Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018)

259 authors
Improving Students Public Speaking Skill through Instagram
Improving Students Public Speaking Skill through Instagram
Abdurahman, Abdurahman
Effect of The Use of Cooperative Learning Approach Type Think Pair Share And Students Interest In Reading Towards Students Skill In Writing Observation Report Text
Abdurahman, Abdurahman
Multicultural Values in Indonesian Children Story
Afrilia, Vani
Representation of Education And Government In The Speech of Minister of Education And Ri Culture On National Education Day, 2 May 2018
Afrinaldi, Afrinaldi
The Type of Paired Synonym of Intransitive Verbs ke-an in Indonesian
Agustina, Agustina
Practical Utilization of ICT in Adult Language Learning: Challenges and Barriers
Agustina, Agustina
Developing an Instructional Model Assisted Audio Visual Media
Agustina, Agustina
Teaching with Adult Learners: Peer-Assessment Software in Translation and Interpretation
Agustina, Agustina
Culture of Literacy through Dongeng Text as Efforts to Improve Student Character in Islamic Primary School Khaira Ummah
Agustina, Agustina
Politeness Communication of officials in West Sumatra: Review of Principles of Politeness and Principles of Cooperation Perspective
Agustina, Agustina
Lexical Cohesion Grammatical Markers in Scientific Papers
Agustina, Agustina
Violation Principles by Politicians in the Discourse of Jakarta Election 2017 at Online Portal News
Agustina, Agustina
Manifestation of Religious Ideology in Public Comments on the Discourse of The 2017 Jakarta Election News in Social Media
Amalia, Nadra
The Management of School Libraries Muhammadiyah
Amelia, Siska
The Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Type TPS and Reading Habits Toward Skills in Writing Short Story Reviews Text
Amelia, Witra
Persuasive Speech in Propaganda Sponsorship of Prospective Customers Q. Net Infinite
Amir, Amril
The Contribution of National Examination Score Indonesia Language in High School and Reading Strategies toward Students Reading Comprehension Skill in Universitas Negeri Padang
Ananda, Refisa
Oral Literature and Development of West Sumatra: Reconstructing the Minangkabau Cultural Values through Role and Position of Women in Kaba at Dendang Pauah Show
Apriyanti, Difiani
Improving Students Public Speaking Skill through Instagram
Arief, Darnis
The Effect of Using Animated Media Films and Entering Behavior to Narrative Writing Skill in Indonesian Language Learning Class V
Arief, Ermawati
Development of Authentic Assessment Learning Model in Achieving Skill of Literary Text: A Strategy for Establishment of Young Generation Character
Arief, Ermawati
Utilization of Indirect Speech Act In Kick Andy Talk Show as Learning Skill for Interviewer
Arief, Ermawati Arief
Representation of Education And Government In The Speech of Minister of Education And Ri Culture On National Education Day, 2 May 2018
Aryana, Putra Manik
The Analysis of Sentences Structure of Students Compositions at Grade VI of Elementary Schools in Bali Province
Asmawati, Asmawati
Representation of Political Tragedy in Cerita Cinta Enrico by Ayu Utami
Asri, Deci
Use of Indonesia Speaks in Newspaper in Kompas.Com
Asri, Yasnur
Development of Writing Exposition Text Materials Based-PBL
Asri, Yasnur
Learning Module Design Writing Argumentative Text Based Problem-Based Learning
Asri, Yasnur
Development of a Learning Module of Writing Debate Text based Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Asri, Yasnur
Increasing Writing Skills in Text Based Short Story (Folklore) through Audio Visual Media
Asri, Yasnur
The Construction of The Role of Women in Indonesia Novels in the 1920s
Asri, Yasnur
Narcisstic Womens Profile in the Trilogy Novel of Si Parasit Lajang By Ayu Utami
Asri, Yasnur
Women’s Resistance towards the Patriarchal Culture System in Geni Jora Novel by Abidah EL Khalieqy and Jalan Bandungan by NH.Dini
Asri, Yasnur
The Portrait of LGBT in Modern Indonesia Novels
Asri, Yasnur
Representation of Political Tragedy in Cerita Cinta Enrico by Ayu Utami
Asri, Yasnur
Representation of Women’s Struggle in Indonesia Contemporary Novels: Liberal-Feminist Studies
Aswita, Darma
Development of Teaching Material for Narrative Writing Using Graphic Organizer Type Circle Organizer in Elementary School
Atmazaki, Atmazaki
Developing Context-Based Reading Materials
Atmazaki, Atmazaki
Development of Context-Based Reading Materials
Atmazaki, Atmazaki
The Development of CTL Based Reading Description Text Learning Material
Atmazaki, Atmazaki
Development of CTL-Based Reading Materials
Auzar, Auzar
Local Wisdom Based on Riau-Malay Language in Kuantan Singingi Regency
Auzar, Auzar
Dysphemism in Speech Lecturer
Azmi, Winda
The Application of Indonesian Spelling and Standard Vocabulary on Facebook: Case Study on the National Political Store
Basri, Irfani
The Role and Position of Bundo Kanduang in Local Color of Minangkabau Contemporary Novels
Bte Rahmat, Hadijah
Love, Faith, Religion and Colonialization: Cultural Insight in Soul of Archipelago Literature
Cenrikawaty, Yuni
The English Teachers’ Management for Genre-Based Writing Instruction in Learning Process of 2013 Curriculum at Senior High School
Chandra W, Dian Eka
The Rhetorical Structure Model Reconstruction of Unaccredited Journal Entries to Become Special Accredited Journal Entris in the Introduction Chapter
Charlina, Charlina
First Language Acquisition: A Case Study of Language Disorders in Children (3 Years Old)
Damaianti, Vismaia S.
Developing Reading Skills and Beginning Writing through Literary Literacy
Darmansyah, Darmansyah
Online Learning Model Development Based on Blended Learning to Increase Activity and Learning Result
Deliati, Deliati
The Management of School Libraries Muhammadiyah
Desriyeni, Desriyeni
Level Literacy of Information Technology Millennial Generation: A Case Study at Student Universitas Negeri Padang
Desriyeni, Desriyeni
The Reconstruction of Local Institution By Using Rolling Book Program To Improve The Economy of Community In Nagari Paninjauan
Dharma, Robby
Reunderstanding and Reconstructing the Form of Folk Belief Statements in Minangkabau Society
Diana, Diana
Representation of Women’s Struggle in Indonesia Contemporary Novels: Liberal-Feminist Studies
Ediwarman, Ediwarman
Does the Writing Argumentative Text Ability Correlate To Writing Motivation and Gramatical Competence?
Ediwarman, Ediwarman
Educational Values In Hujan By Tere Liye As A Literary Teaching Material In Senior High School
Elmustian, Elmustian
Literary Genre in Tapak Lapan Malay Economic System
Elvina, Elvina
Values of the Characters in Riau Folklore for Construction of Children Character in TK Pembina Negeri Rokan Hulu Riau
Elyusra, Elyusra
The Need of Prose Teaching Material for Instructional Resources
Emidar, Emidar
Politeness Communication of officials in West Sumatra: Review of Principles of Politeness and Principles of Cooperation Perspective
Emidar, Emidar
Categories of Legends Folktale of Minangkabau People’s in West Sumatra
Erlianti, Gustina
Security System for Collectio In Library
Ermanto, Ermanto
Politeness Strategies of Minangkabau Speakers in Criticizing based on Their Education Level
Ermanto, Ermanto
Developing an Instructional Model Assisted Audio Visual Media
Ermanto, Ermanto
The Use of Politeness Principle in Teachers Directive Speech Acts on Teaching and Learning Process at SMA Negeri 5 Merangin Jambi Province
Ermanto, Ermanto
Development of Context-Based Reading Materials
Ermanto, Ermanto
The Development of CTL Based Reading Description Text Learning Material
Ermanto, Ermanto
Development of CTL-Based Reading Materials
Ermanto, Ermanto
The Structure of the News Headlines with Education Theme on Padang Ekspres Newspaper In 2015 by Using Van Dijk Model
Ermanto, Ermanto
Politeness Communication of officials in West Sumatra: Review of Principles of Politeness and Principles of Cooperation Perspective
Ermanto, Ermanto
Linguistic Performance of West Sumatera Executive officials in Communicating via Facebook
Ermanto, Ermanto
Lexical Cohesion Grammatical Markers in Scientific Papers
Ermanto, Ermanto
Inclusion of Criminal News In Daily Online Newspaper Haluan Padang: Theo Van Leeuwen Perspective
Ermanto, Ermanto
The Application of Indonesian Spelling and Standard Vocabulary on Facebook: Case Study on the National Political Store
Ermanto, Ermanto
Persuasive Speech in Propaganda Sponsorship of Prospective Customers Q. Net Infinite
Ermanto, Ermanto
Grammatical Cohesion In The Thesis
Ermanto, Ermanto
Use of Indonesia Speaks in Newspaper in Kompas.Com
Ermanto, Ermanto
Emotional Intelligence of Main Children in the Di Tanah Lada Novel
Fahmi, Ridzky Firmansyah
Folktale of Si Layung and Si Kohkol as Water Conservation Media in Multimedia Era
Fahyuan, Daeng Tri
The Development of CTL Based Reading Description Text Learning Material
Faizah, Hasnah
Dysphemism in Speech Lecturer
Faizah Ar, Hasnah
Local Wisdom Based on Riau-Malay Language in Kuantan Singingi Regency
Fanany, Ismet
Literary Nationalism in Indonesia: Modern literature and its Development
Fanany, Rebecca
Language and Well-being
Fatmawati, Riya
Security System for Collectio In Library
Febriana, Noni
Reunderstanding and Reconstructing the Form of Folk Belief Statements in Minangkabau Society
Febriyana, Mutia
The Management of School Libraries Muhammadiyah
Gani, Erizal
The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Model and Motivation towards Skill of Fable Text Writing
Gani, Erizal
The Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Type TPS and Reading Habits Toward Skills in Writing Short Story Reviews Text
Gautama, Rolli
Effect of The Use of Cooperative Learning Approach Type Think Pair Share And Students Interest In Reading Towards Students Skill In Writing Observation Report Text
Hakim, Ramalis
Online Learning Model Development Based on Blended Learning to Increase Activity and Learning Result
Hamidiyah, Aisyah
Does the Writing Argumentative Text Ability Correlate To Writing Motivation and Gramatical Competence?
Hamidiyah, Aisyah
Educational Values In Hujan By Tere Liye As A Literary Teaching Material In Senior High School
Handayani, Witri
Integrated Thematic Context on Contextual Learning Based on English Learning Process in the Fifth Year at As Shofa Islamic Elementary School
Hasanuddin WS, Hasanuddin WS
Maintenance and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Minangkabau People Speak through Figures of Speech
Hasanuddin WS, Hasanuddin WS
Culture of Literacy through Dongeng Text as Efforts to Improve Student Character in Islamic Primary School Khaira Ummah
Hasanuddin WS, Hasanuddin WS
Narcisstic Womens Profile in the Trilogy Novel of Si Parasit Lajang By Ayu Utami