Functions of Barongan Performance Arts Exhibit at The Sedekah Bumi Ritual Ceremony
- Keywords
- Barongan, performance, arts, ceremony
- Abstract
Barongan folk art performance is often exhibited in various events such as ruwatan, accompanying brides, and sedekah bumi. Ritual events are held at certain times, with a set time. Where as the barongan which is shown for the entertainment program does not require the calulation of time and place, the community is free to hold this barongan performance anywhere and everywhere. Various things related to the use of barongan arts are what encourage ressearchers to uncover the depth of the function of barongan art especially in earth charity program is usually for Blora district people generally often use Tayub performing arts as a means of ritual ceremonies. Then, what emerges is the question of what functions of a barongan performance art exhibit at the sedekah bumi ritual ceremony.
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- © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
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- This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (
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TY - CONF AU - Usrek Tani Utina PY - 2019/05 DA - 2019/05 TI - Functions of Barongan Performance Arts Exhibit at The Sedekah Bumi Ritual Ceremony BT - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Arts and Culture (ICONARC 2018) PB - Atlantis Press SP - 119 EP - 122 SN - 2352-5398 UR - ID - Utina2019/05 ER -