Proceedings of the 5th Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Public Health Conference (UPHEC 2019)
207 authors
- Mufdlilah
- Midwifery Group Practice in Indonesia
- Mufdlilah
- Mother’s Experience in the Continuity of Care–A Systematic Literature Review
- Mujiyanto, Mujiyanto
- Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Mulyono, Arief
- Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
- Mulyono, Arief
- Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
- Mulyono, Arief
- Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
- Munawarah, Raudhatul
- A Systematic Literature Review–Sex Workers’ Experience on Contraceptive Access
- Mutiara, Erna
- Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers
- Napitupulu, Linda Hernike
- Risk Factors of an Online Motorcycle Taxi (Ojek Online) Fatigue in Medan
- Nasriyah
- The Relationship Between Education and Economic Status on Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Ning, Dewi Aisyah U.H.
- Risk Factors of Coal Mine Accidents in the Production Area of PT. XXX Kutai Timur, Indonesia
- Nisak, Ana Zumrotun
- The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
- Noviyanti, Della
- Baby-Friendly Facilities to Support Healthy Tourism
- Nugroho, Arief
- Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
- Nuraini
- Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers
- Nurina, Rr Listyawati
- The Effect of Moringa Leaves Juice on Blood Glucose Levels and Total Cholesterol at Adults in Dry Land Area of East Nusa Tenggara Islands
- Nuzuliana, Rosmita
- Prenatal Yoga for Mental Health: A Systematic Literature Review
- Pamungkas, Atik Mahmudah Aji
- Midwifery Group Practice in Indonesia
- Pawakkangi, Samarang
- The Efficacy of Wood Vinegar Against Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis Snails Vector of Schistosomiasis
- Pramestuti, Nova
- Detection of Rickettsial Infection Among Febrile Patients in Semarang City
- Prasetyowati, Heni
- Entomological Assessment in Tangerang, Indonesia: Post Transmission Assessment Survey of Lymphatic Filariasis Endemic Villages
- Prastawa, Asnan
- Various Mosquitoes Species and Control Efforts in Villages with Malaria Problem at Menoreh Hill Central Java
- Prihatin, Mega Tyas
- Molecular Resistance Status of Aedes aegypti to the Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Insecticides in Central Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara Provinces, Indonesia
- Prihatin, Mega Tyas
- Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
- Probandari, Ari
- Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
- Pudjiati, Satiti Retno
- Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
- Pujiyanti, Aryani
- Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
- Pujiyanti, Aryani
- Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
- Pujiyanti, Aryani
- Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
- Puratmaja, Yudha
- Risk Factors Associated with Traveler’s Diarrhea Among Foreign Travelers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Purba, Amir
- Utilization of Local Food to Overcome Nutritional Problems Among Toddlers in Medan Tuntungan
- Purnomo, Muhammad
- The Relationship Between the Blood Sugar History and Severity of Diabetes Mellitus Patients
- Purwaningsih
- Physical, Milling, and Eating Quality of Local Rice from Yogyakarta Special Region
- Puspita, Tities
- Knowledge and Attitude of Junior-High-School Children in Bogor, Indonesia, Related to Climate Change Health Impacts
- Putra, Gandha Sunaryo
- Parents’ Knowledge as a Risk Factor of Tuberculosis in Children
- Rachmaida, Arlina
- Mother’s Experience in the Continuity of Care–A Systematic Literature Review
- Rachmalina, Rika
- Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
- Radiana, Diah
- Peer Educator as a Strategy to Prevent Youth Smoking in Pontianak
- Raflizar
- Lymphatic Filariasis Situation After Mass Drug Administration in Kamundu and Tanah Miring Village in Merauke Regency, Papua, in 2017
- Ramasari, Putri
- Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Riandi, Muhammad Umar
- Entomological Assessment in Tangerang, Indonesia: Post Transmission Assessment Survey of Lymphatic Filariasis Endemic Villages
- Ridha, Abduh
- Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Ridha, Abduh
- Peer Educator as a Strategy to Prevent Youth Smoking in Pontianak
- Ridwan, Wawan
- Qualitative Study: Leverage and Barrier Factors of Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Program in Tangerang and Subang Regency
- Rifai, Muchamad
- Potential Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Traveller Safety and Health on Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Ristiyanto, Ristiyanto
- Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
- Ristiyanto, Ristiyanto
- Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
- Rizkianti, Anissa
- Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
- Rosmini, Rosmini
- Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Ruliansyah, Andri
- Sociodemographic, Knowledge, and Attitude Determinants of Lymphatic Filariasis Medication Adherence in Subang, Indonesia
- Rusnoto
- The Relationship Between Education and Economic Status on Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Rustiawan, Asep
- Risk Factors Associated with Traveler’s Diarrhea Among Foreign Travelers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Safitri, Dian Ayu
- Factors Related to Antenatal Care Demand in Puskesmas Cipondoh Tangerang
- Saleh, Ismael
- Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Sandy, Semuel
- Lymphatic Filariasis Situation After Mass Drug Administration in Kamundu and Tanah Miring Village in Merauke Regency, Papua, in 2017
- Santoso, Heru
- Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers
- Satriyandari, Yekti
- Handling of Premenstrual Syndrome Among Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Literature Review
- Satriyandari, Yekti
- A Systematic Literature Review–Sex Workers’ Experience on Contraceptive Access
- Sawariansyah
- Peer Educator as a Strategy to Prevent Youth Smoking in Pontianak
- Setianingrum, Elisabeth Levina
- The Effect of Moringa Leaves Juice on Blood Glucose Levels and Total Cholesterol at Adults in Dry Land Area of East Nusa Tenggara Islands
- Setyaningsih, Riyani
- Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
- Setyowati, Dina Lusiana
- Risk Factors of Coal Mine Accidents in the Production Area of PT. XXX Kutai Timur, Indonesia
- Shaluhiyah, Zahroh
- YouTube Videos as Prevention of Risky Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
- Sharfina, Meutia Fildzah
- Reproductive Health Information Access of Health Faculty Students
- Sillehu, Sahrir
- Compliance of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Workers
- Siregar, Kemal N.
- Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
- Soerachman, Rachmalina
- Qualitative Study: Leverage and Barrier Factors of Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Program in Tangerang and Subang Regency
- Sofiana, Liena
- Environmental Factors and Helminth Infections Among Elementary Students
- Sudarmaji
- Prevalence of Infection of Endoparasites and Its Intensity in Small Mammals’ Liver Captured from Irrigated Rice Crop Area and Villages
- Sugiharti
- Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
- Sukarmin
- The Effectiveness of the Combination Therapy of Emotional Freedom Technique - Murottal Alqur’an on Blood Pressure of the Elderly with Hypertension
- Sulistyani
- The Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Blood Sugar Level Toward Cognitive Function of Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus
- Sulistyaningsih
- The Experience of Pregnant Women in Doing Examination to the Traditional Birth Attendants: A Systematic Literature Review
- Sumolang, Phetisya Pamela Frederika
- The Efficacy of Wood Vinegar Against Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis Snails Vector of Schistosomiasis
- Sunarsih, Tri
- The Effects of Murotal Stimulation on the Waking States and Body Weight of Premature and Low Birth Weight Infants
- Supadmi, Sri
- High Risk Profile of Pregnancy in Iodine Deficiency Areas
- Supriyadi, Dadi
- Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
- Suryatma, Anton
- Knowledge and Attitude of Junior-High-School Children in Bogor, Indonesia, Related to Climate Change Health Impacts
- Suwarni, Linda
- Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Syafiq, Ahmad Nur
- The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
- Tolistiawaty, Intan
- Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Trapsilowati, Wiwik
- Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
- Trapsilowati, Wiwik
- Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
- Trapsilowati, Wiwik
- Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
- Tristanti, Ika
- The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
- Udin, Yusran
- Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Utami, Fitria Siswi
- The Effectivity of Birth Ball Exercise on Labor: a Systematic Literature Review
- Utami, Tri Niswati
- Compliance of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Workers
- Veridiana, Ni Nyoman
- Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Wahono, Tri
- Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
- Wardani, Yuniar
- Environmental Factors and Helminth Infections Among Elementary Students
- Widawati, Mutiara
- Sociodemographic, Knowledge, and Attitude Determinants of Lymphatic Filariasis Medication Adherence in Subang, Indonesia
- Widayati, Anis Nur
- Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Widiastuti, Dyah
- Detection of Rickettsial Infection Among Febrile Patients in Semarang City
- Widowati, Meira Sri
- Reproductive Health Information Access of Health Faculty Students
- Widya, Aquina
- Risk Factors of an Online Motorcycle Taxi (Ojek Online) Fatigue in Medan
- Widyastuti, Deny Eka
- Midwifery–Led Implementation in Labor Service
- Wijayanti
- Handling of Premenstrual Syndrome Among Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Literature Review
- Wijayanti, Siwi Pramatama Mars
- Detection of Rickettsial Infection Among Febrile Patients in Semarang City
- Woda, Rahel Rara
- The Effect of Moringa Leaves Juice on Blood Glucose Levels and Total Cholesterol at Adults in Dry Land Area of East Nusa Tenggara Islands