Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Arts and Culture (ICONARC 2018)
132 authors
- Sunarimahingsih, Yulita Titik
- The Space Concept Tampa Bakumpol Orang Basudara
- Supatmo, Supatmo
- The Manifestation of Cultural Tolerance Value of Traditional Ornament: Study on Ornaments of Sendang Duwur Mosque-Graveyard, Lamongan, East Java
- Suroto, Valentinus
- Preservation and Utilization of Colonial Houses as Business Places
- Susanti, Bernadeta Tyas
- Developing Hydraulic Bamboo House Using the Approach of Participation: An Effort to Overcome Tide Problems in Kemijen Area, Semarang
- Suseno, Widija
- Developing Hydraulic Bamboo House Using the Approach of Participation: An Effort to Overcome Tide Problems in Kemijen Area, Semarang
- Susetyo, Bagus
- Tarek Pukat Dance Learning to Improve Learning Activities of Early Childhood
- Syafii, Syafii
- Kala Ornament of Prambanan and Sewu Temple
- Syakir, Syakir
- Semarang Batik as an Artistic Representation of Coastal and Egalitarian Communities
- Syarif, Muhammad Ibnan
- Sunggingan on Islamic Javanese manuscript: The Acculturation of Javanese and Islamic Cultures
- Taswadi, Taswadi
- Presentation and Self-Confidence Method: Drawing Learning in Class VII of XI-X Kartika Middle School Bandung Indonesia
- Triyanto, Triyanto
- Ornament Art on Traditional Boat: Creative Expression of Fishermen Community in Jepara Coast
- Triyanto, Triyanto
- The Value of Art Education at Yogyakarta Presidential Museum: Showroom Theme on the Collection of Art Objects Aesthetic
- Utina, Usrek Tani
- Golek Dance: between Surakarta and Mangkunegaran Style
- Utina, Usrek Tani
- Functions of Barongan Performance Arts Exhibit at The Sedekah Bumi Ritual Ceremony
- Utomo, Udi
- Dimensions, Observation Object, and Process of Assessment of 2013 Curriculum-Based Musical Ensemble Teaching and Learning at Junior High Schools
- Utomo, Udi
- The Rhythm Pattern Adaptation of Langgam Jawa in Kroncong
- Utomo, Udi
- The Creativity of Primary School Students in Learning Music as Part of Cultural Art School Subject
- Utomo, Udi
- Development Strategy of Art Tradition Performance as the Teaching Material in the Education of Art and Culture
- Wadiyo, Wadiyo
- The Creativity of Primary School Students in Learning Music as Part of Cultural Art School Subject
- Wahira, Wahira
- The Needs of Model Management Learning of Mandar Etnic Dance Educational Value to Grow Characters in Elementary School
- Wardhana, Mitra Istiar
- Utilization of Natural Color Material from Rod, Leaf and Jackfruit Tree Root Extracts as Batik Fabric Dyes
- Widjajantie, Kusrina
- Building Children's Character Through Piano Learning
- Widodo, Tri
- Contributing to the Actualization of Performing Arts to Improve Education National Character
- Widodo, Widodo
- Dugderan Art Dance as an Expression of Semarang Society
- Wijayanto, Heri
- The Music of Glass Plate Dance in Silampari Studio of Musi Rawas Regency (The Melodic Element Analysis)
- Wiyanto, Wiyanto
- Building Students Character using Light Concepts Culture-Based Analogy Delivered for Elementary School Science Class
- Wiyoso, Joko
- The Value of Tolerance in Javanese Karawitan
- Wiyoso, Joko
- Construction of Kuda Lumping Art Identity in Supporting Tourism Villages
- Yudiaryani, Yudiaryani
- Contributing to the Actualization of Performing Arts to Improve Education National Character
- Yulianto, Agus
- Building Students Character using Light Concepts Culture-Based Analogy Delivered for Elementary School Science Class
- Yusrianti, Yusrianti
- Aesthetic Education in Theater Art Education
- Zulkifli, Zulkifli
- The Ethnicity of Nias in the Creative Exploration of Art Painting of North Sumatera