Proceedings of the 2017 4th International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Computer (MACMC 2017)
326 authors
- Li, Yanhong
- Research on the Approximation Characteristics of Bandelet Transform
- Li, Yong
- Global exponential stabilization of delayed BAM neural networks: a matrix measure approach
- Li, Yongqiang
- A Stable Ant-based Routing Protocol for Flying Ad Hoc Networks
- Li, Zengshan
- New Method to Study The Effect of Stacking Sequence on Composite Single-Lap Joint Strength
- Li, Zhiyuan
- Extremely heart-throb measurement based on laser self-mixing interferometer
- Li, Zidu
- The effect of the forced heat transfer on the eutectic ceramics preparation with zone melting process
- Liang, Lili
- Application of Virtual Cloud Technology on Computer Laboratory Construction Management
- Liang, Xiao
- Failure Mechanism Analysis of Elevator Brake
- Liang, Yu
- Analysis on the Combustion Process of the Ethanol - Diesel Direct Injection Engine with Simultaneous Diesel and Ethanol Injection (with Ethanol Injection Starting Point Earlier than the Diesel Injection Starting Point)
- Liang, Yu
- Analysis on Combustion Process of Ethanol - Diesel Direct Injection Engine with Two-stage Ethanol Injection Ignited by Diesel
- Liu, Baozhong
- Research on the Design of University Supervisory System Based on Internet of Things
- Liu, Baozhong
- Research on Design of Intelligent Parking System Based on Internet of Things
- Liu, Boyun
- Study on Sub-vehicle Cable Sealing Materials
- Liu, Caixia
- A New Speech Denoising Algorithm Based on Bilateral Filtering and Wavelet Transform
- Liu, Chuansheng
- Preparation of Nano-silica Fume Coating Rubber Composite Particle and Its Application in Toughening the Oil Well Cement Stone
- Liu, Chuansheng
- Research on the Effect of Alloy Elements on the A1 Critical Transition Temperature of P91 Heat-resistant Steel Based on JMat Pro Software
- Liu, Fang
- A Novel Method of DS Evidence Theory for Multi-Sensor Conflicting Information
- Liu, Guixiong
- Flow Diverter Timing Error Modeling and Optimization
- Liu, Hong
- Analysis of Online MOOC Learning Network Structure based on the Social Network
- Liu, Jia
- Design and Discussion of Multimedia Interaction Technology based on Virtual Reality
- Liu, Jiashuo
- Research on Power System Reliability Assessment based on Neural Network
- Liu, Jiashuo
- Research on the Power System Frequency Measurement Based on Support Vector Machine
- Liu, Jing
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Power System Fault Diagnosis
- Liu, Jing
- Analysis of Computer Communication Network and Its Security Technology Architecture
- Liu, Jing
- Research on Addressing Technology of Internet of Things
- Liu, Jiwei
- Development of a Design System for the Seedbed Water-waving Irrigation Device
- Liu, Jiwei
- Design of a SolidWorks-based Cultivation Bed Matrix Filler
- Liu, Jiwei
- Design of a SolidWorks-based Vegetable Tray Seeder
- Liu, Juncheng
- The effect of the forced heat transfer on the eutectic ceramics preparation with zone melting process
- Liu, Yanrong
- Research on the Innovation of Urban Street Visualization Light Monitoring System based on GIS Technology
- Liu, Yu
- Hybrid recommendation and parallelization of movies based on spark
- Lu, Yi
- Research on the Effect of Alloy Elements on the A1 Critical Transition Temperature of P91 Heat-resistant Steel Based on JMat Pro Software
- Lun, Fengyan
- Design of the Control System for Plate Cutting Machine
- Luo, Dezhang
- Flow Diverter Timing Error Modeling and Optimization
- Luo, Hongmei
- Research on Information Fusion Strategy of Animal Husbandry Ecological Management Platform
- Luo, Xin
- An improved text classifier based on random forest algorithm - comparative studies on multiple text classifiers
- Luo, Zhen
- Research on Optimized Perception of Network Analysis and Evaluation of Communication Access Network
- Ma, Hongfeng
- Research on Testing Method of the Wheel Loader Bucket Force
- Ma, Zhanjun
- Researches on the Construction of Modern Agricultural Information Service System under "Internet +" Environment
- Men, Meiling
- Intergrading effect of investigation of Carbon monoxide adsorbing on Al-doped SiC(001) Surface
- Meng, Huiping
- An Information Security Situation Analysis Model of Intelligent Electric Grid based on Large Data
- Miao, Li
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Power System Fault Diagnosis
- Miao, Zhenqing
- Water Exchange and Spatial Distribution of Hg in Jiaozhou Bay
- Ou, Yan-nan
- Research on Hazardous Characteristics for Complete Discharged Li-Ion Traction Batteries
- Pan, Yunfei
- Flow Diverter Timing Error Modeling and Optimization
- Peng, Yijing
- Research on Safety Risk Assessment of Construction of Large Formwork Based on Fuzzy Bayesian Network
- Pu, Jing
- Research on the Realization of 3D Animation Propagation Based on the Internet
- Qi, Anzhi
- Research on TSP Solution Based on Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm
- Qi, Anzhi
- Research on Prediction Model of Improved BP Neural Network Optimized by Genetic Algorithm
- Qi, Qian
- A Stable Ant-based Routing Protocol for Flying Ad Hoc Networks
- Qin, Long
- Research on Information Security Internal Control Mechanism of Intelligent Electric Grid
- Qin, Peng
- Information Dissemination of Two Ways on Complex Networks
- Qiu, Feng
- Research on LTE Random Access Process
- Qiu, Feng
- Analysis of Uplink Channel Estimation Method for LTE System
- Qiu, Jinshui
- Study on Sub-vehicle Cable Sealing Materials
- Qiu, Shan
- Design of One-Stop Coin Finishing Organization
- Qu, TingFeng
- Analysis on the Combustion Process of the Ethanol - Diesel Direct Injection Engine with Simultaneous Diesel and Ethanol Injection (with Ethanol Injection Starting Point Earlier than the Diesel Injection Starting Point)
- Quan, Yiqing
- Commercial Aircraft ARINC429 Data Collecting from Avionics System Integration Rig
- Ren, Deyan
- Analysis on Combustion Process of Ethanol - Diesel Direct Injection Engine with Two-stage Ethanol Injection Ignited by Diesel
- Ren, Guangxu
- A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Low-speed DC Wind Tunnel and Full-flow Simulation
- Ruan, Mingyang
- Research on Intelligent City Oriented to residents' public service demand
- Shao, Ye
- Analysis of Computer Communication Network and Its Security Technology Architecture
- Sharma, Karthik
- Research on Probability-based Learning Application on Car Insurance Data
- Shen, Zhongtao
- A portable Test Device for Magnetic Latching Relay
- Shi, Chen
- Research on the Realization of 3D Animation Propagation Based on the Internet
- Shu, Xin-jian
- Research on Optimized Perception of Network Analysis and Evaluation of Communication Access Network
- Shu, Xin-jian
- Research on the Integrated Control Technology of End-to-end Business Detection Management Heterogeneous System
- Song, Zhuoyuan
- Wear-life analysis of 6000 deep groove ball bearings
- Su, Dan
- Study on the Bottleneck of Urban Rail Transit Capacity Based on Network
- Su, Yuxiang
- Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of a New Lorenz-like Attractor
- Su, Yuxiang
- Application of Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter Smoothing Algorithm in Tracking Underwater Target
- SuN, Yu
- Design of One-Stop Coin Finishing Organization
- Sui, Ming
- Diversity analysis of paenibacillus cellulase
- Sun, Bo
- Research on Computer Network Intrusion Detection System
- Sun, Hanjie
- Research on Electric Automation and Energy Saving Control Technology
- Tang, Jian-xiao
- Research on Hazardous Characteristics for Complete Discharged Li-Ion Traction Batteries
- Tang, Weixia
- Study on the Data Acquisition and Cleaning Technology in Mixed Heterogeneous System
- Tang, Xiaosha
- Analysis on Combustion Process of Ethanol - Diesel Direct Injection Engine with Two-stage Ethanol Injection Ignited by Diesel
- Tao, Xiuzhen
- Seasonal Variation Mechanism of Hg in Jiaozhou Bay 1988
- Tian, Ju
- Preparation of Nano-silica Fume Coating Rubber Composite Particle and Its Application in Toughening the Oil Well Cement Stone
- Wang, Bao-sen
- Research on Hazardous Characteristics for Complete Discharged Li-Ion Traction Batteries
- Wang, Chao
- Extremely heart-throb measurement based on laser self-mixing interferometer
- Wang, Chun-ying
- Research on Acquisition of Clean Governance Evaluation Techniques for Big Data
- Wang, Chun-ying
- Research on Optimized Perception of Network Analysis and Evaluation of Communication Access Network
- Wang, Chun-ying
- Research on the Integrated Control Technology of End-to-end Business Detection Management Heterogeneous System
- Wang, Cong
- Gender Prediction of Consumers Using Offline Purchase Data
- Wang, Dan
- Research on Information Fusion Strategy of Animal Husbandry Ecological Management Platform
- Wang, Duo
- A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Low-speed DC Wind Tunnel and Full-flow Simulation
- Wang, Feilong
- Research and design of industrial information monitoring system based on B/S structure
- Wang, Fengyou
- Influences of Overland Runoff and River Flow on As Contents in Jiaozhou Bay
- Wang, Hairong
- FPGA Implementation of JPEG-LS Remote Sensing Image Coding Algorithm
- Wang, Jian
- Preparation of Nano-silica Fume Coating Rubber Composite Particle and Its Application in Toughening the Oil Well Cement Stone
- Wang, Mengyu
- An Analysis of the Problems Existing in Internal Control of Accounts Receivable-A Case Study of Haier Group
- Wang, Ming
- Seasonal Variation Mechanism of Hg in Jiaozhou Bay 1988
- Wang, Qi
- Water Exchange and Spatial Distribution of Hg in Jiaozhou Bay
- Wang, Qiang
- Seasonal Variation Mechanism of Hg in Jiaozhou Bay 1988
- Wang, Qingwen
- A Stable Ant-based Routing Protocol for Flying Ad Hoc Networks
- Wang, Ruilin
- Design and Implementation of Simulation System for Program Trading Strategy of Stock Exchange
- Wang, Sai
- An Efficient Approach to Optimization of Service Composition in Cloud Environment
- Wang, Sai
- An Optimization Method for Reliable Cloud Service Composition with Low Resource Occupancy