Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering (IJCSE 2020)
313 authors
- Imah, Elly M.
- Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification
- Indarto, B.
- The Effectiveness of the Addition of EM4 and Molasses in Increasing Levels of N, P and K in Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizers Made From Banana Pseudostem
- Indrawati, Susilo
- Designing and Developing Electric Squeezer Machine for Mangrove Syrup Production
- Indrawati, Susilo
- The Effectiveness of the Addition of EM4 and Molasses in Increasing Levels of N, P and K in Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizers Made From Banana Pseudostem
- Indrawati, Veni
- Production of Herbal Mixes (Jamulacang) Instant as an Effort to Increase Immune to Prevent Covid 19
- Iqrammah, Kusnan Evany
- The Effect of Project-Based Learning Model (PjBL) and Direct Instruction (DI) on Result Learning of the Basics Building Construction and Survey Engineering From Student Learning Motivation
- Iriani, Tuti
- The Implementation of Project Based Learning Model Towards the Learning Outcome of Subject Wood Structure I
- Ismayati, Euis
- Student Learning Independence in Online Learning Depends on Motivation
- Isnawati
- Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Joko
- The Effect of Participation in Academic Achievement Activities on Vocational Teachers Competence
- Juniati, Dwi
- Students’ Reasoning With Logical Mathematical and Visual Spatial Intelligence in Geometry Problem Solving
- Kaharina, Arifah
- UNESA Physical Test – An Alternative Way to Measure Fitness Using Step and Chair-Based Test
- Khaleyla, Firas
- Training Science Literacy Skills Through Article Writing on Local Wisdom in East Java
- Khaleyla, Firas
- Biology Online Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Kholis, Nur
- The Development of the Sub Instruments of Digital Literacy on the Subjects of Electronics Circuit in Vocational School
- Khotimah, Khusnul
- Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino
- Khotimah, Khusnul
- Design Automatic Hand Sanitizer Microcontroller Based using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensors as an Effort to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19
- Kiristiastuti, Dwi
- Diverse Forms of V-learning Students’ Acceptability During the Pandemic Covid-19
- Kurniawan, Dany Samsurya
- Developing Android-Based Comic for Learning Quadrilateral to Improve Seventh-graders’ Geometric Thinking
- Kurniawan, Fandik Agung
- IoT Based Temperature Control System Using Node MCU ESP 8266
- Kurniawan, Rivaldi Dwi
- The Effect of Chemiclife Media on Chemical Bond Material Based on Completeness and Student Learning Outcomes
- Kusnan
- Analysis of Online Learning Implementation in Undergraduate Students of Building Construction Education in the Pandemic COVID-19
- Kusstanti, Nia
- Cypirus Rotundus L: As Antiseptic Soap Materials
- Kusstianti, Nia
- Coconut Milk as an Alternative of Cosmetic Material for Thinning Hyperpigmentation on the Face Skin
- Kusuma, Donny A.
- UNESA Physical Test – An Alternative Way to Measure Fitness Using Step and Chair-Based Test
- Kusuma, Juan Ardi
- Centrifugal Pump Bearing Analysis With Amplitude Indicator Using Vibration Meter
- Kusumah, Sandy A.
- Tomini Bay as a Source of Chemistry Learning
- Kuswanti, Nur
- Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Laras, Prastiti
- Schoology and Slido: The Perfect Platform Combination for Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Listyani, Refti H
- Self Concept in Social Behavior Based Android to Boost Family’s Immunity in Preventing Covid-19 Spread
- Maghfiro, Feronika Nur
- Design and Development of Chatbot Using Dialog Flowin Surya Sembada PDAM Surabaya City
- Mangelep, Navel Oktaviandy
- The Development of Students’ Learning Material on Arithmatic Sequence Using PMRI Approach
- Martiningsih, Wahyuni
- Deformation of 3D Object of Human Body Internal Organs Using Finite Element Method Approach Accelerated by GPU
- Mas, Suryanto HS
- Effectiveness of Online Learning of Construction Equipment Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Megasari, Dindy S.
- Cypirus Rotundus L: As Antiseptic Soap Materials
- Mintowati, Maria
- New Smart Virtual Content for Hanzi Characters in Mandarin Laboratories
- Miranti, Mauren G.
- Nutridrink TOGA as an Alternative to Maintain Body Immunity Against Covid
- Miranti, Mauren Gita
- Description of Knowledge, Attitude, and Consumption Behavior of Supplements Drink for the Elderly to Improve the Immunity Systems
- Mochtar, Fahmi Mahardi
- IoT Based Temperature Control System Using Node MCU ESP 8266
- Mubarokah, Fitroh A.
- Improvement of Self-Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes on Acid Base Material Using 9E Learning Cycle Model
- Mubarokah, Ita
- Blood Donor Matching Information Systems and Determining Tools for Blood Cluster and Human Rhesus Based on IoT
- Muhtarom, Taufik
- Teaching Strategy in Effective Science Learning Based on Classroom Discourse and Empirical Research
- Mulia, Dimas Putra
- Effect of Cross Section Dimensions to Stiffness and Deflection on Reinforced Concrete Beams
- Mulyono, Wahyu Dwi
- Analysis of Online Learning Implementation in Undergraduate Students of Building Construction Education in the Pandemic COVID-19
- Munoto
- Curriculum Development is Conducted to Improve Competencies of Air Transportation Managemental Study Program for Cadets of Aviation Polytechnique Surabaya
- Munoto
- The Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya
- Munoto
- Student Learning Independence in Online Learning Depends on Motivation
- Mustar, Yetty Septiani
- Issues on Academic Writing Consultation: Alternative Online Platforms for Graduate Students
- Mustofa, Muhammad Badruddin A.
- Weather Monitoring Telemetry System Based on Arduino Pro Mini With Antenna Tracker Using Transceiver Module SV651 and SV611
- Muyassaroh, Lukluk Ul
- New Smart Virtual Content for Hanzi Characters in Mandarin Laboratories
- Nadiar, Feriza
- Effectiveness of Online Learning of Construction Equipment Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Naqiyah, Najlatun
- Vandemicum of Nanogold and Nanosilver to Improve Quality Life of Cancer Patients
- Nasrudin, Harun
- Improvement of Self-Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes on Acid Base Material Using 9E Learning Cycle Model
- Ningrum, L. Endah Cahya
- Design Automatic Hand Sanitizer Microcontroller Based using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensors as an Effort to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19
- Nisa, Chilyatun
- Design and Development of Chatbot Using Dialog Flowin Surya Sembada PDAM Surabaya City
- Novita Lutfi, K
- The Effect of Google Classroom as A Tool in Chemistry Learning
- Nurhasan
- UNESA Physical Test – An Alternative Way to Measure Fitness Using Step and Chair-Based Test
- Nurhayati
- The Development of Optical Module Based on Science Process Skills
- Nurhayati
- Internet of Things-Based Monitoring System of Patients Using W1209 Digital Thermostat and Pulse Sensor
- Nurhayati
- Performance of an Accelerometer-Based Wireless Body Area Network in Indoor Environment: A Preliminary Study
- Nurhayati, Nurhayati
- Automatic Hand Sanitizer Container to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus Disease
- Nurhidayat, Andi Iwan
- Application of K-Means Algorithm for Clustering Student’s Computer Programming Performance in Automatic Programming Assessment Tool
- Nurita, Tutut
- Worksheet of Entrepreneurship Students to Train Ecopreneurship Characters
- Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
- The Relationship Problem Solving Skills to Critical Thinking Skills in Aircraft Maintenance: A Conceptual Study
- Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
- Curriculum Development is Conducted to Improve Competencies of Air Transportation Managemental Study Program for Cadets of Aviation Polytechnique Surabaya
- Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
- Diverse Forms of V-learning Students’ Acceptability During the Pandemic Covid-19
- Nurlaela, Luthfiyah
- The Effect of the Addition of Turmeric and Temulawak on the Hedonic Value of Starfruit Syrup
- Nurlalela, Luthfiyah
- The Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya
- Nuryana, I Kadek Dwi
- The Design and Implementation of Web Crawler Distributed News Domain Detection System
- Nusantara
- Effectiveness of Online Learning of Construction Equipment Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Paksi, HP
- Development of Physical Distancing Detector (PDD) Integrated Smartphone to Help Reduce the Spread of Covid-19
- Palupi, Aisyah E.
- 3D Blender Animation Media as Self-Assessment Implementation in Corrosion Engineering Course
- Pangesthi, Lucia Tri
- Diverse Forms of V-learning Students’ Acceptability During the Pandemic Covid-19
- Paristiowati, Maria
- The Effect of Google Classroom as A Tool in Chemistry Learning
- Parjiman
- Design of Sea Wave Power Hybrid Power Generation Through Utilization of Wave and Wind Energy as Renewable Electric Energy Sources for Leading, Outermost and Disadvantaged Areas
- Pattisinai, Amanda Ristriana
- Effectiveness of Online Learning of Construction Equipment Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Prajitno, Gontjang
- The Effectiveness of the Addition of EM4 and Molasses in Increasing Levels of N, P and K in Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizers Made From Banana Pseudostem
- Pramitasari, Retno Eka
- Prototype Design of Transmission Trainer as Learning Media to Support Student’s Learning Interest
- Praptiwi, Fawzia Aulia
- The Effect of Chemiclife Media on Chemical Bond Material Based on Completeness and Student Learning Outcomes
- Prasetya, Muhammad Eko
- Weather Monitoring Telemetry System Based on Arduino Pro Mini With Antenna Tracker Using Transceiver Module SV651 and SV611
- Prasetyo, Muhammad Eko
- IoT Based Temperature Control System Using Node MCU ESP 8266
- Prasetyono, Puguh Novi
- Effectiveness of Online Learning of Construction Equipment Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Prastyo, Dwi
- Home Monitoring and Control Using Smartphone and Speech Processing
- Prayuda, Hakas
- Effect of Cross Section Dimensions to Stiffness and Deflection on Reinforced Concrete Beams
- Prehanto, Dedy Rahman
- The Design and Implementation of Web Crawler Distributed News Domain Detection System
- Pribadi, Farid
- Self Concept in Social Behavior Based Android to Boost Family’s Immunity in Preventing Covid-19 Spread
- Prismana, I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka
- The Design and Implementation of Web Crawler Distributed News Domain Detection System
- Purwidiani, Niken
- Diverse Forms of V-learning Students’ Acceptability During the Pandemic Covid-19
- Purwidiani, Niken
- Production of Herbal Mixes (Jamulacang) Instant as an Effort to Increase Immune to Prevent Covid 19
- Puspita, Yuanita
- Technology Compatibility Factors in the Implementation of the Ovo Digital Payment Application
- Puspitaningayu, P.
- Performance of an Accelerometer-Based Wireless Body Area Network in Indoor Environment: A Preliminary Study
- Puspitasari, Nurrisma
- The Effectiveness of the Addition of EM4 and Molasses in Increasing Levels of N, P and K in Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizers Made From Banana Pseudostem
- Puspitawati, Rinie P.
- Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Putri, Eva Kristinawati
- Biology Online Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Qoiriah, Anita
- Application of K-Means Algorithm for Clustering Student’s Computer Programming Performance in Automatic Programming Assessment Tool
- Rachmadiarti, Fida
- Training Science Literacy Skills Through Article Writing on Local Wisdom in East Java
- Rahayu, Dwi A.
- Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati
- Biology Online Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Rahmadian, Reza
- Automatic Hand Sanitizer Container to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus Disease
- Ramadani, Ali Hasbi
- Prototype Design of Transmission Trainer as Learning Media to Support Student’s Learning Interest