Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Local Wisdom (Incolwis 2022)
121 authors
- Abdullah, Wakit
- Pranakan as the Identity of Courtiers of the Yogyakarta Palace (Ethnolinguistic Study)
- Adeng, Adeng
- Rajah on Ngikis Ceremony in Karangkamulyan Site Ciamis
- Alamsyah, Suwardi
- Rajah on Ngikis Ceremony in Karangkamulyan Site Ciamis
- Arwansyah, Yanuar Bagas
- Representation of Power Serat Sestradi as A Basic for Cultivation Ethics and Morals Values in Kindergarten Student
- Arya Nugraha, Dewanta
- Peer-Review Statements
- Atisah, Atisah
- Local Wisdom Based Leardership Philosophi Minang Proverb
- Boeriswati, Endry
- Introduction to Balinese Language in Early Childhood: Identification of Teacher Strategies
- Chawari, Muhammad
- The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of the Outside of the Ancient Mataram
- Chawari, Muhammad
- The Ritual of Opening The Cupu Panjala: Efforts to Predict Social, Economic, and Political Conditions
- Darmawati, Besse
- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement
- Darsa, Undang Ahmad
- Rhyme in the Sundanese Mantra Manuscript Text: The Connection of Structure, Meaning, and Functions in Society
- Dewojati, Cahyaningrum
- The Dukun between Traditionality and Modernity: Element of Magical Realism in Drama di Boven Digul by Kwee Tek Hoay
- Dhieni, Nurbiana
- Introduction to Balinese Language in Early Childhood: Identification of Teacher Strategies
- Dwijonagoro, Suwarna
- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement
- Fadlly, Harits
- Local Wisdom Based Leardership Philosophi Minang Proverb
- Fateah, Nur
- Javanese Language Politeness in Novel Prasetyane Wanita by Tulus Setiyadi
- Handayani, Sri
- Interaction Vs Power of Ola: Synthesis of Dialogues and Scenes of I Never Cry a Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
- Hapsari, Diah Retno
- Internal Conflict of Main Character Karna in Wayang Kulit Performance “Karna Tandhing” by Ki Seno Nugroho
- Herawati, Nanik
- Symbolic meaning of Nyadran, Javanese tradition at the Banyon village, Central Klaten District, Regency of Klaten
- Hidayat, Roch Aris
- Development of a Noble Speech Culture Based on Sabdajati Manuscript by Ranggawarsita III as a Representation of Power
- Indratmo, Aloysius
- Serat Wicara Keras and The Hegemony of Javanese Priyayi
- Indratmo, Aloysius
- The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character
- Indratmo, Aloysius
- Correction to: The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character
- Iswanto, Agus
- The Cultural Meaning of The Tiger Myth in Asia: A Comparative Literary Study
- Karsana, Deni
- Distribution and Relationship of Regional Language Vocabulary in Central Sulawesi Province
- Kurnia, Nia
- Teater Sunda Kiwari (TSK) Alignment between Capital and Strategy on Pierre Bourdieu’s Perspective
- Kurniawan, Donie Fadjar
- Interaction Vs Power of Ola: Synthesis of Dialogues and Scenes of I Never Cry a Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
- Kurniawati, Wati
- Distribution and Relationship of Regional Language Vocabulary in Central Sulawesi Province
- Laili, Nurul
- Gunung Padang Stone Terraces as a Modification of the Highland Resource for Ancestor Worship Activity
- Lestari, Ni Gusti Ayu Made Yeni
- Introduction to Balinese Language in Early Childhood: Identification of Teacher Strategies
- Maerina, Ryen
- Distribution and Relationship of Regional Language Vocabulary in Central Sulawesi Province
- Maknun, Moch Lukluil
- Development of a Noble Speech Culture Based on Sabdajati Manuscript by Ranggawarsita III as a Representation of Power
- Mardiyani, Riska Putri
- Javanese Language Politeness in Novel Prasetyane Wanita by Tulus Setiyadi
- Marzuki, Irfanuddin Wahid
- Minahasan Local Wisdom in the Art of the Indies Architecture in the Colonial Era of Minahasa, North Sulawesi: A Study of Historical Archaeology
- Masfiah, Umi
- Development of a Noble Speech Culture Based on Sabdajati Manuscript by Ranggawarsita III as a Representation of Power
- Merlina, Nina
- Rajah on Ngikis Ceremony in Karangkamulyan Site Ciamis
- Mudjijono, Mudjijono
- The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of the Outside of the Ancient Mataram
- Mudjijono, Mudjijono
- The Ritual of Opening The Cupu Panjala: Efforts to Predict Social, Economic, and Political Conditions
- Mukhamdanah, Mukhamdanah
- Distribution and Relationship of Regional Language Vocabulary in Central Sulawesi Province
- Mulyanah, Ade
- The Cultural Meaning of The Tiger Myth in Asia: A Comparative Literary Study
- Mulyanah, Ade
- Linguistic Commodification in The D’kandang Tourism Area, Depok City, West Java
- Muslifah, Siti
- The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character
- Muslifah, Siti
- Correction to: The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character
- Mustolehudin
- Development of a Noble Speech Culture Based on Sabdajati Manuscript by Ranggawarsita III as a Representation of Power
- Noerwidi, Sofwan
- The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of the Outside of the Ancient Mataram
- Noerwidi, Sofwan
- The Ritual of Opening The Cupu Panjala: Efforts to Predict Social, Economic, and Political Conditions
- Nurfaidah, Resti
- Teater Sunda Kiwari (TSK) Alignment between Capital and Strategy on Pierre Bourdieu’s Perspective
- Nurhadi, Jatmika
- Literacy of Sundanese-language Prayer Texts Through Whatsapp Social Media
- Nurhidayati, Nurhidayati
- Quality of Language Readability in Kartika Textbook Based on BSNP Parameters
- Nurlina, Wiwin Erni Siti
- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement
- Nurnaningsih, Nurnaningsih
- The Shape and Function of Kyai Ageng Henis and The Laweyan Mosque as A Strengthening Education of Character
- Permana, Rangga Saptya Mohamad
- Rhyme in the Sundanese Mantra Manuscript Text: The Connection of Structure, Meaning, and Functions in Society
- Priswanto, Hery
- The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of the Outside of the Ancient Mataram
- Priswanto, Hery
- The Ritual of Opening The Cupu Panjala: Efforts to Predict Social, Economic, and Political Conditions
- Rais, Wakit Abdullah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Rais, Wakit Abdullah
- Serat Wicara Keras and The Hegemony of Javanese Priyayi
- Rostiyati, Ani
- Gunung Padang Stone Terraces as a Modification of the Highland Resource for Ancestor Worship Activity
- Rostiyati, Ani
- Rajah on Ngikis Ceremony in Karangkamulyan Site Ciamis
- Rubiyanto, Yayan
- Quality of Language Readability in Kartika Textbook Based on BSNP Parameters
- Rumtini, Rumtini
- Morphological Changes in Words with Superlative Meanings in the Javanese Language of the Magelang Sub-Dialect in Speech Communities in the Andong and Telomoyo’s Mountains
- SM, M Hafidzulloh
- Keboan: Emik, Syncretism, and Negotiation
- Saksono, Herie
- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement
- Salam, Aprinus
- The Land and Water Ritual in Toyomarto Singasari Malang: Genealogy and Social Praxis
- Salam, Aprinus
- Keboan: Emik, Syncretism, and Negotiation
- Saptarini, Tri
- Linguistic Commodification in The D’kandang Tourism Area, Depok City, West Java
- Saptono, Nanang
- Divisions of Space of Batujaya Temple Complex in Karawang, West Java
- Sariah, Sariah
- Teater Sunda Kiwari (TSK) Alignment between Capital and Strategy on Pierre Bourdieu’s Perspective
- Sariah, Sariah
- Linguistic Commodification in The D’kandang Tourism Area, Depok City, West Java
- Sartika, Endang
- Morphological Changes in Words with Superlative Meanings in the Javanese Language of the Magelang Sub-Dialect in Speech Communities in the Andong and Telomoyo’s Mountains
- Satoto, Angga Bimo
- Internal Conflict of Main Character Karna in Wayang Kulit Performance “Karna Tandhing” by Ki Seno Nugroho
- Savitri, Andini Pradya
- Interaction Vs Power of Ola: Synthesis of Dialogues and Scenes of I Never Cry a Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
- Sawardi, F. X.
- Morphological Changes in Words with Superlative Meanings in the Javanese Language of the Magelang Sub-Dialect in Speech Communities in the Andong and Telomoyo’s Mountains
- Setiyanto, Edi
- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement
- Sidik, Umar
- Gastrolinguistic Cultural Semantics of Sega Creative Processed in Java’s Custom and Traditional Ceremonies as National Value Reinforcement
- Sudaryat, Yayat
- Literacy of Sundanese-language Prayer Texts Through Whatsapp Social Media
- Sulistyo, Hary
- Morphological Changes in Words with Superlative Meanings in the Javanese Language of the Magelang Sub-Dialect in Speech Communities in the Andong and Telomoyo’s Mountains
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- Interaction Vs Power of Ola: Synthesis of Dialogues and Scenes of I Never Cry a Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
- Sumarlam, Sumarlam
- The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books
- Sumarlina, Elis Suryani Nani
- Rhyme in the Sundanese Mantra Manuscript Text: The Connection of Structure, Meaning, and Functions in Society
- Sunarti, Sastri
- Local Wisdom Based Leardership Philosophi Minang Proverb
- Sunarti, Sastri
- The Cultural Meaning of The Tiger Myth in Asia: A Comparative Literary Study
- Supana, Supana
- The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books
- Supriyanto, Ratih Asti
- Interaction Vs Power of Ola: Synthesis of Dialogues and Scenes of I Never Cry a Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis
- Susanto
- Serat Wicara Keras and The Hegemony of Javanese Priyayi
- Susanto, Dwi
- Serat Wicara Keras and The Hegemony of Javanese Priyayi
- Sutarjo, Sutarjo
- The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books
- Sutisna, Ade
- Literacy of Sundanese-language Prayer Texts Through Whatsapp Social Media
- Suwanto, Yohanes
- The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books
- Suwarna, Suwarna
- Quality of Language Readability in Kartika Textbook Based on BSNP Parameters
- Suyatno, Suyatno
- The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character
- Suyatno, Suyatno
- Correction to: The Existence of Millennials Wayang Beber in The Middle of Globalization Era as A Tools of Strengthening The Nation’s Character
- Syahrul, Ninawati
- Local Wisdom Based Leardership Philosophi Minang Proverb
- Syahrul, Ninawati
- The Cultural Meaning of The Tiger Myth in Asia: A Comparative Literary Study
- Tjahjono, Baskoro Daru
- The Sirih Temple: The Temple Made of Tuff Stone of the Outside of the Ancient Mataram
- Tjahjono, Baskoro Daru
- The Ritual of Opening The Cupu Panjala: Efforts to Predict Social, Economic, and Political Conditions
- Tresnasih, Ria Intani
- Gunung Padang Stone Terraces as a Modification of the Highland Resource for Ancestor Worship Activity
- Utama, Windi Wulandari Iman
- Representation of Power Serat Sestradi as A Basic for Cultivation Ethics and Morals Values in Kindergarten Student
- Wakit, Wakit
- The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books
- Wibowo, Bayu Ananto
- Representation of Power Serat Sestradi as A Basic for Cultivation Ethics and Morals Values in Kindergarten Student