Proceedings of the International Agriculture Meeting (IAM 2023)

47 authors
Arifin, Bustanul
Risk Analysis of Cassava Farming in Central Lampung Regency
Asriani, Putri Suci
Husband’s and Wife’s Housework Time Allocation among Fishery Households in Bengkulu City: Does Working Wife Have an Impact?
Azmi, Alia
Husband’s and Wife’s Housework Time Allocation among Fishery Households in Bengkulu City: Does Working Wife Have an Impact?
Azmi, Amirul Faiz Mohd
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Dewi, Yohana Kusuma
Peer-Review Statements
Dolorosa, Eva
Consumer Knowledge Level of Sustainable Palm Cooking Oil
Eliyanti, Eliyanti
Evaluation of in vitro Growth and Development of Banana cv. Barangan Plantlets as Affected by Biotin Application
Endaryanto, Teguh
Risk Analysis of Cassava Farming in Central Lampung Regency
Fitrianti, Wanti
Paddy Supply Response to Climate Change and Prices Dynamics in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Hakim, Dani Lukman
Consumer Knowledge Level of Sustainable Palm Cooking Oil
Harahap, Rakhmad Perkasa
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Hasanudin, Hasanudin
Growth and Yield Responses of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) to Salinity Stress
Herison, Catur
Growth and Yield Responses of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) to Salinity Stress
Herison, Catur
Employing STI to Determine Saline Tolerant Cayenne Genotypes
Ichwan, Budiyati
Evaluation of in vitro Growth and Development of Banana cv. Barangan Plantlets as Affected by Biotin Application
Indah, Lidya Sari Mas
Risk Analysis of Cassava Farming in Central Lampung Regency
Marini, Marini
Uniformity Test of the F₈ Upland Rice Lines Crosses between Local Bangka Rice with Superior Varieties with Lodging Resistance in Balunijuk Rice Fields
Mulianda, Randi
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Mulyasari, Gita
Adaptation Responses to Climate Variability among Rainfed Farmers in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
Mulyasari, Gita
Husband’s and Wife’s Housework Time Allocation among Fishery Households in Bengkulu City: Does Working Wife Have an Impact?
Mustikarini, E. D.
Uniformity Test of the F₈ Upland Rice Lines Crosses between Local Bangka Rice with Superior Varieties with Lodging Resistance in Balunijuk Rice Fields
Nayohan, Sandi
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Nurliza, Nurliza
Peer-Review Statements
Oktavia, Sari
Thermal Image Method to Detect Fruit Maturity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and Red-guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Prameswari, Wuri
Employing STI to Determine Saline Tolerant Cayenne Genotypes
Prayoga, G. I
Uniformity Test of the F₈ Upland Rice Lines Crosses between Local Bangka Rice with Superior Varieties with Lodging Resistance in Balunijuk Rice Fields
Prihambodo, Tri Rachmanto
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Priyono, Basuki Sigit
Husband’s and Wife’s Housework Time Allocation among Fishery Households in Bengkulu City: Does Working Wife Have an Impact?
Purnamawati, Purnamawati
Peer-Review Statements
Putri, Maya Dwi
Thermal Image Method to Detect Fruit Maturity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and Red-guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Putri, Yunirza Eka
Growth and Yield Responses of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) to Salinity Stress
Qomariyah, Novia
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Romdhon, M. Mustopa
Husband’s and Wife’s Housework Time Allocation among Fishery Households in Bengkulu City: Does Working Wife Have an Impact?
Rustikawati, Rustikawati
Growth and Yield Responses of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) to Salinity Stress
Rustikawati, Rustikawati
Employing STI to Determine Saline Tolerant Cayenne Genotypes
Santi, R.
Uniformity Test of the F₈ Upland Rice Lines Crosses between Local Bangka Rice with Superior Varieties with Lodging Resistance in Balunijuk Rice Fields
Sari, Dewi Mulia
Risk Analysis of Cassava Farming in Central Lampung Regency
Sholikin, Mohammad Miftakhus
Correlation and Estimation of Methane Yield with Volatile Fatty Acid Profiles in Holstein Ruminal Fluid from In Vivo Studies
Suharyani, Anita
Consumer Knowledge Level of Sustainable Palm Cooking Oil
Sukiyono, Ketut
Husband’s and Wife’s Housework Time Allocation among Fishery Households in Bengkulu City: Does Working Wife Have an Impact?
Waluyo, Sri
Thermal Image Method to Detect Fruit Maturity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and Red-guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Widodo, Soesiladi Esti
Thermal Image Method to Detect Fruit Maturity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and Red-guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Yurisinthae, Erlinda
Performance of Agricultural Extension Workers and Their Impact on Maize Farmer Behavior on Peatlands
Yusra, A. Hamid A.
Performance of Agricultural Extension Workers and Their Impact on Maize Farmer Behavior on Peatlands
Zakaria, Wan Abbas
Risk Analysis of Cassava Farming in Central Lampung Regency
Zulferiyenni, Zulferiyenni
Thermal Image Method to Detect Fruit Maturity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and Red-guava (Psidium guajava L.)
Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain
Evaluation of in vitro Growth and Development of Banana cv. Barangan Plantlets as Affected by Biotin Application