Proceedings of the 4th Green Development International Conference (GDIC 2022)
120 articles
Proceedings Article
Student Communication National and Regional Health System Development Course
Adila Solida, Andy Amir
The learning model applied to the National and Regional Health Development System courses at Jambi University is still dominant using conventional methods in the last two years. Student-centered learning innovation is needed through a project-based learning model (PjBL). The purpose of this study is...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Case-Based Learning in Improving Student Creativity and Thinking Skills in the Vector and Rodent Control Course
Fajrina Hidayati, Evy Wisudariani
One learning model that can actively involve students and increase student creativity is Case Based Learning (CBL). The purpose of this study was to identify differences in students’ creativity and thinking skills between the application of case-based learning and conventional learning in vector and...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Shrimp Shell Waste as a New Material for Chitosan
Zulkarnain, Alfauzan Amin, Ayu Wulandari
Allah gave this universe for human needs in living life in the world. Allah gave the mandate to humans to protect nature and the environment to create harmonization in life. However, many humans violate Allah's commands by destroying and polluting the environment. Waste generated continues to increase...
Proceedings Article
Immunoexpression of Interleukin-6 (Il-6) in Keloid
Fairuz, Humaryanto
The characteristics of keloid disease are characterized by excessive accumulation of collagen in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue due to damage to skin tissue. This condition causes various complex problems such as loss of self-confidence, low self-esteem, shyness accompanied by obvious physical damage...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Journal Article Writing Training on Teacher Motivation in Improving the Ability to Write Journal Articles
Syahrial, Asrial, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Alirmansyah
This study aims to determine the effect of journal article writing training on teacher motivation in improving the ability to write journal articles. This research uses quantitative research methods. Quantitative research was chosen because it uses numerical data and statistical analysis. This study...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Price Promotion Time Limit on Consumer Impulse Buying Through Situational Factors as Intervening Variables
Yenny Yuniarti, Rista Aldilla Syafri
The promotion strategy is one of the strategies that can be used by business people in facing the new normal era after the Covid-19 pandemic, hoping to attract consumers to make purchases of company products. This study aims to determine the effect of price promotion time limit on consumer impulse buying...
Proceedings Article
Development of Economic Self-Reliance in Child Tribe Based on Specific Herbs in Bukit Dua Belas National Park
Fuad Muchlis, Elwamendri, Sahrial, Siti Kurniasih
The Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) community is an indigenous people who live in a marginal situation with their daily lives depending on the natural resources available in the forest. However, some SAD already have permanent livelihoods such as cultivating cash crops, such as oil palm and rubber which are managed...
Proceedings Article
Production of Volatile Fatty Acids from Complete Feed Fermentation Containing Palm Pith In Vitro
Darlis, Adriani, M. Afdal, Yurleni
This study aims to determine the effect of using complete ration pith as a substitute for forage on VFA production in vitro. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications. The treatments were P0 = 75% forage + 25% concentrate, P1 = (25% palm...
Proceedings Article
A Network of SDGs Actors in Indonesia Analyzes the Hashtag #SDGsDesa on Twitter
Alamsyah Alamsyah, Slamet Widodo
The Indonesian government has a serious commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, achieving the SDGs requires long-term support from various institutions in society, especially grassroots village governments, which have their own agenda. The Indonesian government, in...
Proceedings Article
Seloko Local Wisdom-Based E-Module Learning to Build the Character of Love for the Homeland in Class V SD
Syahrial, Asrial, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Naufal Aqila Kusnadi, Agus Fadillah, Putri Sakila Amelia Anwar, Irma Widya Ningsih, Roy Andre Ferdinan
Local wisdom is a community tradition that can produce its own experience and may not be experienced by other communities. One form of Jambi Malay local wisdom is the marriage custom, namely Seloko, which is an old literary form known as an oral tradition that is produced, disseminated and passed down...
Proceedings Article
Development of Amil Zakat’s Financial Information System
Achmad Hizazi, Tri Suratno
Sharia economic activities have been developing rapidly since the 1998 reform era, including the development of sharia philanthropic institutions such as the Amil Zakat Institute. The Amil Zakat Institutes are present in almost every province and district throughout Indonesia where the majority of the...
Proceedings Article
Development of PjBL-Based Electronic Module on Reaction Rate Material for Class XI MIPA Senior High School
Haryanto, M. Dwi Wiwik Ernawati, Sudarmin, Aulia Sanova, Dea Ristria Ariani, Adriyan Ardi Rahman
Chemistry subjects are subjects that focus on how students understand related to the composition, structure, properties, changes, and energy that accompanies it and can be utilized by humans for the speed of life. One of the learning models that can be applied to chemistry learning is PjBL. Project Based...
Proceedings Article
The Empowerment of Suku Anak Dalam on Tourism Based of Integrated Local Wisdom and Creative Economics in the Area of Air Black District, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province
Dahmiri, Asyhadi Mufsi Sadzali, Makmun Wahid
This research has scientific capacity in tourism studies, especially in developing a new concept of integrated creative tourism that is ready to be applied in Air Hitam District, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province which has the potential for cultural tourism, which is integrated with creative products...
Proceedings Article
Economic Independence Development of Suku Anak Dalam Based on Specific Herbs Bukit Duabelas National Park
Fuad Muchlis, Elwamendri, Sahrial, Siti Kurniasih
The Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) community is an indigenous community that lives in a marginal situation with their daily life depending on the natural resources available in the forest. However, some SADs already have permanent livelihoods such as cultivating commercial crops, such as oil palm and rubber which...
Proceedings Article
Project-Based Learning Innovation and Teamwork in Associate Accounting Course, Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Jambi University
Achmad Hizazi, Fitriani Mansyur
This research aims to provide a teaching and learning system based on project learning and teamwork in the Associate Financial Accounting 1 course. The output of the learning process shows that Project Based Learning brings out students’ creativity in finding and providing more varied answers, thus broadening...
Proceedings Article
Actions Under the Law of Agreements
Pahlefi, Sukamto Satoto, Muskibah, Lili Naili Hidayah
This study aims to find out how action is based on contract law. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by analyzing the literature, the data collection instruments here are in the form of books, journals, and laws and regulations. The results of this study indicate that there is a dispute...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Export Potential of Indonesian Processed Green Tea Products Through Export Market Mapping by Empowering International Trade Digital Data
M. Gunawan, Novie Ryandinni
The Indonesian tea trade specialization index value from 2006 to 2020 was positive from 0.439 to 0.627. This positive value indicates that the tea commodity has strong competitiveness and Indonesia as an exporting country produces more than domestic consumption. Domestic tea consumption data from 2002...
Proceedings Article
Content Analysis of Process Skills in Mathematics Textbook Curriculum 2013 Revised 2018 Grade IV First Semester
Kamid, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Putri Fadillah, Rizki Alfiana, Dila Yathasya, Nursakinah
This study aims to analyze the content of material in the Mathematics textbook curriculum 2013 even semester odd semester which contains indicators of mathematical process skills in it. This research uses a qualitative approach. The type of research used is content analysis using document studies. The...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Case Study-Based Multicultural Education Textbooks
Ervan Johan Wicaksana, Dara Mutiara Aswan
Issues related to GEDSI are usually integrated into courses in humanities architecture and study programs and are still limited to universities that have centers for women, gender, children, family, and disability studies. Issues related to GEDSI can be integrated into the Multicultural Education course...
Proceedings Article
Independence of Constitutional Judges in Realizing Justice Decisions
Nirmala Sari
The Constitutional Court was formed with the aim of functioning as an institution that is authorized to interpret the Constitution, resolve disputes between state institutions whose source of authority is from the constitution and make decisions regarding the dismissal of the President and/or Vice President....