Proceedings of the 5th Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Public Health Conference (UPHEC 2019)

207 authors
Midwifery Group Practice in Indonesia
Mother’s Experience in the Continuity of Care–A Systematic Literature Review
Mujiyanto, Mujiyanto
Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Mulyono, Arief
Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
Mulyono, Arief
Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
Mulyono, Arief
Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
Munawarah, Raudhatul
A Systematic Literature Review–Sex Workers’ Experience on Contraceptive Access
Mutiara, Erna
Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers
Napitupulu, Linda Hernike
Risk Factors of an Online Motorcycle Taxi (Ojek Online) Fatigue in Medan
The Relationship Between Education and Economic Status on Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Ning, Dewi Aisyah U.H.
Risk Factors of Coal Mine Accidents in the Production Area of PT. XXX Kutai Timur, Indonesia
Nisak, Ana Zumrotun
The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
Noviyanti, Della
Baby-Friendly Facilities to Support Healthy Tourism
Nugroho, Arief
Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers
Nurina, Rr Listyawati
The Effect of Moringa Leaves Juice on Blood Glucose Levels and Total Cholesterol at Adults in Dry Land Area of East Nusa Tenggara Islands
Nuzuliana, Rosmita
Prenatal Yoga for Mental Health: A Systematic Literature Review
Pamungkas, Atik Mahmudah Aji
Midwifery Group Practice in Indonesia
Pawakkangi, Samarang
The Efficacy of Wood Vinegar Against Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis Snails Vector of Schistosomiasis
Pramestuti, Nova
Detection of Rickettsial Infection Among Febrile Patients in Semarang City
Prasetyowati, Heni
Entomological Assessment in Tangerang, Indonesia: Post Transmission Assessment Survey of Lymphatic Filariasis Endemic Villages
Prastawa, Asnan
Various Mosquitoes Species and Control Efforts in Villages with Malaria Problem at Menoreh Hill Central Java
Prihatin, Mega Tyas
Molecular Resistance Status of Aedes aegypti to the Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Insecticides in Central Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara Provinces, Indonesia
Prihatin, Mega Tyas
Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
Probandari, Ari
Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
Pudjiati, Satiti Retno
Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
Pujiyanti, Aryani
Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
Pujiyanti, Aryani
Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
Pujiyanti, Aryani
Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
Puratmaja, Yudha
Risk Factors Associated with Traveler’s Diarrhea Among Foreign Travelers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Purba, Amir
Utilization of Local Food to Overcome Nutritional Problems Among Toddlers in Medan Tuntungan
Purnomo, Muhammad
The Relationship Between the Blood Sugar History and Severity of Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Physical, Milling, and Eating Quality of Local Rice from Yogyakarta Special Region
Puspita, Tities
Knowledge and Attitude of Junior-High-School Children in Bogor, Indonesia, Related to Climate Change Health Impacts
Putra, Gandha Sunaryo
Parents’ Knowledge as a Risk Factor of Tuberculosis in Children
Rachmaida, Arlina
Mother’s Experience in the Continuity of Care–A Systematic Literature Review
Rachmalina, Rika
Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
Radiana, Diah
Peer Educator as a Strategy to Prevent Youth Smoking in Pontianak
Lymphatic Filariasis Situation After Mass Drug Administration in Kamundu and Tanah Miring Village in Merauke Regency, Papua, in 2017
Ramasari, Putri
Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Riandi, Muhammad Umar
Entomological Assessment in Tangerang, Indonesia: Post Transmission Assessment Survey of Lymphatic Filariasis Endemic Villages
Ridha, Abduh
Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Ridha, Abduh
Peer Educator as a Strategy to Prevent Youth Smoking in Pontianak
Ridwan, Wawan
Qualitative Study: Leverage and Barrier Factors of Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Program in Tangerang and Subang Regency
Rifai, Muchamad
Potential Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Traveller Safety and Health on Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ristiyanto, Ristiyanto
Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
Ristiyanto, Ristiyanto
Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
Rizkianti, Anissa
Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
Rosmini, Rosmini
Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Ruliansyah, Andri
Sociodemographic, Knowledge, and Attitude Determinants of Lymphatic Filariasis Medication Adherence in Subang, Indonesia
The Relationship Between Education and Economic Status on Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Rustiawan, Asep
Risk Factors Associated with Traveler’s Diarrhea Among Foreign Travelers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Safitri, Dian Ayu
Factors Related to Antenatal Care Demand in Puskesmas Cipondoh Tangerang
Saleh, Ismael
Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Sandy, Semuel
Lymphatic Filariasis Situation After Mass Drug Administration in Kamundu and Tanah Miring Village in Merauke Regency, Papua, in 2017
Santoso, Heru
Analysis of Determinants of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Life Quality of Informal Workers
Satriyandari, Yekti
Handling of Premenstrual Syndrome Among Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Literature Review
Satriyandari, Yekti
A Systematic Literature Review–Sex Workers’ Experience on Contraceptive Access
Peer Educator as a Strategy to Prevent Youth Smoking in Pontianak
Setianingrum, Elisabeth Levina
The Effect of Moringa Leaves Juice on Blood Glucose Levels and Total Cholesterol at Adults in Dry Land Area of East Nusa Tenggara Islands
Setyaningsih, Riyani
Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
Setyowati, Dina Lusiana
Risk Factors of Coal Mine Accidents in the Production Area of PT. XXX Kutai Timur, Indonesia
Shaluhiyah, Zahroh
YouTube Videos as Prevention of Risky Sexual Behavior in Adolescents
Sharfina, Meutia Fildzah
Reproductive Health Information Access of Health Faculty Students
Sillehu, Sahrir
Compliance of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Workers
Siregar, Kemal N.
Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
Soerachman, Rachmalina
Qualitative Study: Leverage and Barrier Factors of Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Program in Tangerang and Subang Regency
Sofiana, Liena
Environmental Factors and Helminth Infections Among Elementary Students
Prevalence of Infection of Endoparasites and Its Intensity in Small Mammals’ Liver Captured from Irrigated Rice Crop Area and Villages
Knowledge Profile About Anemia and Disparity Among Adolescent 15–24 years in Indonesia - 2012 and 2017
The Effectiveness of the Combination Therapy of Emotional Freedom Technique - Murottal Alqur’an on Blood Pressure of the Elderly with Hypertension
The Relationship Between Nutritional Status and Blood Sugar Level Toward Cognitive Function of Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus
The Experience of Pregnant Women in Doing Examination to the Traditional Birth Attendants: A Systematic Literature Review
Sumolang, Phetisya Pamela Frederika
The Efficacy of Wood Vinegar Against Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis Snails Vector of Schistosomiasis
Sunarsih, Tri
The Effects of Murotal Stimulation on the Waking States and Body Weight of Premature and Low Birth Weight Infants
Supadmi, Sri
High Risk Profile of Pregnancy in Iodine Deficiency Areas
Supriyadi, Dadi
Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
Suryatma, Anton
Knowledge and Attitude of Junior-High-School Children in Bogor, Indonesia, Related to Climate Change Health Impacts
Suwarni, Linda
Determinants of Health Care-Seeking Behavior Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Syafiq, Ahmad Nur
The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
Tolistiawaty, Intan
Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Trapsilowati, Wiwik
Improving Primary Health Care Workers’ Knowledge to Strengthen Leptospirosis Surveillance in Demak District, Indonesia
Trapsilowati, Wiwik
Hantavirus Infection on Rats in the Leptospirosis Increased Case Area in Tangerang Regency
Trapsilowati, Wiwik
Receptivity Status of Malaria Transmission Toward Malaria Elimination in Indonesia
Tristanti, Ika
The Relationship Among Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior Toward the Use of River Water
Udin, Yusran
Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Utami, Fitria Siswi
The Effectivity of Birth Ball Exercise on Labor: a Systematic Literature Review
Utami, Tri Niswati
Compliance of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Workers
Veridiana, Ni Nyoman
Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Wahono, Tri
Perception Difference on Sexually Transmitted Infections Between Domestic and Foreign Ship Crews (A Study at Merak Port of Banten)
Wardani, Yuniar
Environmental Factors and Helminth Infections Among Elementary Students
Widawati, Mutiara
Sociodemographic, Knowledge, and Attitude Determinants of Lymphatic Filariasis Medication Adherence in Subang, Indonesia
Widayati, Anis Nur
Improving Schistosomiasis Knowledge Among School Children and Teachers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Widiastuti, Dyah
Detection of Rickettsial Infection Among Febrile Patients in Semarang City
Widowati, Meira Sri
Reproductive Health Information Access of Health Faculty Students
Widya, Aquina
Risk Factors of an Online Motorcycle Taxi (Ojek Online) Fatigue in Medan
Widyastuti, Deny Eka
Midwifery–Led Implementation in Labor Service
Handling of Premenstrual Syndrome Among Adolescent Girls: A Systematic Literature Review
Wijayanti, Siwi Pramatama Mars
Detection of Rickettsial Infection Among Febrile Patients in Semarang City
Woda, Rahel Rara
The Effect of Moringa Leaves Juice on Blood Glucose Levels and Total Cholesterol at Adults in Dry Land Area of East Nusa Tenggara Islands