Proceedings of the 2nd 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2016)
459 authors
- Wang, Xin
- Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Productivity of Fractured Horizontal Wells in Changji Low Mobility Tight Oil of Xinjiang Oilfield
- Wang, Xue
- Calculation of Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Acceptance Capacity Considering Timing Characteristics of Photovoltaic Output
- Wang, Xue-Tong
- Performance Study and Analysis of a 300MW High Backpressure Heat Supply Unit Condenser after Retrofit
- Wang, Ya-Lin
- Developing an Agent-Based Model to Explore the Impact of Social Networks on Building Occupant Energy Consumption
- Wang, Yan-Ming
- Simulation for Integrated Systems of Typical Coal-to-liquids Processes and Waste Energy Exploitation Based on Different Gasification Processes
- Wang, Yuan-Yan
- Vertical Distribution of Wind-eroded Dust within 50m High at Minqin Dust Source Area in North-Western China
- Wang, Yun-Fei
- The Inverse Eigenproblem for Complementary Submatrix of Generalized Jacobi Matrices
- Wang, Zhe-Hui
- Fast Pyrolysis Biomass Oil as the Substitute of Phenol for the Synthesis of Resol Resin as Wood Adhesive
- Wei, Chang-Hua
- Review of Research on In-vehicle Pollutants in China
- Wei, Chen
- Oil Price and Firm Level Equity Return: A Panel Approach
- Wei, Xiao-Yan
- Ecological Stoichiometric Characteristics of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Urban Wetland in an Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ??Taking Huoshaogou wetland in Xining City as an example
- Wei, Xiao-Yan
- Design of an Ecological Immigrant Compensation Program for China's Nature Reserves
- Wei, Zheng
- The Application of A3 Aerial Photography in Island Surveying and Mapping
- Wei, Zheng
- A Method for Automatical Extraction of Typical Disaster-bearing Targets from LiDAR Point Cloud in Coastal Zone
- Wen, Kong-Liang
- Analysis on the Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Farmers' Will to the Treatment of Livestock and Poultry Breeding Pollution ??Survey from 447 Farmers in Hunan Province
- Wen, Xin-Rong
- Study on Separation/Enrichment of Bismuth using Microcrystalline Thymolphthalein Loaded with Diacetydioxime
- Wong, Ling-Tim
- An Experimental Study of Shower Spray Properties and Shower Comfort
- Wu, Bang
- Research on Target Polarization Recognition and Classification Based on BP Neural Network
- Wu, Cong
- Nonlinear Simulation of Pre-Darcy Flow in CQZS Super-Low Permeability Reservoir
- Wu, Cui-Qin
- A Research for Reduction the Pollution in the Pretreatmentprocess of PAEs Inhuman Serum
- Wu, Guo-Wei
- Reviews of Resource Assessment on Tidal Current Energy of China
- Wu, He
- Uncertainty of the Offshore Wind Energy Resource Assessment due to Long-term Variability
- Wu, He
- Reviews of Resource Assessment on Tidal Current Energy of China
- Wu, Jinn-Chang
- Voltage Compensation for Solar Cell Array Comprising Multiple Strings
- Wu, Kuen-Der
- Voltage Compensation for Solar Cell Array Comprising Multiple Strings
- Wu, Qian-Wen
- Research on the Basis Theoretical Questions of Environmental Finance
- Wu, Ya-Nan
- Reviews of Resource Assessment on Tidal Current Energy of China
- Wu, Zheng-Ren
- Study on the Influence of the Operation of Multiple Wind Turbines on the Turbulent Kinetic Energy in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Xia, Qiong
- Nonlinear Effects of Provincial Economic Growth on Environmental Pollution
- Xiao, Jing-Xin
- To Solve the Problem of the Path Dynamic Interpolation and Jitter in the Simulation of Aircraft Flight Installed Beidou
- Xie, Fei
- Research and Comparison of Solid Spallation Targets in Accelerator Driven System(ADS)
- Xie, Hui
- Developing an Agent-Based Model to Explore the Impact of Social Networks on Building Occupant Energy Consumption
- Xie, Qing-Lin
- Research Progress in the Selective Adsorption of Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewater
- Xie, Qing-Lin
- Study on Adsorption of Cd2+ by Manganese Modified Diatomite
- Xie, Qing-Lin
- SS and CODremoval in Artificial Stone Wastewater using Coagulation Process
- Xie, Yan-Ming
- Analysis on Farmers' Accepting Willingness of Ecological Compensation of Non-commercial Forest in NFPP Area of China ??Taking six western counties as an example
- Xie, Yuan
- Vulnerability Assessment of Water Environmental System in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) Region
- Xiong, Gang
- Realization of an Antireflection Nanopore Array for Black Si Solar Energy Utilization
- Xiong, Xiu-Wen
- Research on Evaluation of Network Planning Based on Rough Set
- Xiong, Zhuang
- To Solve the Problem of the Path Dynamic Interpolation and Jitter in the Simulation of Aircraft Flight Installed Beidou
- Xu, Hong-Xue
- Study on Analysis Model of Key Influencing Factors of Urban Environment Livability
- Xu, Hui
- Research Progress in the Selective Adsorption of Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewater
- Xu, Hui
- Study on Adsorption of Cd2+ by Manganese Modified Diatomite
- Xu, Jia-Nian
- Casing Damage Prevention and Control Technology of Super Heavy Oil Thermal Production Well A Case research of Du 84 block in Shu 1 area, Liaohe Oilfield
- Xu, Jin
- Research on Hyperspectral Unmixing Oil Spill Monitoring
- Xu, Li-Qiang
- Removal Effect of CODcr Ammonia Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen of Rural Domestic Wastewater in Southern China by A2/O2 Process
- Xu, Liang-Zhi
- A Research for Reduction the Pollution in the Pretreatmentprocess of PAEs Inhuman Serum
- Xu, Min
- Research on Evaluation of Network Planning Based on Rough Set
- Xu, Qing-Yan
- Nonlinear Simulation of Pre-Darcy Flow in CQZS Super-Low Permeability Reservoir
- Xu, Wei-Dong
- Research on Target Polarization Recognition and Classification Based on BP Neural Network
- Xu, Wen
- To Solve the Problem of the Path Dynamic Interpolation and Jitter in the Simulation of Aircraft Flight Installed Beidou
- Xu, Yong
- Further Understanding of the Supply Source of Shaizhudong Spring in the Central Weibei
- Xu, Yue
- Review of Research on In-vehicle Pollutants in China
- Yan, Ya-Nan
- Effects of Straw Incorporation and Reduction of Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Crop Yield in Farmland
- Yan, Yu-Feng
- Performance Study and Analysis of a 300MW High Backpressure Heat Supply Unit Condenser after Retrofit
- Yan, Zi-Zhu
- Vertical Distribution of Wind-eroded Dust within 50m High at Minqin Dust Source Area in North-Western China
- Yang, Chang-Bing
- The Research on the County's Development State of Cultural Industry in Guizhou Province
- Yang, Chun
- Evaluation Research on Intensive Land Use of Modern Agricultural Park
- Yang, Dong
- The Application of Energy Tower Heat Pump Technology in Air Conditioning Engineering
- Yang, Fan
- The Application of A3 Aerial Photography in Island Surveying and Mapping
- Yang, Fan
- A Method for Automatical Extraction of Typical Disaster-bearing Targets from LiDAR Point Cloud in Coastal Zone
- Yang, Jing-Lun
- Analysis of the 3D Simulation Reconstruction Method for Road Surface Roughness
- Yang, Lin
- Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Ion-imprinted Polymer Based on Mesoporous Silica SBA-15 for Selective Removal of Cu(II) from Aqueous Solutions
- Yang, Lu-Lu
- Fault Diagnosis Method for Heterogeneous Information Fusion of Permanent Magnet Generator Considering Classifier Performance and Weight of Evidence
- Yang, Pan-Pan
- Discussion on Business Mode of Biogas Industry in Beijing
- Yang, Ting
- Draft Genome Sequence of Acinetobacter Y1, a Heterotrophic Nitrifying and Aerobic Denitrifying Bacterium Isolated from Coke Plant Wastewater
- Yang, Xiao-Hua
- Vulnerability Assessment of Water Environmental System in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) Region
- Yang, Xiao-Hua
- China Offshore Wind Power Costs and Environmental Impact Analysis
- Yang, Xiao-Li
- Simulation for Integrated Systems of Typical Coal-to-liquids Processes and Waste Energy Exploitation Based on Different Gasification Processes
- Yang, Ya
- Draft Genome Sequence of Acinetobacter Y1, a Heterotrophic Nitrifying and Aerobic Denitrifying Bacterium Isolated from Coke Plant Wastewater
- Yang, Yu-Tao
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Refrigeration System with Vapor Injection Using Reciprocating Piston Compressor
- Yao, Xiao-Guang
- An Improved Design of Pressure Relay Based on Optical Switch
- Ye, Yi
- Vulnerability Assessment of Water Environmental System in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) Region
- Yin, Qiang
- Calculation of Distributed Photovoltaic Grid Acceptance Capacity Considering Timing Characteristics of Photovoltaic Output
- Yin, Tao-Tao
- Developing an Agent-Based Model to Explore the Impact of Social Networks on Building Occupant Energy Consumption
- Yin, Xun
- Fault Diagnosis Method for Heterogeneous Information Fusion of Permanent Magnet Generator Considering Classifier Performance and Weight of Evidence
- Yu, Feng
- Removal of Cr3+ in Aqueous Solutions by Zeolite A/Activated Carbon Composite Synthesized from Elutrilithe
- Yu, Ge-Wen
- Simulation for Integrated Systems of Typical Coal-to-liquids Processes and Waste Energy Exploitation Based on Different Gasification Processes
- Yu, Guo-Xian
- Effect of Metal Ion on Ammonium Bicarbonate Solution Decomposed into Carbon Dioxide
- Yu, Hai-Xia
- Removal Effect of CODcr Ammonia Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen of Rural Domestic Wastewater in Southern China by A2/O2 Process
- Yu, Huan
- Quantitative Analysis of Huangshui River Basin Landscape over Last Twenty Years using RS and GIS
- Yu, Jiang-Hua
- Removal Effect of CODcr Ammonia Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen of Rural Domestic Wastewater in Southern China by A2/O2 Process
- Yu, Jin-Shan
- Interface Discharge Behaviour at Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Silicone Rubber under AC Voltage
- Yu, Jin-Shan
- Effect of Corona Discharge Treatment on Interface Discharge Behaviour between Polypropylene and Silicone Rubber
- Yu, Jing-Bo
- Analysis of the 3D Simulation Reconstruction Method for Road Surface Roughness
- Yu, Jing-Bo
- Research on Ethanol-gasoline Blended Fuel in Automotive Gasoline Engine
- Yu, Qing-Feng
- Research Progress in the Selective Adsorption of Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Wastewater
- Yu, Qing-Feng
- Study on Adsorption of Cd2+ by Manganese Modified Diatomite
- Yu, Xiang-Ying
- Interface Discharge Behaviour at Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Silicone Rubber under AC Voltage
- Yu, Xiao-Ping
- Function and Effects of L-cysteine on the Speciation Analysis of Mercury by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with on-line Cold Vapor Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
- Yuan, Kai
- Research on Evaluation of Network Planning Based on Rough Set
- Yuan, Xiang
- Virtual Building Medol to Predict Hourly Cooling Load for District Buildings in Urban Planning
- Yue, Jing-Jing
- Effects of Straw Incorporation and Reduction of Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Crop Yield in Farmland
- Zeng, Ji-Sheng
- The Application of A3 Aerial Photography in Island Surveying and Mapping
- Zeng, Ji-Sheng
- A Method for Automatical Extraction of Typical Disaster-bearing Targets from LiDAR Point Cloud in Coastal Zone
- Zhai, Mei-Jing
- Further Understanding of the Supply Source of Shaizhudong Spring in the Central Weibei
- Zhang, Bao-Sheng
- The Role of Renewable Energy in China´s Sustainable Energy Transition
- Zhang, Cai-Ping
- Carbon Performance Evaluation Indicators based on Resource Value Flow
- Zhang, Cai-Ping
- Research on the Basis Theoretical Questions of Environmental Finance
- Zhang, Cheng-Long
- Research on Medium and Long Term Energy Demand Forecast underNew Urbanization