Proceedings of the 7th FIRST 2023 International Conference on Global Innovations (FIRST-T3 2023)
81 authors
- Abdillah, Andhika Fathan
- The Influence of Cultural Acculturation (Social, Customs and Arts) in the past on Palembang Songket Motifs
- Achmad, Yunita Fauzia
- Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units
- Amalia, Adhisti
- E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
- Amri, Darul
- Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
- Ananda, Ghea Monica
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Andriyani, Titi
- Website Development To Strengthen The Capabilities Of Micro And Small Businesses
- Angguna, Welan Mauli
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Anindea, Frianka
- Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
- Apriyanty, Desi
- Sen-Store Application of Internet of Things (IoT): A Manifestation of College Student’s Business Sustainability in Facing Global Entrepreneurship
- Ardiansyah, Welly
- Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
- Armiani, Trizaurah
- Website Development To Strengthen The Capabilities Of Micro And Small Businesses
- Aryanti, Nurul
- Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
- Aryanti, Yuli Antina
- Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
- Asfitri, Melisa Kurnia
- E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
- Astarina, Yesita
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Azzahra, Nadia
- E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
- Badri, Markoni
- Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
- Dati, Anggia Jesica
- Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
- Dirgantara, Muhammad Albin
- How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
- Djumrianti, Desloehal
- The Influence of Cultural Acculturation (Social, Customs and Arts) in the past on Palembang Songket Motifs
- Fadila, Dewi
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Faragusta, Ahmad Leo
- Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
- Faridah, Faridah
- Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
- Fawwazi, Sayyid
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Fitriani, Fitriani
- Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
- Frymaruwah, Edwin
- Sen-Store Application of Internet of Things (IoT): A Manifestation of College Student’s Business Sustainability in Facing Global Entrepreneurship
- Handayani, Ade Silvia
- Peer-Review Statements
- Herawati, Yusleli
- E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
- Husin, Farida
- Analyzing Thomas Lickona’s Ideas in Character Education (A Library Research)
- Ibrahim, Kartini binti Che
- How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
- Izzati, Astika Ulfah
- Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
- Jumriatunnisah, Nur
- Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
- Junianto, Mahmud
- E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
- Kunio, Nurul Ilma Hasana
- Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
- Li, Qingjian
- Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Lisnini, Lisnini
- The Influence of Cultural Acculturation (Social, Customs and Arts) in the past on Palembang Songket Motifs
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Peer-Review Statements
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Mahira, Iga
- Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
- Maisyarani, Khalia Silvia
- Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
- Maja, Ibnu
- Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
- Marina, Aurantia
- Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
- Martini, Rita
- Peer-Review Statements
- Martini, Rita
- Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
- Martini, Rita
- Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
- Martini, Rita
- How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
- Miskiyah, Neneng
- Website Development To Strengthen The Capabilities Of Micro And Small Businesses
- Monica, Agnes
- Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
- Monika, Agnes
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Muharramah, Ulfah
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Nurcahaya, Claudya
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Oktarida, Anggeraini
- Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
- Oktarini, Kurnia Widya
- Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
- Paramitha, Laurensia Ayu
- Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units
- Rahman, M. Arief
- Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
- Rahman, M. Arief
- Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units
- Ramadhana, Rizki Novia
- Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
- Ramadhanty, Tri Octha Rina
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Riana, Dwi
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Ridho, Sari Lestari Zainal
- The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
- Rosihan, Rahman
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Rosyidin, Iskandar
- Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
- Salsabila, Salsabila
- E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
- Saphitri, Vira Dian
- Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
- Sari, Evi Agustina
- Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Sari, Kartika Rachma
- Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
- Sayuti, A. Jalaludin
- The linkage between Social Capital, Organizational Learning Capability, and Business Performance
- Setiawan, Heri
- The linkage between Social Capital, Organizational Learning Capability, and Business Performance
- Simanjuntak, Tiur
- Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Siswanto, Dodik
- Peer-Review Statements
- Suroso, Suroso
- Analyzing Thomas Lickona’s Ideas in Character Education (A Library Research)
- Triputra, Yuli Asmara
- How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
- Triviana, Safina Yulia
- How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
- Ummasyroh, Ummasyroh
- Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
- Wahyudi, Riza
- Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
- Wati, Ade Sukma
- Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
- Wijaya, Beni
- Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Yulina, Bainil
- Sen-Store Application of Internet of Things (IoT): A Manifestation of College Student’s Business Sustainability in Facing Global Entrepreneurship
- Zainal Ridho, Sari Lestari
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zaliah
- How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
- Zulkifli, Zulkifli
- Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?