Proceedings of the International Conference on Education Technology (ICoET 2019)

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63 articles
Proceedings Article

Analysing Teachers’ Digital Literacy Skills in the Learning Situation

Mutiara Felicita Amsal, Winanda Amilia, Dedi Supendra
This study aims to see the extent of high school teacher digital literacy skills in managing learning. The method used is descriptive qualitative with instruments in the form of questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the teacher has the ability of digital literacy at the conventional...
Proceedings Article

The Validation of Digital Learning Materials Using Edmodo for Elementary School

Fetri Yeni J., Eldarni, Ulfia Rahmi
This research aims to validate the learning materials of a digital classroom for fourth-grade students in elementary schools. The product development is based on the encouragement of learning innovation in elementary schools to fulfill students’ needs. Therefore, digital teaching materials known as Edmodo...
Proceedings Article

The Validation of Instrument Models for Blended Learning Assessment to Accommodate Instructional Domains

Alwen Bentri, Ulfia Rahmi
This paper describes the validation of an instrument model for blended learning assessment that accommodates three learning domains. This model is urgently developed because of the extent of the blended learning application in universities. The validation of the instrument of blended learning assessment...
Proceedings Article

Identifying the Issues of Digital Literacy Skills of Undergraduate Students in Universitas Negeri Padang in Applying Internet as Online Learning Resource

Dedi Supendra, Septriyan Anugrah, Fitri Maiziani
Engaging with online learning materials and resources have been common activities undertaken by undergraduate students in discovering knowledge and in particular situation, assisting them doing their assignments. However, there are some problems emerged during this process so that it cannot reach the...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Learning Media Using Sparkol Videoscribe Software on Natural Science Education Subjects

Ahmad Sofyan, Rafiudin, Riska Aprilia Soraya
This study is aimed at: (1) developing learning media by using sparkol videoscribe; (2) knowing the use of learning media develop by using sparkol videoscribe software in increasing the students' learning interest at natural science education subjects. This research method used research and development...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Media Video CD Tutorial on Science-based Learning Multisensory-Ecology to Improve Early Childhood Cognitive Ability

Eka Nilawati, Yaswinda
Science learning which is provided in early childhood can stimulate and improve children's thinking, and bring out the children's’ interest and curiosity. In science learning, children can have various opportunities to understand the universe and environment surrounding them by doing observations, experiments,...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Blended Learning Discussion at University Level

Ulfia Rahmi, Azrul Azrul, Muhammad Adri
As complete learning, discussion in blended learning also requires an evaluation for students’ higher-order thinking skills to find out how the concept works out. Further, discussions in the blended learning environment combine face to face and online learning. The purpose of this study is to evaluate...
Proceedings Article

What Do Millennial Students Need in Studying Materials Layout and Compatibility on Chamilo Platform?

Murti Kusuma Wirasti, Ahkmad Sadek, Oktavia H. Hutagalung
This article is the chunk of the research regarding learning object innovation in Chamilo platform. One of the activities is organizing preliminary test field to prospective users. The objective of this article is clarifying students’ response in learning the materials through Chamilo in term of readability,...
Proceedings Article

Utilization of E-Learning to Improve Students’ Storytelling Skill

R. Andi Ahmad Gunadi, Ansharullah, Zulfitria
Learning with internet facilities (e-learning) conducted in schools is a supporting activity carried out by classroom teachers to complement the conventional learning process. The activity is carried out by teachers who have laptops and mobile phones with internet network signal hotspots. In this study...
Proceedings Article

Ubiquitous Learning for the Assistance System for Competitive Certification in the Field of Informatics

Rangga Firdaus, Basuki Wibawa
Utilization of today's technology in the development and influence with innovation in learning. Improved learning by utilizing various sources of instructional materials, making a changing paradigm of learning increasingly developed. The existence of several internal and external factors in improving...
Proceedings Article

The Problem Analysis of Vocational Students in Writing Simple Sentences in Indonesia

Fitrah Nurul Huda, Mukhaiyar
This is a qualitative study aimed at finding the students problems in one of the regions in West Sumatera. This study also sought to find the cause of the students’ problems. This study used a writing test of 23 tenth grades. The participants were purposively selected. The data were analyzed using the...
Proceedings Article

The Use of QR Code-based Digital Flashcard as a Media for Promotion and Socialization to Increase the Competitiveness of the Creative Economy and Small and Medium Enterprises

Robinson Situmorang, Cecep Kustandi, Santi Maudiarti
The China ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) agreement in 2010 and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 serve as both an opportunity and a challenge for Small Micro Medium Enterprises’ (SMMEs) products in all cities in Indonesia. In order to further increase sales in traditional markets, especially...
Proceedings Article

The Obstacles of Global Education Implementation Based on Art and Culture: A Research Study in SMK Negeri 2 Jepara

Linda Nurul Khusnah, Nurussa’adah
This study aims to find a solution to explain the constraints faced by teachers in the implementation of global education based on art and culture in SMK Negeri 2 Jepara. The research informants are Waka Kurikulum, Head of Wood Craft Skill Program, and 3 woodcraft teachers. Data collection techniques...
Proceedings Article

The Learning Model of INS Kayu Tanam in Instilling the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Pariadi, Yanuar Kiram, Surfyarma Marsidin, A. Muri Yusuf
This research aims to discover several aspects relating to learning model applied in INS Kayu Tanam in inculcating the entrepreneurial spirit, including explaining the procedure of learning model development in INS Kayu Tanam, determining validity, practicality, and effectivity of learning model in INS...
Proceedings Article

The Innovation of Blended Learning in Flipped Classroom Type to Increase Students’ Learning Independence

Cecep Kustandi, R. A. Hirmana Wargahadibrata, Robinson Situmorang
This study aims to develop blended learning in flipped classroom format on HyLearn web of Faculty of Education Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta to encourage optimization students’ in using that web. Faculty of Education Science is one of the faculties that providing e-Learning services. In this research,...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Character Education in Minangkabau Culture in the Primary School of Padang City

Zuwirna, Johari Sihes
Forming characters through noble values is one of the educational goals that are essential to producing a holistic person. The process can be implemented through subjects taught nationally or through local subjects in accordance with the uniqueness of their respective areas. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

The Impacts of Self-Esteem Development to Children from a Broken Home Family

Meisa Suci Arma, Yaswinda
Early childhood education involved parents and teachers to design a better and conducive learning process. The intensive attention of parents and teachers can develop the self-esteem of a child. Self-Esteem is an emotional evaluation that includes the aspect of feeling of a child about his situation/condition....
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Flipped Classroom towards Students’ Writing Ability of Recount Text in Senior High School in Indonesia

Lena Sastri, Desvalini Anwar
The flipped classroom can be a solution to teach English in this digital era especially in teaching writing for students in senior high school. By applying a flipped classroom, the English teachers have a lot of time to interact with the students in the classroom because of the materials sent through...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Multicultural Education Model through the Application of Local Content Curriculum in South Sulawesi

Arnidah, Citra Rosalyn Anwar, Andromeda Valentino Sinaga
This paper deals with the development of multicultural education model on school’s local content curriculum in order to help preserve the culture of the region including crafts, skills that generate economic value in the region, and provided supplies skills to live in society. Multicultural learning...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Augmented Reality-based Learning Media to the Introduction of Computer Course in Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padang

Septriyan Anugrah, Refiona Andika, Nofri Hendri
Education is one of the solutions to increase human capabilities in science and technology. Yet, there has been a contradiction in its implementation where the learning process is still delivered through manual books so the process cannot reach its optimum learning goal maximally. This is caused by the...
Proceedings Article

Inhibiting Factors of Online Learning in the Faculty of Education, State University of Jakarta

Retno Widyanigrum, Diana Ariani, Kunto Imbar
Abstract Less than 20 lecturers have had accounts and developed learning from a total of 104 lecturers. The quantity and quality of faculty of education lecturers who develop network-based learning at are still very low. It is very unfortunate that the facilities provided...
Proceedings Article

The Innovation and the Role of Educational Technology in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era

The industrial revolution 4.0 has triggered the emergence of innovation in the field of educational technology. Various types of future needs of digital and virtual-based jobs will color the lives of future communities. The World Economic Forum report estimates that 65% of children entering primary school...
Proceedings Article

Instructional Model of Group Investigation by Using Facebook in Improving Student’s Reasoning on Geography Subject

Sumanti, Z. Mawardi Effendi, Ridwan, Festiyed, Ahman Sya
Abstract The causes factor that influence students problems are learning resources and instructional model applied have not provided opportunities for students to construct their knowledge. Based on these conditions, the Facebook-assisted group investigation model was developed to improve students'...
Proceedings Article

Integration of Information Technology and Communication on ICT Subject in the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Junior High School

Winanda Amilia, Mutiara Felicita Amsal, Hade Afriansyah
The curriculum carried out at every level of education should lead students to have moral and cultural values, various fields of science and the application of technology, skills, which in the end will make students into human beings with character. Mastery of technology is one of the most important...
Proceedings Article

Interactive Media Design based on Inquiry for Early Age Children

Abna Hidayati, Alwen Bentri
Learning in early childhood requires a variety of media, one of which is the existence of interactive media. Phenomenon in the field shows a lot of interactive media that are not in accordance with the needs of early childhood. The purpose of this study was to find inquiry-based interactive media designs...
Proceedings Article

Improving the Early Childhood’s Reading Readiness by Using Malay Folklore Pictures Media

Rita Kurnia, Guslinda, Maria Syafrianti
The objective of this research was to improve the early childhood reading readiness at TK Pembina Negeri Tualang Kabupaten Siak, Riau Indonesia. This classroom action research used 19 (5-6 years old) early childhood students as the research participants on the process of two cycles. The results of two...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Life Satisfaction of Domestic Violence Victims through the Role of Supporting Group Therapy on Social Media

A. Afdal, A. Arnaldi, Herman Nirwana, A. Alizamar, Z. Zikra, Asmidir Ilyas, M. Fikri
Women victims of domestic violence can experience dissatisfaction in their lives. This condition is in dire need of help and support from the closest people, such as family, friends, and the living environment and outermost environment that also experience similar conditions either through direct or...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis for Learning Journals App to Identify Learning Styles

Syafril, Ulfia Rahmi, Aina Almardiyah
This study is purposed to estimate the proportion of students' needs for a learning journal application that can detect learning styles. Learning styles can optimize learning achievement because individuals can learn in the right way with their learning styles. Learning journal applications can be used...
Proceedings Article

Play Traffic Simulation in interactive Surfaceplay Traffic Simulation in Interactive Surface for Early Childhood Education

Yerry Soepriyanto, Dio Lingga Purwodani
Playing traffic simulation is a multimedia software that provides early childhood learning activities in the classroom to instill traffic discipline especially in early childhood. The software is run by a computer and the resulting image is a road simulation along with traffic signs that are projected...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis of Developing Digital-Based Promotional Media Designs for the Dissemination of Indonesian Marathon Athlete Profiles

Hamdan Syafril Sayuti
Many people are not too familiar with the profile of a marathon athlete who has succeeded in the championship inside and outside the country. The purpose of this research is to know the achievements that the Indonesian marathon runners have achieved. The type of research used is a type of qualitative...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of Adaptive and Responsive Educators Levels in Utilizing E-Resource Digital Literacy in the Era of the Indonesian Revolution 4.0 Through E-Modules

The life system in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 will be dominated by a digital system called IoT (Internet of Things). This change will certainly change the behavior of components in all fields including education. As the main actor in education, it is necessary to carry out adaptive and responsive...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Teachers' Professional Competence toward Students' Learning Motivation at SMAN 1 North Siberut Mentawai Islands

Salman M. Noer
This research was motivated by the low level of professional competence of teachers to ward students' motivation in the learning process at State Senior High School 1 (SMAN 1) North Siberut Mentawai Islands. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the relationship of professional competence...
Proceedings Article

Semantic Thinking Guide Uses Learning Design Principles in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn for Lecturers

Kunto Imbar, Diana Ariani, Retno Widyaningrum
The purpose of this study was to produce Microlearning regarding the development of the Semantic Thinking Guide Using the Principles of Learning Design in Developing Course-Sites in Hylearn For Lecturers. The flow of this research uses the Rapid Prototyping model as a research reference, while Rapid...

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Students’ Perception of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trangender (LGBT)

S. Neviyarni, Netrawati, Riska Ahmad, Wiwi Delfita
This article ( The Publisher has retracted this article because the authors were not able to confirm whether they received approval from an appropriate ethics committee to conduct this study. The authors did not respond to correspondence from the Publisher...
Proceedings Article

Students' Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar

Ence Surahman, Dedi Kuswandi, Sulthoni, Agus Wedi, Zahid Zufar at Thaariq
The aims of this paper is describing students perception regarding project based learning model for design and strategy of training program course. Design and strategy of training program course is a compulsory course for Educational Technology students. The students are expected to be able to design...
Proceedings Article

Students’Awareness Towards People with Special Needs and Implication of Its Learning Technology Development

Grahita Kusumastuti, Arisul Mahdi, Rila Muspita
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the level of students’ awareness towards people with special needs in inclusive school and to develop the awareness learning technology towards people with special needs. Questionnaires survey was conducted on 115 undergraduate students in Padang. The survey...
Proceedings Article

A Study on Understanding Level of Elementary School Teacher on Pedagogic Skill in Implementing 2013 Curriculum in Bengkulu City

Wachidi, Badeni, Mohammad Kristiawan
The specific purpose of this study was to find out Elementary School (ES) teachers’ understanding level of pedagogic competency in implementing 2013 curriculum in Bengkulu City. This study use descriptive analytic approach study method. It was because this study aims to describe the understanding level...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Augmented Reality Media for Physics Subject in Learning Optical Devices Material At SMK Multimedia

Andi Kristanto, C. A. P. Rahayu, S. C. Wibawa
This study aims to produce the feasible and effective Augmented Reality media as an effort for problem solving in learning Physics especially in the topic of optical devices. This is due to the teaching-learning process that is dominated by teacher center, while the material for optical devices needs...
Proceedings Article

The Development of Ecosystem Education Game Product to Improve Learning Motivation of 5th Grade Students in Elementary School

Hamsi Mansur, Agus Hadi Utama, Eva Irianti
This study aims to: (1) the development of ecosystem education game product that appropriate for the 5th grade elementary school and (2) the usability of ecosystem education game product to improve the learning motivation of 5th grade students. This study used a procedural research and development model...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Peer Teaching Strategy to Assist Novice Students Coping with Practical Skill Problems in Video Production Course

Mastering some practical skills in video production course has been a challenging assignment to students since there are various skills required and there is no adequate time to learn it. So, there should be a constructive procedure to understand the conceptual materials and skills at the same time....
Proceedings Article

Physical Education and Health Sports (PEHS) Learning Model through Investment Group Online in Digital Era

Khairul Bukhari, Z. Mawardi Effendi, Jalius Jama
This study aimed to develop a physical education and health sports (PEHS) learning model through investment group online in the digital era, practical and effective. This study is a research and development (research and development) is the research which was followed by the development of education....
Proceedings Article

Challenges and Commitments to Implementation of Full-Day School in Banjarmasin

Hamsi H. Mansur, Agus Hadi Utama, Mastur
This study focuses on the description of the challenges and implementation of full-day schools in Banjarmasin, then a description of the commitment and implementation of long-term full-day school in Banjarmasin. The challenges and commitments to implement a full-day school in Banjarmasin cover: SD IT...
Proceedings Article

Teacher's Interpretation of the Urgency of Learning Media based on Information and Communication Technology in the Senior High School

Winanda Amilia, Mutiara Felicita Amsal
Technology mastery is one of the most important competencies for teachers. In Permendiknas Number 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher Competencies, there are four competencies that must be mastered by teachers, two of which are pedagogic and professional competencies. Both...
Proceedings Article

Educational Innovations: Online Learning by Flipped Classroom Method

This study aims to innovate in mathematics based online learning at Taiwan Open University. This campus created by the Indonesian government aims to solve the problem of education in Indonesia. The number of Indonesian people who do not get the opportunity to study at a university. One factor is economic...
Proceedings Article

Development of Blended Learning for Optimization Courses in Education Technology Master Program

Eveline Siregar, Dedy Aswan
The purpose of this study is to develop blended learning in order to optimize the Instructional Design courses in the Educational Technology Master's Study Program. The use of appropriate learning model is absolutely necessary so the optimal learning results can be achieved properly. The methodology...
Proceedings Article

How Do Teachers Perceive Modern Instruction? An Online Survey to Pre-Service and in-Service Teachers

Uwes Anis Chaeruman, Totok Bintoro, Hartoto, Santi Maudiarti
Modern instruction in today’s era is actually about appropriate integration of technology in teaching and learning. It is very important to promote 21st century skills of students. Therefore, teachers should be able to use technology appropriately to improve the opportunity of students to learn and at...
Proceedings Article

Development of the Blended Learning Model On Web-based Learning Course

Fiqri Soniawan, Z. Mawardi Effendi, Darmansyah
The blended learning model of learning courses Web-Based Learning to improve activities, learning outcomes and formulate the process of developing a blended learning model of learning PBW courses that are valid, practical and effective. This study uses the AIDM model which includes the analysis stage...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Flipped Classroom Model to Strengthening Students’ Social Engagement and Its Relation with Students’ High Order Thinking Performance

Zelhendri Zen, Syamsuar
The aims of this research were to analyze the Implementation of flipped classroom model in quantitative method teaching to strengthen students’ social engagement toward their ability in High Order Thinking (HOT). This study used an experimental-quantitative research with survey methods. Sample of this...
Proceedings Article

Development of Counseling Program Online Resilience in the Face of the Digital Age

Ardimen, S. Neviyarni, Firman
The development of digital technology is a challenge in life, especially for students. Digital technology in addition to its many benefits for the learning process also provides information and examples of a moral behavior and is contrary to values, social norms and religion. Student interaction is no...
Proceedings Article

Constructivist Learning Model Using Portal Rumah Belajar for Primary School Student

Silvi Hevria
Students need to be equipped with Critical Thinking, Creative, Collaboration and Communication competencies known as 4C Competence in facing the challenges of life today. This competencies must start from elementary school level students. In order for students to have these competencies, learning in...
Proceedings Article

Development of Web-Based Materials Using Moodle Applications in E-Learning System

Nofri Hendri, Septriyan Anugrah
Development of teaching materials is done as an effort to solve student learning problems, where there are some of them are less active follow the learning, so that impact on student learning outcomes are less than optimal. This study aims to produce web-based instructional products on a valid and practical...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of Learning in The Era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

Niko Sudibjo, Lusiana Idawati, HG Retno Harsanti
Global developments and its dynamics in the era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 have had an impact on the education sector in Indonesia, especially in the changing characteristics of learning. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of learning in the era of Industry 4.0 and Society...
Proceedings Article

Improving Midwifery Students’ Reading Comprehension of ESP Text through Real and Carrier Contents at STIKes of Dharma Land Bouw Padang

Jamaris, M. Zaim, Ratmanida
Midwifery students get the difficulty in comprehending the reading text of ESP, as they still have problem to determine several information in the reading text. It is caused by low synchronized reading text given by an English lecturer to midwifery students so general that the problem itself could be...
Proceedings Article

Framing Media About Lesbians: Preliminary Analysis Regarding Psychological Impacts and the Role of Counselors

Afdal, Maysitoh, Herman Nirwana, Alizamar, Ifdil, Zadrian Ardi, Asmidir Ilyas, Z. Zikra, I Sukmawati, M. Fikri
Today the role of media is so important in the process of disseminating information. The increasingly rapid development of media provides easy access for the society. Media in conveying information has a strategy in leading public opinion; this strategy is called framing. Framing is the way the media...
Proceedings Article

Premarital Counseling: Opportunities and Challenges in industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

Afdal, E. Wulandari, Herman Nirwana, Alizamar, I Sukmawati
The influence of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution has a devastating impact on the life changing of social and cultural societies. The change in the presence of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution does present new employment but at the same time there is a work that is threatened by machines, artificial intelligence...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of the Causes of Cyberbullying: Preliminary Studies on Guidance and Counseling Media

Nurfarhanah, Afdal, W Andriani, Syahniar, Mudjiran, Daharnis, Alizamar, Z. Zikra
Teen interaction in cyberspace tends to have an element of intimidation, this action is known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has been very worrying lately, which has an impact on the development of adolescent character and can lead to uncomfortable behavior. The causes of cyberbullying include internal...
Proceedings Article

Infographic Media in Shaping the Youth’s Critical Thinking Ability to Cope with Social Conflict in the Age of Digital Technology

Triana Rejekiningsih
The massive and fast transmission of information turned to be a dilemmatic problem to our young generation of today. Having the ability to present intact and interesting information is even a demand for people living in the era of digital technology. This study aims to seek out infographic media design...
Proceedings Article

Improving Students’ Learning interest and Outcome through STAD Cooperative Learning Model at SDN 8 Elementary School Kwandang of North Gorontalo Regency

Hamzah B. Uno, Keysar Panjaitan, Nina Lamatenggo
The objective of this study is to improve students’ learning interest and outcome in the topic of earth structure at grade V of Elementary School SDN 8 Kwandang, North Gorontalo Regency by using Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) cooperative learning model. The study involved 26 students as the...
Proceedings Article

Define The Scope and Identify Learner Characteristics Computer Based Test (CBT) for Junior High School Students in Makassar

H. Nurhikmah, Abdul Hakim, Awaluddin Muin, Hartoto, Abdul Malik Ramli
This research aims to develop computer based test (CBT) application for junior high school students in the city of Makassar in effort to resolve various obstacles in the implementation of Computer-based National Test (UNBK) and as a simulation media of the test implementation for junior high school students....
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Computer Knowledge for Teachers

Meldi Ade Kurnia Yusri
This research is motivated by many teachers who have no knowledge at all about how to operate a computer. This real situation the writer obtained from observations to several groups of teachers that the author met in various activities in different places. The purpose of the author discusses this problem,...
Proceedings Article

Need Analysis of Development of Principal Performance Assessment Model Based on MySQL Software

Zulkifli, Sufyarma Marsidin, Rusdinal, Mudjiran
The career path of principal is largely determined by the level of performance achievement in leading the school, therefore it is necessary to have relevant performance assessment media in accordance with the demands of 4.0. This study was conducted to develop a principal performance assessment model...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of beginner Teacher Induction Program (PIGP) in City of Solok

Yeni Deswita
The focus of this study is the Implementation of the Induction Program for Elementary School Teachers in Solok City. The core of the problem is the ineffectiveness of the Beginner Teacher Induction Program (PIGP) for Solok City Elementary School teachers. This study uses a qualitative method. Guidance...
Proceedings Article

Effectivenes of Patient-based Group Therapy Design on the Adolescent Anxiety of Victims of Homosexual Pedophilia

Mudjiran, Duryati, Yarmis Syukur, Zakwan Adri, Yuninda Tria Ningsih, Rinaldi
The Victims of pedophilia gain a painful emotional experience of the act of pedophilia and cause victims to experience anxiety. It is necessary to develop new interventions in overcoming such anxiety through patient-based group therapy. This study aims to look at the effectiveness of patient-based group...