Proceedings of the Conference Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2023)
70 authors
- Agniacakti, Ainindita
- Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
- Agung, Yusuf Ratu
- Peer-Review Statements
- Akrom, Muhammad Rizqi Aufaqi
- Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
- Amalia, Rahmatika Sari
- The differences of work engagement permanent and contract employee in a multinational company in Indonesia
- Asih, Sali Rahadi
- The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic
- Astutik, Fuji
- Father’s Involvement related to academic success in coastal areas: Phenomenological study
- Astutik, Fuji
- Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model
- Aziz, Rahmat
- Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
- Basori, Muchamad Adam
- Peer-Review Statements
- Basori, Muchamad Adam
- Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
- Candra, Selly Ayu
- Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
- Cholili, Abd. Hamid
- Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis
- Chusairi, Achmad
- Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
- Difayanti, Alifah Aulia Putri
- Child engagement in Female Prisoners
- Djulian, Fadilah Purnama Wulandari A.
- Child engagement in Female Prisoners
- Efendi, Muhammad Agus
- The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers
- Efianti, AlfiyanaYuli
- Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
- Fahmi, Elok Fa’iz Fatma El
- Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model
- Fuaturosida, Rika
- Build self-awareness in late childhood
- Fu’ady, Muh. Anwar
- The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic
- Hakim, Alifan
- Build self-awareness in late childhood
- Hakim, Lukman
- Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
- Halida, Hilda
- Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
- Hamim, Hamim
- The language of gratitude: “Alhamdulillah” as an expression of appreciation to improve well-being
- Hartini, Nurul
- Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
- Hawabi, Agus Iqbal
- The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers
- Hidayah, Rifa
- Psychodynamics of resilience in depression sufferers
- Hidayati, Fina
- Peer-Review Statements
- Hidayati, Fina
- Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school
- Hidayati, Fina
- The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents
- Hidayati, Fina
- Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
- Hikmah, Nurul
- The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders
- Huda, Miftahul
- Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
- Khoirot, Umdatul
- Describing school age children problem using strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)
- Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul
- Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach
- Mahmudah, Siti
- Psychological Dynamics of Victims of the Kanjuruhan Football Supporter Incident: Phenomenological Study
- Mahpur, Mochammad
- Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
- Maimunah, Iffat
- Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
- Mangestuti, Retno
- Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
- Muallifah, Muallifah
- Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school
- Muallifah, Muallifah
- The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents
- Noviyanti, Ma’rifatul Ika
- Child engagement in Female Prisoners
- Nuqul, Fathul Lubabin
- Child engagement in Female Prisoners
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic
- Purwaningtyas, Endah K.
- The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers
- Putera, Zulmy Faqihuddin
- Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review
- Rahmawati, Kencana Andini
- Child engagement in Female Prisoners
- Ridho, Ali
- Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis
- Rochim, Edvin Eka Nur
- Build self-awareness in late childhood
- Rochmawati, Rochmawati
- The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders
- Rosdiana, Aprilia Mega
- Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis
- Rosyidah, Risvi Uly
- The language of gratitude: “Alhamdulillah” as an expression of appreciation to improve well-being
- Sakdiyah, Elok Halimatus
- Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school
- Sarif, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi
- Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach
- Sa’diyah, Elok Halimatus
- The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents
- Sa’diyah, Elok Halimatus
- Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
- Sa’diyah, Halimatus
- The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders
- Shofiah, Nurul
- Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review
- Shofiah, Nurul
- Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
- Sholichatun, Yulia
- The comparison of acceptance and ridha
- Solichah, Novia
- Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review
- Solichah, Novia
- Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
- Solichah, Novia
- Psychodynamics of resilience in depression sufferers
- Urgenadila, Aulia
- Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
- Wafa, Iqbal Ali
- Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
- Wahyuni, Esa Nur
- Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
- Wargadinata, Wildana
- Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
- Widyarini, Rr. Ayu Sri
- Child engagement in Female Prisoners
- Zakiyah, Ermita
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zakiyah, Ermita
- Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach