Proceedings of the International Conference of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneur (ICEBE 2022)
193 authors
- Narmaditya, Bagus Shandy
- Local Economic Development Status Mapping (LED) in Srigonco Village, Malang Regency
- Natalelawati, Ignasia
- The Effect of Audite Tenure, KAP’s Reputation and Audite Fee an Audit Quality with the Audit Committee as Moderation Variables
- Nauli, Veninchia Gardenia
- Leveraging Digital Preservation Coalition Rapid Assessment Model on Digital Library Transformation: Conceptual Paper
- Palestrini, Pier
- Trade-In Promotion and Its Effect on Brand Loyalty and New Vehicle Purchase Intention
- Pandjaitan, Dorothy RH.
- Pentahelix-“An Ecotourism Marketing Application” Focuses on the Development of Mobile Application Platform Based on Android and IOS
- Panjaitan, Goklas
- Influencing Student Choice: A Case Study of a Boarding Private University in Indonesia
- Parayow, Bena Apeles Deru
- Factors Affecting Students’ Pro-environmental Behavior for Sustainable Development
- Perdana, Ryzal
- Peer-Review Statements
- Pertiwi, Angelita Titis
- Is the Phillips Curve Valid in Fintech 3.0 Era? An Error Correction Model Approach
- Prasetyo, Tri Joko
- Is Syariah System Better Than the Conventional System in Crisis?
- Prasetyo, Tri Joko
- Indication of Financial Statement Fraud in Companies Experiencing Financial Distress
- Prasetyo, Tri Joko
- The Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Good Corporate Governance on the Timeliness of the Company’s Annual Financial Reports
- Prayitno, Putra Hilmi
- Digital Era for Entrepreneurs: The Role of Social Media and Business Opportunities
- Prayitno, Putra Hilmi
- Local Economic Development Status Mapping (LED) in Srigonco Village, Malang Regency
- Purba, William
- Marketing and Service Strategies Development Using Blue Ocean Strategy and System Dynamics
- Purnamaningsih, Purnamaningsih
- Multichannel Integration, Trust and Repurchase Intention: Antecedent and Its Implications. A Study in the BLP Beauty Product
- Puspita, Harsono Edwin
- Web Based Accounting Information System Application Design with Prototype Method (Study on The National Flagship Cooperative of Prosperous Green Farmers)
- Puspitasar, Aditia Yudis
- University Merger (Systematic Literature Review)
- Putra, Rian Rahmanda
- Analysis of Behavioral Intention Towards the Use of Smart Village Ogan Ilir (SVOI) Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 3 Method
- Putrawan, Gede Eka
- Peer-Review Statements
- Putri, Hasna Atiya
- Regional Financial Performance Before and After Covid-19 Vaccine Policy
- Putri, Lidya Ayuni
- Pentahelix-“An Ecotourism Marketing Application” Focuses on the Development of Mobile Application Platform Based on Android and IOS
- Putri, Widya Rizki Eka
- The Causality Relationship Between Financial Constructs with State Space Model
- Qodri, Lutfi Asnan
- The Dynamic Impact of Rice Production and Harvested Area on Agricultural Product Prices During COVID-19
- Qodri, Lutfi Asnan
- Local Economic Development Status Mapping (LED) in Srigonco Village, Malang Regency
- Rahayu, Nova Putri
- Customer Satisfaction: The Rules of Mediating Effect of Price and Service Quality, A Perspective from Local Tourists
- Rahmah, Nurul Maula
- The Impact of Devidend Policy on Stock Return (Property Sector, and Real Estate 2019–2021)
- Rahman, Robbi Saepul
- Customer Satisfaction: The Rules of Mediating Effect of Price and Service Quality, A Perspective from Local Tourists
- Rahmasari, Liani
- Indication of Financial Statement Fraud in Companies Experiencing Financial Distress
- Rakhmad, Andro Agil Nur
- Strengthening Social Capital Communities in Livestock Management (Case Study: Belung Village)
- Ramelan, Mudji Rachmat
- The Role of Female Online Shoppers’ Emotional Intelligence on Their Shopping Behavior: A Cognition-Affection-Conation Framework
- Ratih, Arivina
- Analysis of the Role of the Agricultural Sector in Indonesia in 2015–2020
- Ratih, Arivina
- Is Multidimensional Poverty Different from Monetary Poverty in Lampung Province?
- Ratih, Arivina
- Analysis of Regional Development Disparity in Indonesia Period 2018–2021
- Renaldy, Reza
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Company Revenue in Coffee Powder Industry at West Lampung District
- Ribhan
- The Effect of Implementation in Covid-19 Protocol and Workload: Nurses’ Performance and Work Motivation as a Mediation Variable in Hospital
- Rinawati, Nenny
- The Impact of Devidend Policy on Stock Return (Property Sector, and Real Estate 2019–2021)
- Rosdyanti, Titin
- The Effect of Implementation in Covid-19 Protocol and Workload: Nurses’ Performance and Work Motivation as a Mediation Variable in Hospital
- Russel, Edwin
- How is the Modeling of the Relationship Between Food Inflation and the Agricultural Sector Composite Stock Price Index with the Statistical Analysis System?
- Salsabila, Aulia Ramadina
- Web Based Accounting Information System Application Design with Prototype Method (Study on The National Flagship Cooperative of Prosperous Green Farmers)
- Saputra, Devis W.
- Influencing Student Choice: A Case Study of a Boarding Private University in Indonesia
- Saputra, Tedy Setiawan
- A Mixed Study into Role of the Internal Audit and Risk Management on the Private Higher Education
- Saragi, Hadi Sutanto
- Marketing and Service Strategies Development Using Blue Ocean Strategy and System Dynamics
- Saraswati, Birgitta Dian
- Is the Phillips Curve Valid in Fintech 3.0 Era? An Error Correction Model Approach
- Septiawan, Trio Yuda
- Peer-Review Statements
- Septiyanti, Ratna
- The Effect of Profitability, Credit Quality and Covid-19 Pandemic on the Amount of Executive Compensation on Banking Companies in Indonesia
- Setiawan, Rudi
- Dividend Pay Out Ratio Policy in LQ-45 Indexed Companies
- Setiawan, Santy
- Professional Accountants' Competency Based on a Sustainable Concept
- Sherlywati
- Factors Affecting Students’ Pro-environmental Behavior for Sustainable Development
- Sidharta, Iwan
- The Impact of Devidend Policy on Stock Return (Property Sector, and Real Estate 2019–2021)
- Sidharta, Iwan
- Customer Satisfaction: The Rules of Mediating Effect of Price and Service Quality, A Perspective from Local Tourists
- Silalahi, Fitriani Tupa R.
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Waiting Time Outpatient BPJS HKBP Balige Hospital
- Silalahi, Fitriani Tupa R.
- Influencing Student Choice: A Case Study of a Boarding Private University in Indonesia
- Simbolon, Ruth Cinta Grace
- Analysis of Factors Affecting Waiting Time Outpatient BPJS HKBP Balige Hospital
- Sondari, Endang
- Go Syariah: Android-Based Application in Gaining Knowledge for MSMEs
- Stanlie, Rocky Ardian
- Making a Difference: The Relationship Between Prosocial Motivation and Social Entrepreneurial Intention, with Creativity in Social Work as a Mediating Variable
- Suade, Yuyun Karystin Meilisa
- Social Media Micro-enterprise: Utilizing Social Media Influencers, Marketing Contents and Viral Marketing Campaigns to Increase Customer Engagement
- Sudiyono, Kristianus Ade
- Leveraging Digital Preservation Coalition Rapid Assessment Model on Digital Library Transformation: Conceptual Paper
- Suhud, Usep
- When Celebrities Sell Cakes: The Influence of Brand and Celebrity Credibility on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions
- Suhud, Usep
- Trade-In Promotion and Its Effect on Brand Loyalty and New Vehicle Purchase Intention
- Sukmasari, Dewi
- Why Accountants Under Pressure Still Be Able to Honest? Experimental Research
- Sumarsono, Hadi
- Local Economic Development Status Mapping (LED) in Srigonco Village, Malang Regency
- Suningsih, Sri
- The Causality Relationship Between Financial Constructs with State Space Model
- Syahid, Syahid
- Go Syariah: Android-Based Application in Gaining Knowledge for MSMEs
- Syaipudin, Usep
- The Effect of Audite Tenure, KAP’s Reputation and Audite Fee an Audit Quality with the Audit Committee as Moderation Variables
- Syaipudin, Usep
- The Influence of Corporate Governance and MD&A on Agency Costs
- Syaipudin, Usep
- The Effect of Profitability, Credit Quality and Covid-19 Pandemic on the Amount of Executive Compensation on Banking Companies in Indonesia
- Syaipudin, Usep
- Determinants of Carbon Emission Disclosure in Corporate Governance Perspective
- Syaipudin, Usep
- Bibliometric Visualization of Research Regarding Performance Measurement System (PMS) During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using VOSviewer
- Tereladze, David
- Mechanisms for Forming Currency- Financial Crises in Developing Markets
- Tiffany, Keshia
- Integrated Web-Based E-Fulfillment Services Information Systems
- Tin, Se
- Professional Accountants' Competency Based on a Sustainable Concept
- Usmawati, Wahyu
- The Effect of Profitability, Credit Quality and Covid-19 Pandemic on the Amount of Executive Compensation on Banking Companies in Indonesia
- Utomo, Prio
- Integrated Web-Based E-Fulfillment Services Information Systems
- Utomo, Prio
- The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy in Developing Student Entrepreneurial Intention: The Role of Resources and Network
- Utomo, Prio
- Leveraging Digital Preservation Coalition Rapid Assessment Model on Digital Library Transformation: Conceptual Paper
- Utomo, Prio
- The Effect of Social Support and Entrepreneurial Education on Entrepreneurial Intention Mediated by Learning Orientation on Students at South Tangerang University
- Utomo, Prio
- Implementation of Software Define-Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) to Improve Efficiency on KGX Logistic Company
- Wafaretta, Vega
- Porter’s and CSR Strategies by Islamic Cooperatives
- Wagiyo
- Implementation of Village Government Work Plan (RKP) in Improving Village Head Performance in Central Lampung
- Wahyudi, Setyo Tri
- The Dynamic Impact of Rice Production and Harvested Area on Agricultural Product Prices During COVID-19
- Wahyuningrum, Widya
- Is the Phillips Curve Valid in Fintech 3.0 Era? An Error Correction Model Approach
- Wardani, Maria Ardiana Kusuma
- Multichannel Integration, Trust and Repurchase Intention: Antecedent and Its Implications. A Study in the BLP Beauty Product
- Widiniarsih, Dewi Mariam
- University Merger (Systematic Literature Review)
- Wijayanti, Novia Nur Arif
- Analysis of Regional Development Disparity in Indonesia Period 2018–2021
- Winarno
- Implementation of Software Define-Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) to Improve Efficiency on KGX Logistic Company
- Wulan, Mutiasari Nur
- Web Based Accounting Information System Application Design with Prototype Method (Study on The National Flagship Cooperative of Prosperous Green Farmers)
- Yohanna, Larisa
- Go Syariah: Android-Based Application in Gaining Knowledge for MSMEs
- Yuliana, Mita
- Procyclicality Credit in Indonesian Banking Sector
- Yuliansyah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Yuliawan, Dedy
- How is the Modeling of the Relationship Between Food Inflation and the Agricultural Sector Composite Stock Price Index with the Statistical Analysis System?
- Yusup, Maulana
- The Impact of Devidend Policy on Stock Return (Property Sector, and Real Estate 2019–2021)
- pratiwi, Dian
- Implementation of Village Government Work Plan (RKP) in Improving Village Head Performance in Central Lampung