Proceedings of the 2021 Tadulako’s International Conference on Social Sciences (TICoSS 2021)
28 articles
Proceedings Article
The Marketing Strategy for Tourism Industry Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Suparman Suparman, Syamsul Bachri, Muzakir Muzakir
Tourism is one of the most affected business sectors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This resulted in a decrease in the number of tourists visiting destinations. The current study aims to describe the impact of Covid-19 on tourism sector and formulate marketing strategies for developing tourism, specifically...
Proceedings Article
Philosophical Value as Marketing Point Development of Religious Tourism Destination
Kukuh Lukiyanto, Etsa Astridya Setiyati, Choirul Huda, Albert Verasius Dian Sano, Azizah Bte Ismail
Tourism is a business sector that has become a victim of the COVID-19 pandemic. Religious tourism as one part of the growing tourism business, must also experience a downturn. Nevertheless, the unique characteristics of religious tourism make this tourist destination still visited by many tourists during...
Proceedings Article
The Optimization Production of Small Enterprise Based on Ergonomics Perspective
Anang Fery Ramadhan Pratama, Kukuh Lukiyanto
The application of ergonomics has been proven to be able to increase productivity in micro and medium enterprises. This can be seen in several studies that discuss the implementation of ergonomics in micro and medium industries. However, the implementation of ergonomics has not been maximized on a micro-business...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Learning Organization in Developing Competency of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Indonesia During Covid-19 Pandemic
Idris Azis, Lina Mahardiana, Syamsul Bahri DP, Maskuri Sutomo, Ponirin Ponirin, Ramli Hatma
The Covid-19 pandemic have impacted the instability of economy, especially for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). These SMEs have been experiencing a decrease in sales turnover. For this reason, MSMEs need to improve their strategies to be able to survive in the midst of this pandemic and to...
Proceedings Article
The Roadmap Evaluation and Development Strategy of SME’s Thematic
Rosida P. Adam, Husnah Husnah, Yulianti Kalaba
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Roadmap for the implementation of the Thematic SMI development program which has been ongoing from 2017 to 2021. From the results of this evaluation, a SWOT analysis was carried out to obtain a strategic model for the Thematic SMI development in the City...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Flypaper Effect Phenomenon on Regional Expenditure in District and City in Central Sulawesi
Haerul Anam, Santi Yunus, Yunus Sading, Dimas Permana, Patta Tope
This study aims to determine the effect of regional original income, general allocation funds, revenue sharing funds and special allocation funds on regional expenditures and whether there is a flypaper effect phenomenon in regencies/cities in the Sulawesi Region within the period of 2015 to 2019. The...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Consumption Patterns of Finished Food and Beverages in Central Sulawesi Households in the Digital Era
Santi Yunus, Farida Millistuty, Meity Ferdiana Paskual, Rita Yunus, Laendatu Paembonan
This study aims to analyze the pattern of consumption of food and beverages in Central Sulawesi Province households in the digital era. This study employs a quantitative descriptive method utilizing primary data through the 2020 National Socio-Economic Survey released by BPS Central Sulawesi Province....
Proceedings Article
Communication Network and Community Collaboration in Efforts to Empower Communities Around PT IMIP Industrial Estate in Morowali
Ilyas Lampe, Dwi Rohma Wulandari
The context of communication, network mapping, actors, and potential collaboration of stakeholders is actually the responsibility of the company’s public relations field and the field of corporate communication. This field is able to build communication designs, messages, communication models, and communication...
Proceedings Article
Social Economic Analysis of Disaster Recovery Index Sigi District CT
Patta Tope, Mohamad Ichwan, Eko Jokolelono, Haerul Anam
The natural disaster that occurred in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province on September 28, 2018 has resulted in the disruption of people’s lives as well as damage to educational, health and economic facilities. This requires an attempt to restore to normal. Recovery is a series of activities to restore...
Proceedings Article
Application of a Resource-Based-Learning (RBL) Approach to Improving Student Learning Outcomes on the Substance of Alkaline and Soil Alkaline
Sitti Rahmawati, Magfirah Magfirah, Afadil Afadil, Budiono Budiono
This study aims to improve student learning outcomes on the subject of Alkalis and Soil Alkalis through the application of Resource Based-Learning (RBL). The problem studied in this classroom action research (CAR) is whether applying the Resource-Based Learning (RBL) approach can improve learning outcomes...
Proceedings Article
The Sovereignty of Persons with Disabilities in a Democratic State
Adiesty S. P. Syamsuddin, Asriyani Asriyani, Riswandy Riswandy
Persons with disabilities are a citizen group that has constitutional political rights. They are an inseparable part of the arrangement of Article 28D of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the active participation of persons with disabilities when they channel...
Proceedings Article
Civil Servant Neutrality in Regional Head Election
Irwan Waris, Shadiq M
This study aims to determine the neutrality of the Civil Servant in the Regional Head Election by taking the research location at the local government agencies of Palu City and Sigi Regency. To understand and know this, several theories are used to explain the problem. In this case, the theory of democracy...
Proceedings Article
I. Financial Management and Performance of Village Owned Enterprises
Sofyan Sofyan, Jurana Jurana, Nina Yusnita Yamin
This study aims to analyze the influence of planning, implementation, and accountability on the performance of village-owned enterprises. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Village-owned enterprises in Mepanga District are the locus of this research. Employees...
Proceedings Article
Misconception of Student: Difference Field Independent-Dependent Cognitive Style
Linawati Linawati, Pathuddin Pathuddin, Mubarik Mubarik, Gandung Sugita, Teguh S. Karniman, Tirta Andriani
This study aims to describe the differences in students’ misconceptions with field-independent and field-dependent cognitive styles. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research involving junior high school students in Palu city. The subject of this study consisted of two female students, having...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Mathematic Communication Skill on Set Operations Reviewed from Mathematics Skill
Anggraini Anggraini, Baharuddin Baharuddin, Pathuddin Pathuddin, Novita Haerani, Gandung Sugita, I Nyoman Murdiana
Mathematical communication skills of SMP Negeri 3 Tolitoli students on set operations material in terms of mathematical ability. This type of research is qualitative research. The subjects of this study were selected based on their mathematical abilities. The subject was given a written test with set...
Proceedings Article
Networks Mediation of Digital Marketing on Marketing Performance of Palu City SMEs in The New Normal Era
Ira Nuriya Santi, Muh. Faisal, Muzakir Muzakir, Benyamin Parubak, Rahmat Mubaraq
Digital marketing and networks is a strategy that can help SMEs to survive and even rise so that marketing performance does not drop considerably. This study aims to explore the influence of digital marketing on marketing performance and networks as a mediating variable in SMEs in Palu City. Data collection...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Social Arithmetic Problem Solving Base on Cognitive Style
Pathuddin Pathuddin, Linawati Linawati, Muh Risal, Anggraini Anggraini, Muhammad Hanif, Rahma Nasir
This study aims to describe the problem solving of FI and FD students in solving social arithmetic problems. Subjects in the study were obtained based on the results of the Group Embedded Figure Test cognitive style test developed by Witkin at SMPN 4 Palu. The results showed that FI subjects were able...
Proceedings Article
Transformation of Historical Learning Towards Public History
Haliadi Haliadi, Windayanti Windayanti
Technological developments in this digital era have influenced science a lot, including the process of learning history. This influence can have an impact on the perpetrators or human resources of history learning such as the way of thinking of lecturers and history teachers. Likewise, learning media...
Proceedings Article
The Bureaucracy of Funding Distributiion and Fishers Poverty In Palu
Haslinda B. Anriani, Hendra Hendra
Bureaucracy is culture’s characteristic. Therefore, bureaucracy is embedded in the core of culture and can be seen from the individuals and institutions behavior that carry out bureaucracy. This study examines the form of funding bureaucracy from the government to fishers. What is the funding mechanism,...
Proceedings Article
Social Responsibility of Diging C Mining Company in Ulujadi District, Palu City
Jalaluddin Jalaluddin, Fatimah Maddusila
The purpose of the study was to find out: whether the mining company C excavation in Ulujadi sub-district, Palu City has implemented corporate social responsibility within the company (TJSLP); What are the obstacles faced in realizing the Corporate Social Responsibility Program (TJSLP) at the C mining...
Proceedings Article
Revitalization of Community Culture in an Effort To Prevent Intervillage Conflict in Dolo Barat District, Sigi Regency
Ritha Safithri, Ahmad Sinala, Abdul Khair
This study aims to explore the culture and local wisdom that exists in a tolerant and peaceful society that can be revitalized, in an effort to build community resilience to prevent conflict and build peace in West Dolo District. The problem in this research is how to revitalize a tolerant culture through...
Proceedings Article
The Optimizing Digital Evidence: Perspective of the Criminal Procedural Law System
Andi Intan Purnamasari, Supriyadi Supriyadi, Aminuddin Kasim, Sulbadana Sulbadana
Proof in the concept of procedural law is a very important condition, evidence to clarify a case a quo. However, the existence of a portrait of law-making which always limps along with the times, forces the law to be able to find its existence in the legal state of society. This also includes the state...
Proceedings Article
Status of Land Rights Post Liquefaction
Rahmia Rachman, Erlan Ardiansyah
Land problems that arose after the liquefaction natural disaster that occurred in the cities of Palu, Sigi and Donggala, Central Sulawesi on September 28, 2018 were damaged and the loss of land administrative boundaries which resulted in many victims of natural disasters having difficulty obtaining legal...
Proceedings Article
Communication Media Preferences of Palu City Community for Covid-19 Related-Information
Andi Akifah, Rizqy Alfiyaty, Dwi Rohma Wulandari
The purpose of this study was to determine the preferences of the communication media used by the people of Palu City, especially in the South Palu District in meeting the needs for acquiring Covid-19 Information. The survey method was chosen by using and distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Role of Human Resources Management on the Performance of Study Program Outside the Main Campus of Tadulako University Tojo Una-Una
Syamsuddin Syamsuddin, Bakri Hasanuddin
The purpose of this study was to determine, test and analyze the strategic role of human resource management on the performance of the Study Program Outside the Main Campus of Tadulako Tojo Una-Una University. The population in this study were educators and education staff as well as managers of PSDKU...
Proceedings Article
A Concept of Human Resource Development in Copra Agroindustrial Management System
Harnida W. Adda, Syahir Natsir, Bakri Hasanuddin, Niluh Putu Evvy Rossanty, Yoberth Cornelius, Heni Ardianto
This study analyzes the concept of human resource development in the copra agro-industry and aims to: 1) identify copra agro-industry stakeholders in response to copra farmer development concepts and 2) identify systems that can be applied to copra agro-industry in order to strengthen the copra farmer...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Website-Based Promotion Design in Improving Tourism Marketing Information in Banggai Kepulauan
Muh Zikran R Nurdin, Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Maskuri Sutomo
This research intends to design a website-based tourism promotion model in Banggai Kepulauan District as well as information on other supporting facilities. This research was qualitative, with descriptive method. The data used primary data by conducting interviews with key research informants. Data collection...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Employee Performance Evaluation Related to Bureaucratic Reform at The Central Bureau of Statistics, Central Sulawesi Province
Anwar Abbas, Djayani Nurdin, Harnida Wahyuni Adda
This research aims to analyze performance evaluation after bureaucratic reform at the Central Bureau of Statistics, Central Sulawesi Province. The sample in this research was employees of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Central Sulawesi Province. The research method used is descriptive qualitative...