Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing of Law: Business Law, Local Wisdom and Tourism Industry” (ICCLB 2023)

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162 articles
Proceedings Article

Responsibility of Tourism Place Management for Tourist Safety

Luh Putu Suryani
Bali is a tourism destination that is very well known by tourists. Many tourism business actors open tourist destinations without regard to security and safety for tourists. This study examines the responsibilities of tourist attraction managers in the event of an accident and legal protection for tourist...
Proceedings Article

Development of Ecotourism Potential Through Strengthening New Marga, Tabanan-Bali Traditional Villages and The Existence of Tourism Law in Bali Culture

Made Bagoes Wiranegara Wesna
The village is the oldest autonomous region before the existence of a wider coordination area such as a kingdom or government. The Law No. 6 of 2014 Concerning Villages stipulates that villages have the right of origin and customary rights to control and manage the interests of the local community. The...
Proceedings Article

Legal Aspects of Social Change in Cybercrime Relationships

Marsudi Utoyo, Inka Verandera Nugraha
Human nowadays stay at modern civilization which depends to everything to be fast, efficient, and effective. Based to the rapid changes in the Times according to science and technology’s development we have entered the modern era with all of digital things hard knick knacks, which included the time loss...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Information Technology Development on Implementation of Employment Relations

Masidin Masidin, Mustakim Mustakim, Cucuk Endratno, Anisa Puspasari
The current rapid advancement of information technology has exerted a significant impact on several aspects of society, particularly in the realm of employment, specifically pertaining to the execution of labor relations. Law Number 13 of 2003, along with its subsequent amendments, serves as the regulatory...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Regional Government Authority on Mining Business Permits Post Presidential Regulation Number 55 of 2022 Concerning Delegation of Authority in the Management of Mineral and Coal Mining

Melani Darman, Indah Riyanti
The mining business is a business that has the most layers of regulations. This is because in addition to the various types of mining, it is also because the mining processing process is so complex. Judging from the legal review, the mining regime has experienced very significant changes. At that time,...
Proceedings Article

Criminal Liability for Unlawful Actions in The Utilization of Artificial Intelligence

Mimin Mintarsih, Farhana FarhAna, Ratna Galuh Manika Trisista
The use of Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve quality and time efficiency in terms of completing various types of work. Indirectly AI can take over human actions and deeds. However, it is often misused and creates victims such as fraud and counterfeiting. This is a legal problem because it causes...
Proceedings Article

Regulation and Implementation of Punishment for Perpetrators of Domestic Vilence (Case Study at the Dili District Court)

Mirela Maria Ribeiro Guterres
The problem of domestic violence is a form of crime that insults and tarnishes human dignity. Domestic violence can be categorized as a type of crime against humanity. Concerning domestic violence as a crime, it is regulated in the Timor-Leste State Law, No. 7 of 2010 concerning the Eradication of Domestic...
Proceedings Article

Good Governance Substance Principle on Digital Based Public Services in DKI Jakarta

Mohammad Ryan Bakry
The public service developed in DKI Jakarta through a digital ecosystem, its main value is as an innovation in public services. In the context of the Covid 19, digital-based public services are considered more dynamic, but on the other hand there is also the potential for stagnation, especially during...
Proceedings Article

Human Rights Perspective in Guaranteeing Community Opinion Rights Against Mining Crimes (Illegal Mining)

Muh. Fachri Said, Muh. Fauzi Ramadhan, Mariam Mgeladze
The government's enthusiasm for enacting Law no. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, Mineral and Coal chapter, is that it can stimulate investment, create jobs and improve the business climate in Indonesia. This legislation has experienced significant dynamics since it was passed in 2020. There...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection in the Application of Fintech in the Digital Age for MSMEs Modernization

Muhadi Muhadi, Hairudin Hairudin, Intan Oktaria, Ira Adelita
The era of digitalization, also known as Industrial Revolution 4.0, has brought about a growth in innovation that has made everything that people need feel more efficient, current, and modern. Because of the benefits and conveniences that come with going digital, nations are fighting to establish the...
Proceedings Article

The Law of Partnership in Oil Palm Plantation: Historical, Regulatory, and Tourism Industry Perspectives

Muhammad IhSan
This study aims to analyze the nature of partnership in oil palm plantation from the historical perspective of oil palm plantation partnership. The method used in this study is normative juridical method with statutory approach and case approach. The research questions that will be discussed in this...
Proceedings Article

The Idea of Requiring Mediation Outside of Court in Realizing Simple Principles, Fast and Low Cost

Mustakim Mustakim, Mas Subagyo Eko Prasetyo, Alma Rifana Salsabila
It is mandatory for judges, parties, or their attorneys to mediate cases in court according to Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation (PERMA RI) Number 1 of 2016 about Mediation Procedures in Court. The reality that court-based mediation is not operating at peak efficiency. Furthermore,...
Proceedings Article

The Need of New Curriculum Policy to Develop Students’ Self-Efficacy

Nanda Octavia
The Indonesian education system regulates only two credits systems for English class in tertiary education level. Yarsi University manages the two credits to equip students with basic-English, academic skills, and job-hunting skills into extra-curricular classes. The biggest concern is to train students...
Proceedings Article

The Challenges for Gig Workers: New Regulation for New Business Transition

Nelly Ulfah Ar, Liza Evita, Evie Rachmawati, Dodik P. Wijaya
This research project explores two important questions: (1) What entitlements should be granted to gig and platform workers as their basic social protection? After having outlined the minimum basic rights that platform workers should have (2) How should countries prioritize and design a decent regulation...
Proceedings Article

The Legal Standing of Sole Proprietership As A Taxable Subject

Ni Kadek Suarsiningsih, I. Made Arjaya
One of the government's initiatives to support the growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and boost the economy of the country is the implementation of the Job Creation Law. A new law brought about by the Job Creation Law is the creation of a Sole Proprietorship, a unique limited...
Proceedings Article

The Contribution of Levy Rates in Tourism in the Increase Regional Revenue in Bali (Tourism Law Perspective)

Ni Kadek Wiwin Krisnawati
This paper examines how tourism levies contribute to increasing regional revenues. Bali as a tourist destination should contribute to improving the welfare of the community. Thus, efforts are needed to maximize income from the tourism sector while still paying attention to environmental aspects and social...
Proceedings Article

Digital Management of Traditional Cultural Expressions: Why It is Needed in the Context of Gaining the Benefit-Sharing

Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, Putu Aras Samsithawrati, Putri Triari Dwijayanthi
He success of inventorying, recording, and issuing of Recording Letters for Traditional Cultural Expressions works as part of Communal Intellectual Property from Bali is still accompanied by challenges. Those are uploading and commercialization of Communal Intellectual Property works documentation as...
Proceedings Article

Law Enforcement Against Villa Licensing in Badung Regency

Ni Komang Monica Christin Dani, Wayan Rideng
This research examines law enforcement related to licensing in Badung Regency, that a permit is an administrative law device used by the government to control its citizens. The existence of licensing activities carried out by the government in essence is to create conditions that development activities...
Proceedings Article

The Function of Legal Theory in Forming of the Regional Regulation in the Investment Sector Based on Electronic Transactions

Ni Made Jaya Senastri, Made Wiryani, Ni Komang Arini Styawati
The increase of investment fraud on the internet that is loss to the community and to the regions, marked by the number of cases of complaints to the OJK being handled by the Regional Investment Alert Task Force. Law Number 23 of 2014 stipulates that Investment is a mandatory government affair which...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Dharma Abadi Village, Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) in Apuan Village to Increase Village Genuine Income Through Drinking Water Management

Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti, A. A. Sagung Laksmi Dewi, Luh Putu Suryani
The policy of implementing local government has experienced dynamic development during Indonesia's independence. A paradigm change in governance from centralized to decentralized marked the opening of this. Giving regional governments the power to exercise autonomy from the central government is...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris) in Buying and Sale Transactions in the Denpasar Traditional Market

Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti, Ni Putu Laksmi Krisnina Maharani, Ida Ayu Kartika Indrawan, I Ketut Suliwa Catur Sastradi
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the Indonesian Standard Quick Response Code (QRIS) in buying and selling transactions at the Denpasar People’s Market. The development of the Indonesian industry will experience many changes, one of which is in the field of payments that use non-cash...
Proceedings Article

Law Enforcement Against Perpetrators of Human Trafficking Crimes

Ni Made Sukaryati Karma, Desak Gde Dwi Arini, Kade Richa Mulyawati
Any act that involves transferring, smuggling, coercion, threats, kidnapping, deception, or tricking someone into forced work—such as forced prostitution, labor slavery, debt entanglement, or other slavery practices—is classified as human trafficking. Any act that involves transferring, smuggling, coercion,...
Proceedings Article

Franchise Dispute Resolution Through International Arbitration

Ni Nyoman Muryatini, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi, Kade Richa Mulyawati
Franchising is a method of product and service distribution that allows an independent business owner (the franchisee) to purchase the right to market goods and services under a parent company’s brand name and to use the franchisor’s operational network of outlets. The concept of resolution of franchise...
Proceedings Article

Control of Coastal Land by Foreigners Through the Land Mafia and Its Implications for Tourism Business in Bali

Ni Nyoman Sri Puspadewi, I Nyoman Sujana
This essay undertakes an analysis of the phenomenon of “Control of Coastal Land by Foreigners Through the Land Mafia” and its potential implications for the tourism industry in Bali. This essay centres on the examination of the legal dimensions pertaining to the control of coastal land by foreign individuals...
Proceedings Article

Legal Certainty for Investors in Condotel Ownership to Support Sustainable Tourism Accommodation

Ni Nyoman Sukariati
Legal certainty is essential for attracting foreign investment and promoting sustainable tourism development. The current legal framework for condotel ownership in Indonesia is not clear, which is a major obstacle to investment in condotels. This paper argues that the reforms to the legal framework for...
Proceedings Article

Criminal Sanctions Against Justice collaborators in the Crime of Premeditated Murder

Ni Putu Ayu Mandalay Shasa Alba ChIara, A. A. Sagung Laksmi Dewi
Criminal sanctions as a means of criminal politics must be based on reasons or bases that can be accounted for philosophically, juridically, and sociologically. The crime of premeditated murder is a crime of murder that is preceded by a murder plan. In the Indonesian legal system, there is a term called...
Proceedings Article

Driving Digital Business Growth: Pursuing Harmonization Between Technological Advancements and Tax Regulations

Novriansyah Novriansyah, Nurfi Irwanda, Bambang Bambang
The rapid advancement of technology has dramatically transformed the business landscape, particularly in the context of digital business involving various business models such as digital platforms, digital product sales, and online advertising. However, the existing tax regulations are not fully aligned...
Proceedings Article

Digital Proofing as a Legal Reform in the Court

Nur Aida, Muhani Jibi, Fatimah Mursyid
The 2010–2035 Court Update Blueprint outlines the Supreme Court’s goal of establishing a cutting-edge judicial system built on integrated information technology. Utilizing Electronic Justice (E-Court) has made it possible for the Supreme Court of Indonesia to fulfill its goal of becoming a preeminent...
Proceedings Article

Tourism Village Management by Village Owned Enterprises in Business Legal Perspective

Nur Sulistyo Budi Ambarini, Ema Septaria, M. Yamani
This research aims to analyze the legal relationships that exist in managing tourist villages by Village-Owned Enterprises from a business law perspective. Village tourism is developing a village’s economic potential in the tourism sector. Village-owned enterprises as socio-economic institutions drive...
Proceedings Article

Asset Recovery of State Financial Losses in the Corruption of Tourism Grants

Nur Syamsi Tajriyani, Rebecca Mariana Angelina Girsang, Gunawan Gunawan, Ferdinand Joseph Paruhum Situmorang
The state’s finances are severely harmed by crimes committed in the tourism industry, such as those involving grants for the growth of the industry that were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this research is to examine the legal ramifications of the state repaying money lost due to...
Proceedings Article

Functions of the State in the Implementation of Social Responsibility by State-Owned Enterprises

Nurhaedah Nurhaedah, Marif Marif, Rizki Ramadhani, Jasmariar
State-owned enterprises are required to implement corporate social responsibility in accordance with economic democracy, which is founded on the principles of unity, efficiency, justice, sustainability, independence, and maintaining a balance between progress and national economic unity. This necessitates...
Proceedings Article

A Legal Analysis of Mining Industry Licence and Mining Impact for the Community in Bungku Pesisir Subdistrict, Morowali Regency

Nurhidayah Nurhidayah, Wahyuni Idrus, Arif Maulana
The goal of the ratification of Law No. 3 of 2020 regarding Amendments to Law No. 4 of 2009 regarding Mineral and Coal Mining is to maximise state revenue and protect ecosystems from uncontrolled environmental damage. This is essential in the mining management process so that this industry can contribute...
Proceedings Article

The Principle of Equal Treatment and Non-Discriminatory Country of Origin in The Regulation of Strengthening Competitiveness for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises in The Maritime and Fishery Sector

Nurul Fajri Chikmawati
This research raises the issue of applying the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination between countries of origin in various laws and regulations drafted with the aim of increasing business competitiveness in the marine and fisheries sector in Indonesia. Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment...
Proceedings Article

Increasing Intangible Assets Value for the Balinese Community Through the Protection of Communal Intellectual Property of Traditional Cultural Expressions and Geographical Indications

Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna
Comparatively speaking to other forms of intellectual property, which are owned exclusively by individuals, communal intellectual property is owned by groups. Since culture is what gives a group or community its identity, communal intellectual property is a traditional cultural heritage that must be...
Proceedings Article

Application of First to File System Principles in Resolution of Trademark Disputes in Indonesia (Case Study Ms Glow Against Ps Glow)

Putu Ratih Aprillia, Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna, I Made Arjaya
This article analyzes the application of the first to file system principle in resolving trademark disputes in Indonesia (Case study of MS GLOW against PS GLOW). A mark may not have the same principal as another trademark in line with Law Number 20 of 2016 respecting Trademarks and Geographical Indications....
Proceedings Article

The Role and Position of a Property Trading Brokerage Companies in Marketing Agency Activity

Putu Ratna Nindita Andayani
A property trading intermediary company has a position only as an intermediary so that full responsibility remains with the property owner. In marketing activities, this type of company must make a written standard agreement with the assignor that leads to justice for the parties to the agreement as...
Proceedings Article

Evaluation of the Application of Mining Business License (Iup) Regulations - After the Enactment of Law Number 3 of 2020

Resmaya Agnesia Mutiara Sirait, Samuel Marpaung, Yenny Aman Serah, Rini Setiawati, Ivan Wagner Bakara
Mining business activities have a significant role in making a real contribution to increasing national income and regional development. Local governments’ ability to participate in mining business licensing activities is governed by Law Number 4 of 2009. However, the ability of local governments to...
Proceedings Article

Copyright in the Digital Age in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Indonesia

Ritawati Ritawati, Raihan Raihan, Otom Mustomi, Mudakir Iskandar Syah
In the General Arrangement of Article 1 of the Intellectual Property Law number 28 of 2014, what is meant by Copyright is the creator’s elective right that arises consequently based on the standard of revelation after a Creation is recognized in substantial structure without prejudice to such limitations...
Proceedings Article

The Constitutionality of Indonesian Mining Law Reform

Rosmini, Haris Retno Susmiyati, Rahmawati Hidayah, Zainuddin Zainuddin, Syifa Nur Aini
Mining extraction in Indonesia has been carried out from the new order to the reformation, with the consequence that thousands of mining licenses have been issued, causing environmental crises and casualties. That is through the dynamics of licensing authority arrangements which still cause controversy....
Proceedings Article

Inconsistency in Acceptance of Trademarks with Generic Words

Rr.Aline Gratika Nugrahani
The generic words as a registered mark often become a dispute when it is used by another party. Court decided several decisions trademark lawsuit of general words. The trademark office reject it when it is applied to registration trademark system based upon the use of generic word. Ironically, there...
Proceedings Article

The Implications of Making the Behaviors of Foreign Tourists Containing Pornographic Elements Viral Against the Tourism Industry of Bali

Safira Widya Attidhira, Armansyah Armansyah
The Island of Bali as a main tourism destination in Indonesia have attracted international attention, with the increasing number of foreign tourists after the pandemic. Along with that, the behaviors of foreign tourists which can potentially breaking the law such as behaviors which are against the local...
Proceedings Article

Legal Aspects in the Investment Opportunity Map for the Development of Soybean Cultivation in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Sawitri Yuli Hartati S, Merdiansa Paputungan, Iur Hesty Diah Lestari, Budi Astuti
National soybean independence is a breakthrough, and the Government plans to expand local (national) soybean cultivation by using superior seeds to increase production, especially outside Java, through investment schemes. Through Foreign Investment (PMA) and Domestic Investment (PMDN) to be willing to...
Proceedings Article

Cancellation of Deed of Grant of Parents to Adopted Children due to Refusal to Provide a Living (Case Study of Decision Number 38/Pdt.G/2021/PN Bla)

Setiyowati Setiyowati, Yulies Tiena Masriani
A grant is interpreted as a gift for free and cannot be canceled unless the recipient of the grant fulfills certain conditions. This research aims to analyze the Blora District Court Decision No. 38/Pdt.G/2021/PN Bla which cancels grants given by parents to their adopted children. The method used in...
Proceedings Article

Reconstruction of Minerals and Coal Mining Management Policies in Indonesia

Setyo Utomo, Adhytia Nugraha, Sri Ayu Septinawati, Temmy Hastian, Siswadi Siswadi
Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 Constitution sets forth guidelines for the development of natural resources inside the country, which are under governmental control for the benefit of the populace. These two ideas are complementary to one another. In fact, separating the two...
Proceedings Article

Protection of Trade Secret Rights in Indonesia

Sigit Irianto, Widyarini Indriasti Wardani
Trade secrets are proprietary rights held by legal entities within the technology and business sectors, constituting essential components of their commercial operations and carrying inherent economic value. The principle of confidentiality inherent in trade secrets distinguishes them from other forms...
Proceedings Article

The Legal Status of Information Technology Application Based Transport in Indonesia: Legal or Not?

Siti Nurbaiti
The existence of public transportation using digital information applications causing beneficial for users of transportation services and is important to facilitate the mobility of passengers or goods, but still raises problems regarding the legal status of its existence, whether it is legally valid...
Proceedings Article

A Comparison of Corporate Social Responsibility Arrangements in Indonesia and South Korea

Sri Bakti Yunari, Listyowati Sumanto, Setyaningsih Setyaningsih
This study compares and contrasts the corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies of South Korea with the corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) policies of Indonesia. Examining how the South Korean voluntary CSR concept relates to the Code of Business Ethics is very interesting....
Proceedings Article

Transformation of Consumer Legal Protection Policy on Power Outages in the Era of Industry 4.0 in Makassar City

Sri Lestari Poernomo, Azwad Hambali
Power outages in Makassar City, particularly in the era of Industry 4.0, have become a recurring problem that leads to losses for consumers. Therefore, consumer protection policies need to be adjusted to the advancements in technology and the transformation of Industry 4.0 to provide effective protection...
Proceedings Article

Legal Protection of Consumers of Household Food Products and distribution license

Sri Retno Widyorini
The provisions in the Health Law state that food products only be distribution to the consumer community after obtaining a distribution license from the relevant agency, namely BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency). In reality, unlicensed food products, especially those produced by home industries,...
Proceedings Article

An Analysis of Environmental Law Regarding the Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Natural Resource Management in Indonesia

St. Ulfah, A. Risma, Satrih Hasyim, Nasrullah Arsyad
The purpose of this study is to examine environmental legislation in relation to the preservation of indigenous peoples’ rights in the context of natural resource management in Indonesia. In the context of expanding natural resource development and exploitation in Indonesia, indigenous populations frequently...
Proceedings Article

Customary Law “Merariq” Marriage in the Sasak Ethnic Society in Lombok Eastern Indonesia

Suparman Jayadi, Abdul Rasyid Ridho, Ratih Rahmawati
Marriage is commonplace between men and women on the basis of consensual and then mutual betrothed. Areca nut culture in Indonesia varies, generally applications are made by parties male families. However, it is different from the Sasak ethnic group kidnapping women at night without informing their parents...
Proceedings Article

Royalty Payment Mechanism on Music Works According to Law No. 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright

Suparno Suparno, Boy Nurdin
The copyright influence is increasingly significant due to its greater role in both industrial and international trade aspects. Indonesia has ratified the World Trade Organization Establishing Agreement via Law No. 7 of 1994 so that Indonesia legally binds with the rules issued by the WTO, including...
Proceedings Article

Protection of Children’s Rights Related to the Phenomenon of Endorse Against Children on Social Media Instagram

Tahura Malagano, Destoprani Brajannoto, Novalita Novalita, Kartika Puspa
In the ever-growing digital era, the term Endorse has become increasingly popular, especially in the world of social media. Endorse is a way to promote the products of an online store in collaboration with people who have many followers on Instagram, these people are celebrities, influencers or even...
Proceedings Article

Digitising the Dissemination of Historical Legislation in Indonesia (Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra from Majapahit Kingdom)

Tanti Kirana Utami, Rusman Rusman, Aji Mulyana
Digitisation for the dissemination of historical laws and regulations in Indonesia, with a focus on the Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra from the Majapahit Kingdom created by Patih Gadjah Mada, refers to the process of converting and preserving historical legal texts into a digital format. Kitab Kutaramanawadharmasastra...
Proceedings Article

Harmonizing Consumer Protection Laws: E-commerce as Challenges and Opportunities for Global Businesses

Tina Amelia, Evita Isretno Ishardi, Hidayati Hidayati
Almost every aspect of human life has been impacted by information technology and communication, including the ways in which we work, communicate, interact with others, and shop. The growth of e-commerce brings its own unique legal challenges. Consumers should feel secure when shopping online and enjoy...
Proceedings Article

Tourism and Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution: A Legal Case Study of India

Wasis Susetio, David Pradhan
International tourism is economically important for developing countries, but contractual disputes arising between the tourists and international tour operators or domestic providers of goods and services, can affect perceptions of tourist destinations and impact tourism. This necessitates that any disputes...
Proceedings Article

Environmental Jurisprudence and Its Implications for Mining Practices in Ngabang, West Kalimantan

Ya Rakha Muyassar, Purwanto Purwanto, Rahmad Satria, Anita Yuliastini, M. Fahmi Hazdan
The mining sector is one of the sectors that has the most massive impact on the surrounding environment, including the one in the Ngabang region, West Kalimantan. In the context of mining, it is not only a matter of economic and technical issues, but also other considerations, such as ethical and moral...
Proceedings Article

Legal Consequences of Takeover of Authority in Mineral and Coal Mining by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia

Yapiter Marpi, Retno Sari Dewi, Maisa Maisa, Sokhib Naim
Naturally, when the Regency/City Regional Government takes over the governing functions of the mineral and coal mining sector, it has implications for obtaining funds from the State revenue sector. The Central Government has taken over authority in the field of mineral and coal mining from the district/city...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Special Bankruptcy Civil Law in the Global Business Legal System

Yapiter Marpi
The world of law and the Indonesian economy was shaken when the bankruptcy of several large companies which were solvent in the district court occurred. Some of these companies eventually can be saved but there are also those who are but bankrupt. As a result of recent legal and economic developments,...
Proceedings Article

A State of Breaking the Law Caused by Abration: A Research in Jembrana Regency

Yohanes I. Wayan Suryadi
A state of breaking the law has been regulated in article 1365 of the Civil Code, but this is purely the result of human actions. What happen if a person or society unknowingly, is in a state of breaking the law caused by the effects of global warming, in this case abrasion by sea water. This study aims...
Proceedings Article

The Dynamics of Green Fatwa in Indonesia

Zaitun Abdullah, Rifkiyati Bachri, Endra Wijaya
One of the nations in the world with the greatest concentration of Muslims is Indonesia. As a country with many adherents of Islam, Muslim religious organizations, such as the Indonesian Ulama Council, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Muhammadiyah have a significant role in social life in Indonesia. Likewise, of...
Proceedings Article

Hot Oil Money in Chilly Puncak: The Impact of Foreign Tourists’ Presence to Local Peoples’ Rights in Puncak, Bogor

Zaitun Abdullah, Rifkiyati Bachri, Endra Wijaya
The arrival of foreign tourists from several Arab countries has being influencing to socio legal condition of the society living in Puncak, Bogor, West Java. Such presence of foreign tourists, in one side, means financial income for the country, but the other is their presence could affect local peoples’...