Proceedings of the International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage (ISLAGE 2021)
48 articles
Proceedings Article
Harmony of Social Order in Preventing Radicalism
in K.H.R. As’ad Syamsul Arifin’s Tarikh Perjuangan Islam Indonesia
Samsul Arifin, Mokhammad Baharun
The success of Wali Songo in building a harmonious social order during a diverse society is written in the manuscript of the book “Tarikh Perjuangan Islam Indonesia” by K.H.R As’ad Syamsul Arifin. This study aims to explore the values of Wali Songo’s da’wah bil-irshad in building social order harmony...
Proceedings Article
Classification Content in Indonesian Website Da’wah using Text Mining for Detecting Islamic Radical Understanding
Nahed Nuwairah, Munsyi Munsyi
The Islamic radical content in procedural meaning is content that has provoked the violence, spread the hatred and against nationalism through Islamic da’wah in Indonesian website. The radical definition for each country is different, especially in Indonesia. Radical content is identical with provocation...
Proceedings Article
The Voices of Inter-Religious Harmony
Experiences of Islam and Hindu Millennial Generation in Lombok
Athik Hidayatul Ummah
The purpose of this study is to examine the experience of interaction and communication inter-religious harmony by young millennial generations of Islam and Hindu in Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. It is important because many phenomena of the involvement of the younger generation in radicalism-extremism...
Proceedings Article
Family Medicine Plants in the Covid-19 Pandemic Based on Ancient Sundanese Manuscripts
Elis Suryani Nani Sumarlina, Undang Ahmad Darsa, Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana
The ancient Sundanese manuscript as a legacy of the past is important and needs to be informed of its current existence. The undeniable fact is that there are still many Sundanese manuscripts whose contents have not been revealed, especially those related to traditional medicinal plants, known as Tanaman...
Proceedings Article
Sufistic Therapy of ‘Syair Nasihat’
A Model of Holistic Medicine of the Global Era
Asep Yudha Wirajaya, Bani Sudardi, Istadiyantha Istadiyantha, Warto Warto
This ancient manuscript, entitled ‘Syair Nasihat’ (SN), saves the treasures of traditional medicine in the archipelago, namely treatment with a sufistic approach. The concept of sufistic therapy offered by SN is to offer holistic medicine, a concept of treatment that views the body and soul as a whole,...
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Representation of Islamic Values Through Three Fiction Works by Asma Nadia
Ninawati Syahrul, Nurweni Saptawuryandari
The character of the nation’s religious children can be formed through reading fiction in literary works. Literary works with Islamic nuances can be used as a forum and means as alternative reading in forming a person with noble character. The purpose of this study is to describe the noble character...
Proceedings Article
Pragmatic Thinking in the Book of Dalail Al-I’jaz Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjani
Mamluatul Hasanah, Alfiatus Syarofah, Risna Rianti Sari
The solution to the pragmatic transfer experienced by Arabic learners can be found by re-reading Arabic turas using a pragmatic perspective born of modern linguistics. Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani’s monumental work, one of the legacies of the Araby Dalail al-I’jaz turas, is studied critically with a naturalistic...
Proceedings Article
Imla’ Learning Media by Using Youtube for Prospective Students at Gontor Islamic Boarding School Darussalam
Laili Mas Ulliyah Hasan, Umi Machmudah
Along with developing an all-digital era, learning media also adapts to the situation. YouTube is currently a growing trend in society. This social media if appropriately packaged can also be an exciting learning media and provide a plus. The purpose of this research are: 1) To describe how the imla’...
Proceedings Article
Development of Listening Skills Materials Using Plotagon Story Application Multimedia
Kunti Nadiyah Salma, Umi Machmudah, Nurhidayati Nurhidayati
The purpose of this research are: 1) Describing how the process of developing multimedia listening skills by the plotagon story application for students of MAN Pacitan. (2) Describing what the characteristics of multimedia listening skills are by the plotagon story application for students of MAN Pacitan....
Proceedings Article
Islam Behind the Court Wall
Politics and Aesthetics of Javanese Islam in Babad Tanah Jawi
Achmad Fawaid, Wening Udasmoro, Sri Margana
The babad studies on Islamisation in Java are commonly based on historical analysis, but rarely on its ideological author or aesthetical strategy. This article figures out R. Ng. Yasadipura I’s strategy of describing Islam in the Babad Tanah Jawi is based on allegorical (in Javanese term, pasemon) technique,...
Proceedings Article
Finding Ancient Coins: An Early Numismatic Study on the Spread of Islam from Arab to the Nusantara
Nurman Kholis, Kamal Yusuf, Asep Saefullah, Muhammad Rais, Ali Akbar, Masmedia Pinem, Dede Burhanuddin
The current research is aimed to trace and find out the ancient coins from Arabic found in the archipelago and their relation to literacy related to the history of the Islamization process and the accelerated development of Islamic civilization in this region. As a preliminary study, this research was...
Proceedings Article
The Islamic Iconoclasm in Indonesia
Dialectics of Islamic Moderation with Local Culture
Alfan Firmanto, Ahmad Yunani
Islamic law (fiqh) agreed that the Prophet should not be depicted in human form. It is believed to maintain the sanctity and prevent it from excessive cult to him, as it did in the tradition of Christian; Jesus (Prophet Isa). In addition, the depiction of living creatures such as human and animal figures,...
Proceedings Article
Preserving Traditional Islamic Thought and Practice
The Codified is Burdah in Across Jambi City
Siti Asiah, A.A Musyaffa
This paper tries to construct the role of codified texts in Indonesia. This paper also attempts to investigate the sequential aspects of the is burdah transmission used among traditionalist Muslims across Jambi City. This paper provides faḍā’il al-a’māl based on several Muslim scholars. Some important...
Proceedings Article
Al-Karnak by Najib Mahfudz: Anatomy of Sovereignty, Inequalities, and Dilemmas of Humanity
M. Hafidzulloh S.M, Aprinus Salam
Humanity has been the main topic in some of Najib Mahfudz’s works. However, Najib Mahfudz’s works, which make narratives about humanity, are motivated by an overview to describe social inequality. Thus, this research assumes that the humanitarian issues have been the main discussion in several of Najib...
Proceedings Article
Mother Tongue Interference in Speaking Arabic of Darul Lugah Waddirasatil Islamiyah Boarding School Santriwati
Khoirul Bariyah, Umi Machmudah, Sulalah Sulalah
Darul Lughah Waddirasatil Islamiyah is obligated to use the Arabic language, but santriwati always make mistakes by interfering with the Madurese language, their mother tounge. The researcher, therefore, will analyze and describe interference, the element of interference, and the solution of mistakes....
Proceedings Article
Theodicy and Social Attitudes Towards Punishment
Fidinda Avitasari, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul
The increasing number of crimes inspires people to give punishment to the perpetrators. Religious values influence this punishment. Theodicy is a study that studies the existence of an all-just God. From the perspective of Islamic theology, there are two points of view on his evil actions; firstly, the...
Proceedings Article
Religiosity, Covid 19, and Death Threats in Indonesian Poetry
Erlis Nurmujiningsih, Dina Amalia, Mu’jizah Mu’jizah, Suryami Suryami, Erli Yetti, Purwaningsih Purwaningsih
Covid is a scary pandemic. Millions of people died due to this disease. Although the vaccine has been injected, this disease still exists and is no cure. Fear haunts many people, and death spreads in many places. This condition brought people closer to God and inspired many poets to create poetry. Many...
Proceedings Article
Commodification of the Qur’an in Brand Marketing Community of Dinar Khoirur Roziqin Indonesia
Ahmad Fawaid, Nafi’ah Mardlatillah
This article aims to figure out the commodification of the Qur’an in the marketing brand of Dinar Khoirur Rooziqiin (Dinar KR). As a new product in the gold business sector, Dinar KR has won a place in the people’s hearts. Its community extends to various regions in Indonesia and even neighbouring countries....
Proceedings Article
Teachings of Patience and Sincereness in the Oral Tradition of Childhood Nolam in Talang Maur, Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra
Daratullaila Nasri, Mulyadi Mulyadi
The article entitled “Teachings of Patience and Sincerity in the Oral Tradition of Childhood Nolam (Nolam Kanak) in Talang Maur Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra discusses the nature of the Nolam Kanak tradition. Adhering to the concept of tradition initiated by Vansina, the tradition needs to be...
Proceedings Article
The Discourse of Common People Represented in Javanese Version of Abu Nawas Stories
Mundi Rahayu
This paper explores the position of the ordinary people represented in the Javanese version of Abu Nawas stories. The Javanese version of Abu Nawas is interesting because of its position as a translation from Arabic to be presented to the Javanese audience in 1933. The main characters of the stories...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Islamic Business Ethical Theory in E-Commerce
Zuraidah Zuraidah, Esy Nur Aisyah
Internet as a communicative medium eases people to do online trading business. The network connection is easily accessible to the community. There are problems in the transactions through social media when sellers commit fraud in transactions and mismatch the goods and/or services. In addition, the hidden...
Proceedings Article
Framing the Islamic Traditionalism Community in Challenging the Social Changes of Modern Society
Rojabi Azharghany
The wave of modernization and industrialization affect people’s lives. This got a mixed response from the community of Islamic traditionalism led by Kiai. This study reconstructs the framing of Islamic traditionalism community in dealing with the social changes of modern society, through the experimentation...
Proceedings Article
Religious and Harmonious Values in Beluk Tradition
A Study in Banjaran of Bandung Regency
Muhamad Rosadi, Agus Iswanto
Beluk is a Sundanese traditional song art in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. This art is rarely performed any more, even though it contains many values. One community group in Bandung, is trying to preserve this traditional art. This article examines efforts to preserve Beluk tradition by Ciapus society...
Proceedings Article
Past Wisdom Taken From the Saga of Kalilah and Dimnah
Istiadah Istiadah, Asni Furaida
This article discusses the saga of Kalilah and Dimnah which is a fable contains much wisdom and this wisdom although comes from the past, yet it is still relevant till today. The saga Kalilah and Dimnah is originally written by Baidaba. He is a scholar and a wise man who give advice to the king. He created...
Proceedings Article
Macapat Al-Qur’an: Religious Literature and Oral Tradition in Rural Java
Roch Aris Hidayat
This study describes a Javanese literary work nuanced in Islamic art entitled Macapat Al-Qur’an. This literary work is in the form of a macapat song. This literary work was composed based on the translation of the Al-Qur’an. The macapat song for the Javanese people is a work of art that has been very...
Proceedings Article
Islam and Culture
Value Integration within Javanese Tradition of Temu Manten
Muassomah Muassomah, Nashrul Habibi, Imroatul Ngarifah
Many local traditions begin to be faded along with the rapid development of technology and information. Yet, the tradition of Temu Manten still exists amid ongoing globalization with westernized culture. This paper aims to explore the Temu Manten tradition commonly carried out by Javanese and the Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Seong Gi Hun’s Religiosity Represented in Squid Game Film Series
Whida Rositama, Asni Furaida
Squid Game series became a famous worldwide film that stole audiences’ huge attention. Several reviews have been done about the social-capitalism side of this film. Besides, there is also a review of the nine main characters of this film. But this study focuses on Seong Gi Hun’s religiosity represented...
Proceedings Article
Philosophical Meaning in the Syaer’s Oral Tradition of Lampung Pepadun
Roveneldo Roveneldo, Mukhammad Isnaeni
This study describes the vitality of the oral tradition of Syaer Lampung, which grows and develops in the community of Lampung Pepadun. This effort was made to provide a complete understanding and description of words and sentences in the Syaer’s oral literature. The researchers use a qualitative approach...
Proceedings Article
Da’wah Behavior through Sholawat Art
Khurotin Anggraeni, Lutfia Okta Riwayati, Aminatul Zahroh
The purpose of the study is to analyze and find the model of organizational behavior culture or da’wah behavior that focused on the structure of a group and the process of Sholawat art that functions as a da’wah media. Da’wah behavior is the Indonesian term for the Islamic concept of the call or invitation...
Proceedings Article
The Development History of the Yellow Book (Kitab Kuning) as Islamic Textbooks in Indonesia Based on the Philology Perspective
Rosidin Rosidin, Fenty Andriani, Akhmad Nurul Kawakip, Moh. Mansur Fauzi
This paper is examined the development history of the yellow book (kitab kuning) as Islamic textbooks in Indonesia from the perspective of philology. First, from the codicology perspective, the yellow book scattered in Indonesia since the 16th to 21st century had a consistent increase in terms of variations...
Proceedings Article
‘Seserahan’ in Indonesian Javanese Wedding
Code Switching and Mixing Phenomena
Wildana Wargadinata, Noviya Ekasanti, Iffat Maimunah
This study aims to describe the form of code-switching and code-mixing at ‘Seserahan’ in Indonesian Javanese Wedding in Mojoroto and the factors that cause code-switching and code-mixing at the event. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method that prioritizes the appreciation...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Local Wisdom: State of the Art
Rohmani Nur Indah, Galuh Nur Rohmah
This paper explores the dynamics of research on Indonesia’s local wisdom from the perspective of the nation’s researchers. Local wisdom is a magnet for moral learning, especially what cannot be avoided, namely its potential role for character-building education to prepare better future generations. The...
Proceedings Article
The Acculturation of Thâ’ûn Paradigm and Pandemic in Islam
Based on Nash and Historical Perspective
Ali Hamdan, Ch. Mufidah, Amran Amran, Nabilatul Lutfiyah
This study is an effort to create a new paradigm about the global pandemic by analyzing nash or the texts of the Quran, Hadith, Atsar, and the statements of early Islamic scholars. The content analysis methods used in interpreting the Quran, the criticism of Hadith and Atsar, and the historical studies...
Proceedings Article
Tatwamasi Approach a Popular Wisdom from Balinese Culture in Facing Global Challenges
Made Sri Putri Purnamawati
Tatwamasi culture is a cross-sector method or rule of social conduct from Balinese culture which gets to be key when it’s over the long run and at all levels of society to set up and support connections among individuals locally and globally—thus inciting maintainable peace. Tatwamasi culture exercises...
Proceedings Article
Methods of Religious Leaders in Enhancing Interfaith Harmony
Cases of Muslims, Buddhis, and Confucians in Malang
Achmad Khudori Soleh, Erik Sabti Rahmawati
Social and political considerations alone are not sufficient to be the basis for an inclusive attitude to build religious harmony because conflicts still occur. Activities to promote religious harmony require stronger foundations that are social and political. This study aims to explore the methods of...
Proceedings Article
The Digitalization of Kitab Kuning
The Role of Santri in Reactualizing Islamic Treasure
Halimi Halimi, Muflikhah Ulya, Siti Rahmatillah
To anticipate the burial of the Islamic treasures and to answer the community’s needs in virtual reality. Accordingly, it is necessary to conserve the manuscript and study its contents. This has been successfully realized through various innovations and creativity of the Santris in digitizing Islamic...
Proceedings Article
The Roots of Religious Moderation in Indonesia: As-Singkili and Langgien’s Works on Tolerance
Fakhriati Fakhriati, Aniek Farida, Agus Iswanto
People could not practice religious moderation in full without understanding its historical roots. These roots entail an examination of actors involved in its development. In Indonesia, a vital actor is an ulama, who has taught and practiced moderation in this region’s history. An indicator of this moderation...
Proceedings Article
Mamacan in Bayan Village North Lombok
Preserving Tradition and Disseminating Religious Values
Zakiyah Zakiyah, Anik Farida
This article discusses a mamacan tradition in Bayan village North Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. This tradition has been practiced since many years ago by a local community called adat Bayan. This adat community is the descendants of former Kedatuan Bayan, a small kingdom that existed around the 16th century....
Proceedings Article
Heritage Language Maintenance and Ethnic Identity in Virtual Communication among Javanese Basketball Coaches in Indonesia
Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko
The promotion of nationality and technology have drained Javanese as the ethnic language in Indonesia as a multilingual country. This study, therefore, explores the Javanese as an ethnic marker and identity in virtual communication. The data were collected via semi-structured interviews and observation...
Proceedings Article
Peace Education in Islamic Da’wah Through Comic
Laily Fitriani
Peace education can be applied to the younger generation through curriculum and peace culture movements in schools. In its development, practicing peace education is not easy. One of the Islamic da’wah media that is quite interesting for the younger generation is comics. Comics are interesting works...
Proceedings Article
The Inefficiency of Ummi Method in Learning Al-Qur’an
Yayuk Widyastuti Herawati
The phenomenon of learning the Al-Qur’an today is very entrenched in the archipelago, replacing the conventional method known as “kadaman”, one of which is the Ummi method. Many studies have discussed the learning of The Al-Qur’an using the Ummi method, but no one has yet explained what makes it inefficient....
Proceedings Article
Ethnomathematics: Graph of Architecture Masjid Agung Kediri
Elly Susanti, Nanda Mustagfirotul Ulya, Muhammad Hasan Asnawi, Fachrur Rozi
This study aims to explore and identify the objects of architecture and ornaments Masjid Agung Kediri. In this study, the researcher used qualitative research with an ethnography approach. The instrument of this research is human instruments. The researcher is a primary instrument. As qualitative research...
Proceedings Article
“Dhangdhang Bang Bunghalan Tattwa” Text in the Development of Emotional Intelligence in the Global Era
Ni Putu Parmini, Mukhamdanah Mukhamdanah, Dewi Khairiah
This study aims to describe the emotional intelligence contained in the Dhangdhang Bang Bunghalan Tattwa Text. The discussion includes the development of people’s emotional intelligence in the global era which can be done through the study of the Dhangdhang Bang Bunghalan Tattwa Text. The theories used...
Proceedings Article
Adam and Eve’s Wifiq: From Mathematics to Transformation Practice
Rusli Rusli, Abdussakir, Asni Furaida
Indonesian society still believes in and uses wifiq. One of which often used is Adam and Eve’s wifiq. It is the basic of making other talismans. This wifiq is used for compassion, safety, treatment and other efficacy. This wifiq is called Adam and Eve’s because mathematically the number of Adam’s name...
Proceedings Article
Bobot, Bibit, and Bebet in Choosing a Mate
(A Study of Serat Warayagnya Manuscript by Mangkunegara IV)
Umi Masfiah
The concept of bebet, bibit, and bobot contain in the Serat Warayagnya manuscript by Mangkunegara IV, a poet and ruler of the Kadipaten Mangkunegara of Surakarta in the mid-19th century. Terefore, this Serat Warayagnya has been part of a modern Javanese literary work written by a Javanese priyayi. This...
Proceedings Article
Creating a Quran Generation with Science Literacy
Ahmad Abtokhi
One of the main obligations of parents, including teachers, is to lead their children and students to become individuals who have spiritual depth and moral exaltation. These two things can be achieved through an integrated learning approach that combines the Qur’an with various information including...
Proceedings Article
“HAMEMAYU HAYUNING BAWONO” (“To beautify the beauty of the world”)
A Javanese Philosophical Foundation of the Harmony for Interfaith Dialogue
FX. E. Armada Riyanto
The aim of this paper is to explore the philosophical cultural tradition of the Javanese people related to their relationship with the world or nature, namely Hamemayu Hayuning Bawono (“to beautify the beauty of the world” or “to harmonize the harmony of the world). In the Javanese culture, beauty is...
Proceedings Article
The Articulation of Moderate Islam among Muslim Students
A Case Study in State Islamic University of Malang
Benny Afwadzi, Miski Miski
This article aims to explain the articulation of moderate Islam among Muslim students. This research finds its significance in, on the one hand, the existence of previous studies confirming that a myriad of radicalism and terrorism were conducted by students, while, on the other hand, moderate Islamic...