Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation 2015
1098 authors
- He, Kefei
- The environmental problems of highway construction
- He, Xiaoqin
- Deposit Collapse and Landslide Stability Analysis
- He, Yun
- Analysis on Influence Factors of Grouted Anchorages for CFRP Bars
- Hong, Haiming
- A Life Prediction Model for Structure under HCF-LCF Interaction Loading
- Hou, Ri-Li
- The Study of Flutter Speed Change Characteristics of Flat Wings After Trepanning
- Hou, Shuang
- Study on Seismic Behavior for Viscous energy dissipation brace Concrete Frame Joints
- Hou, Wanggang
- Design of Safety Monitoring and Early Warning System for Buried Pipeline Crossing Fault
- Hou, Wenhong
- Study on Seismic Behavior for Viscous energy dissipation brace Concrete Frame Joints
- Hou, Xueliang
- Application of Index Weighting System in Large-scale Construction Project Management
- Hou, Xueliang
- Analysis on Multi-factorial Risk Coupling Effect of Construction schedule of Large Construction Projects
- Hu, Changming
- In Site Investigation and Statistical Analysis of Live Loads of Large Span Frame Structure during Construction
- Hu, Jieqiong
- Study on New Thermal Drying Methods for Sewage Sludge Using Microwave and its Mechanism
- Hu, Peng
- Influence of Circular Plate’s Local Geometric Feature on The Sinking Performance in Soft Soil
- Hu, Xianming
- Co-relation between Shafting Vibration Performances and Shafting Mechanics Characters in Large Ships
- Hu, Xiaojing
- A MCDM/MADM model for evaluating efficiency of rail-bus transfer
- Hu, Xiaorong
- The Triple-shear Unified Elasto-plastic Constitutive Model and the slope stability analysis
- Hu, Xinyu
- Design and optimization of the pipe fixed supports in the super high-rise building
- Hu, Yang
- Optimization Design Combined Thermal & Deformation Evaluation for a Precision Hot-pressing Furnace
- Hu, Zhichun
- Dry Magnetic Separation RecoveryIron fromSteel Slag Powder
- Hu, Zhongming
- A study of modal strain energy change ratio method for the damage identification of functionally graded Euler-Bernoulli beam
- Hua, Zhongping
- RC Type Cone Broken Motor Structure Statics Analysis and Study of Cone
- Huang, Cailiang
- Application and experimental study of reinforcement method of pasting steel plates on RC arch bridges
- Huang, Dingping
- Effect of glass powder instead of mineral powder on asphalt mixture
- Huang, Haopeng
- Application of Close-Range Photogrammetric Technology to Monitor Slope Deformation
- Huang, Jie-Guang
- Modeling the Flow Rate of Pneumatic Driving Micro-droplet Jetting Process
- Huang, Jin
- Gap Analysis of Annular Groove MR Brake
- Huang, Lixin
- A study of modal strain energy change ratio method for the damage identification of functionally graded Euler-Bernoulli beam
- Huang, Ping
- The Study on Static Force Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Lattice Wind Turbine Tower Joints
- Huang, Qian
- Analysis of Wave Localization in a Disordered Periodic Viaduct Undergoing In-plane Vibration
- Huang, Qian
- Dynamic Response of a Period Viaduct In-plane Vibration Under Spatially Non-uniform Seismic Wave
- Huang, Qian
- Solution of a 3-D Multilayered Poroelastic Medium Subjected to Moving Load with TRM Method
- Huang, Shengzhou
- Optimization Design Combined Thermal & Deformation Evaluation for a Precision Hot-pressing Furnace
- Huang, Xiang-Hong
- Photocatalytic activity of Perovskite oxide SrFe0.5Co0.5O3- for Gentian Violet
- Huang, Xiaokang
- Study on The Methods of Ground Improvement for Widening Expressway on Soft Ground
- Huang, Y.
- Fabrication of Micro Solid Metal Needles by Electroplating from PMMA Mold
- Huang, Ye
- Design and optimization of the pipe fixed supports in the super high-rise building
- Huang, Yuhan
- Evaluation of TRMM Muti-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) in the Yangtze River basin
- Huang, Yuhan
- Evaluation of TRMM satellite rainfall in driving Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model in Ganjiang Basin
- Huang, Zhe
- Research on new pavement structure in the Qinghai Tibet area
- Huang, Zhe
- Stability Analysis Based on the Full fill Subgrade of Slope Product Section
- Huang, Zhen
- Ultimate Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Members Subjected to Combined Actions
- Huang, Zhengdong
- A MCDM/MADM model for evaluating efficiency of rail-bus transfer
- Huang, Zhide
- Research on mechanical properties of C30 Model Steel Fiber Reinforced Rubber Concrete
- Huang, Zhirong
- Analysis and Forecast of Construction Waste Based on ARIMA Model
- Huang, Zhonghong
- Automated EDM-Based Center-Punching Systems for Pipe Production Lines
- Jan, Ceselsky
- Problems of residential building facilities in the Czech Republic
- Jana, Sulcova
- Development of the Hradec Králové - Pardubice agglomeration since 1986
- Ji, Shuhua
- Synchronous detection technology optics surface microstructure Research and characterization methods
- Ji, Weidong
- Research on Design Strategy of Green Building of University Gymnasium in Cold Areas
- Ji, Weidong
- Research on Green and Ecological Strategy of Building Materials in the View of Low-Technology and Their Construction
- Ji, Wenyu
- Shear Strength of Trapezoidal Corrugated Steel Webs
- Ji, X.L.
- A Brief Review of the High-order Numerical Manifold Method
- Ji, Yunkang
- Design and Experimental Research on Natural Ventilation Windows Based on Active and Passive Noise Reduction Technologies
- Jia, Chengyao
- The Optimal Control of Vehicle's Steering and Braking System
- Jia, Chenhui
- Predict of Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics and Stability of Aerodynamic Bearing
- Jia, Xinjian
- Group maintenance policy for mechanical products based on age replacement
- Jian, Chaojun
- In Site Investigation and Statistical Analysis of Live Loads of Large Span Frame Structure during Construction
- Jian, Dajian
- Research of Optical Cable Overhead Laying Automation
- Jiang, Bei
- Post-peak stress-stain relations of rock mass considering elasto-plastic coupling based on strain-softening model
- Jiang, Deping
- Research on the process in MIG welding of 5A02 aluminum alloy plate
- Jiang, Di
- Comparison of pure metal coating preparation by thermal spraying, cold spraying and electroplating methods
- Jiang, Huanzhi
- A New Tensile Steel Strip Cable Dome and A Force-finding Method of Approaching Initial Shape
- Jiang, Jiao
- Research Development of the Traditional and Flexible Shed-holes
- Jiang, Qinghui
- Surface Flow Field Measurement Based on Optical Flow
- Jiao, Panfei
- The environmental problems of highway construction
- Jin, Qiu
- Evaluation of TRMM Muti-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) in the Yangtze River basin
- Jin, Qiu
- Evaluation of TRMM satellite rainfall in driving Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model in Ganjiang Basin
- Jin, Yibing
- The preliminary use of green building design in new residential Zhuang kuo flok in Qinghai*
- Jing, Qi
- Research on optimization for the mushroom-shaped root-rim structure of turbine blades
- Jonbi, Jonbi
- Development of the Conversion Value for Permeability, Absorption in Concrete
- Ju, Rui Xin
- Design of China's High-level Commercial Residential Product Integrating British Style
- Kang, Tengteng
- The Influence of Gear Modification on Transmission Noise Based on Romax
- Kang, Zhaojing
- The Uniformity Tests of A Rainfall Generator
- Ke, Guo-Jun
- Study On TheStress-strain Full Curves Of Waste Glass Powder Concrete
- Kejun, Ping
- Research on Waterway Regulation of Fluctuating Backwater Zone of Ankang Hydro-junction
- Kuang, Xianyan
- Simulation and Analysis for Electric Bicycle Traffic Flow
- Lei, Tianli
- Optimization of Oil Pipe Arrangement with Conditions of Compensation and Different Unit Cost
- Lei, Yu
- Study of three-dimensional NMR forward modeling using finite element method
- Lei, Zukang
- The preliminary study of diagnosis techniques for the building defects with damp by infrared thermography
- Li, Baozeng
- Comparison of pure metal coating preparation by thermal spraying, cold spraying and electroplating methods
- Li, Bing
- Discussion on the Vernacular Architecture Construction in the View of Architectural Typology
- Li, Bizhou
- BIM Applications in the World
- Li, Cheng-Cai
- Mechanical properties of concrete made from aggregate saturated in concrete interfacial agent
- Li, Chun
- Investigation of unfired Bricks Prepared by Shangluo Molybdenum tailings
- Li, Dandan
- The Anti-earthquake Safety Evaluation of Lock Chamber Based on Finite Element Method
- Li, Deyuan
- Comparison of pure metal coating preparation by thermal spraying, cold spraying and electroplating methods
- Li, Fei
- Effect of Recycled Waste Brick Fine Aggregate on Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength of Mortar
- Li, Guo
- Research on Development History of Company town in China
- Li, Guo
- Automatic control system of automobile suspension
- Li, Guo
- An Adaptive Smith-Fuzzy PID Control Design for Steering and Speed Control System of Electric Vehicle
- Li, Guo
- The Optimal Control of Vehicle's Steering and Braking System
- Li, Guochao
- Effect of Transmembrane Pressure on Performance of Dynamic Membrane for Treatment of Wastewater Containing Humic Acid
- Li, Hai-Ying
- Study on bridge structure of bridge crane
- Li, Hao
- Numerical simulations for allocations of internal forces on double-layer linings of shield tunnel
- Li, Hejun
- Design and Experimental Research on Natural Ventilation Windows Based on Active and Passive Noise Reduction Technologies
- Li, Hong-Nan
- Optimal Design of Truss Structures based on the New Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
- Li, Hongfei
- The Sustainable Development Research of Lanzhou Living Environment
- Li, Hongwe
- On The Control of Project Cost in the Investment Decision Stage
- Li, Hu
- Application of Close-Range Photogrammetric Technology to Monitor Slope Deformation
- Li, Hua
- Relationship between Crystalline Size, Activity and Expansive Properties of MgO Expansive Agent