Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM 2021)

75 authors
Alversia, Yeshika
The Effect of Endorser Credibility to Customer Relationship Commitment and Brand Equity on E-commerce in Indonesia
Andriani, Anindhitya
An Experimental Study of Retailer-Brand Collaboration: Duration and Perceived Fit Towards Consumer Behavior
Apriansyah, Yasir Yulias
Analysis of the Supporting Factors of Customer Engagement as a Marketing Strategy for Islamic Banking Services in Indonesia
Ardiantono, Dewie Saktia
Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
Arifah, Ika Diyah Candra
Interface Aesthetic, Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intention of Smartwatch Consumers
Ariswanto, Dyah Ayu Nabilla
The Effect of Endorser Credibility to Customer Relationship Commitment and Brand Equity on E-commerce in Indonesia
Aruan, Daniel Tumpal Hamonangan
The Role of Customer Brand Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Usage of Virtual Hotel Operator
Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
Factors Affecting Online Grocery Shopping Experience
Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
Analysis of Urban Male Consumers Attitude and Behavioral Intention Towards Skincare Product in Indonesia
Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
An Experimental Study of Retailer-Brand Collaboration: Duration and Perceived Fit Towards Consumer Behavior
Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
The Influence of Antecedents Online Relationship Quality and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty in E-commerce
Basri, Mursyid Hasan
Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
Chalid, Dony Abdul
A Comparison Study of Bank Efficiency in Indonesia Before and After Crisis in 2008 Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Dami, Merlinda
Integrating Diffusion of Innovation to Technology Acceptance Model: A Survey of Millennials’ Intention to Use E-Money Card
Dhewanto, Wawan
Program Development for Fashion E-Commerce Accelerator Using Co-Creation Double Diamond
Dian, Syane Rachma
The Impact of the Announcement of First Covid-19 Case in Indonesia on Property and Real Estate Companies’ Stock Returns and Trading Volume
Fahreza, Muhammad
Retained Earnings Factor Analysis on Return and Excess Return: A Comparison Study of Retained Earnings-to-Market Equity and Book-to-Market Equity from 2008 - 2018
Fajariansyah, Maulana
A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO
Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
Ferry, Rhey Tyas
Analysis of Urban Male Consumers Attitude and Behavioral Intention Towards Skincare Product in Indonesia
Fitrianingrum, Agustina
Investigation on the Drivers of Women Millennials Entrepreneurs Participation: Evidence from Indonesia
Fitrianto, Achmad Room
Sustainable Livelihood Approach Addressing Community’s Economic Distress Facing the Covid 19 Outbreak: A Methodological Concept
Fortunisa, Ananda
What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
Hadisumarto, Aswin Dewanto
The Role of Electronic Word of Mouth, Health Protocol, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment to Intention to Book of Boutique Hotel During Covid-19 Pandemic
Hadisumarto, Aswin Dewanto
The Role of Perceived Risks on Millennials on Online Purchase Intention at Travel Agencies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hati, Sri Rahayu Hijrah
Customer Experience on Islamic Banking Digital Branch in Indonesia
Husodo, Zaäfri A.
The Impact of Firm Leverage on Shareholders’ Wealth in Southeast Asia
Irianto, Dradjad
Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
Jahja, Junino
Effect of Financial Ratio on LQ45 2019 Stock Return
Juniarti, Rosa Prafitri
Interface Aesthetic, Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intention of Smartwatch Consumers
Krisnawati, Astrie
The Impact of the Announcement of First Covid-19 Case in Indonesia on Property and Real Estate Companies’ Stock Returns and Trading Volume
Kumar, Suresh
Integrating Diffusion of Innovation to Technology Acceptance Model: A Survey of Millennials’ Intention to Use E-Money Card
Kumar, Suresh
Millennials Behavioral Intention in Using Mobile Banking: Integrating Perceived Risk and Trust into TAM (A Survey in Jawa Barat)
Kunaifi, Aang
Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
Luqmansyah, Dwi Januar
Customer Experience on Islamic Banking Digital Branch in Indonesia
Maharani, Terang
The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Ma’ruf, Anas
Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
Ma’ruf, Buana
A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO
Miyagi, Ribka Anintha
Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
Mustikasari, Dhinda Siti
Factors Affecting Online Grocery Shopping Experience
Nareswari, Ninditya
Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
Nasution, Arman Hakim
Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
Mapping & Modelling of Supply Chain System in a Private Indonesian Hospital Using Supply Chain Operating Reference (SCOR) & Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) Method
Oktavia, Resky
The Influence of Customer Engagement in Customers’ Behavioral Intention on Staycation: The Experiential Marketing Perspectives Moderated by Health Risk and Financial Risk
Pradana, Muhammad Hadi
Program Development for Fashion E-Commerce Accelerator Using Co-Creation Double Diamond
Pratama, Aditya Herdiyan
Mapping & Modelling of Supply Chain System in a Private Indonesian Hospital Using Supply Chain Operating Reference (SCOR) & Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) Method
Pratama, Peter
Effect of Financial Ratio on LQ45 2019 Stock Return
The Role of Electronic Word of Mouth, Health Protocol, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment to Intention to Book of Boutique Hotel During Covid-19 Pandemic
Prihadi, M Dana
Analysis of Labor Requirement Provision of Medical Record File Based on WISN to Effectivity of Medical Record Distribution Service to Polyclinic
Projesa, Yosua Dhiemas Picky
An FMEA-Based Approach to Waste Reduction A Case on a Make-to-Order Company
Rachmadhania, Nabila
The Influence of Antecedents Online Relationship Quality and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty in E-commerce
Rachmania, Ilma Nurul
Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
Raharja, Carissa Lorens Marchia
The Role of Perceived Risks on Millennials on Online Purchase Intention at Travel Agencies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Retkaputri, Deavina
The Impact of Firm Leverage on Shareholders’ Wealth in Southeast Asia
Rizkianto, Eko
Retained Earnings Factor Analysis on Return and Excess Return: A Comparison Study of Retained Earnings-to-Market Equity and Book-to-Market Equity from 2008 - 2018
Santika, Laras Ayu
Analysis of Labor Requirement Provision of Medical Record File Based on WISN to Effectivity of Medical Record Distribution Service to Polyclinic
Saraziva, Cut Nabila
A Comparison Study of Bank Efficiency in Indonesia Before and After Crisis in 2008 Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Senjaya, Teguh Redy
Analysis of Labor Requirement Provision of Medical Record File Based on WISN to Effectivity of Medical Record Distribution Service to Polyclinic
Simamora, Ivanto Petrus
Business Coaching: Implementation of the Financial Performance Analysis and Social Media Improvement in Indonesian MSMEs’ Restaurant
Situmorang, Susanto Berlin Manarua
The Role of Customer Brand Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Usage of Virtual Hotel Operator
Sobari, Nurdin
Analysis of the Supporting Factors of Customer Engagement as a Marketing Strategy for Islamic Banking Services in Indonesia
Sobari, Nurdin
The Influence of Customer Engagement in Customers’ Behavioral Intention on Staycation: The Experiential Marketing Perspectives Moderated by Health Risk and Financial Risk
Soemaryani, Imas
What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
Sondari, Mery Citra
What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
Sudhartio, Lily
Business Coaching: Implementation of the Financial Performance Analysis and Social Media Improvement in Indonesian MSMEs’ Restaurant
Sule, Ernie Tisnawati
What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
Wahjudi, Didik
An FMEA-Based Approach to Waste Reduction A Case on a Make-to-Order Company
Wahyuni, Sari
The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Widaningsih, Ineu
Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
Widjaja, Fransisca B.
Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
Widodo, Erwin
A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO
Wiyana, Aldo Fantinus
Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
Yukita, Angela Leonie Keyko
Millennials Behavioral Intention in Using Mobile Banking: Integrating Perceived Risk and Trust into TAM (A Survey in Jawa Barat)
‘Azmi Riyandani, Roro Mega Cahyaning
Investigation on the Drivers of Women Millennials Entrepreneurs Participation: Evidence from Indonesia