan Sun, Da Guo, Jian-Min Wang, Jian-Ming Ouyang
Six kinds of seaweed polysaccharides (SPSs) extracted from Laminaria japonica, Porphyra yezoensis, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, Sargassum fusiforme, Eucheuma gelatinae and Undaria pinnatifida were degraded and characterized. The sulfate group (-OSO3H) content of these polysaccharides were 21.7, 17.9, 13.3,...

Do local suppliers and local buyers benefit from foreign direct investment?: evidence from Indonesia

Dr. Suyanto, Yenny Sugiarti
This study examines the impact of foreign direct investment on the local suppliers as well as on the local buyers in Indonesian manufacturing industries. The effect of FDI on local suppliers is tracked down using the backward effect on the efficiency performance and the effect on local buyers is evaluated...
Proceedings Article

Research on Ball-Pen Writing Quality Detection based on Machine Vision

Yuan He, Fen Chen, Hengchang Guo
Writing fluidity is one of the most important quality inspection items in the ball-pen production. In order to realize the automatic inspection of ball-pen writing path quality, this paper developed the methods of threshold segmentation and morphology in image processing by Halcon and Visual Studio....

Why The Indonesian Elderly Move?

Yeni Rachmawati
The study of residential change in later life has become important issues in aging problems during recent years in Indonesia. Many studies indicate that Elders tend to stay than move; hence this is an interesting issue to identify why they move at later life, and what factors determining their movements....
Proceedings Article

Fully implicational Triple I reasoning method on Linguistic truth-valued Lattice Implication Algebra

Xiaodong Pan, Yang Xu
Fully implicational Triple I method is one of important fuzzy reasoning methods. In this paper, we discuss fully implicational triple I reasoning method on a linguistic truth-valued lattice implication algebra L18, we define L18-type ®-triple I rule FMP and L18-type ®-triple I rule FMT, and give the...
Proceedings Article

Study on C/C Composites Ablated in Plasma jet

De-Wen WANG, Yue-Cheng YANG, Bai-Lin ZHA, Yu HU
In order to solve thermal protection problems under atmospheric reentry conditions, some tests on the earth have been done to study antiablative properties of C/C composites in thermal plasma jet. The flow fields and the thermodynamics parameters of thermal plasma have been researched, the parabola distribution...

Analysis on Non-performing Loans of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank

Zhenqian Zhang
By applying the financial data from 2014 to 2018, this paper found that the changing trend of the non-performing loan ratio of Chongqing rural commercial bank was basically the same as that of the average non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks in China, and the level was relatively low. There...

Comparison of Retail Service Quality Between Indomaret and Alfamart (Case Study on Indomaret and Alfamart Consumers Buana Vista Indah Branch)

R Baterdo Pasarella
This study aims to determine and distinguish whether there are differences in the retail service quality between Indomaret and Alfamart Buana Vista Indah Branch. The data analysis method used is the different test (Independent Sample T-test). The method used in this study is a comparative approach. The...

Scaffolding Model in Learning of Writing of Essays, Based on Experience

Mersty Mersty Rindengan, Mersty Rindengan
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the scaffolding learning model on the learning outcome of writing essays based on experience. This study used an experimental research method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The dependent variable is essay writing skills based on...

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model and Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw type on Creative Thinking Skills Based on Students Learning Motivation

Pratiwi Bernadetta Purba, Bornok Sinaga
The aims of this research are to acknowledge the effect of Problem Based Learning model and Cooperative Learning model jigsaw type on creative thinking skills and the interaction between learning model and learning motivation on students creative thinking skills. The kind of this research is quasi experiment...

Slow-Learners Assessment Training in Inclusive School

Febrita Ardianingsih, Endang Purbaningrum, Sujarwanto
Based on the data obtained in the field through a questionnaire reinforced by interviews, observation and documentation, data showed three aspects of school educators in inclusive education providers by 75% with very good criteria, it demonstrates in accordance with the Guidelines for Inclusive Education...

Research on Economic Forecast of High-Tech Park Based on Combination Model: Taking the Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone as an Example*

Xiaofeng Wu, Da Li, Yanan Jin, Yaotong Chen
In recent years, the domestic high-tech park economy has achieved rapid development. The park economic forecast is the basis for formulating macroeconomic policies and improving risk management capabilities. The traditional time series forecasting model is more and more difficult in the increasingly...

Values and Characters of the Samin Society

Roudhotul Anfalia, Yeni Rachmawati, Hani Yulindrasari
This study is written as literature reviews to answer the phenomena of social problems occuring frequently in several aspects such as doing violence in solving problems, manipulating information for personal gain and power, emphasizing and forcing one’s right commonly considered normal, as well as the...

Empowerment of Community Economic Independence Through Utilization of Local Potential

Sri Endah Indriwati, Eko Sri Sulasmi, Sulisetijono
The people of Malang Regency, especially in Poncokusumo sub-district, have diverse local potential and abundant. However, viewed from the knowledge and awareness of the local community has not shown the effort in economic growth. Strategies to overcome problems in managing local potentials require systemic,...
Proceedings Article

An Approach to Physical Exercise Model Using Play-Way Methods Through Futsal Sports for Junior High School Students

Muhtar Asshagab, Widiastuti Widiastuti, Firmansyah Dlis, Sandey Tantra Paramitha
The main aim of this research was to develop a physical exercise model by using play-way methods through futsal sports for junior high school students. The specific objectives of this study were: 1) To find out how a physical exercise model using play-way methods through futsal sports for junior high...

Learning Styles Preferred by Basic Listening Class Students at English Department UNP

Don Narius, Aryuliva Adnan, Juliance Primurizki
The variation of students in acquiring and understanding knowledge is influenced by learning styles. Each student has a variety of learning styles including visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learning style. Besides, it is very infrequent of them to aware of learning strategies that are compatible with...

Type of Agreement and Default Case Settlement for Debtors of Sharia Pawnshop in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Muhammad Zaki Armiya, Saidin, Azhari Yahya, Teuku Ahmad Yani
An agreement should meet requirements regulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code, and agreement for Sharia Pawnshop is without exception. The province of Aceh is the strongest base for Sharia pawnshop. There are two factors considered essential regarding the Sharia Pawnshop in Banda Aceh, i.e. the type...

The Transformation of Taiwanese Shadow Puppet Images and Its Application to Zero-waste Fashion Clothing

Jhan-Rong Shih, Feng-Tzu Chiu
Because of the eco sustainable problems, the fashion waste has become an important issue. How could people reduce the waste in the production process, and deal with clothing that thrown away? With the promotion and development of cultural and creative industry, most of people just apply those culture...
Proceedings Article

Knowledge and Attitude of Junior-High-School Children in Bogor, Indonesia, Related to Climate Change Health Impacts

Tities Puspita, Kenti Friskarini, Rina Marina, Anton Suryatma
Sustainable Development Goals require the capacity for resilience and adaptation to climate-related disasters to be strengthened. This capacity is fundamental in healthy city development, which also highlights the importance for youth to have it as early as possible. Therefore, it is crucial to understand...

Terms of Copyright Protection and Inappropriate Rules in the Law on Intellectual Property for Current Folklore Works in Vietnam

Chu Xuan Duc, Dang Cong Trang, Pham Nam Thanh
This article contains the results of an analysis of the existing laws of Vietnam, as well as the relevant international agreements to which Vietnam is a party. Specific provisions for the protection of literary and artistic works in general and folklore works in particular are defined. The paper substantiates...

Trust as a Social Basis for International Cooperation Within the Framework of the New Silk Road Concept

Maksim Baranovskiy, Alexey Borisov, Alexander Romanov
This paper describes the prospects for cross-national research of trust in the societies of some countries-participants of the New Silk Road concept. Trust is considered as an important social aspect in the process of hammering out optimal conditions for effective regional and global political and economic...

Poverty, Mysticism, and Religiosity of Sumatera Inland Communities in Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga Novel by Tere Liye: Genetic Structuralism Analysis Lucian Goldman

M.Anwar Masadi, Fatimatus Zahro
The description of Indonesian society’s reality is frequently discussed in Indonesian novels since earlier times. The description itself is commonly discussed in the form of poverty, social conditions, and religiosity in Indonesian society as comprehensively illustrated in Bidadari-Bidadari Syurga novel...

Current Situation, Problems, and Strategy of Basic Public Education Service System in Kunming, China

Ying Yang, Yaling Sun
Private education is an important supplement to public education in China. The main form of private schools in Kunming is cooperative schools. In the current development of compulsory education, the trend of “government and public retreat” has gradually formed, which has brought great impact on the balance...

Trademarks’ License Agreement Based on a Smart Contract

S.V. Odintsov, M. Mansour
The subject of this paper is the review of the feasibility and advisability of using smart contracts based on blockchain technologies for the legal regulation of relations to provide the exclusive rights to means of individualization (trademarks). Blockchain technology is one of the very promising fields...

The Role of University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in Facing the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Mona Novita, Ahmad Husein Ritonga, Jalaludin Jalaludin
The deliberation underlying this research was the launching of the Making Indonesia 4.0 by President Joko Widodo as a roadmap for entering the IR 4.0. In the university environment, there is a growing thought about various strategies in preparing students for the 4IR, such as dynamism, diversity of developed...

The Effect of Tax Planning and Use of Assets on Profitability with Good Corporate Governance as a Moderating Variable

Iriyadi Iriyadi, Nilda Tartilla, Rini Gusdiani
The purpose of this study is to analyze and test the effect of tax planning and asset use on profitability moderated by managerial ownership as a measure of moderating variables of good corporate governance in companies listed in Indonesia. This research was conducted at the manufacturing companies in...

Career of Young Scientists: Leadership, Professional Competence, and Social Status

Elmira Akhmetova, Dilara Yagafarova, Nailya Shamsutdinova
Over the past few years, systemic and structural-functional transformations in science have taken place in the Russian Federation: the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences, reforms in the activities of dissertation councils, a reduction in the funding of scientific foundations, jobs in budgetary...

Aceh Women’s Contribution of Military Affairs During Western Colonialism in Indonesia

Yuliati, Moch. Nurfahrul Lukmanul Khakim, Afifah Rahmantika Furzaen, Ezra Imanuel Suwarno
Aceh has a great history of faces and against colonialism in Indonesia, include women’s contributions. The women’s history clearly shows women’s involvement in politics and military affairs. It is also supported by achievements of a number of tough women who entitled to heroes, such as Cut Nyak Dien,...

Introducing English in Early Year’s Children through Dancing and Singing

Sari Purnamawati, Heru Djoko Walojo
Introducing English to early childhood has been done by a lot of Early Childhood Education institutions. Yet, the teachers lack the media and method to introduce English to the children. Teachers do not have many options of method and media. They use the same printed media repeatedly which makes the...

Students’ Ability in Developing Generic Structure, Cohesion and Coherence in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text

Yerny Syafnida, Havid Ardi
Some English teachers always find several problems in teaching writing about the genre as the topics in the lesson plan. The problems are in the grammar, generic structure, cohesion and coherence. The purpose of this research is to describe how is the ability of students Grade XI social class of SMAN...

Study of Factors That Influence Women’s Diffidence in Marriage

Ahmad Yasser Mansyur, Nurfitriany Fakhri, Ilmi Amaliah Sudirman
Diffidence is considered as one of the essential components that can resolve conflicts between a man and a woman in a marriage. Besides, the humility of one’s in an interpersonal relationship can result in forgiveness that helps to maintain the relationship. This research will examine factors such as...

Readability of English Reading Text in Textbook and Handout of Grade Eleventh at SMAN 1 Padang Sago

Asminar, Hermawati Syarif, Zul Amri
The purpose of this study is to find readability level of the reading texts in the textbook and the handout by using cloze test at the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Padang Sago. This study has used 20 reading texts and 60 students as the sources of the data. The writer has taken 20 reading texts and the students...

The Analysis of Household Food Security Level in Jelobo Village, Klaten Regency, Central Java

Mohamad Tegar Baharudin, Juhadi, Heri Tjahjono, Ariyani Indrayati
The purpose of this research is to find out the level of food security in each hamlet in Jelobo Village and analyze the factors influence household food security. The population in this research was the entire land area of 251.71 Ha and the population of Jelobo Village which amount to 4,405 people with...

In a Complete Systematic Land Registration Program, the Precautionary Principle is Used When Issuing Land Certificates

Lego Karjoko, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani, Abdul Kadir Jaelani, Rizal Palil
This study aims to determine whether the National Land Agency has applied the precautionary principle to the Complete Systematic Land Registration program or not and to see the implications of land registration through the program. The proposed problem is whether BPN has applied the precautionary principle...

Study of Aggressive Behavior Teenager in Bogor

Putri Ria Angelina, Reni Sinta Dewi, Ani Khairani, Anis Fitria
This study aims to obtain an overview of aggressive behavior teenager in Bogor. The method used in this research was descriptive survey category. The subjects in this study were 83 students from 8th grade. The aggressive behavior type instrument is a questionnaire in the form of a rating scale. The research...

Results of the International Student Olympiads in Physics as a Reflection of the Demand for Physical and Mathematical Education in Countries

Boris G. Kreminsky, Oleksandr S. Martyniuk, Oleksandr O. Martyniuk
The aim of the study is to establish a link between the level of achievement of teams in the International Physical Olympiads and the attention of the respective countries to the development of physical and mathematical education. The research was carried out on the basis of generalization and analysis...