Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering (IJCSE 2020)
77 articles
Proceedings Article
Design and Implementation of Different Types of Smart Dustbins System in Smart Campus Environments
Arifin N. Asyikin, Aulia A. Syahidi, Subandi
In Indonesia, waste is still a very serious problem. Garbage causes bad odors, air pollution, disease, and even flooding. Whenever and wherever each individual produces waste, waste can come from households and industries which have various types and forms. Public awareness to dispose of trash in the...
Proceedings Article
Early Warning System for Flood Disasters Using the Internet of Things
Yuyun, Hamka Zulfaesa, Latief Arda Abdul
Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Indonesia. It is therefore of special concern to reduce the risk of flood fatalities and other damage. The purpose of this study is to design a flood early warning system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). In this work, we use an...
Proceedings Article
Deformation of 3D Object of Human Body Internal Organs Using Finite Element Method Approach Accelerated by GPU
Cakra Adipura Wicaksana, Wahyuni Martiningsih
Few years ago, there are some research or publication about 3D simulation especially virtual surgery that still continuous growing, that is 3D deformable object. The 3D deformable object resembles or mimic some object. The purpose of the research is to continue or add previous research especially in...
Proceedings Article
New Smart Virtual Content for Hanzi Characters in Mandarin Laboratories
S Sunarti, Tiksno Widyatmoko, Lukluk Ul Muyassaroh, Dewi Kartika Ardiyani, Edy Hidayat, Maria Mintowati
Industrial technology is developing rapidly accompanied by learning technology, especially in some virtual applications. Virtual Laboratory is one of the virtual learning applications that is currently being developed in the 4.0 industrial revolution. The use of virtual laboratories in Revolution 4.0...
Proceedings Article
Design of Sea Wave Power Hybrid Power Generation Through Utilization of Wave and Wind Energy as Renewable Electric Energy Sources for Leading, Outermost and Disadvantaged Areas
Masus Subekti, Parjiman, Nur Hanifah
This study conducts the design of sea wave hybrid power plants by combining wave energy with wind energy. Vertical energy of ocean waves is converted into pressurized water energy to rotate turbines connected to direct current generators, while wind energy uses wind turbines connected to direct current...
Proceedings Article
Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino
Alfiantin Noor Azhiimah, Khusnul Khotimah, Meini Sondang Sumbawati, Agus Budi Santosa
Control that is widely used today was control by voice commands. This study aimed to determine the application of voice and Arduino-based control automation which had been developed from 2014-2020 based on 25 journals that would be studied. Journal assessments were carried out by taking into account...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Problem Solving Skills to Critical Thinking Skills in Aircraft Maintenance: A Conceptual Study
Bayu Dwi Cahyo, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Meini Sondang Sumbawati
Aircraft safety and security is a major factor in aviation. Therefore, ensure the aircraft maintenance and repairs carried out correctly, effectively, and efficiency needed to support these factors. This study aims to explain the importance of an aircraft mechanic to have critical thinking skills and...
Proceedings Article
Application of Retrieval Information on Android-Based Online Music Course Application
Albertus Dera Andika, Farid Baskoro, Eppy Yundra
This research was conducted to develop a basic design of an android-based online music course application, and to implement an Information Retrieval system to search and find data located on the online music course application. This application was designed using Android Studio software, and thus can...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Online Learning Implementation in Undergraduate Students of Building Construction Education in the Pandemic COVID-19
Kusnan, Suparji, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana, Muhammad Imaduddin, Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Heri Suryaman
Surabaya State University (Unesa) as an educational actor limits physical distance by implementing online learning activities to break the spread of COVID-19. Online learning is usually carried out at a maximum of three meetings and combined with face-to-face. However, in the even semester 2019/2020...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Online Learning of Construction Equipment Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hasan Dani, Puguh Novi Prasetyono, Suryanto HS Mas, Danayanti Azmi Dewi, Nusantara, Amanda Ristriana Pattisinai, Feriza Nadiar
The whole society is affected by the pandemic of coronavirus or COVID-19, even in Indonesia’s education sector. One of the government’s policies to constrict the spread of COVID-19 is by physical distancing. The education sector’s impact is which must be using an online learning platform, which is also...
Proceedings Article
Automatic Hand Sanitizer Container to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus Disease
Puput Wanarti Rusimamto, Nurhayati Nurhayati, Eppy Yundra, Reza Rahmadian, Arif Widodo, Much Ade Dermawan
COVID pandemic has influenced human life in various sectors. Various attempts were made to reduce the virus transferring by work from home, social distancing, and also including hand hygiene. So far, most of the available hand sanitizers do not operate automatically. This article aims to make an automatic...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Use of Virtual Meeting in the Implementation of Proposal/Thesis Examination During Covid-19 Pandemic
Dodik Arwin Dermawan, Rindu Puspita Wibawa, Martini D E Susanti
In the early 2020s, Indonesia was shocked by the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) outbreak which struck almost all parts of the world. The Indonesian government spontaneously implemented a policy of learning from home, working from home, and worship at home. All face-to-face activities are diverted online....
Proceedings Article
Curriculum Development is Conducted to Improve Competencies of Air Transportation Managemental Study Program for Cadets of Aviation Polytechnique Surabaya
Ariyono Setiawan, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Munoto, I Gusti Putu Asto Buditjahjanto, Bambang Suprianto, Yuyun Suprapto, I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa, Dama Yanti Hilda
The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of the effect of curriculum development on air transportation management competencies by contributing to cadets at Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. The design of this study uses quantitative research methods that emphasize numerical data analysis such...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Google Classroom-Based Learning Management System on the Subject Digital Signal Processing and Propagation Antennas as One of the Effective Learning Media in the Middle of Pandemic COVD-19
Farid Baskoro, Miftahur Rohman, Fendi Achmad
Effective learning is quality learning in relation to the effectiveness of the learning process interaction itself to achieve the expected goals. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of lectures in the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic, where learning by face-to-face method is vulnerable to the...
Proceedings Article
Diverse Forms of V-learning Students’ Acceptability During the Pandemic Covid-19
Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni, Dwi Kiristiastuti, Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Any Sutiadiningsih, Nugrahani Astuti, Lucia Tri Pangesthi, Sri Handajani, Niken Purwidiani, Suhartiningsih, Asrul Bahar
Covid-19 pandemic encourages online learning to prevent wider spread. Various types of learning platforms were implemented, but there needs to be an evaluation of student acceptance of the platforms. This study aims to assess the impact of v-learning on student acceptance during a pandemic. The v-learning...
Proceedings Article
Schoology and Slido: The Perfect Platform Combination for Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Vania Zulfa, Prastiti Laras
The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred worldwide caused a social policy for all citizens to break this Covid-19 chain. However, this policy impacts all aspects of life, including the field of education in Indonesia. The government decided to move the learning process from face-to-face learning to online...
Proceedings Article
The Design and Implementation of Web Crawler Distributed News Domain Detection System
I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, I Kadek Dwi Nuryana
Spreading data or info through internet to increase the chances of success in a business through analysis of market trends is very common today. Web Crawl is one important thing, so that the incomplete data will not be appeared, and the data received is the most recent data. Exploration Web crawler technology...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Project Based Learning Model Towards the Learning Outcome of Subject Wood Structure I
Tuti Iriani, M. Agphin Ramadhan, Nurul Anisa
This study aims to compare student learning outcomes using two different tasks in the Project Based Learning (PBL) learning model in a wooden structure course 1. The research method used is Quasi Experiment with pretest-posttest design conducted in 4 meetings. The subjects of this study were 36 UNJ Civil...
Proceedings Article
Blood Donor Matching Information Systems and Determining Tools for Blood Cluster and Human Rhesus Based on IoT
Aditya Chandra Hermawan, Ita Mubarokah, Farid Baskoro
Until now, the process of testing human blood groups is still done manually by mixing blood and antisera. Testing is done by observing the agglutination reaction of blood samples. Then the testing process takes a long time, without storing donor data. this is less effective if the blood is tested a lot...
Proceedings Article
Home Monitoring and Control Using Smartphone and Speech Processing
Mochamad Mobed Bachtiar, Bima Sena Bayu Dewantara, Dwi Prastyo
Monitoring and control of home electronic equipment in general is still done manually, this is less efficient if we are not at home but want to monitor the condition of the electronic equipment. With the remote control using a smartphone can be a solution to simplify the control system and monitoring...
Proceedings Article
Design and Development of Chatbot Using Dialog Flowin Surya Sembada PDAM Surabaya City
Ariyono Setiawan, Yuyun Suprapto, I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa, Chilyatun Nisa, Maulana Idris, Feronika Nur Maghfiro, Yuri Setiawan, Dama Yanti Hilda
Surya Sembada City Surabaya Water Supply Company is a company that provides clean water production. In its service, many complaints are obtained from customers. During this time complaints are carried out manually, of course, less effective. With the development of information technology, the chatbot...
Proceedings Article
The Development of the Sub Instruments of Digital Literacy on the Subjects of Electronics Circuit in Vocational School
Nur Kholis
In this study has the objective to develop sub instruments digital literacy of subjects of electronics circuit in vocational school students. The resulting sub instrument is used to measure the competency of students with the three domains such as affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. This study uses...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Project-Based Learning Model (PjBL) and Direct Instruction (DI) on Result Learning of the Basics Building Construction and Survey Engineering From Student Learning Motivation
Tri Rijanto, Kusnan Evany Iqrammah
This study aims to: (1) obtain information on differences in result learning, students who use the project based learning model and the direct instruction model in DKTB, (2) answer the differences in result learning of participants students who have high motivation to learn, and students who have low...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Aviation Polytechnic of Surabaya
Ariyono Setiawan, Munoto, Eko Hariadi, Luthfiyah Nurlalela, Yuyun Suprapto, I Gede Susrama Mas Diyasa, Dama Yanti Hilda
This research purposes to analyze the effects of self-efficacy on the Competency of Cadets in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. This study uses the quantitative approach. The researcher decided to use a polytechnic institution located in Surabaya namely Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic which has competence...
Proceedings Article
Design Automatic Hand Sanitizer Microcontroller Based using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensors as an Effort to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19
Meini Sondang Sumbawati, H Aditya Chandra, Tri Wrahatnolo, Ibrohim, L. Endah Cahya Ningrum, Khusnul Khotimah, Ali Nur Fathoni
The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has made a decision to suspend teaching and learning activities in schools. The learning process that starts face to face directly in the classroom turns into distance learning /brave. However, the government decided to reopen...
Proceedings Article
Work Analysis of Constant Current Regulator BF 1200 With Current Loop and Gauss Jordan Method as Learning Media for Cadets
Hartono, I.S. Rifdian, H. Slamet
Runway lights at the airport are 1-5 km in length, which always connected in series so the pilots look the same bright lights from the beginning of runway until the end of runway. The same bright lights will be on if runway lights connected in series and every lamp obtains the same current flow. The...
Proceedings Article
Technology Compatibility Factors in the Implementation of the Ovo Digital Payment Application
Rahadian Bisma, Yuanita Puspita, Endang Sulistiyani
Digital developments are increasingly reaching the financial world, leading to a variety of new payment service innovations, one of which is OVO. The emergence of digital payment technology is not necessarily in accordance with the habits of users in using digital payments using mobile devices. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification
Erina S. Dewi, Elly M. Imah
Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of the fastest-growing neurodevelopmental disorders in the world. These neurodevelopmental disorders often attack children, affecting social development and behavior. Effective early detection of ASD is needed to reduce the risk of ASD in children. This study classified...
Proceedings Article
Worksheet of Entrepreneurship Students to Train Ecopreneurship Characters
Tutut Nurita, An Nuril M. Fauziah, Siti N. Hidayati
Entrepreneurship is one of the courses in science education study programs that examine the development of products in the form of finished goods, services, learning resources and learning media for science and services that begin from analyzing market needs, testing the feasibility of products, producing...
Proceedings Article
Training Science Literacy Skills Through Article Writing on Local Wisdom in East Java
Firas Khaleyla, Dwi Anggorowati, Pramita Yakub, Fida Rachmadiarti
Science literacy is one of main skills students should have in the 21st century. One method to train science literacy is by writing scientific article. The purpose of the study was to improve science literacy of students through scientific writing in exploration of local wisdom in East Java on Conservation...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Housewives to Increase the Immunity of Family Members During Covid-19 Pandemic
Dwi A. Rahayu, Reni Ambarwati, Rinie P. Puspitawati, Isnawati, Nur Kuswanti
Currently we are battling with the outbreak of a new type of infectious disease known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This virus causes severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). The spread of SARS-CoV-2 from human to human becomes the main transmission source; hence the rate...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Chemiclife Media on Chemical Bond Material Based on Completeness and Student Learning Outcomes
Fawzia Aulia Praptiwi, Rivaldi Dwi Kurniawan, Rusly Hidayah
The aim of the research is to obtain the validity of Chemic-life media on chemical bond material. This research use 4D model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) modified by Ibrahim, for this research the stages of dissemination have not been carried out. Chemic-life Media was tested on 12 students...
Proceedings Article
Biology Online Classes During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Eva Kristinawati Putri, Wisanti, Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Firas Khaleyla
Indonesia reduces the spreading of COVID-19 infection by physical distancing. There is no argue that this policy affects all aspects, including education. Online learning has replaced the ordinary procedure of learning, whether we are ready or not. Organizing an online learning becomes an evitable challenge,...
Proceedings Article
Description of Knowledge, Attitude, and Consumption Behavior of Supplements Drink for the Elderly to Improve the Immunity Systems
Tukiran, Mauren Gita Miranti
At the end of March, Indonesia was shaken by a plague that attacks the respiratory system resulting in death. The virus is known as Covid-19 from Wuhan, China. Until May, cases of the spread of Covid-19 have increased in Indonesia with a mortality rate of 6.61%. Some areas have been identified as red...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Strategy in Effective Science Learning Based on Classroom Discourse and Empirical Research
Taufik Muhtarom
The purpose of this article is to explain the results of a study of effective teaching strategies in learning science in the classroom based on classroom discourse and relevant research. The method used is the literature review by collecting and reviewing the results of scientific studies about learning...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Optical Module Based on Science Process Skills
Wahyudi, Nurhayati, Dwi F. Saputri
The optical concept is an important concept that must be mastered by pre-service teacher. The concept is not only obtained theoretically but also through scientific process skills. This requires an optical module based on process skills to assist students in mastering optical concepts. This study aims...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Self-Efficacy and Student Learning Outcomes on Acid Base Material Using 9E Learning Cycle Model
Tukiran, Fitroh A. Mubarokah, Harun Nasrudin
The aim of the research was to find the effectiveness of developed teaching materials to increase students’ self-efficacy and learning outcomes using 9E learning cycle on acid base matter. The teaching materials was applied in SMAN 7 Surabaya toward 36 students of grade XI-6. This research used 4D model...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Reasoning With Logical Mathematical and Visual Spatial Intelligence in Geometry Problem Solving
Jafar A. Aziz, Dwi Juniati, Pradnyo Wijayanti
Reasoning in solving geometry problem used by students to recognize shapes, identify properties and analyze relationships between geometric objects. This study aimed at investigating the students’ reasoning in geometric problem solving with predominance of different intelligence types. This research...
Proceedings Article
Tomini Bay as a Source of Chemistry Learning
Sandy A. Kusumah, Sri Atun, Hari Sutrisno
This study aims to identify the potential of Tomini Bay resources that can be utilized as a source of chemistry learning. This is a qualitative research using primary data and secondary data. Data collection were conducted through the combination of field research and literature studies. All data were...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of OPPEMEI Model on Students’ Creative Thinking Skill and Cognitive Learning Achievement
I Gusti Ayu Tri Agustiana, Rudiana Agustini, Muslimin Ibrahim, I Nyoman Tika
The study was conducted to find out the effect of OPPEMEI model on creative thinking skill and cognitive learning achievement and their correlation in the third semester students of the Elementary School Education Department, Faculty of Education Science of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. This study...
Proceedings Article
Developing Android-Based Comic for Learning Quadrilateral to Improve Seventh-graders’ Geometric Thinking
Dany Samsurya Kurniawan, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Atik Wintarti
This research was conducted to develop android-based comic learning media and describe the increase in geometric thinking skills after learning to use android-based comic learning media. This comic development process uses the Gall and Borg development model. The stages were needs analysis; product planning...
Proceedings Article
Applying of Search, Solve, Create, and Share (SSCS) Learning Model to Improve Students’ Mathematical Quantitative Reasoning
Sugiarti, Mega T. Budiarto, Tatag Y.E. Siswono
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the application of the search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) learning model can improve students’ quantitative mathematical reasoning. This study was a pre-experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were...
Proceedings Article
Vandemicum of Nanogold and Nanosilver to Improve Quality Life of Cancer Patients
Titik Taufikurohmah, Najlatun Naqiyah, Sumarlik, Muhammad F. Ilhamuddin, Ananto Sidohutomo
The purpose of this study was to examine the success of the nanogold and nanosilver drug vandemicum in improving the quality of life of cancer patients. Vandemicum can be interpreted as a guide to treatment in the health sector. The quality of life of cancer patients is influenced by the individual’s...
Proceedings Article
3D Blender Animation Media as Self-Assessment Implementation in Corrosion Engineering Course
Aisyah E. Palupi, Arya M. Sakti, Bellina Yunitasari, Suparji, Setya C. Wibawa
In the midst of an increasingly widespread coronavirus (COVID-19), online lectures are a solution to keep running teaching and learning activities instead of class meetings. The purpose of this study was to create learning media using a 3D blender animation media and a self-assessment platform as well...
Proceedings Article
Production of Herbal Mixes (Jamulacang) Instant as an Effort to Increase Immune to Prevent Covid 19
Any Sutiadiningsih, Niken Purwidiani, Agung Prijo Budijono, Yunus, Veni Indrawati, Meda Wahini
This program of activities was carried out in an effort to help prevent the spread of the epidemic and prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. This prevention effort was carried out by the PKM implementation team by making instant herbal mix herbs made from raw ginger, ginger, secang, cardamom,...
Proceedings Article
Self Concept in Social Behavior Based Android to Boost Family’s Immunity in Preventing Covid-19 Spread
Ari Wahyudi, Sugeng Harianto, Agus M Fauzi, Refti H Listyani, Farid Pribadi
The purpose of this study is to develop self concept in social behavior based Android to boost the immunity of family members as the prevention of Covid-19 spread. The developments are (a) self-concept in physical terms including family, school, and children’s play environment, (b) self-concept in social...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Cross Section Dimensions to Stiffness and Deflection on Reinforced Concrete Beams
Berkat Cipta Zega, Hakas Prayuda, Dimas Putra Mulia
The strength of reinforced concrete can be planned in various ways, either doing manual calculations, compressive strength testing, or testing using applications. Therefore, an accurate result approach can be obtained, one of which is by using the Response-2000 application program. This research aims...
Proceedings Article
Issues on Academic Writing Consultation: Alternative Online Platforms for Graduate Students
Eppy Yundra, Utama Alan Deta, Yetty Septiani Mustar, Muhammad Abdul Ghofur, Sueb
During the global pandemic, academics have experienced a challenging transition period that affects the learning process, leading to disruption in adjusting the existing learning modes. More specific problems faced by graduate students upon the research consultation and writing scientific reports from...
Proceedings Article
Sugar and Cooking Oil Consumption in Surabaya
Amalia Ruhana, Choirul Anna Nur Afifah
The consumption patterns of urban communities has been shifted and leading to fast foods. Fast foods contained high sugar and fat so they tasted delicious and became favorite for many people. Excessive consumption of sugar and fat might lead to overweight and obesity, which increased the risk of coronary...
Proceedings Article
Fruktooligosaccharides of Yacon Tubers (Smallanthus sonchifolia) on Variation in Height of Planting Area, Harvest Time and Storage with Natural Inhibitors
Leny Yuanita, Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Prima Retno Wikandari, Dhita Ayu Permata Sari
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) was a potential plant to be developed: its tuberswere as antidiabetic sweetener, anti hypercholesterolemic, contains antioxidant polyphenols especially chlorogenic acid and cancer prevention; the leaves contain high protein and as an anti-fungal. The main bioactive compounds...
Proceedings Article
Designing and Developing Electric Squeezer Machine for Mangrove Syrup Production
Lila Yuwana, Suyatno, Susilo Indrawati, Alfi Tranggono Agus Salim, Sudarsono, Niniet Indah Arvitrida
Generally, syrup production requires press machine to minimise time production. This paper reports detail design and construction of mangrove fruit press for syrup production purpose. The previous survey of syrup production in Wonorejo Rungkut Surabaya indicated that time production took a long duration...
Proceedings Article
Internet of Things-Based Monitoring System of Patients Using W1209 Digital Thermostat and Pulse Sensor
Lilik Anifah, Puput Wanarti Rusimamto, Nurhayati, Subuh Isnur Haryudo, Warju, Haryanto
Some diseases are transmitted through doplets or touch and contact with patients. Transmission can also occur with objects that are often touched by patients. This contact is impossible to avoid for medical personnel who care for patients, therefore the effort made is to minimize contact with patients...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Addition of Turmeric and Temulawak on the Hedonic Value of Starfruit Syrup
Luthfiyah Nurlaela, Eppy Yundra, Ita F. Romadhoni
One of the efforts that can be made to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to increase the body’s immunity, especially for residents who are affected. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the starfruit syrup made with the addition of the herbal ingredients of turmeric (Curcuma longa)...
Proceedings Article
Nutridrink TOGA as an Alternative to Maintain Body Immunity Against Covid
Aghus Sifaq, Ananda P. Bakti, Mauren G. Miranti, Siti S. Wulandari, Retno M. Dewi
Family medicinal plants have played an important role since ancient times in maintaining health, maintaining stamina and treating diseases. Therefore, the TOGA plant has become part of local wisdom in the life of Indonesian society until now. This study aims to determine the level of acceptance of family...
Proceedings Article
Development of Codeigniter-Based Tracer Study Application
Mohammad Syahidul Haq, Vicky D. Wicaksono, Kartika R. Adhe, Ahmad A. Zawawi
Tracer study provides important information on the relationship between higher education and professional work, it assesses the relevance of higher education by comparing aim of learning and data of alumnae, it informs stakeholders about the information of alumnae, and the most importantly, The Tracer...
Proceedings Article
Coconut Milk as an Alternative of Cosmetic Material for Thinning Hyperpigmentation on the Face Skin
Nia Kusstianti, Sri Usodoningtyas
Coconut milk is a milk-white liquid and comes from grated coconut meat which is moistened and then squeezed and filtered. Coconut milk can be used to soften the skin, and can eliminate black spots on the face, because it is rich in natural fatty acids and contains antiseptics. Hyperpigmentation is a...
Proceedings Article
UNESA Physical Test – An Alternative Way to Measure Fitness Using Step and Chair-Based Test
Oce Wiriawan, Donny A. Kusuma, Nurhasan, Abdul Hafidz, Arifah Kaharina
Fitness indicators have a close relationship with several health indicators. Besides, that has a function to find out the people’s fitness indicators, and it also has the potential to gain the fitness targets that can be achieved by doing physical exercise. However, the high variation in fitness assessments...
Proceedings Article
Design and Implementation of Thermal Body System Employing Thermal Sensor MLX 90614 for Covid-19 Symptoms Early Detector
Puput W. Rusimamto, Rina Harimurti, Endryansyah, Yeni Anistyasari, Lilik Anifah
Researchers designed and implementation of thermal body measurement system for Unesa residents when they entered the building. The system design is made using engineering methods. Before body temperature is measured, the object will occupy a position at a predetermined point. At that point installed...
Proceedings Article
Weather Monitoring Telemetry System Based on Arduino Pro Mini With Antenna Tracker Using Transceiver Module SV651 and SV611
Rifqi Firmansyah, Muhammad Badruddin A. Mustofa, Muhammad Eko Prasetya, Pressa P. Surya Saputra
The progress of space technology in various countries is increasing rapidly. In Indonesia, there is a Non-Government Organization Ministry of Indonesia who carries out government duties in the field of aerospace research, development and utilization. The institute is known as LAPAN (National Institute...
Proceedings Article
The Study of Amylase’s Reaction Kinetics From Soybean Sprouts (Glycine max L.) in Hydrolyzing Starch
Rudiana Agustini, Nuniek Herdyastuti
Amylase is an enzyme that has a role in hydrolyzing starch. This enzyme can be obtained from germinated seeds, one of them is soybean seed sprouts. The research aimed at studying the reaction kinetics in hydrolyzing the substrate, which is called starch, has been done. The research was conducted in three...
Proceedings Article
Synthesis Hydroxyapatite/Collagen/Chitosan Composite as Bone Graft for Bone Fracture Repair
Sari E. Cahyaningrum, Amaria, Muhammad I. F. Ramadhan, Nuniek Herdyastuti
Composite hydroxyapatite-collagen-chitosan as bone graft materials for bone fracture has been synthesized using ex-situ method. Combining the advantages of hydroxyapatite with chitosan and collagen as composites bone material that it show good biocompatibility and can bond with surrounding host tissues...
Proceedings Article
Student Learning Independence in Online Learning Depends on Motivation
Meini Sondang Sumbawati, Munoto, Ismet Basuki, Euis Ismayati, Tri Rijanto
Online learning requires high internal motivation and learning independence to achieve satisfying results. Student learning independence is a internal ability to study independently, and can overcome its own problems related to the internet and the use of applications, so as to be able to motivate themselves...
Proceedings Article
Cypirus Rotundus L: As Antiseptic Soap Materials
Sri Dwiyanti, Siti Sulandjari, Dindy S. Megasari, Nia Kusstanti, Mutimmatul Faidah, Sri Usodoningtyas
Solid bath soap is a product that is used as a body cleansing agent or certain parts of the body. A good soap serves to cleanse, not damage the skin and can protect the skin from disease by microorganisms. In addition to the main ingredients, soap can be added natural ingredients that contain compounds...
Proceedings Article
Failure Analysis on Reheater Tube Boiler Furnace Base on Tensile and Impact Test
Novi Sukma Drastiawati, R. Soekrisno
Failure on reheater tube was rupture. Scale latched on the outer surface and progressively thinning thickness with a minimum thickness of tube rupture at the nearest corner. An analysis of this research is to find the cause fracture mechanism and prevent similar failure. The mechanical analysis used...
Proceedings Article
Development of Physical Distancing Detector (PDD) Integrated Smartphone to Help Reduce the Spread of Covid-19
Suryanti, HP Paksi, VD Wicaksono, W Widodo, I Sucahyo
The Government of Indonesia has issued rules on how to avoid covid-19 transmission, namely through various means including social distancing (SD) and physical distancing (PD), at least 1 meter. Until now to run the PD protocol based only on estimates, there has been no safe distance detection tool between...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of the Addition of EM4 and Molasses in Increasing Levels of N, P and K in Environmentally Friendly Liquid Fertilizers Made From Banana Pseudostem
Susilo Indrawati, Diky Anggoro, Heru Sukamto, Nurrisma Puspitasari, Sungkono, B. Indarto, Suyatno, Gontjang Prajitno, Niniet I. Arvitrida, Lila Yuwana
According to the statistics agency in 2017, banana production had the largest portion in Indonesia. Furthermore, banana production increased from 6.28 million tons to 7.04 million tons. Consequently, this tremendous production lead to an increasing of pseudostem waste. Through a research-based community...
Proceedings Article
Provision of Health in Rural Areas of Pakistan Through Community Health Centers
Muhammad Saud, Marwa Aymen, Shah Faisal, Meliana Handayani, Muhammad Anns
The role of Community Health centers apart from the traditional hospital setting is meant to provide and promote the health care needs of the community. Community health centers are nonprofit organizations providing a wide range of health services in the local community to people of all ages and sex...
Proceedings Article
Performance of an Accelerometer-Based Wireless Body Area Network in Indoor Environment: A Preliminary Study
P. Puspitaningayu, N. Funabiki, R.W. Sudibyo, H. Briantoro, Nurhayati, T. Wrahatnolo
The promising purpose of wireless body area networks have brought a new paradigm in many aspects such as healthcare, lifestyle, and entertainment. One of the most popular sensors is the accelerometer which meant to monitor movements of its user. With the help of MEMS technology, an integrated chip which...
Proceedings Article
RFE and Chi-Square Based Feature Selection Approach for Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
Alifah, Titin Siswantining, Devvi Sarwinda, Alhadi Bustamam
Diabetic retinopathy, which is one of the complications in diabetes, is an eye disease that can lead to blindness. The damage happens in retina as result of a long period of diabetic mellitus. People usually do research using image data in diabetic patients. This paper presents the idea of using feature...
Proceedings Article
Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) for Early Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Calorie Needs
Humaidillah Kurniadi Wardana, Imamatul Ummah, Lina Arifah Fitriyah
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a frightening type of disease because DM causes complications for the patients if it is not treated quickly. From year to year DM in Indonesia undergone a significant increase and was ranked 6th in the world. In this study, a fuzzy logic system was created for the early diagnosis...
Proceedings Article
Prototype Design of Transmission Trainer as Learning Media to Support Student’s Learning Interest
Mohammad Munib Rosadi, Retno Eka Pramitasari, Ali Hasbi Ramadani
Based on observations, there were some students who felt sleepy or were not interested in the materials being taught, even though the presenter had prepared good presentation and explained it coherently, especially in engineering subjects. Therefore, tools in the form of learning media are needed. This...
Proceedings Article
IoT Based Temperature Control System Using Node MCU ESP 8266
Rifqi Firmansyah, Muhamad Yusuf, Pressa P. Surya Saputra, Muhammad Eko Prasetyo, Fahmi Mahardi Mochtar, Fandik Agung Kurniawan
Water heaters are currently needed especially in the industrial world. This heater is used to maintain the temperature of the liquid so that the products produced are appropriate with standard specifications. Along with technological developments in recent years, circulating water heaters still use conventional...
Proceedings Article
Centrifugal Pump Bearing Analysis With Amplitude Indicator Using Vibration Meter
Juan Ardi Kusuma, Firman Yasa Utama
Centrifugal pumps In this company serve to distribute plant waste to wastewater treatment installations in order to reduce waste levels. One component of centrifugal pump on wastewater treatment plant to be aware of is bearing. The treatment has been used corrective maintenance which is when the machine...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Google Classroom as A Tool in Chemistry Learning
Maria Paristiowati, Zulmanelis, U Dessy Indira, K Novita Lutfi
The development of information and communication technology in the 21st century has had an impact in the field of education. One of them is the development in the learning model that uses a lot of information and communication technology-based media. One of the technologies in learning that is currently...
Proceedings Article
Application of K-Means Algorithm for Clustering Student’s Computer Programming Performance in Automatic Programming Assessment Tool
Anita Qoiriah, Rina Harimurti, Andi Iwan Nurhidayat, Asmunin
Programming is a course that is considered quite difficult for most students. Students are required to have abilities in all processes. Computer programming skills require a lot of practice through lab work assignments. Managing and assessing results of a student’s lab work assignment is complex and...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Students’ Learning Material on Arithmatic Sequence Using PMRI Approach
Ichdar Domu, Navel Oktaviandy Mangelep
The aim of the learning process in this study was to help students find concepts on arithmetic sequence materials using the approach of Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) as well as produce a path of arithmetic sequence learning using PMRI approach. This research method was design research...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Participation in Academic Achievement Activities on Vocational Teachers Competence
Ismet Basuki, Joko, Arif Widodo
The tasks of the teacher are to educate, teach, guide, and evaluate students. As professional educators, teachers need to have competence according to standard. This study was aimed to uncover a variable related to the competence of vocational high school teachers, specifically in academic achievement....