Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Business and Management Research (ICBMR 2018)
134 authors
- Sihombing, Irene Hanna H.
- The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and The Moderating Role of Service Climate
- Sirait, Rika Angelia
- Capital Adequacy Requirement, The Cost of Financial Intermediation and Risk Taking Behavior of The Indonesia Banking Sector
- Siregar, Alvin Ayodhia
- The Efficiency of General Insurance Companies in Indonesia
- Sudhartio, Lily
- Antecedents Of Copability And Its Effect On Learning Organization (An Empirical Study At a Life Insurance Company)
- Sudhartio, Lily
- Social Business Model Canvas Development and Forming an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Waste Banks to Achieve Sustainability (Case Study in Bali, Indonesia)
- Sudhartio, Lily
- Implementation of Benchmark Inventory Control in PT. X to Increase Sales Volume in ProQ Workshop as SMEs in Indonesia
- Sudhartio, Lily
- Implementation of Strategic Flexibility in SMEs of Snack Industry for Capacity Optimization. Is it possible?
- Suhaimi, Hasnul
- Improvement of Product Logo, Online Marketing Activities and Cost of Goods Sold Formulation of Pawon Fasdiin
- Sukerti, Ni Nyoman
- The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and The Moderating Role of Service Climate
- Sule, Ernie Tisnawati
- Enhancing The Performance of Regional Development Banks
- Supartha, Wayan Gede
- The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and The Moderating Role of Service Climate
- Tanujaya, Edward
- Does the forced marriage have a fair start? Acquisition Valuation in the Oil and Gas Holding Company Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise-A Case Study
- Triyono, Budi
- Expatriation Process in Indonesian Local Firms
- Ulpah, Maria
- Trading Patterns of Stock Before and After Suspension in Indonesian Stock Exchange
- Utama, Cynthia Afriani
- Market Reaction to Announcement of the Corporate Governance “Comply or Explain” Regulation and Determinants of Compliance Level
- Utami, Deka Dian
- Critical Success Factors of Total Quality Management and Their Impact on Performance in the Indonesian Public Service Sector
- Veronica, Sylvia
- Analysis of the Implementation of Indonesian Government Regulation Number 20 Year 2015 Related to Tenure and Rotation of Accounting Firms and Public Accountants to Audit Quality
- Vidyanata, Zora
- Analysis of The Influence of Premium Regulation on Motor Vehicle Insurance Premiums in Indonesia
- Vidyani, Nara Pangestika
- The Effect of Knowledge Sharing on Affective Commitment: The Mediation Role of Competency Development of Gen Y Employees at PT PP (Persero), Tbk Head Office
- Wahyuni, Sari
- Do Local Values Affect Performances? The Study of Tri Hita Karana Culture on Hotel Performance in Bali
- Wardhani, Ratna
- Analysis of the Implementation of Indonesian Government Regulation Number 20 Year 2015 Related to Tenure and Rotation of Accounting Firms and Public Accountants to Audit Quality
- Wibowo, Dedi
- Cost Structure Evaluation of Variable Costs and Business Forecast in Spooring Services at SME Trijaya Ban 83
- Wibowo, Dedi
- The Strategy of Servicescape Approach in an Effort to Improve Trijaya Ban’s Service Quality
- Wibowo, Sigit Sulistiyo
- Cost Structure and Payout Policy in Indonesia 2011-2015
- Wicahyo, Heribertus Hario
- Implementation of Strategic Flexibility in SMEs of Snack Industry for Capacity Optimization. Is it possible?
- Wicaksono, Yohanes Satrio
- Analysis of Travel Time and Bus Utilization of Corridor 1 Trans Jakarta to Realize the Smart Mobility Concept
- Widjaja, Anton W.
- Do Local Values Affect Performances? The Study of Tri Hita Karana Culture on Hotel Performance in Bali
- Widjaja, Anton W.
- The Addition of Channel Distribution and Media Campaign in SME Abelarosa Collection
- Widjaja, Anton W.
- 5S Application and Semi-Finished Products Inventory Monitoring to Create Clean Work Area in PT Asta Kriya
- Widjaja, Anton Wachidin
- Antecedents Of Copability And Its Effect On Learning Organization (An Empirical Study At a Life Insurance Company)
- Wijayanti, Ida
- Business Behavior in an Islamic Perspective: Case Study of Muslim Woman Entrepreneurs in Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia (IWAPI)
- Wiryarahadi, Ridho
- The Use Of Copulas in Estimating The Value at Risk (VaR) Of The IDX Development Board and Main Board Indices with Monte Carlo Simulation
- Yi, Sun
- Antecedents Of Copability And Its Effect On Learning Organization (An Empirical Study At a Life Insurance Company)
- Yudha, Mochammad Gerry
- Social Business Model Canvas Development and Forming an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Waste Banks to Achieve Sustainability (Case Study in Bali, Indonesia)