Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital agriculture - development strategy” (ISPC 2019)
363 authors
- Isaeva, Albina
- Composition and antibiotic susceptibility of opportunistic pathogenic microflora in poultry farms aimed at egg or meat farming
- Isaeva, Albina
- Profile of antibiotic susceptibility of enterococcus in pig farms
- Isakova, Maria
- Genetic markers of antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria in the milk of cows and goats
- Isupova, Yulia
- Milk producing ability and reproductive qualities of the daughters of stud bulls whose semen was obtained using different methods
- Ivanova, Irina
- The role of training industry experts with digital competencies in the development of rural areas
- Kapitulina, Natalia
- Creation and use of the module "Sustainable agrolandscape" in the framework of the digital transformation of agriculture
- Karengina, Ludmila
- Environmental state of soils and plants in the area of exposure to emissions of fluorides of the cryolite plant and agrochemical methods of protection from effects of pollution
- Karkh, Dmitry
- Digital agriculture in improving spatial economic development of rural municipalities in Russia
- Karpukhin, Mikhail
- Experience of introduction of perennial wild species of vetch (VICIA L.) in the conditions of the Middle Urals
- Karpukhin, Mikhail
- The effectiveness of modern mechanized potato cultivation technologies
- Kasatkin, Vladimir
- Intelligent process control system of water treatment for nutrient solutions of drip irrigation
- Kayumov, Foat
- The effect of SNP polymorphisms in growth hormone gene on weight and linear growth in crossbred Red Angus × Kalmyk heifers
- Kazantseva, Ekaterina
- Stress resistance as a factor in the suitability of cattle for robotic milking
- Kazantseva, Nadezhda
- Formation of regulatory documents data to ensure the information system operation in the production process
- Keyta, Fode
- The effectiveness of modern mechanized potato cultivation technologies
- Khamuev, ViKtor
- Trends of the development of methods for determining the viability of crop seeds
- Khodov, Dmitry
- Digitalization in the field of agricultural marketing
- Khonin, Gennady
- Structural features of the mucous membrane of the pelvic part of the urogenital canal of fur animals of the canine family
- Khramtsova, Anna
- Key competences of industry professionals in the digital economy
- Khudyakova, Anna
- Biotechnology as a heart of innovation in nursery management of ornamental plants
- Kiselev, Leonid
- Evaluation of Holstein cattle by a complex of traits in the breeding farm of the Russian Federation
- Kniazeva, Olga
- Special aspects of digital transformation in agriculture sector of economy
- Knyazev, Sergey
- Using digital technologies for classification of domestic pigs by the type of live weight growth
- Kokonov, Sergey
- Agroecological assessment of perennial ryegrass varieties in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic
- Kolomeychenko, Alla
- Expert and analytical technologies in the sphere of agribusiness management
- Kondratenko, Ilya
- Solving problems of poultry subcomplex in the conditions of agriculture digitalization
- Korepanova, Elena
- Mineral fertilizers and insecticides in the formation of seed yield of the oil flax varieties
- Korobochkin, Mihail
- Software package for optimum design of rice maps
- Korolkova, Nadezhda
- Digital image analysis in determining the color number of vegetable oils
- Korosteleva, Diana
- Automated business-process assistance system at small commercial agricultural enterprise
- Korshunova, Natalya
- Urban agriculture as the main vector of development of the modern city
- Kosenchuk, Olga
- The role of training industry experts with digital competencies in the development of rural areas
- Koshkarov, Aleksandr
- Data-driven approach in digital agriculture: survey of farmers
- Koshkarov, Aleksandr
- Issues of computer simulation for management of restorative successions of degraded vegetation cover in the epicenters of desertification of the North-Western Pre-Caspian region
- Koshkarova, Tatiana
- Data-driven approach in digital agriculture: survey of farmers
- Kosilov, Vladimir
- The effect of SNP polymorphisms in growth hormone gene on weight and linear growth in crossbred Red Angus × Kalmyk heifers
- Kot, Ekaterina
- Culture of economy in the digital society
- Kot, Ekaterina
- Development prospects of agrarian science and education in the formation of digital economy
- Kotsur, Elena
- Creation and use of the module "Sustainable agrolandscape" in the framework of the digital transformation of agriculture
- Kovalchuk, Svetlana
- Automated system of optimal cattle selection for breeding (part 1)
- Kovalchuk, Svetlana
- Development of the Real-Time PCR method for detection of ss52050737 polymorphism of lhcgr gene in cattle
- Kovalenkova, Olga
- Concept of network management of commercial activities in agricultural organizations
- Krasnoperov, Alexander
- Immunological reactivity of calves with associated respiratory infections
- Krasnov, Roman
- Problems of digitalization of continuing education in agrarian universities
- Krivonogova, Anna
- Composition and antibiotic susceptibility of opportunistic pathogenic microflora in poultry farms aimed at egg or meat farming
- Krivonogova, Anna
- Distribution features of resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus on dairy farms
- Krivorotova, Natalia
- Specialists training in the area of management accounting in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy (data from Russia)
- Krupskiy, Igor
- The effectiveness of modern mechanized potato cultivation technologies
- Kruzhkova, Tatyana
- Culture of economy in the digital society
- Kruzhkova, Tatyana
- Digitalization of agriculture as an element of food security provision at present stage
- Kulikov, Mikhail
- State policy for digitization in agricultural sphere: foreign experience
- Kulikova, Elena
- Digitalization of agriculture as an element of food security provision at present stage
- Kulikova, Elena
- Opportunities for the introduction of smart contracts in the agro-industrial complex of Russia
- Kundius, Valentina
- Digital economy in the agribusiness management and rural areas development
- Kundius, Valentina
- Development prospects of agrarian science and education in the formation of digital economy
- Kundryukova, Ulyana
- Comparative ultrastructure of skeletal muscles of broiler chickens and quails
- Kurdyumov, Aleksandr
- Developing an IoT system for an agricultural enterprise on a single-board computer platform
- Kurdyumov, Aleksandr
- Peculiarities and development trends of the Russian agro-industrial complex under digitalization conditions
- Kuznetsova, Nina
- Opportunities and problems of digital transformation of small and medium-sized businesses in agricultural production
- Larina, Tatiana
- Information and analytical support of innovations in agricultural production: Russian experience
- Larina, Tatiana
- Predicting crop yield of triticale in the regions of Russia for the production of bread products using the CGMS system
- Lavrow, Vladimir
- Digital economy in the transition conditions to "Quick Response Manufacturing" model
- Lazareva, Anna
- Morphological characteristics of a placenta of a goat when it is normal and at a stillbirth
- Lazareva, Lyudmila
- Transformation of competition environment in conditions of digitalization of agriculture
- Lekomtsev, Рetr
- Study of electrical aerosol spreading in closed agricultural premises
- Lekontseva, Tatyana
- Biotechnology as a heart of innovation in nursery management of ornamental plants
- Lentochkin, Alexander
- Fall tillage of eroded sod-podzolic soil
- Lepeshkin, Kirill
- Trends of the development of methods for determining the viability of crop seeds
- Loktionova, Elena
- Applying a digital method for measuring leaf area index of tomato plants
- Loretts, Ekaterina
- Functioning field of farm enterprises in Russia: uncertainty and risks
- Loretts, Olga
- Contemporary trends in the formation of economically-beneficial qualities in productive animals
- Loretts, Olga
- Composition and antibiotic susceptibility of opportunistic pathogenic microflora in poultry farms aimed at egg or meat farming
- Lukashova, Kristina
- Morphobiochemical indicators of vietnamese pot-bellied pigs with concentrate type of feeding
- Lyashenko, Elena
- The Implementation and Effectiveness of geographic information systems and Location Intelligence technology in digital agriculture
- Lysakov, Maksim
- Issues of computer simulation for management of restorative successions of degraded vegetation cover in the epicenters of desertification of the North-Western Pre-Caspian region
- Lysova, Yana
- Profile of antibiotic susceptibility of enterococcus in pig farms
- Lyubimov, Alexander
- Milk producing ability and reproductive qualities of the daughters of stud bulls whose semen was obtained using different methods
- Lyubushin, Nikolay
- Specialists training in the area of management accounting in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy (data from Russia)
- Maksimenko, Aleksandr
- Concept of network management of commercial activities in agricultural organizations
- Markelov, Konstantin
- Informatization of Astrakhan agriculture under conditions of Caspian states international relations development
- Martynova, Ekaterina
- Milk producing ability and reproductive qualities of the daughters of stud bulls whose semen was obtained using different methods
- Marzhokhova, Madina
- Method of minimizing the risk of reducing the production of agricultural products by means of fuzzy logic
- Maslakov, Viktor
- Developing an IoT system for an agricultural enterprise on a single-board computer platform
- Matveeva, Alla
- Problems of digitalization of continuing education in agrarian universities
- Meleshkov, Sergey
- Structural features of the mucous membrane of the pelvic part of the urogenital canal of fur animals of the canine family
- Mikhaylov, Mikhail
- Expert and analytical technologies in the sphere of agribusiness management
- Mikhaylova, Yulia
- Technologies of intellectual analysis of the data in agricultural research
- Mikhaylova, Yulia
- Productivity and quality of broiler chicken meat with the use of preparations “Apex” and “Emicidin”
- Milshtein, Igor
- Morphobiochemical indicators of vietnamese pot-bellied pigs with concentrate type of feeding
- Milshtein, Igor
- Thermovision diagnostics of the milking equipment impact on the state of mammary glands of cattle
- Mingalyov, Sergey
- Experience of introduction of perennial wild species of vetch (VICIA L.) in the conditions of the Middle Urals
- Mitin, Alexander
- The complexity of digitization of agriculture in Russia
- Moiseeva, Ksenia
- Surface irradiation of hatching eggs with nanosecond electron beam before incubation for stimulation
- Moiseeva, Ksenia
- Distribution features of resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus on dairy farms
- Moskovskiy, Maksim
- Trends of the development of methods for determining the viability of crop seeds
- Musihina, Nina
- Surface irradiation of hatching eggs with nanosecond electron beam before incubation for stimulation
- Musikhina, Nina
- Profile of antibiotic susceptibility of enterococcus in pig farms
- Mymrin, Vladimir
- Contemporary trends in the formation of economically-beneficial qualities in productive animals
- Myshkina, Maya
- Evaluation of Holstein cattle by a complex of traits in the breeding farm of the Russian Federation
- Nabokov, Vladimir
- Innovative development of Uzbekistan agroindustrial complex