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189597 articles

Intercultural Dialogue in Postmodern Conditions

Olga Ladygina
The dynamic development of modern society is associated with the intensification of integration processes, which, in turn, actualize the study of problems of intercultural dialogue. The author of the article attempts to analyse the problem of intercultural dialogue in postmodern conditions. The relevance...

The Economic and Social Externalities of the Existence of the Cigarette Industry

Joko P. Nugroho, Dewi Puspitasari, Ridwan Ridwan
This study aims to determine the economic and social externalities of the existence of the cigarette industry in Indonesia. This research is exploratory research with descriptive approach. The interview method is used to obtain information from respondents who are randomly selected or judgment sampling....

Educational Environment as a Prerequisite for Providing а Quality Inclusive Education

Svetlana Grishaeva, Elena Mitrofanova, Yulia Gimazova, Tatiana Beregovskaya, Liudmila Ivanovskaya
This article provides research on the problems connected to the formation and development of an inclusive educational environment in a higher educational institution. The authors of this article justified the substance and structure of an inclusive educational environment in higher education via a combination...

Problems and Countermeasures in the Construction of Teachers Team in the Training of Applied Talents of Administration Major

Ting Zhang
Administration as a traditional specialty must embark on the road of application-oriented transformation, aiming at training applied talents and adapting the need for social and economic development. Creating an applied teacher team is the fundamental measure to guarantee the target of training applied...
Proceedings Article

Study on Optimized Lane Detection Algorithm based on U-Net

Yuanzhou Yao, Yihang Zhao, Ao Feng, Xinyue Su, Yuhang Yang, Jie Sun, Haibo Pu
Lane detection has always been one of the important researches in semantic segmentation, but there are many problems in traditional lane detection algorithms, such as the much larger image pixels, the poor detection effect and so on. Based on the U-Net semantics segmentation network model, this paper...

Managerial Mechanisms Ensuring The Development Companies Competitiveness In The Market

Svetlana Borozdina
The article is devoted to the managerial mechanism development for ensuring the development company competitiveness in the primary housing real estate market, which is a collection of processes and states of which there is a phenomenon. Its characteristic feature is the automatic nature with respect...

Strategic Prediction on Financial Performance Analysis under Evaluation of Annual Statement for Chinese State-owned Real Estate Enterprises

Luoer Liao
The whole Real Estate market in mainland China shows a fatigued and weak tendency in recent years since 2015 because of macroscopic readjustment and control by Chinese government, which strongly influences the business strategies in state-owned real estate companies’ performance. This study aims at analyzing...

The Impact of New Regulations in the Implementation of Regional Medium-term Development Plan (RPJMD) in West Java Province

Muhamad Nur Afandi, Bambang Heru Purwanto
This study is to outline and analyse the impact of the release of new laws and regulations in the implementation of Regional Medium-term Development Plan in West Java Province. The study is also to overcome the impact of implementation of The Regional Medium-term Development Plan in certain model area....

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to Reduce Caregiver Strain in Mothers of Autistic Children

Dewinta Larasati P., Sali Rahadi Asih, Ina Saraswati
This research aims to reduce caregiver strain in mothers who care for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study was conducted based on the high caregiver strain experienced by mothers in the caregiving process. Such strain affects not only the mother’s psychological well-being but also...

Effect of Framing and Locus of Control on Commitment Escalation in Investment Decisions

Linda Arisanty Razak, Haliah, Abd. Hamid Habbe, Mediaty, Arifuddin
This research aimed to examine whether framing and locus of control affect the commitment escalation in making investment decisions. This research was an experimental study by applying a design of factorial 2x2 between subjects with a sample of 84 students at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar....

Analysis of the Application of the Regional Financial Management Information System in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta

Putri Amalia, Dodik Siswantoro
The purpose of the study is to analyze the use of the Financial Management Information System (Sistem Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah) (SIPKD) by the Jakarta Provincial Government. This research used four variables recommended for analyzing a computer-based information system, which are the security, response-time,...

The Foundation and Problems of Independent Colleges Participating in the Construction of Modern Vocational Education System

Hui Zhou, Yuchen Zheng
In the modern vocational education system, the training of talents has the characteristics of application, development and life-long. These characteristics are inward and unanimously consistent with the orientation of the training and orientation of the independent college and the goal of development....
Proceedings Article

Measurement and Analysis of Degree of Position of Ball Track in Ball Screw Based on LabVIEW

Li Xu, Yi Jiang
In order to solve the problem that the relative position of the looper hole and the spiral groove cannot be detected on site when the ball screw nut is processed at present, a method of converting the direct measurement into an indirect measurement method is proposed. Using software LabVIEW, a new type...

Technology Introduction, Absorptive Capacity and Host Country's Technological Progress

Lan Liu
Technology introduction can promote technology progress and innovation ability of host country enterprises. By import, FDI and purchasing foreign technology, enterprises can achieve the technological upgrading and productivity improvement. However, Technology introduction can also lead to the dependence...

Research on Database Principle and Application Course Reform Based on the Talent Training Mode of School-enterprise Cooperation

Lu Wang
School enterprise cooperation, the talents training mode, not only meets the needs of China's economic and social development, but also suits talent training in higher education institutions. Therefore, it is an effective teaching method for local universities to realize the cultivation of applied talents....

Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Distress among College Students in Indonesia

Intan Kusumadewi, Sugiarti Musabiq
College students are prone to psychological distress due to their own characteristics. Numerous experience happened around these population, such as academic pressure, love life problems, family issues and so on. College students are emerging adults that most likely doing things to explore many aspects...

Impact of Export Activities on Firm Performance: The Case of Indonesian SMEs

Mohamad D. Revindo, Devianto
Firms venture abroad with a view to gaining many benefits, including revenue growth, above-normal returns, less revenue uncertainty, realization of economies of scale and scope, lower average cost of input, higher efficiency and enhanced competitiveness in domestic markets. This study investigates the...

The Integration of Literacy and Character Building in Islamic Education

Husna Amalia
The study aims at investigating the implementation of literacy integration and character building in Islamic Education. The study uses a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. Observation, documentation, and interview are used to collect the data. The result indicates that the integration...

Why Companies Are Not Always Adopting Sustainable Innovation?

Achmad Sutawijaya, Lenny Nawangsari
In reality, technology adoption is a very complex process. Currently, manufacturing companies have passed the four main phases, referred to as the industrial revolution. The first is called the 1.0 industrial revolution, while the second and third industrial revolutions are known as Industry 2.0 and...
Proceedings Article

Seasonal Fluctuations of Microcirculation at Medical Students with Successful Adaptation and Desynchronosis

E.A. Takoeva, F.S. Datieva
Chronic psychoemotional stress, high mental workload, labor noncompliance, food and many other factors that a modern student is facing every day contribute to incidence rate and increase in the number of persons with preclinical deterioration of health. The above factors may cause desynchronosis of internal...
Proceedings Article

Supply Chain Performance Measurement using Hybrid SCOR Model and System Dynamics

Niura Ikasari, Yuniaristanto, Wahyudi Sutopo
Production unit of lithium ion battery Sebelas Maret University (UNS) that become Indonesia’s first solution to the problem energy in Indonesia, where the need is increased while the source of its acquisition will be increasingly rare. In this case, it is important to supply chain performance rated....
Proceedings Article

The Analysis of Bacteriology And Antibiotic Resistance to Salmonella Isolated in Fried Rolled Eggs at The Elementary School in Jatinegara District November-December 2017

Siska Yolanda, Meiskha Bahar, Cut Fauziah
Egg is one of the substances that is usually used to produce food. Street foods with egg as the main substance that are usually sold around an Elementary School located in Jatinegara district is telurgulung (fried rolled eggs). Salmonella is the bacteria that can be found in every food that contains...

Prevention Behavior of HIV/AIDS Transmission in High-Risk Populations

Arulita Ika Fibriana, Muhammad Azinar
Cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia continue to increase each year, including in the province of Central Java. One area that has a high HIV/AIDS case is Batang. This region has a lot of localization as a place for risk of HIV/AIDS transmission. In the past year in Batang 75 new cases of HIV/AIDS have been...

The EAEU economic and legal exemptions in cross-border trade between Russia and Kazakhstan

V Kovalev, O Falchenko, A Semin
This paper assesses the impact of the customs effects of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) on the border trade development of Russia and Kazakhstan. The authors argue that the key problem of trade and economic cross-border cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan is the existence of economic and legal...

Are we truly free to have a religion? Analysis of Religious Freedom in Indonesia in the Context of Human Rights and Pluralism

Yogi Alfarizi, Ridwan Arifin
What happens when the complaint of the call to prayer is the basis for a judge's decision on a blasphemy case? This article discusses the impact of Meliana's sentence of a Buddhist who triggered a religious conflict in Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra, Indonesia. At that time Meliana, who only told her neighbors...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Steroid Hormones of the Functional System Mother - Fetus on the Leukocyte Differential Count and on the Development of Predisposition to Bronchopneumonia in Calves During Neonatal Period

Elena Kalaeva, Vladislav Kalaev, Anton Chernitskiy, Mohammad Alhamed
The aim of the work was to establish the level of steroid hormones in the blood serum of deep-pregnant cows and calves obtained from them and to establish correlations between hormonal and immunological parameters of the mothers and newborns. It was found that steroid hormones of the mother and the fetus...

Research on Talent Agglomeration in the Background of Knowledge Economy

Jiao Han
In the context of the knowledge economy, how cities attract innovative talents is one of the problems facing cities. This paper mainly creates the talent agglomeration index system to measure the talent agglomeration index of 21 cities in the Pearl River Delta region from four aspects: economic index,...

The Analysis of Active Learning Practices in Pre-Service Teacher Training and Education

Pratiwi Essy, Masykuri Mohhamad, Ramli Murni
Active learning in higher education can be defined as a process to provide pupils with more opportunities to optimize their understanding by experiencing various learning process especially to teacher candidate program. This research is a classroom observation aims to analyze the active learning (AL)...

Research on the Symbolic Meaning of National Costumes—— Take Cheongsam and Kimono as an example

Yingxin Qi
As an important manifestation of social civilization, clothing has long been not just clothing itself, but a socialized political, economic and cultural carrier that has been materialized, and is a materialized expression of specific cultural values. In particular, in addition to embodying the national...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Weak Links in E-commerce Logistics Industry Chain Based on DEA

Xun Zhang, Maoxiang Lang, Xuefei Li
According to the development status of e-commerce logistics industry in Yuhong District of Shenyang, this paper combines the components of e-commerce logistics industry chain and uses DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to develop the e-commerce logistics industry in Yuhong District and other districts and...

Practical Research on Teaching Reform of Engineering Surveying Course

Longbin Lin, Rongjie Zhang, Yaohui Shen
The teaching reform of the current course Engineering Surveying lacks the application of Internet and information technology and there are still some problems in its teaching. This paper takes the teaching reform of Engineering Surveying for non-surveying major students as an example to explore the teaching...

Translation Analysis of Circumstances in The Novel "The Old Man and The Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and Its Indonesian Translation by Yuni Kristianingsih

Tri Purwaningsih, Mangatur Nababan, Riyadi Santosa
Circumstance is one of the three components of transitivity process in Hallidayan’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The study aims at investigating the types of circumstances in the source text and how they are translated in the target language. Circumstance in the source language is not always...

Impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners

I Ketut Semarayasa, Soegiyanto KS, Setya Rahayu, Taufiq Hidayah
This paper aims at explaining impact of smartphones on the achievement of sepak takraw learners. The study used an ethnographic research design. The participants of the study were four learners of sepak takraw (ages 12 to 15). The data were collected by administering an in-depth interview and a non-participant...

Characteristics and Application Analysis of Chinese Medicinal Herbs Containing Dates

Ming Bai, Xin Lou, Yanyan Miao, Mingsan Miao
Jujube also known as red dates, dried jujube, it is the dried fruit of Rhamnaceae plants. It's commonly used in clinical tranquilizing by nourishing the heart, tonifying Qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach. In all ages, Chinese jujube is widely used in Clinical Prescriptions. In particular,...
Proceedings Article

Generation and Dynamics Analysis of N-Scroll Existence via Four Different Functions in Translation Chaotic System

Yue Liu
In the three-dimensional ordinary differential equations, a systematic methodology for generating and designing N-scroll chaotic attractors have been proposed by Liu in 2016, which was named the translation chaotic system and the translation transformation principle, respectively. In this paper, generation...
Proceedings Article

A New Proposal on Reductant Utilization in Flue Gas SCR De-NOx Process

Jie Li, Jian Li
A direct injection proposal of ammonia hydroxide employed in Flue Gas SCR De-NOx process was presented and a simulation was implemented by the advanced CFD software Star-CCM to verify the performance of this proposal. The initial equipment investment cost and opAs an increasing number of power plants...

The Impact of Distance Learning on Foreign Language Education

Zhengxia Liu
Distance learning (DL) involves some forms of learning that uses technology. Some educational researchers claim that DL based on digital technologies is changing the landscape of language learning. Foreign language online teaching is a new and rapidly development process, there are many challenges facing...
Proceedings Article

Physical-Layer Secure Transmission Method with Random Sparse Array

Min WU, Meng WU
With the characteristics of narrow scanning beam and high spatial resolution, sparse array becames a research hotspot. However, it can produce higher side lobes which leads to the information leakage easily. A physical layer secure transmission method based on sparse array was proposed in this paper...
Proceedings Article

Carbon Performance Evaluation Indicators based on Resource Value Flow

Cai-Ping Zhang, Ying Zhang
Carbon performance evaluation indicators are made up of carbon cost efficiency, carbon economic efficiency, carbon reduction efficiency and carbon intensity according to the theories and methods of resource value flow. The results shows that carbon performance evaluation indicators for the perspective...
Proceedings Article

Effect of extra Li content on the property of tetragonal Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolyte prepared by auto-consolidation method

PengCheng Zhao, Gaoping Cao, Zhaoqing Jin, Hai Ming, Yuehua Wen, Yan Xu, Yu Xiang, Xiayu Zhu, Songtong Zhang
For all-solid-state lithium ion battery, Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) is a unique solid electrolyte possessing both high total ionic conductivity and stability against Li. As to conventional preparation methods, there is a stereotype that higher density always comes from higher pressure enforced upon the LLZO...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Vector-Scalar Architecture for Mobile Baseband Processing

Si-Lei Shen
The fast development of wireless communication protocols brings in big challenges for designing mobile baseband processor. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-core vector-scalar architecture with heuristic instruction set that can achieve high performance processing with budgeted power consumption...

The Construction of College English Flipped Classroom - In Terms of Metacognition Theory

Chaoqun Xie, Lihua Xu
The metacognition, as a psychological theory, has been widely employed in the English teaching. The flipped classroom of college English, as a new mixed teaching model combining English teaching with IT, is highly concerned by English teachers. The application of metacognitive theory to the construction...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Quantum Security Direct Communication Protocol

Jinxin Gong
Quantum security direct communication is based on quantum physics, combined with the classic communication theory .It become a new communication model, its transmission of information on the high efficiency, security has been more and more extensive attention. That is, since the beginning of this century,...

Multicultural Transformation in Educational Studies (Multicultural Transformation of "Kasada" Tradition on Tengger Community in Educational Studies)

Nur Hadi
"Kasada" tradition becomes an important and fundamental part of educational and ecological relationship between man with natural and social environment. Various attributes and phenomena's presented in that tradition indicate some changes, but there are some fixed social phenomena, such as the presence...

Traditional Game 'Engklek' and Young Children's Gross Motor Ability

Rachma Hasibuan, Miftakhul Jannah
This research aims to look at the influence of the traditional game 'Engklek' on the ability of the early children's gross motor. The hypothesis of this research is that there is an influence of the game to the children's gross motor ability. The method used in this research is the experimental method...

The Development of the Leather Industry Center of Sukaregang District Garut Regency West Java

Herwan Abdul Muhyi, Mr Suryanto
The leather industry center of Sukaregang is located in Sukaregang, Garut Regency. It is the center of small and medium industries that become the mainstay of Sukaregang District residents. It is important to develop this industrial center to increase local economy. This research was conducted to analyze...
Proceedings Article

Black Triangle, Etiology and Treatment Approaches: Literature Review

Putri Masraini Lubis, Rini Octavia Nasution, Zulkarnain
Currently, beauty and physical appearance is of a major concern for many people, along with the greater demands of aesthetics in the field of dentistry. Aesthetics of the gingival is one of the most important factors in the success of restorative dental care. The loss of the interdental papillae results...
Proceedings Article

Research on Networked Sliding Mode Predictive Controller Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

Yang Yin, Hongke Li, Zhengying Ren
Aiming at the development of ship information and intellectualization, this paper researched the control law design problems of the network control system under total ship computing environment (TSCE). Firstly, we analyzed and constructed the computing environment network architecture for the development...

The S-CORE Teaching Mode Conducted in the Basic Courses in Higher Vocational Education

Shenghua Zhang, Lu Sun
Higher vocational education has long been confronted with the problem of low teaching efficiency caused by the less-motivated students and the low involvement in class. In order to cope with this problem, based on the relevant research, Beijing Information Technology College constructed the S-CORE teaching...
Proceedings Article

Short-term electricity load forecasting based on particle swarm algorithm and SVM

Li-ping Wang, Jing-min Wang, Dan Zhao
In electricity industry, accurate load forecasting plays a key role in assuring the stability of power network and society. By far, there are many methods and models proposed to enhance the accuracy of forecasting results. On the basis of analyzing the performance of particle swarm algorithm (PSA) and...