Proceedings of the International Conference on Rural Studies in Asia (ICoRSIA 2018)
81 articles
Proceedings Article
Peasant Resistance Movement towards BKPH (Bagian Kesatuan Pemangku Hutan – Forest Management Unit)
Abdul Kodir, Angga Prasetyo Adi
This study examined the social movements of Kedungdendeng peasants, the resistance carried out by Kedungdendeng peasants using a critical ethnographic perspective, especially the process of the occurrence of the peasant resistance movements, the forms of pre-reform peasant resistance and the forms of...
Proceedings Article
Empowering and Developing The Local Potency Through Thematic Village in Semarang
Mr. Ngabiyanto, Martien Herna Susanti, Mr. Setiajid
Thematic village, in which the community actively involved in developing the local potency, is a solution to address the poverty as the main problems of the society who needs environmental improvement and settlement infrastructure. The study aims to examine the implementation of the thematic village...
Proceedings Article
Pancasila Clinic Development In The Village Community
Mr. Masrukhi, Margi Wahono, Mr. Tijan, AT Sugeng Priyanto
Rural communities are people who are vulnerable to the effects of globalization. Their limited access to information from the outside community often results in shock over the values order among them. In turn, understanding, appreciation, and implementation of Pancasila in their daily lives can gradually...
Proceedings Article
Social Phenomena Of The Education In The Remote Village, Lahat, South Sumatera
Ferani Mulianingsih
The purpose of this study is to determine the social phenomena of education people in the remote area of Lahat, South Sumatera. In other words, it is to know the success level of the people in remote areas, Lahat, South Sumatra which viewed from education level. The methods that used in this research...
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Geography Teacher’s Skill in Making Learning Media Based on Remote Sensing Image
Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto, Heri Tjahjono
This study aims to describe the improvement of knowledge and skills of geography teachers through training activities on processing and using remote sensing images as a source of learning geography to improve the quality of Geography learning. The target is the State and Private High School Teachers...
Proceedings Article
The Role Of Migrant Workers' Village (Kampung Buruh Migran/KBM) in Establishing a Free School For Migrant Children
Mr. Fajar
The aim of this article is explaining about the role of Migrant Workers Village (locally known as Kampung Buruh Migran/KBM) Society for establishing free school. This research conducted in Tracap Village Kaliwiro district Wonosobo Regency. The subjects in this research are the members of Indonesian Migrant...
Proceedings Article
The Local Heroes from Rural Banjarnegara
Suwito Eko Pramono, Tsabit Azinar Ahmad
Banjarnegara is a mountainous area with a large part of its rural and remote territory. However, it does not let Banjarnegara left behind from the history of the Indonesian national independence movement. It also appeared that local leaders had a vital role in the national independence movement at both...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Local Leadership in Developing Fisherman Community Schools in Banyutowo Village, Pati District, Central Java
Kuncoro Bayu Prasetyo, Nurul Fatimah, Asma Luthfi, Mr. Gunawan, Mr Fajar
This article is part of the results of research on the development of community school model for fishing community in Banyutowo Village, Pati District, Central Java Province. The Banyutowo community is a society whose economic life is based largely on the marine economy. Community school was developed...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Education for Pemindang (Case Study on Coastal Communities of Tambaksari Village)
Oktaviani Adhi Suciptaningsih, Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, Agustinus Sugeng Priyanto
Pemindangan is an effort to preserve and to process fish through salting and steaming techniques. The person who earns a living through pemindangan is called pemindang. Most of the pemindang in Tambaksari Village clean their fish and dispose their waste into the river. This study aims to analyze the...
Proceedings Article
The Role Of Teachers In The Millennium Era On The Development Of Student Creativities In Village Border Areas
Mrs. Zulfitria, Happy Indira Dewi, R. Andi Ahmad Gunadi
Education as a strong social institution empowers all citizens of Indonesia to develop into a good quality of human being so that they are able and to proactively to answer the challenges in the Millennium 4.0 era. In the development of the education system in Indonesia, so far the role of teachers is...
Proceedings Article
Building Social Intelligence Based on Islamic Boarding School Values
Muh Sholeh, Idrus Affandi, Kokom Komalasari, Erlina Wiyanarti
Islamic boarding school is a part of global community. It could not avoid the change that happens in the society, even though it is usually located in the villages that are geographically untouchable by the global dynamics. The adaptation of Islamic boarding school to change is needed, so that its existence...
Proceedings Article
The Types Of Training Needs For Multicultural-Based Sociology Learning To Enhance Teachers’ Professional Competence
Totok Rochana
This study scrutinized “what is the type of training needs for multicultural-based to enhance the professional competence of sociology teachers. The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe the initial condition of professional competence in multicultural-based sociology learning; (2) to describe...
Proceedings Article
Teaching Multi-interpretation Material on Social Studies on Homogeneous Students
Arif Purnomo, Mr. Wasino, Mr. Suyahmo, Tri Marhaeni
Arendt (1994) stated that teachers are exposed to heterogeneous student conditions, such as gender, ethnicity, religion, race. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers' ability to design learning on heterogeneous students. In Social Studies, we offer a variety subject that contained in particularly thing,...
Proceedings Article
Coffee Shop as A Third Place for High School Students in Rembang
Abdul Ma'sum, Mr. Gunawan
This article aims to find out why high school students in Rembang prefer coffee shops as a place to spend time both at school and outside school time. This study uses an ethnographic approach. The informants in this study are high school students who visited one of the coffee shops in Rembang. The results...
Proceedings Article
Contribution of Visual Art in Improving Children’s Creativity in The Sub-urban Villages of Depok
Happy Indira Dewi, R. Andi Ahmad Gunandi, Mrs. Zulfitria
The impact of the movement of Jakarta city towards the industrial era 4.0 makes the villages located on the border of Depok and Jakarta experience very rapid social, cultural and economic changes. These changes can crush the existence of the local community if the community is not creative in overcoming...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Nasyid Art Education On The Establishment Of Santri’s Attitude In Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School
Zainal Arif, Mrs. Zulfitria, Mr. Mahruroji
The purpose of this research is to know the effect of nasyid art education on the establishment of santri’s attitude in Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School Cimanuk Pandeglang Banten. This research was conducted in Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School Cimanuk, Pandeglang, Banten. This research involves...
Proceedings Article
Radicalism: The Santri Pespective in Rural Java
Ibnu Sodiq, Tri Marhaeni P Astuti
The article aims to describe view or representation of mental attitude of Santri in Rural Java about phenomenon of radicalism. Radicalism in social context is still a debate, including among Santri and other religious communities. It is very interesting to study because this actual study attempts to...
Proceedings Article
Infrastructure Development and Community Participation: the Efforts to Develop the Archaeological Site and Semedo Museum in Tegal Regency
Nina Witasari, Arfan Habibi
Infrastructure development is one of the factors that support the development of Semedo Site as an ancient site with the discovery of fossils and artifacts when Plestosen found since 2005 located in Semedo Village, Kedungbanteng Subdistrict, Tegal Regency. The construction of the Archaeological Museum...
Proceedings Article
From Ethno-Nationalism To Nationalism: Portrait of Indonesian-Ness High School Students Jayapura
Susanto T Handoko, Mr. Wasino, Mr. Masrukhi, Hamdan Tri Atmaja, Fitri Amalia Shintasiwi
Jayapura has several villages bordering the state of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The uniqueness of Jayapura is the existence of indigenous villages amid of urbanization and migration which is the current issue in Papua. Some high school students in Jayapura come from this indigenous village. This study...
Proceedings Article
Land and Labor in Java in The Nineteenth Century
Effendi Wahyono
As an agricultural country, land in Indonesia was a major source of survival for peasant. In the concept of agrarian kingdom, the land belongs to the king. Anyone who had the right to cultivate the land, had the obligation of mandatory work to support the hegemony of the kingdom. How then the colonial...
Proceedings Article
From an Independent to Non-autonomous Village (The History of Status Change of Selo Village, Grobogan District)
Mr. Wasino, Endah Sri Hartatik, Fitri Amalia Shintasiwi
Selo is one of historical villages in Java which had existed in the Mataram Islam Kingdom era as an independent village. Independent villages means villages which received special autonomy from the king in its governance and was exempted from tax payment. Together with the change of governance in Java,...
Proceedings Article
Arisan Padi: The Life Strategy of Priangan Rural Community
Sri Ana Handayani
This study revealed arisan padi carried out by rural communities in Ciamis District, West Java. Arisan padi which is fulled by local wisdom needs to be studied more deeply, because it is basically a rural economic tradition that is closely related to village institutions, namely food security institutions...
Proceedings Article
Credits and Mortgage as An Effort to Prevent Poverty in Afdeeling Demak Grobogan, During Colonial Era
Endah Sri Hartatik
This research was conducted using a historical research by collecting the related sources, then it was criticised and analysed as writing materials. Poverty occurred in Afdeeling Demak Grobogan in the middle of 19th century carried out tremendous impacts, so the Dutch colonial government tried to overcome...
Proceedings Article
From Global to Local Initiatives (The Mobility Idea of West Kalimantan Credit Unions)
Aji Prasetya Wahyu Utama
The paper aims to understand how the foreign idea of Credit Union can be accepted as a new economic opportunity among the Dayak ethnic groups in West Kalimantan. This idea came originally from Germany and reached the interior areas of West Kalimantan. Thanks to missionaries and to local activists for...
Proceedings Article
Empowering Rural Economy (Java) Breaking The Chain of Dependence: Indonesia in The 1950s
C. Santi Muji Utami
The 1950s was an important decade in which Indonesia was recognized as a sovereign country. As a newly independent country, Indonesia experienced a phase of struggle that was quite heavy as a nation-state. The reality of economic life at the local level is still low. The state must fight for the welfare...
Proceedings Article
What Stories The Forests Tell You: Myths as Part of Forest Conservation Dynamics
Nina Witasari
In traditional concepts of forest management, Mangkunegaran government did not merely adopt colonial regulations, but also relied on traditional values that already exist and grow in Javanese society like local wisdom and local knowledge related to forest conservation. It also becomes the Mangkunegara...
Proceedings Article
Nyadran Gunung Silurah: The Role of Mountain for Religious Life of Ancient Batang Society in Central Java (VII–IX Century)
Ufi Saraswati
The tradition of Nyadran Gunung Silurah conducted by the Silurah village community in Wonotunggal District, Batang Regency, reaffirms the belief of the Batang community of the Ancient VII-IX century. It is about the existence of the concept of the holy mountain as the center of the universe. In ancient...
Proceedings Article
Maintaining the Tradition: Religion, Local Elites and the Transformation of Agricultural Tradition in Rural East Java (A Case of Kabumi Ceremony in Jatirogo, Tuban, East Java)
Ahmad Arif Widianto, Mr. Irawan
Studies show that religion has a strong influence on the local tradition that is considered full of myth. In this case, Kabumi ceremony as a local tradition of East Java rural communities is considered to maintain the sustainability of production in the agricultural sector. But, Kabumi challenged by...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Medicinal Animals in Traditional Medicine in Rural Central Java (A Preliminary Result of Ethno-Zootherapeutical Study)
Fadly Husain, Baiq Farhatul Wahidah
Indonesia is one of the countries that have very rich natural resources. The potential of this natural resource is flora and fauna. It can be utilized by the state as a potential power for sustainable human development. Indonesian people have traditional knowledge in utilizing these natural resources....
Proceedings Article
The Perception of International Students of Universitas Negeri Semarang in The New Rural Environment (Intercultural Studies Perspective)
Fitri Amalia Shintasiwi, Khoirul Anwar
This study investigates international student perception of rural environment at Universitas Negeri Semarang and how they overcome those as a part of their cultural adaptation. The way they perceive the new cultures which are truly different from their country will be discussed in this research and the...
Proceedings Article
Agencies in the Community Economic Movement (Case Studies of ToMiRa-Based Economic Development in Kulonprogo Regency)
Nurul Fatimah
The increasingly proliferation of capitalist-patterned economy is followed by the resistance through the populist-patterned economic movement. Various efforts have been made both academically and practically, from the downstream movement to government policy. It is solely done to protect the populist...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between The Capacity Of Farmers, Agricultural Extension Workers And Tobacco Farmland Conservation (The Rural Area Of The Eastern Slopes At Mount Sumbing, Central Java)
Mr. Juhadi, Eva Banowati, Mr. Najibburrohman
The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between the capacity of farmers, agricultural extension workers and conservation of tobacco farmland on the slopes of Mount Sumbing. Research population is tobacco farmers (5690 families), agriculture extension workers (458 workers); with...
Proceedings Article
Integrated Fisheries Area: A Solution to Overcome the Poverty of Fishing Communities in Sendang Biru Village, Malang Regency
Ela Nur Aini, Atika Wijaya
Malang regency has a natural potential in the form of coast lines and marine products. However, this potential has not been yet managed optimally and has not yet been able to improve the welfare of the fishing communities. The rate of poverty in Malang regency is still quite high and is dominated by...
Proceedings Article
Cultural Resistance in The Implementation of Resettlement Programs
Ferdinand Kerebungu, Theodorus Pangalila
The problem in this research is why there is resistance given by the isolated tribe in the implementation of the resettlement program implemented by the Ministry of Social Affair. The purposes of this study are to describe and to analyze the process of cultural resistance in the implementation of resettlement...
Proceedings Article
Sustainable Development in Spending Dana Desa (Village Fund) in Jambangan Village, Bawang Sub-District, Batang Regency
Tutik Sulistyowati, Asma Luthfi, Nova Catur Saputri, Eka Yuniati
Dana desa (village fund) programs that have been implemented by the government for one year recently have been utilized by the community to improve a community development. However, the use of dana desa is allocated to infrastructure in which the principle of sustainable development must still be reviewed...
Proceedings Article
The Dynamics of Strengthening Socio-Economic Capacity of Rural Community Through Thematic Kampong in Semarang
Hartati Sulistyo Rini
The development of rural communities has become a central issue developing lately. Various policies both at the national and local levels surfaced and placed the village's socio-economic strengthening as the top priority of development. One policy that has implications for the socio-economic dynamics...
Proceedings Article
Sintren and Javanese Rural Community in Change
Mr. Romadi
Modernization in Java has to be paid handsomely at the expense of traditional art displaced by pop culture from the West. The initial analysis resulted in the community's orientation of art or cultural products being switched. The aim of this article is to describe Sintren, a traditional art whose existence...
Proceedings Article
Social Capital of Indigenous Village Communities in Maintaining Social Harmony (Case Study of The Tenggerese Indigenous Community, Tosari, Pasuruan, East Java)
Okta Hadi Nurcahyono
This article discusses social capital owned by indigenous village communities in the process of maintaining social harmonization, especially in religious life. The research is conducted in the Tenggerese community, Tosari District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. The research aims to identify the inter-religious...
Proceedings Article
When Farmer Face the Biodiesel Project (A lesson from Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta)
Mr Gunawan
This paper departs from the discourse of the development of jatropha as a biofuel source. The discourse was hyped to become one of the national strategies to solve energy crisis, environmental degradation, and poverty. Jatropha had been planted in vast provinces and districts, one of which was in Gunungkidul....
Proceedings Article
The Development of “Tomira” Village Cooperatives (Koperasi Unit Desa/KUD) in Kulon Progo Regency
Fulia Aji Gustaman
Many people-oriented economic models have been developed by several countries in the world. One of them is cooperative economic model which applied in Indonesia. There are some interesting and worth things to be examined related to the development of cooperatives in Indonesia. One of them is a cooperative...
Proceedings Article
Obstacles and Opportunities of Community Based Dana Desa Management (Case Study: Kalisidi Village, West Subdistrict Ungaran, Semarang Regency)
Ifa Isnaini, Dewi Rustiana, Ela Nur Aini, Asma Luthfi
Dana Desa are funds sourced from the State Budget (APBN) and are allocated to villages and transferred through regional budget. This fund is used to community development and empowerment of rural communities. In some places, the use of dana desa still adheres to the rules set by the government through...
Proceedings Article
Organic Rice: between Environmental Values and Economic Benefit
Atika Wijaya
This paper aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by farmers in participating in the program of organic rice area in Lombok Kulon Village, Wonosari Subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency. In the last decades, the discussion on how agricultural practices need to be changed has raised awareness...
Proceedings Article
Marginalization of Farmers in Indonesia
Nina Novira, Nurmala Berutu, Noviy Hasanah, Mrs. Yusriati
In Indonesia, farmers hold the image as poor and uneducated society. The common perception of the cause of the condition is that most farmers possessed only small area, which is economically unviable, thus the profitability is low and therefore they are poor. This paper aims to explain the condition...
Proceedings Article
Local wisdom of Kandri Village as a form of Environmental Conservation
Mr. Sriyanto, Edi Kurniawan, Halim Sukma Aji
Kandri is one of the villages in Gunungpati Subdistrict, which the Semarang City government has used as a tourist village. Attractions that can be found in Kandri Village can take the form of natural attractions (Jatibarang Reservoir), cultural attractions (village celebrations), and social attractions....
Proceedings Article
Sedulur Sikep Traders Negotiate the Social Values of Ajaran Samins
Citra Devi Puspitasari, Mr. Gunawan
Trade is an economic activity that is not recommended in the ajaran Samin for Sedulur Sikep community. This paper discusses the negotiation regarding the people sikep who trade on social values in ajaran Samin. The location of the research is in Karangpace, Desa Klopoduwur, Kecamatan Banjarejo, Kabupaten...
Proceedings Article
Internalization Of Conservation Values In Sustainable Fisheries Through Law Number 6 Of 2013 (On Villages About Crab Fishing Management In Betahwalang Village, Demak Regency)
Martien Herna Susanti, Mr. Setiajid, Mrs. Anandha
The study aims to describe the conservation values internalized in the Law Number 6 of 2013 on Villages about Management of Crab Fishing in Betahwalang Village, the public awareness in implementing the conservation values, and the impact of the law toward conservation in Betahwalang Village. The research...
Proceedings Article
Social Conflict in the Construction of Cement Industry in Kendeng Mountains, Central Java Indonesia with A Human Security Approach
Mr. Sumarno, Giri Harto Wiratomo
Village Community Resilience Development aims to maintain the survival and prosperity of the village community. Survival is defined as the ability to carry out various activities by rural communities by individuals and groups to continuously fulfill material and non-material needs. That in order to meet...
Proceedings Article
The Patron-Client Relations in The Distribution Chain of Coffee Products in Jambon Hamlet, Medono Village, Boja Sub-District of Kendal Regency
Amalia Fitri Damayanti, Nova Catur Saputri, Mohammad Rifky, Asma Luthfi, Mr. Gunawan, Hartati Sulistyo Rini
This paper discusses the patron-client relations in the coffee distribution chain in Jambon Hamlet, Medono Village. Before discussing the patron-client relations, this paper first discusses the coffee as one of the main agricultural commodities in Jambon Hamlet. As the main commodity, the coffee has...
Proceedings Article
Politic Of Identity In Demak
Mr. Suyahmo, Andi Suhardiyanto, Moh Aris Munandar, Puji Lestari
This article focuses on the political identity in Demak. This research was conducted using qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data were collected by using interview, observation, and documentation technique. The obtained data were then processed and analyzed using a triangulation technique...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Local Political Leadership: Village Harmonization in Diversity Based on Pancasila
Mr. Suprayogi, Erisandi Arditama, Eta Yuni Lestari
The regional government has an important duty because it will determine the sustainability of the area. The problems can disrupt the stability of the region, such as natural disasters, poverty, social conflict, environmental damage, reduced value of local wisdom, intolerance, conflicts between tribes...
Proceedings Article
Palm Sugar as a Household Economic Source in Krajan, Medono Village, Boja Subdistrict, Kendal District
Eka Yuniati, Ulfa Safangatun, Mr. Harisna, Atika Wijaya, Harto Wicaksono
Each rural area in Indonesia has different commodities in order to meet their daily needs, such as in Krajan, Medono Village, Kendal which has palm sugar as their main commodity. Palm sugar is a local commodity derived from the use of palm tree sap that grows wild or cultivated on community-owned plantations...
Proceedings Article
Behind the Joint BUMDes (Badan Usaha Milik Desa Bersama) (Insight the motive for establishing joint BUMDes Danar Garut)
Mr Tarlani, Mr. Suhirman
The issue of dependence and under-developed rural areas has positioned BUMDes in an important role, to be a part of the multiplayer effect that could improve the welfare of societies in villages, thus become an adversary that must be prioritized by the government; however, some aspects will not be successful...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge and Decision Making in Food Consumption of Pregnant Women (Case study on Pucakwangi Subdistrict Pati Regency)
Antari Ayuning Arsi, Fadly Husain, Siti Zakiyatur Rofi'ah
Pregnancy is a cycle of life which in many communities is considered as a special condition. Therefore, pregnancy is usually prepared and maintained carefully, from the behavior of pregnant women (and some people, including her husband's behavior) to food intake, which aim to keep the mother and the...
Proceedings Article
The Survival of Dieng Rural Society in Maintaining Local Wisdom
Hamdan Tri Atmaja, Mr. Ba'in
Modernity becomes an important determinant in a rural discourse of Indonesia nowadays. Dieng is a central development area of Javanese culture in the rural part which is also affected by the modernity in the Java Island. The Dieng society nowadays has considerably changed from the social, economic, and...
Proceedings Article
The Function of Mina Misoyo Makmur Cooperative for Fishermen Community of Asemdoyong Village, Taman District, Pemalang District
Ilham Aminuddin, Rini Iswari
This article aims to find out the background of the establishment of the Mina Misoyo Makmur Cooperative, the development of the Mina Misoyo Makmur Cooperative, and how the Mina Misoyo Makmur Cooperative functions for the Asemdoyong fishing community. This study used a qualitative approach. The main informants...
Proceedings Article
Lasem “The City Of Tolerance”: A Role Model Of Harmonious Multicultural Life To Develop Tolerance In Indonesia
Tri Marhaeni Pudji Astuti, Edi Kurniawan, Mohammad Syifauddin
The current phenomenon of intolerant issues become an obstacles for the human beings’ relationship in Indonesia. We must notice that it has hurt the diversity. There are many events which express people’s egoism then result in intolerance. It seems really obvious to see the separation of choice between...
Proceedings Article
Oil Palm Plantation PIR Model: The Power Relationship between Planters and Company
Mrs. Sukapti
Oil palm plantations -- which integrate PIR planters and companies in the production organization -- is considered to harm the planters. Plasma planters are subordinated and powerless in the face of the company. The questions is, however, whether the plasma planters are always weak position in the overall...
Proceedings Article
Preservation Of The Local Culture Values Through The Art Of Java Dance In Developing The National Character
Elly Kismini
Building the national character is very necessary for Indonesians in the current era of globalization. In the development of national character, there are many things that must be done, including the preservation of local cultures. This is necessary to consider that the Indonesian nation is easy to accept,...
Proceedings Article
Indonesia Migrant Worker: Modern Representation of Women As Javanese Villagers in East Java, Indonesia
Mrs. Anggaunitakiranantika
Modernization in various sectors in Indonesia, has made women more flexible and open-minded in doing their activities. For a long time, Indonesian women have often been perceived as being weak and backward, unable to show their quality in the many fields. Addressing this issue, there are many Javanese...
Proceedings Article
The Dynamics of Tanah Bengkok Management After The Change of Government Administration In Patemon Sub-District Semarang City
Asma Luthfi
Changes in government administration from the village system to the urbanization system in Patemon's outreach have brought consequences to the management of tanah bengkok. In the village administration system in Java, tanah bengkok is village-owned land that is cultivated and utilized by village officials...
Proceedings Article
Dynamics of Entrepreneurship on The Small Enterprises in Rural Areas in Kudus, Central Java (A Case Study in Loram Kulon Village)
M. Solehatul Mustofa
The entrepreneurship in small entrepreneurs in rural areas of Java has good dynamics by experiencing growth and development influenced by many factors. Therefore, there are villages whose small enterprises are able to grow and develop well, but there are also some which do not have well-developing businesses....
Proceedings Article
Gusjigang: The Entrepreneurship Philosophy From Sunan Kudus
Mr. Pujiyanto, Mr. Wasino, Tri Marhaeni Pudji Astuti, Cahyo Budi Utomo
Wong Kudus(Kudusnese) is famous for its tenacity in trading. Their trading area was expanded all over Java in the era of Sunan Kudus. Now, Wong Kudus are successful entrepreneurs who are successful in trading all over the world. The tremendous trading passion that embodies the entrepreneurial values...
Proceedings Article
Patterns of Livelihood Changes of the Displaced Rural Households in the Vicinity of New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA)
R Rijanta, M Baiquni, R Rachmawati
The development of NYIA (New Yogyakarta International Airport) has partly led to displacement of rural households from their villages of origin. This is also followed by tremendous changes in their livelihood as a consequence of the discontinued access to various livelihood resources in their former...
Proceedings Article
Economic Strategy Livelihood And Social Relations Of Onion Farmers In Brebes Central Java
Thriwaty Arsal, Kuncoro Bayu Prasetyo, Arsi Mafirotul Wakhida
This study aims to examine the livelihood strategy and economic social relations of Brebes onion farmers of Central Java. This research was conducted in Pegandon District Kendal Regency. The data collection was done through observation, interview, documentation study and literature study with data triangulation...
Proceedings Article
From Village to Knowledgement: Ethical Development of Al Wasliyah
Mr. Warjio, Heri Kusmanto
Islamic mass organization Al Wasliyah is known as an organization that play an important role in the development in Indonesia. As a native Islamic mass organizations in North Sumatra, the role of Al Wasliyah is supported by the ethics of development that became its identity. This paper will explore how...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Spatial Distribution Pattern of Cassava Plantation on Tapioca Production in Pati Regency
Eva Banowati, Puput Nopiani, Hawik Henry Pratikto
Cassava in Pati regency becomes a raw material in tapioca industry. In theory, the economic base of tapioca industry is capable of creating high added value, absorbing relatively large workforce, having high backward linkage or forward linkage, and having a high growth rate. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article
Environmental History of Dayak Jalai Community as an Effort towards Disaster Risk Reduction
Basuki Wibowo, Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati, Mr. Wasino, Hermanu Joebagio
President Soeharto's policy on granting forest concessions affected the destruction of forests, one of which was in Ketapang District, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Vulnerability to the impact of natural disasters occurs in the Dayak Jalai community who lives around the forest. Disaster risk reduction...
Proceedings Article
Spatial Distribution of Livelihood Assets of Tourism Village in West Ungaran Subdistrict Semarang Regency Central Java Province Indonesia
Puji Hardati
Development is a process of change to obtain a better state. Development covers all aspects of life, and one of the areas of development is tourism, while the tourist village is one of the rural tourism destinations that still requires a lot of attention from various parties, especially to support sustainable...
Proceedings Article
Rural Industrialization And The Impact On Citizens (The Shifting Of Agricultural Land Using In Henri Lefebvre’s Space Perspective)
Imamul Huda Al Siddiq, Meidi Saputra, Sri Untari
Industrialization in rural areas is one of the steps to equalize the development that has been centered in urban areas. Industrialization in rural areas is also a mean to absorb labor in rural areas to minimize excessive urbanization, increase rural incomes, diversify the rural employment, and increase...
Proceedings Article
Local Wisdom Of Farmers On The Northern Slopes Of Ungaran Mountain To Reduce Erosion On Agricultural Land (Case Study in Persen Hamlet, Sekaran Village)
Nur ‘Izzatul Hikmah
Persen Hamlet had a sloping topography on the northern slopes of the Ungaran mountain which caused erosion. The dominant erosion in Indonesia caused by runoff water causes the loss of top soil elements affecting soil fertility and detrimental to farmers who depend on agricultural products. Objectives...
Proceedings Article
Developing Local Potency in Rural Area of Purworejo to Strengthen Regional Competitiveness
Husna Fauzia, Satya Budi Nugraha
Gross domestic regional product (GDRP) contribution of Purworejo Regency to Central Java Province was only 1.35% which is the fourth lowest contributor after the City of Pekalongan, Salatiga and Magelang. Besides, in 2016, Purworejo Regency has a level of moderate inequality with the Gini Index and Williamson...
Proceedings Article
Strategies For Determining Priority Area For Mitigation Of Landslide Disaster In Semarang City
Heri Tjahjono, Mr. Suripin, Mrs. Kismartini
The purpose of this study is to examine how to determine priority areas for an implementation of landslide mitigation based on disaster risk assessment in Semarang city Central Java. The results of the interviews with the employees of BPPD Semarang city indicate that in mitigation landslide disaster...
Proceedings Article
Built Area Change in Rural-Urban Fringe of Semarang
Satya Budi Nugraha, Wahid Akhsin Budi Nur Sidiq
Development of urban areas has penetrated the rural urban fringe of Semarang. The growth of new housing in rural urban fringe is inseparable from the increasing number of people accompanied by an increase demand for residential land. The development of residential areas or new housing in rural urban...
Proceedings Article
Semarang City Food Risk Disaster Mapping Based on Geographic Information System
Aprillia Findayani, Ananto Aji, Mr. Juhadi, Ariyani Indrayati
In the future, climate change, especially temperature increase that occurs throughout the world is expected to pose a high risk both physic and social. As one of the coastal areas in Indonesia that has a high level of vulnerability to sea level rise, currently Semarang has experienced to inundation....
Proceedings Article
Farmer Group Participation in Land Rehabilitation Effort Through KBR (Kebun Bibit Rakyat) Program in the Donoyudan Village, Kalijambe Sub-district, Sragen Regency
Riri Safitri, Eva Banowati
Critical land in Sragen regency and Bengawan Solo watershed area was caused by topography factors, high erosion, inappropriate land management, and low land closing. Bengawan Solo watershed management center delivers critical land education through a program called Kebun Bibit Rakyat (KBR) program. The...
Proceedings Article
Community Participation toward The Preservation of The Forest Slopes of Merapi through a Program Agroforestry Coffee in The Village Tlogolele Selo District
Fitria Amalia, Eva Banowati
Forest destruction of Merapi’s slope was caused by fire of volcanic eruption and excessive deforestation. This research intends to identify the community activities in an effort to minimize deforestation, especially the community participation towards the forest conservation through the coffee agroforestry...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Farmland Conversion on Carrying Capacity in the City of Semarang
Mr. Hariyanto, Mr. Sudharto, Imam Buchori
Population growth and activity progress of the city need area to support its life and consequently there will be very tight competition among individuals or groups in using the land. The need of land for residence, industry or service has annexed the farmland and converts it intensively and massively....
Proceedings Article
Progressive Farming Strategy As A Sustainable Livelihood Strategy For Marginal Land Farmers In Coastal Land Fields (Case Study in Gupit IV Hamlet, Karangsewu Village, Galur Sub District , Kulonprogo District)
Rahma Hayati
There are coastal sand fields in Kulonprogo District, Special Province of Yogyakarta. They are naturally marginal lands. In the last 30 years, farmers have been farming on coastal sand fields by growing vegetables and fruits. The aims of the research were to find out the threats and sustainable livelihood...
Proceedings Article
The Development Of Eco-Edutourism Village In Mangrove Tapak Forest Area, Tugurejo, Tugu Sub-District As A Community-Based Tourism
Apik Budi Santoso, Edi Kurniawan, Mohammad Syifauddin
An area that has an extensive mangrove vegetation is located in Tapak, Tugurejo Village, Tugu Sub-District, Semarang City. Mangrove Tapak has provided enormous potentials and benefits for the Tapak community; one of which is tourism. The tourism that has been developed in Mangrove Tapak area is called...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Ungaran Toll Gate Development on the Land Use Change in Its Surrounding
Saptono Putro, Erni Suharini, Tjaturahono Budi Sanjoto, Alan Agung S.N
The construction of toll gates and new road networks has an impact on changes in land use around it. The operation of section 1 of the Semarang - Solo Toll Road provides another alternative access to the road network between the City of Ungaran and the surrounding areas, namely, the City of Semarang...
Proceedings Article
Impact Of Fisheries Capital Grants On Improvement Of Fisheries' Income In The Bintan District Minapolitan
Rainy Fauziah, Mr. Afriyadi
The purpose of this research is to (1) assess the performance of fishermen groups who have received capital supports from the government; (2) analyze the impact of fisheries capital grants to the number of working days and income of fishermen, and (3) measure the impact of fisheries capital grants to...