Proceedings of the 2nd 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2016)
459 authors
- Zhang, Hong-Ling
- Meta-analysis of Psychological Interventions on Breast Cancer Patients' Immune Function
- Zhang, Hong-Qin
- Application of Legendre Polynomial in Annual Electricity Consumption
- Zhang, Hui-Zhi
- Discussion on Business Mode of Biogas Industry in Beijing
- Zhang, Ji-Tao
- Magnetic Levitation Device for Harvesting Power-frequency Magnetic Field and Mechanical Energy
- Zhang, Jian-Yun
- Water Pollution Risk Assessment for Water Transfer Projects
- Zhang, Kai
- Research of the Development Feature and Trends of the World's Nuclear Industry in 2015
- Zhang, Li-Meng
- Research on Optimal Adjustment Test for SCR Denitrification System in Coal-fired Power Plant
- Zhang, Li-Yuan
- Dielectric Properties of Melt and Heat Treated K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-CaO-CuO-TiO2 Samples
- Zhang, Lu
- Effects of Land Consolidation Period and Tillage of Hollowed Villages on Soil Properties in Loess Plateau
- Zhang, Meng
- Research on Optimal Adjustment Test for SCR Denitrification System in Coal-fired Power Plant
- Zhang, Mu
- The Research on the County's Development State of Cultural Industry in Guizhou Province
- Zhang, Ping
- SS and CODremoval in Artificial Stone Wastewater using Coagulation Process
- Zhang, Qi-Meng
- SS and CODremoval in Artificial Stone Wastewater using Coagulation Process
- Zhang, Si-Si
- Applications of Calorimetry in the Field of Thermodynamic Properties of the Aqueous Borate Systems
- Zhang, Song
- Uncertainty of the Offshore Wind Energy Resource Assessment due to Long-term Variability
- Zhang, Wei-Hua
- Effects of Land Consolidation Period and Tillage of Hollowed Villages on Soil Properties in Loess Plateau
- Zhang, Wen-Jia
- GaAs Solar Cells Application in Spacecraft Power System
- Zhang, Wen-Xiao
- Research on Ethanol-gasoline Blended Fuel in Automotive Gasoline Engine
- Zhang, Xiao
- Competitive Adsorption of Heavy Metals Copper, Cadmium and Lead by Synthetic Zeolite
- Zhang, Xiao-Feng
- GaAs Solar Cells Application in Spacecraft Power System
- Zhang, Xin-Yan
- Fault Diagnosis Method for Heterogeneous Information Fusion of Permanent Magnet Generator Considering Classifier Performance and Weight of Evidence
- Zhang, Ying
- Carbon Performance Evaluation Indicators based on Resource Value Flow
- Zhang, Yong
- Removal of Cr3+ in Aqueous Solutions by Zeolite A/Activated Carbon Composite Synthesized from Elutrilithe
- Zhang, Yong-Gang
- Assessment of Atmospheric Environmental Quality in Baoji City
- Zhang, Yuan
- Analysis on Farmers' Accepting Willingness of Ecological Compensation of Non-commercial Forest in NFPP Area of China ??Taking six western counties as an example
- Zhang, Yuan-Long
- Removal Effect of CODcr Ammonia Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen of Rural Domestic Wastewater in Southern China by A2/O2 Process
- Zhao, Jing
- Research and Comparison of Solid Spallation Targets in Accelerator Driven System(ADS)
- Zhao, Lan-Ying
- Analysis of the 3D Simulation Reconstruction Method for Road Surface Roughness
- Zhao, Lan-Ying
- Research on Ethanol-gasoline Blended Fuel in Automotive Gasoline Engine
- Zhao, Li-Wei
- Fault Diagnosis Method for Heterogeneous Information Fusion of Permanent Magnet Generator Considering Classifier Performance and Weight of Evidence
- Zhao, Qing-Chuan
- Research on Optimal Adjustment Test for SCR Denitrification System in Coal-fired Power Plant
- Zhao, Su
- The Preparation of Coating Material by Modified Asphalt Waterproof Roll Material
- Zhao, Wan-Min
- Futuristic Vision for Integrated Regional Planning in Syria : Cross-border development axes, challenges, and benefits
- Zhao, Wen-Guang
- Permeability Acquiring and Application for Coal Reservoir
- Zhao, Xiao-Guang
- Influence of Sandstone Layered Structure and Characteristics in Coal Overburden on Mining Subsidence
- Zhao, Xiao-Guang
- Detection and Analysis of Heavy Metals in Vegetables in Xinzhu Vegetable Base
- Zhao, Xiu-Ying
- To Solve the Problem of the Path Dynamic Interpolation and Jitter in the Simulation of Aircraft Flight Installed Beidou
- Zhao, You-Xin
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Refrigeration System with Vapor Injection Using Reciprocating Piston Compressor
- Zheng, Qing-Zhong
- Vertical Distribution of Wind-eroded Dust within 50m High at Minqin Dust Source Area in North-Western China
- Zheng, Shu-Xi
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Refrigeration System with Vapor Injection Using Reciprocating Piston Compressor
- Zheng, Wei
- Technology of New Energy Grid Remote Testing Based on Internet + Exploration
- Zheng, Xu
- Research on Evaluation of Network Planning Based on Rough Set
- Zhi, Ling
- Analysis on Farmers' Accepting Willingness of Ecological Compensation of Non-commercial Forest in NFPP Area of China ??Taking six western counties as an example
- Zhi, Yong
- Technology of New Energy Grid Remote Testing Based on Internet + Exploration
- Zhong, Yi-Wen
- A Research for Reduction the Pollution in the Pretreatmentprocess of PAEs Inhuman Serum
- Zhou, Lei
- The Trace Element Characteristics of Shales from Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian in Wuling Depression: Implication for Block Amalgamation Time and Tectonic Setting
- Zhou, Lei
- Paleoenvironment of Carboniferous Shales in Wuwei Basin
- Zhou, Li-Ting
- Rebuild strategy for Coastal Villages with Reasonable Expense Renjiatai Trial
- Zhou, Meng-Ran
- Operational Performance of a Combined TLP-type Floating Wind Turbine and Heave-type Floating Wave Energy Converter System
- Zhou, Xi-Chao
- Technology of New Energy Grid Remote Testing Based on Internet + Exploration
- Zhou, Yang
- An Experimental Study of Shower Spray Properties and Shower Comfort
- Zhou, Yu
- Experimental Study on Pyrolysis Characteristics of Oily Sludge from Oil Production Plant on North China Oilfield
- Zhou, Zhong-Fa
- Study on the Path Selection of Regional Development in Karst Mountainous Areas Based on Evaluation of Location Advantages—A Case of Panxian County, Guizhou
- Zhu, Feng-Xiang
- Multi Objective Optimization on the Design of A Forced Circulation Solar Hot Water System
- Zhu, Jiang
- Removal Efficiency of Treat Biogas Slurry Using Ecological Filter-Artificial Wetland Combined System under Different Hydraulic Loading
- Zhu, Xiao-Bo
- Leaching Characteristics of Vanadium with Assistant in Sulfuric Acid from Titano-Magnetite
- Zhu, Yi-Min
- Research of a Novel Fluorescence Probe for Cu2+ and Its Applications in Environmental Analysis
- Zhu, Ying
- Operational Performance of a Combined TLP-type Floating Wind Turbine and Heave-type Floating Wave Energy Converter System
- Zou, Liang-Ping
- The Role of Renewable Energy in China´s Sustainable Energy Transition