Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Sport Science (UnICoSS 2019)
167 authors
- Abady, Andi Nur
- Efforts to Increase Learning Outcomes in Game Basketball Shooting Through Force Command to Teach Students Culture of Class X High School Medan
- Adhikahriani
- Development of Basketball Skills Test Based on Shooting Techniques for Sport Sciences Students
- Aditya, Rinaldy
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models with Scientific Approaches in Efforts to Improve Learning Results in Chestpass Basketball Game for Class X High School Students 5 Tanjung Balai 2014–2015 Academic
- Akhmad, Imran
- Agility Side Step Test Development Test Device Motion Sensor Based
- Akhmad, Imran
- Contribution of SAQ Exercises and Pliometric Exercises Against Smash in Princess Volleyball Games
- Akhmad, Imran
- Development of Teaching Practice Manual Book Based on Muska Mosston Model in Physical Education Skills Course
- Akmad, Imran
- Development of Teaching Materials in Children with Down Syndrome
- Almunawar, Ahmad
- Sports Nutrition Development Model
- Amansyah
- Training Model Smash Volleyball with Drill Approach
- Asmawi, Moch.
- Training Model Smash Volleyball with Drill Approach
- Asmawi, Moh.
- Effects of Physical Fitness and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance in the City of Ambon
- Azmi, Chairul
- The Effect of e-Learning Toward Student Learning Outcomes
- Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis
- Development of Study Assessment Instruments Large Ball Games on Basketball Materials in Lessons PJOK in Junior High School Students
- Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis
- Development of Learning Pocket Books Pencak Silat Extracurricular as Junior High School Learning Resources
- Bangun, Sabaruddin Yunis
- The Influence of Training and Motivation on Body Fat Percentage of Medan Tribe Fitness Members
- Bangun, Sabarudin Yunis
- Development Module of Sport Sociology on KKNI Curriculum
- Baskoro, Wahyu Cahyo
- Agility Side Step Test Development Test Device Motion Sensor Based
- Batubara, Khoirul Fiqry
- The Development of Traditional Games to Improve the Basic Motor Learning in Grade IV Students of Primary School
- Bayu, Muhammad Indra
- Development of Study Assessment Instruments Large Ball Games on Basketball Materials in Lessons PJOK in Junior High School Students
- Benny, Aprial. M
- Modification of Athlete Equipment for Basic Level Physical Education Learning
- Berutu, Netty Kartika Sari
- Analysis of Management Implementation of Management Centers and Training for North Sumatera Students in 2019
- Bowo, Doari
- Analysis of Strategy for Superior Sporting Achievement in Binjai City in Supporting XIV North Sumatera POPDA
- Chairad, Muhammad
- The Students Perception of Anatomy Learning
- Damanik, Saipul Ambri
- Development of Bakastaball Games as a Basic Motion Learning Media in Elementary School Level
- Damanik, Suryadi
- Development of Bakastaball Games as a Basic Motion Learning Media in Elementary School Level
- Daulay, Basyaruddin
- Media Development of Futsal Game Information Media Based on SIFSAL Application (Futsal Game Statistic Informationsystem) Faculty of Sport Science State University of Medan
- Dermawan, Dedek
- Implementation of Management Functions in Futsal Academy Bangsal 13
- Dewi, Rahma
- The Analysis of the Management and Coaching Basketball Sports Extracurricular Activities in High School of Karo Regency in the Year 2019
- Dewi, Rahma
- Analysis of the Coach Recruitment in Education and Training Center in North Sumatera
- Dewi, Rahma
- Development of Movement Activities Based on Play Approach in Order to Develop Skills Children’s Basic Movement
- Dewi, Rahma
- Influence Game Method and Interest on the Basis of Motion of Learning Skills State Run SDN 105345 Sidodadi
- Dewi, Rahma
- Effect of Style Teaching and Learning Outcomes Minatterhadap Passingdalam Game Soccer
- Dewi, Rahma
- Development of Teaching Practice Manual Book Based on Muska Mosston Model in Physical Education Skills Course
- Dewi, Ratna
- Sports Nutrition Development Model
- Dils, Firman
- Effects of Physical Fitness and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance in the City of Ambon
- Divinubun, Siti
- Effects of Physical Fitness and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance in the City of Ambon
- Endriani, Dewi
- The Development of Android-Based Tom’s Models to Reduce Physical Fatigue for Employee at UPT TIK and FIK Universitas Negeri Medan
- Gultom, Syamsul
- The Development of Android-Based Tom’s Models to Reduce Physical Fatigue for Employee at UPT TIK and FIK Universitas Negeri Medan
- Gustira, Rima
- Development of Movement Activities Based on Play Approach in Order to Develop Skills Children’s Basic Movement
- Hadiana, Haris
- Development of Volleyball Smash Aids Media in FIK Students of Medan State University in 2019
- Hadinoto, Nono
- Development of Teaching Practice Manual Book Based on Muska Mosston Model in Physical Education Skills Course
- Haloho, Jumika
- Development of Detector Tools for Validation of Take Off Fall Away Based on Sensors
- Handoko, Abdul Harris
- Media Development of Futsal Game Information Media Based on SIFSAL Application (Futsal Game Statistic Informationsystem) Faculty of Sport Science State University of Medan
- Harahap, Novita Sari
- Effects of Sport Massage in Preventing Decreased Immunity After Sub-Maximal Physical Exercise
- Harahap, S.
- The Development of Android-Based Tom’s Models to Reduce Physical Fatigue for Employee at UPT TIK and FIK Universitas Negeri Medan
- Hardinoto, Nono
- Differences in Character of Competitive Sports Athletes (Comparative Study: Individual Sports and Team Sports)
- Hardinoto, Nono
- Development of Movement Activities Based on Play Approach in Order to Develop Skills Children’s Basic Movement
- Hariadi
- Development of Game Learning Media E-Learning Basketball Based on Students Class X of SMA Negeri 3 Medan
- Hariadi
- Development of Test Speed Hand and Leg Reaction Tests in Branch Sports Branches Tarung Derajat
- Hasibuan, Bangun Setia
- Contribution of SAQ Exercises and Pliometric Exercises Against Smash in Princess Volleyball Games
- Hasibuan, M. Nustan
- Audio Visual Learning Media Tutorial: Development for Basic Swimming Subject Sports Coaching Education at the Faculty of Sport Science, Medan State University
- Hasibuan, Nustan
- Development of Basketball Skills Test Based on Shooting Techniques for Sport Sciences Students
- Hasibuan, Sanusi
- Development of Game Learning Media E-Learning Basketball Based on Students Class X of SMA Negeri 3 Medan
- Hasibuan, Sanusi
- The Students Perception of Anatomy Learning
- Hasibuan, Sanusi
- Development of Volleyball Smash Aids Media in FIK Students of Medan State University in 2019
- Hasibuan, Sanusi
- Development of Volleyball Service Learning Model for Seventh Grade Students
- Helmi, Boby
- Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models with Scientific Approaches in Efforts to Improve Learning Results in Chestpass Basketball Game for Class X High School Students 5 Tanjung Balai 2014–2015 Academic
- Hendrawan, Dicky
- Modification of Athlete Equipment for Basic Level Physical Education Learning
- Heri, Zulfan
- Audio Visual Learning Media Tutorial: Development for Basic Swimming Subject Sports Coaching Education at the Faculty of Sport Science, Medan State University
- Hutagalung, Eriska Amelia
- Development of Volleyball Service Learning Model for Seventh Grade Students
- Ilham, Zulfikar
- The Influence of Training and Motivation on Body Fat Percentage of Medan Tribe Fitness Members
- Irfan, M.
- Development Module of Sport Sociology on KKNI Curriculum
- Irfan, M.
- Analysis of Organizational Management in Football School (SSB) in Binjai City
- Jumadin, IP
- Media Development of Futsal Game Information Media Based on SIFSAL Application (Futsal Game Statistic Informationsystem) Faculty of Sport Science State University of Medan
- Kaban, Erik Saputra
- The Analysis of the Management and Coaching Basketball Sports Extracurricular Activities in High School of Karo Regency in the Year 2019
- Karo-Karo, Alan Alfiansyah Putra
- Differences in Character of Competitive Sports Athletes (Comparative Study: Individual Sports and Team Sports)
- Kasih, Angkit
- Survey of Physical Fitness Level of the Men’s Basketball Team Pre National Sport Bangka Belitung 2020
- Kasih, Indra
- Aquatic Sport Learning Through Multilateral Approaches
- Keliat, Pedomanta
- Enhancing Control of Basic Techniques of Cast Capture in Playing Baseball Through Variations in Playing in Class IV SD Negeri 105 389 Timbang Deli, Galang, Deli Serdang Academic Year 2017–2018
- Lubis, Ade Evriansyah
- A Model of Basic Skill Test for Talent Scouting Soccer Athlete Candidates
- Lubis, Amirsyah Putra
- Development of Test Speed Hand and Leg Reaction Tests in Branch Sports Branches Tarung Derajat
- Lubis, Syamsul
- Patterns for Extracurricular Sports Branch Athletic Level of High Schools Padangsidimpuan
- Manalu, Nimrot
- Implementation of Management Functions in Futsal Academy Bangsal 13
- Marpaung, Hasanul Fadhilah
- Development of Attitude Instrument Assessment in Physical Education Learning for Tanjung Balai, Islamic School
- Marwan, Roy
- Development of Teaching Materials in Children with Down Syndrome
- Melayu, Budi Kurniawan
- Development of Teaching Practice Manual Book Based on Muska Mosston Model in Physical Education Skills Course
- Mesnan
- The Regulation of Throwing Ball
- Mesnan
- Log Book Development in Football Learning with Tactical Approaches
- Moerianto, Edi
- Influence Game Method and Interest on the Basis of Motion of Learning Skills State Run SDN 105345 Sidodadi
- Munawar, Ahmad Al
- Enhancing Control of Basic Techniques of Cast Capture in Playing Baseball Through Variations in Playing in Class IV SD Negeri 105 389 Timbang Deli, Galang, Deli Serdang Academic Year 2017–2018
- Nababan, Joni Tohap Maruli
- Development of Training Aids (Remote Control and Headset) for Tunanetra Sprint Athletes
- Nasuha, Siti Amalia
- Analysis of the Coach Recruitment in Education and Training Center in North Sumatera
- Nasution, M. Faisal Ansari
- Regular and Reverse Lay Up Shoot in Basketball: Movement Analysis for Beginners
- Nasution, Usman
- Aquatic Sport Learning Through Multilateral Approaches
- Novita
- Sport Talent for Junior School in District Silou Kahean, Simalungun Regency
- Novita
- Analysis of Sports Management Coaching, Wrestling Karo District
- Novita
- Development of Training Aids (Remote Control and Headset) for Tunanetra Sprint Athletes
- Nugraha, Tarsyad
- The Students Perception of Anatomy Learning
- Nugraha, Tarsyad
- Analysis of the Coach Recruitment in Education and Training Center in North Sumatera
- Nugraha, Tarsyad
- Patterns for Extracurricular Sports Branch Athletic Level of High Schools Padangsidimpuan
- Nugraha, Tarsyad
- Development of Attitude Instrument Assessment in Physical Education Learning for Tanjung Balai, Islamic School
- Nugroho, Agung
- A Model of Basic Skill Test for Talent Scouting Soccer Athlete Candidates
- Nugroho, Kristiawan P. A.
- Survey of Physical Fitness Level of the Men’s Basketball Team Pre National Sport Bangka Belitung 2020
- Nurkadri
- Implementation of Management Functions in Futsal Academy Bangsal 13
- Pamungkas, Ridho
- Survey of Physical Fitness Level of the Men’s Basketball Team Pre National Sport Bangka Belitung 2020
- Panjaitan, Irwansyah
- Log Book Development in Football Learning with Tactical Approaches
- Pardede, Eny Yusnita
- Development of the Snake Game Model for Basic Movement Skills in SD Medan Struggle Students
- Purba, Pangondian H.
- Regular and Reverse Lay Up Shoot in Basketball: Movement Analysis for Beginners
- Raharjo, Fajar Mugo
- A Model of Basic Skill Test for Talent Scouting Soccer Athlete Candidates
- Ramadhan
- Modification of Athlete Equipment for Basic Level Physical Education Learning