Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Technology (ICoET 2019)
186 authors
- Mudjiran
- Need Analysis of Development of Principal Performance Assessment Model Based on MySQL Software
- Mudjiran
- Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia
- Muin, Awaluddin
- Define The Scope and Identify Learner Characteristics Computer Based Test (CBT) for Junior High School Students in Makassar
- Mukhaiyar
- The Problem Analysis of Vocational Students in Writing Simple Sentences in Indonesia
- Muspita, Rila
- Students’Awareness Towards People with Special Needs and Implication of Its Learning Technology Development
- Netrawati
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: Students’ Perception of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT)
- Neviyarni, S.
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: Students’ Perception of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT)
- Neviyarni, S.
- Development of Counseling Program Online Resilience in the Face of the Digital Age
- Nilawati, Eka
- The Influence of Media Video CD Tutorial on Science-based Learning Multisensory-Ecology to Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Ability
- Ningsih, Yuninda Tria
- Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia
- Nirwana, Herman
- Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
- Nirwana, Herman
- Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
- Nirwana, Herman
- Premarital Counseling: Opportunities and Challenges in industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
- Noer, Salman M.
- The Relationship of Teachers' Professional Competence toward Students' Learning Motivation at SMAN 1 North Siberut Mentawai Islands
- Novrianti
- Reconstruction of Adaptive and Responsive Educators Levels in Utilizing E-Resource Digital Literacy in the Era of the Indonesian Revolution 4.0 Through E-Modules
- Nurfarhanah
- Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
- Nurhikmah, H.
- Define The Scope and Identify Learner Characteristics Computer Based Test (CBT) for Junior High School Students in Makassar
- Nurussa’adah
- The Obstacles of Global Education Implementation Based on Art and Culture: A Research Study in SMK Negeri 2 Jepara
- Panjaitan, Keysar
- Improving Students’ Learning interest and Outcome through STAD Cooperative Learning Model at SDN 8 Elementary School Kwandang of North Gorontalo Regency
- Pariadi
- The Learning Model of INS Kayu Tanam in Instilling the Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Purwodani, Dio Lingga
- Play Traffic Simulation in interactive Surfaceplay Traffic Simulation in Interactive Surface for Early Childhood Education
- Rafiudin
- The Development of Learning Media Using Sparkol Videoscribe Software on Natural Science Education Subjects
- Rahayu, C. A. P.
- The Development of Augmented Reality Media for Physics Subject in Learning Optical Devices Material At SMK Multimedia
- Rahmi, Ulfia
- The Validation of Digital Learning Materials Using Edmodo for Elementary School
- Rahmi, Ulfia
- The Validation of Instrument Models for Blended Learning Assessment to Accommodate Instructional Domains
- Rahmi, Ulfia
- The Evaluation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Blended Learning Discussion at University Level
- Rahmi, Ulfia
- Need Analysis for Learning Journals App to Identify Learning Styles
- Ramadoni
- Educational Innovations: Online Learning by Flipped Classroom Method
- Ramli, Abdul Malik
- Define The Scope and Identify Learner Characteristics Computer Based Test (CBT) for Junior High School Students in Makassar
- Ratmanida
- Improving Midwifery Students’ Reading Comprehension of ESP Text through Real and Carrier Contents at STIKes of Dharma Land Bouw Padang
- Rejekiningsih, Triana
- Infographic Media in Shaping the Youth’s Critical Thinking Ability to Cope with Social Conflict in the Age of Digital Technology
- Ridwan
- Instructional Model of Group Investigation by Using Facebook in Improving Student’s Reasoning on Geography Subject
- Rinaldi
- Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia
- Rusdinal
- Need Analysis of Development of Principal Performance Assessment Model Based on MySQL Software
- Sadek, Ahkmad
- What Do Millennial Students Need in Studying Materials Layout and Compatibility on Chamilo Platform?
- Sastri, Lena
- The Effects of Flipped Classroom towards Students’ Writing Ability of Recount Text in Senior High School in Indonesia
- Sayuti, Hamdan Syafril
- Need Analysis of Developing Digital-Based Promotional Media Designs for the Dissemination of Indonesian Marathon Athlete Profiles
- Sihes, Johari
- The Implementation of Character Education in Minangkabau Culture in the Primary School of Padang City
- Sinaga, Andromeda Valentino
- The Development of Multicultural Education Model through the Application of Local Content Curriculum in South Sulawesi
- Siregar, Eveline
- Development of Blended Learning for Optimization Courses in Education Technology Master Program
- Situmorang, Robinson
- The Use of QR Code-based Digital Flashcard as a Media for Promotion and Socialization to Increase the Competitiveness of the Creative Economy and Small and Medium Enterprises
- Situmorang, Robinson
- The Innovation of Blended Learning in Flipped Classroom Type to Increase Students’ Learning Independence
- Soepriyanto, Yerry
- Play Traffic Simulation in interactive Surfaceplay Traffic Simulation in Interactive Surface for Early Childhood Education
- Sofyan, Ahmad
- The Development of Learning Media Using Sparkol Videoscribe Software on Natural Science Education Subjects
- Soniawan, Fiqri
- Development of the Blended Learning Model On Web-based Learning Course
- Soraya, Riska Aprilia
- The Development of Learning Media Using Sparkol Videoscribe Software on Natural Science Education Subjects
- Sudibjo, Niko
- Characteristics of Learning in The Era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0
- Sukmawati, I
- Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
- Sukmawati, I
- Premarital Counseling: Opportunities and Challenges in industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
- Sulthoni
- Students' Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar
- Sumanti
- Instructional Model of Group Investigation by Using Facebook in Improving Student’s Reasoning on Geography Subject
- Supendra, Dedi
- Analysing Teachers’ Digital Literacy Skills in the Learning Situation
- Supendra, Dedi
- Identifying the Issues of Digital Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Negeri Padang in Applying Internet as Online Learning Resource
- Surahman, Ence
- Students' Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar
- Sya, Ahman
- Instructional Model of Group Investigation by Using Facebook in Improving Student’s Reasoning on Geography Subject
- Syafrianti, Maria
- Improving the Early Childhood’s Reading Readiness by Using Malay Folklore Pictures Media
- Syafril
- Need Analysis for Learning Journals App to Identify Learning Styles
- Syahniar
- Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
- Syamsuar
- Implementation of Flipped Classroom Model to Strengthening Students’ Social Engagement and Its Relation with Students’ High Order Thinking Performance
- Syukur, Yarmis
- Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia
- Uno, Hamzah B.
- Improving Students’ Learning interest and Outcome through STAD Cooperative Learning Model at SDN 8 Elementary School Kwandang of North Gorontalo Regency
- Utama, Agus Hadi
- The Development of Ecosystem Education Game Product to Improve Learning Motivation of 5th Grade Students in Elementary School
- Utama, Agus Hadi
- Challenges and Commitments to Implementation of Full-Day School in Banjarmasin
- Wachidi
- A Study on Understanding Level of Elementary School Teacher on Pedagogic Skill in Implementing 2013 Curriculum in Bengkulu City
- Wargahadibrata, R. A. Hirmana
- The Innovation of Blended Learning in Flipped Classroom Type to Increase Students’ Learning Independence
- Wedi, Agus
- Students' Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar
- Wibawa, Basuki
- Ubiquitous Learning for the Assistance System for Competitive Certification in the Field of Informatics
- Wibawa, S. C.
- The Development of Augmented Reality Media for Physics Subject in Learning Optical Devices Material At SMK Multimedia
- Widyanigrum, Retno
- Inhibiting Factors of Online Learning in the Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta
- Widyaningrum, Retno
- Semantic Thinking Guide Uses Learning Design Principles in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn for Lecturers
- Wirasti, Murti Kusuma
- What Do Millennial Students Need in Studying Materials Layout and Compatibility on Chamilo Platform?
- Wulandari, E.
- Premarital Counseling: Opportunities and Challenges in industrial Revolution 4.0 Era
- Yaswinda
- The Influence of Media Video CD Tutorial on Science-based Learning Multisensory-Ecology to Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Ability
- Yaswinda
- The Impacts of Self-Esteem Development to Children from a Broken Home Family
- Yeni J., Fetri
- The Validation of Digital Learning Materials Using Edmodo for Elementary School
- Yusri, Meldi Ade Kurnia
- The Importance of Computer Knowledge for Teachers
- Yusuf, A. Muri
- The Learning Model of INS Kayu Tanam in Instilling the Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Zaim, M.
- Improving Midwifery Students’ Reading Comprehension of ESP Text through Real and Carrier Contents at STIKes of Dharma Land Bouw Padang
- Zen, Zelhendri
- Implementation of Flipped Classroom Model to Strengthening Students’ Social Engagement and Its Relation with Students’ High Order Thinking Performance
- Zikra, Z.
- Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media
- Zikra, Z.
- Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors
- Zikra, Z.
- Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media
- Zulfitria
- Utilization of E-Learning to Improve Students’ Storytelling Skill
- Zulkifli
- Need Analysis of Development of Principal Performance Assessment Model Based on MySQL Software
- Zuwirna
- The Implementation of Character Education in Minangkabau Culture in the Primary School of Padang City
- at Thaariq, Zahid Zufar
- Students' Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar