Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM 2021)
75 authors
- Alversia, Yeshika
- The Effect of Endorser Credibility to Customer Relationship Commitment and Brand Equity on E-commerce in Indonesia
- Andriani, Anindhitya
- An Experimental Study of Retailer-Brand Collaboration: Duration and Perceived Fit Towards Consumer Behavior
- Apriansyah, Yasir Yulias
- Analysis of the Supporting Factors of Customer Engagement as a Marketing Strategy for Islamic Banking Services in Indonesia
- Ardiantono, Dewie Saktia
- Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
- Arifah, Ika Diyah Candra
- Interface Aesthetic, Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intention of Smartwatch Consumers
- Ariswanto, Dyah Ayu Nabilla
- The Effect of Endorser Credibility to Customer Relationship Commitment and Brand Equity on E-commerce in Indonesia
- Aruan, Daniel Tumpal Hamonangan
- The Role of Customer Brand Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Usage of Virtual Hotel Operator
- Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
- Factors Affecting Online Grocery Shopping Experience
- Astuti, Rifelly Dewi
- Analysis of Urban Male Consumers Attitude and Behavioral Intention Towards Skincare Product in Indonesia
- Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
- An Experimental Study of Retailer-Brand Collaboration: Duration and Perceived Fit Towards Consumer Behavior
- Balqiah, Tengku Ezni
- The Influence of Antecedents Online Relationship Quality and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty in E-commerce
- Basri, Mursyid Hasan
- Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
- Chalid, Dony Abdul
- A Comparison Study of Bank Efficiency in Indonesia Before and After Crisis in 2008 Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
- Dami, Merlinda
- Integrating Diffusion of Innovation to Technology Acceptance Model: A Survey of Millennials’ Intention to Use E-Money Card
- Dhewanto, Wawan
- Program Development for Fashion E-Commerce Accelerator Using Co-Creation Double Diamond
- Dian, Syane Rachma
- The Impact of the Announcement of First Covid-19 Case in Indonesia on Property and Real Estate Companies’ Stock Returns and Trading Volume
- Fahreza, Muhammad
- Retained Earnings Factor Analysis on Return and Excess Return: A Comparison Study of Retained Earnings-to-Market Equity and Book-to-Market Equity from 2008 - 2018
- Fajariansyah, Maulana
- A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO
- Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
- Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
- Ferry, Rhey Tyas
- Analysis of Urban Male Consumers Attitude and Behavioral Intention Towards Skincare Product in Indonesia
- Fitrianingrum, Agustina
- Investigation on the Drivers of Women Millennials Entrepreneurs Participation: Evidence from Indonesia
- Fitrianto, Achmad Room
- Sustainable Livelihood Approach Addressing Community’s Economic Distress Facing the Covid 19 Outbreak: A Methodological Concept
- Fortunisa, Ananda
- What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
- Hadisumarto, Aswin Dewanto
- The Role of Electronic Word of Mouth, Health Protocol, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment to Intention to Book of Boutique Hotel During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hadisumarto, Aswin Dewanto
- The Role of Perceived Risks on Millennials on Online Purchase Intention at Travel Agencies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hati, Sri Rahayu Hijrah
- Customer Experience on Islamic Banking Digital Branch in Indonesia
- Husodo, Zaäfri A.
- The Impact of Firm Leverage on Shareholders’ Wealth in Southeast Asia
- Irianto, Dradjad
- Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Jahja, Junino
- Effect of Financial Ratio on LQ45 2019 Stock Return
- Juniarti, Rosa Prafitri
- Interface Aesthetic, Perceived Value, Perceived Ease of Use, and Perceived Usefulness on Purchase Intention of Smartwatch Consumers
- Krisnawati, Astrie
- The Impact of the Announcement of First Covid-19 Case in Indonesia on Property and Real Estate Companies’ Stock Returns and Trading Volume
- Kumar, Suresh
- Integrating Diffusion of Innovation to Technology Acceptance Model: A Survey of Millennials’ Intention to Use E-Money Card
- Kumar, Suresh
- Millennials Behavioral Intention in Using Mobile Banking: Integrating Perceived Risk and Trust into TAM (A Survey in Jawa Barat)
- Kunaifi, Aang
- Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
- Luqmansyah, Dwi Januar
- Customer Experience on Islamic Banking Digital Branch in Indonesia
- Maharani, Terang
- The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- Ma’ruf, Anas
- Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Ma’ruf, Buana
- A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO
- Miyagi, Ribka Anintha
- Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
- Mustikasari, Dhinda Siti
- Factors Affecting Online Grocery Shopping Experience
- Nareswari, Ninditya
- Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
- Nasution, Arman Hakim
- Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem (Case Study in Batu)
- Nurmala
- Mapping & Modelling of Supply Chain System in a Private Indonesian Hospital Using Supply Chain Operating Reference (SCOR) & Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) Method
- Oktavia, Resky
- The Influence of Customer Engagement in Customers’ Behavioral Intention on Staycation: The Experiential Marketing Perspectives Moderated by Health Risk and Financial Risk
- Pradana, Muhammad Hadi
- Program Development for Fashion E-Commerce Accelerator Using Co-Creation Double Diamond
- Pratama, Aditya Herdiyan
- Mapping & Modelling of Supply Chain System in a Private Indonesian Hospital Using Supply Chain Operating Reference (SCOR) & Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) Method
- Pratama, Peter
- Effect of Financial Ratio on LQ45 2019 Stock Return
- Precellina
- The Role of Electronic Word of Mouth, Health Protocol, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Enjoyment to Intention to Book of Boutique Hotel During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Prihadi, M Dana
- Analysis of Labor Requirement Provision of Medical Record File Based on WISN to Effectivity of Medical Record Distribution Service to Polyclinic
- Projesa, Yosua Dhiemas Picky
- An FMEA-Based Approach to Waste Reduction A Case on a Make-to-Order Company
- Rachmadhania, Nabila
- The Influence of Antecedents Online Relationship Quality and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty in E-commerce
- Rachmania, Ilma Nurul
- Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
- Raharja, Carissa Lorens Marchia
- The Role of Perceived Risks on Millennials on Online Purchase Intention at Travel Agencies During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Retkaputri, Deavina
- The Impact of Firm Leverage on Shareholders’ Wealth in Southeast Asia
- Rizkianto, Eko
- Retained Earnings Factor Analysis on Return and Excess Return: A Comparison Study of Retained Earnings-to-Market Equity and Book-to-Market Equity from 2008 - 2018
- Santika, Laras Ayu
- Analysis of Labor Requirement Provision of Medical Record File Based on WISN to Effectivity of Medical Record Distribution Service to Polyclinic
- Saraziva, Cut Nabila
- A Comparison Study of Bank Efficiency in Indonesia Before and After Crisis in 2008 Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
- Senjaya, Teguh Redy
- Analysis of Labor Requirement Provision of Medical Record File Based on WISN to Effectivity of Medical Record Distribution Service to Polyclinic
- Simamora, Ivanto Petrus
- Business Coaching: Implementation of the Financial Performance Analysis and Social Media Improvement in Indonesian MSMEs’ Restaurant
- Situmorang, Susanto Berlin Manarua
- The Role of Customer Brand Engagement on Brand Loyalty in the Usage of Virtual Hotel Operator
- Sobari, Nurdin
- Analysis of the Supporting Factors of Customer Engagement as a Marketing Strategy for Islamic Banking Services in Indonesia
- Sobari, Nurdin
- The Influence of Customer Engagement in Customers’ Behavioral Intention on Staycation: The Experiential Marketing Perspectives Moderated by Health Risk and Financial Risk
- Soemaryani, Imas
- What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
- Sondari, Mery Citra
- What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
- Sudhartio, Lily
- Business Coaching: Implementation of the Financial Performance Analysis and Social Media Improvement in Indonesian MSMEs’ Restaurant
- Sule, Ernie Tisnawati
- What Does Variable Matter for Employee Brand Consistent Behavior as Imply of Employee Branding Outcomes: A Literatur Review
- Suprayogi
- Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Wahjudi, Didik
- An FMEA-Based Approach to Waste Reduction A Case on a Make-to-Order Company
- Wahyuni, Sari
- The Effect of Service Quality and Brand Image in the Air Cargo Industry on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- Widaningsih, Ineu
- Multi-Objectives Optimization on Cutting Layers and Cutting Tools Selection for Sculptured-Dies Cavity Rough Machining: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Widjaja, Fransisca B.
- Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
- Widodo, Erwin
- A Conceptual Framework of Strategy Formulation for Aircraft MRO
- Wiyana, Aldo Fantinus
- Healthcare Ecosystem Mapping in Primary Care: A Case Study in West Java, Indonesia
- Yukita, Angela Leonie Keyko
- Millennials Behavioral Intention in Using Mobile Banking: Integrating Perceived Risk and Trust into TAM (A Survey in Jawa Barat)
- ‘Azmi Riyandani, Roro Mega Cahyaning
- Investigation on the Drivers of Women Millennials Entrepreneurs Participation: Evidence from Indonesia