Proceedings of the 7th FIRST 2023 International Conference on Global Innovations (FIRST-T3 2023)

81 authors
Abdillah, Andhika Fathan
The Influence of Cultural Acculturation (Social, Customs and Arts) in the past on Palembang Songket Motifs
Achmad, Yunita Fauzia
Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units
Amalia, Adhisti
E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
Amri, Darul
Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
Ananda, Ghea Monica
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Andriyani, Titi
Website Development To Strengthen The Capabilities Of Micro And Small Businesses
Angguna, Welan Mauli
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Anindea, Frianka
Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
Apriyanty, Desi
Sen-Store Application of Internet of Things (IoT): A Manifestation of College Student’s Business Sustainability in Facing Global Entrepreneurship
Ardiansyah, Welly
Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
Armiani, Trizaurah
Website Development To Strengthen The Capabilities Of Micro And Small Businesses
Aryanti, Nurul
Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
Aryanti, Yuli Antina
Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
Asfitri, Melisa Kurnia
E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
Astarina, Yesita
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Azzahra, Nadia
E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
Badri, Markoni
Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
Dati, Anggia Jesica
Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
Dirgantara, Muhammad Albin
How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
Djumrianti, Desloehal
The Influence of Cultural Acculturation (Social, Customs and Arts) in the past on Palembang Songket Motifs
Fadila, Dewi
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Faragusta, Ahmad Leo
Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
Faridah, Faridah
Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
Fawwazi, Sayyid
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Fitriani, Fitriani
Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
Frymaruwah, Edwin
Sen-Store Application of Internet of Things (IoT): A Manifestation of College Student’s Business Sustainability in Facing Global Entrepreneurship
Handayani, Ade Silvia
Peer-Review Statements
Herawati, Yusleli
E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
Husin, Farida
Analyzing Thomas Lickona’s Ideas in Character Education (A Library Research)
Ibrahim, Kartini binti Che
How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
Izzati, Astika Ulfah
Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
Jumriatunnisah, Nur
Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
Junianto, Mahmud
E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
Kunio, Nurul Ilma Hasana
Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
Li, Qingjian
Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Lisnini, Lisnini
The Influence of Cultural Acculturation (Social, Customs and Arts) in the past on Palembang Songket Motifs
Lupikawaty, Marieska
Peer-Review Statements
Lupikawaty, Marieska
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Mahira, Iga
Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
Maisyarani, Khalia Silvia
Role of Lifestyle and Interactive Marketing to Organic Vegetables Intention to Buy in Palembang
Maja, Ibnu
Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
Marina, Aurantia
Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
Martini, Rita
Peer-Review Statements
Martini, Rita
Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
Martini, Rita
Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?
Martini, Rita
How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
Miskiyah, Neneng
Website Development To Strengthen The Capabilities Of Micro And Small Businesses
Monica, Agnes
Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
Monika, Agnes
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Muharramah, Ulfah
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Nurcahaya, Claudya
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Oktarida, Anggeraini
Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
Oktarini, Kurnia Widya
Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
Paramitha, Laurensia Ayu
Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units
Rahman, M. Arief
Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
Rahman, M. Arief
Implementation of The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method in The Web Based Monitoring and Management Application of Heavy Equipment Spare Part Units
Ramadhana, Rizki Novia
Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
Ramadhanty, Tri Octha Rina
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Riana, Dwi
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Ridho, Sari Lestari Zainal
The Impact of Financial Literacy and Saving Behavior on Financial Well-Being: Evidence Among Women in Burai Village
Rosihan, Rahman
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Rosyidin, Iskandar
Integrating Collaborative Learning into Semantic Mapping Strategy to Boost Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Achievement
Salsabila, Salsabila
E-MBO Performance Assessment Model to Improve the Performance of Child Growth and Development Services Employee
Saphitri, Vira Dian
Determinants of Audit Opinion on Financial Report of Regency/City Governments of South Sumatra Province
Sari, Evi Agustina
Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Sari, Kartika Rachma
Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
Sayuti, A. Jalaludin
The linkage between Social Capital, Organizational Learning Capability, and Business Performance
Setiawan, Heri
The linkage between Social Capital, Organizational Learning Capability, and Business Performance
Simanjuntak, Tiur
Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Siswanto, Dodik
Peer-Review Statements
Suroso, Suroso
Analyzing Thomas Lickona’s Ideas in Character Education (A Library Research)
Triputra, Yuli Asmara
How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
Triviana, Safina Yulia
How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
Ummasyroh, Ummasyroh
Introduction of Digital Payments to Buying Interest in MSMEs Rumah BUMN South Sumatra
Wahyudi, Riza
Internal Controls, Investigative Audits, and Forensic Accounting Can Help Prevent Fraud
Wati, Ade Sukma
Impact of Strategic Management Implementation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of UPTD BTIKP Disdik South Sumatra
Wijaya, Beni
Probing the Indonesian Academic VS Vocational Higher Education Websites: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Yulina, Bainil
Sen-Store Application of Internet of Things (IoT): A Manifestation of College Student’s Business Sustainability in Facing Global Entrepreneurship
Zainal Ridho, Sari Lestari
Peer-Review Statements
How Financial Literacy and Lifestyle Affect Employee Retirement Planning?
Zulkifli, Zulkifli
Is Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds in South Sumatra Influencing Capital Expenditure?