Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)
103 authors
- Adenan, Azrol bin
- Measuring Academic Staff Job Satisfaction in TVET Institutions
- Africano, Fernando
- Digitalization Role of the Front Office in the Banking Business, Impact and Implementation
- Africano, Fernando
- The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media
- Afrizawati, Afrizawati
- Digitalization Role of the Front Office in the Banking Business, Impact and Implementation
- Agustinasari, Evi
- The Use of Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method for Sriwijaya State Polytechnic International Office Website Quality
- Alfitriani, Alfitriani
- Thematic Concepts of Economic Development and Political Dimensions to Create Cultural Tourism for Kemaro Island, Palembang
- Andriyani, Titi
- Capital Assets and Salai Fish Business Sustainability (Study on Panca Jaya’s Business, Sungai Rengit Village, Banyuasin Regency)
- Aprianti, Siska
- Capital Assets and Salai Fish Business Sustainability (Study on Panca Jaya’s Business, Sungai Rengit Village, Banyuasin Regency)
- Apriyanty, Desi
- South Sumatra Business Showcase; Development South Sumatera Traditional Products Information System
- Ardiansyah, Welly
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Ariyanti, Indri
- Implementation of Promotional Videos in the Tourism Industry: Is It Possible to Increase Local Revenue in the Digital Economy?
- Aryani, Yuli Antina
- A Financial Record Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Aryanti, Nurul
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Astuti, Indriani Indah
- Financial Reporting Practice in Pesantren: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Astuti, Indriani Indah
- Implementation of Promotional Videos in the Tourism Industry: Is It Possible to Increase Local Revenue in the Digital Economy?
- Asyari, Lutfi
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Darusalam, Darusalam
- Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services
- Detmuliati, Alditia
- Thematic Concepts of Economic Development and Political Dimensions to Create Cultural Tourism for Kemaro Island, Palembang
- Dewata, Evada
- Financial Reporting Practice in Pesantren: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Djumrianti, Desloehal
- Thematic Concepts of Economic Development and Political Dimensions to Create Cultural Tourism for Kemaro Island, Palembang
- Faragusta, Ahmad Leo
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Febriantoko, Jovan
- Evaluation of Tourism Business Activities and Multi-sectoral Income Optimization: Case in Pagaralam City, South Sumatra
- Febriantoko, Jovan
- Comparison of the Application of Just In Time (JIT) Business Principles and Traditional Philosophy in the Development of Integrated Digital Flour Mill Technology
- Fithri, Eka Jumarni
- SWOT Analysis as a Basis for Identifying Risks to the Going Concern of the “Waring Jaya” Palembang Catfish Farm
- Frymaruwah, Edwin
- Financial Reporting Practice in Pesantren: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Handayani, Sri
- Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in East Lampung Regency
- Hartati, Sukmini
- Village Income and Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction on South Sumatra Province
- Hendradinata
- Comparison of the Application of Just In Time (JIT) Business Principles and Traditional Philosophy in the Development of Integrated Digital Flour Mill Technology
- Ibrahim, Kartini binti Che
- Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness
- Indriasari, Desi
- Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services
- Indriasari, Desi
- Evaluation of Tourism Business Activities and Multi-sectoral Income Optimization: Case in Pagaralam City, South Sumatra
- Ismail, Rosmaria Binti
- A Financial Record Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Jamaludin, Juhaidie Zamani
- Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System at Lab Test Lembaga Air Perak
- Jamaludin, Juhaidie Zamani Bin
- The Employer Satisfaction Study on Graduates from TVET Institution
- Jauhari, Hadi
- A Financial Record Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Jumeilah, Fithri Selva
- Implementation of Promotional Videos in the Tourism Industry: Is It Possible to Increase Local Revenue in the Digital Economy?
- Li, Qingjian
- The Use of Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method for Sriwijaya State Polytechnic International Office Website Quality
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Peer-Review Statements
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Capital Assets and Salai Fish Business Sustainability (Study on Panca Jaya’s Business, Sungai Rengit Village, Banyuasin Regency)
- Lupikawaty, Marieska
- Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)
- Maja, Ibnu
- Village Income and Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction on South Sumatra Province
- Mandiangan, Pridson
- Thematic Concepts of Economic Development and Political Dimensions to Create Cultural Tourism for Kemaro Island, Palembang
- Mandiangan, Pridson
- South Sumatra Business Showcase; Development South Sumatera Traditional Products Information System
- Mardhiah, Mardhiah
- Village Income and Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction on South Sumatra Province
- Maria, Maria
- SWOT Analysis as a Basis for Identifying Risks to the Going Concern of the “Waring Jaya” Palembang Catfish Farm
- Maria, Maria
- Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services
- Marpen, Rio
- Evaluation of Tourism Business Activities and Multi-sectoral Income Optimization: Case in Pagaralam City, South Sumatra
- Martini, Rita
- Peer-Review Statements
- Martini, Rita
- Village Income and Economic Growth for Poverty Reduction on South Sumatra Province
- Martini, Rita
- Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness
- Martini, Rita
- Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)
- Maulana, M. Riska
- Digitalization Role of the Front Office in the Banking Business, Impact and Implementation
- Mayasari, Riana
- Implementation of Promotional Videos in the Tourism Industry: Is It Possible to Increase Local Revenue in the Digital Economy?
- Meirani, Wasitoh
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Miskiyah, Neneng
- Capital Assets and Salai Fish Business Sustainability (Study on Panca Jaya’s Business, Sungai Rengit Village, Banyuasin Regency)
- Mohamad Sabli, Habsah
- Peer-Review Statements
- Mohamad Sabli, Habsah
- Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)
- Mubarok, Muhammad Husni
- SWOT Analysis as a Basis for Identifying Risks to the Going Concern of the “Waring Jaya” Palembang Catfish Farm
- Mubarok, Muhammad Husni
- Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services
- Nirmagustina, Dwi Eva
- Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in East Lampung Regency
- Nuryani, Ni Siluh Putu
- Marketing Efficiency of Organic Rice in East Lampung Regency
- Paisal, Paisal
- Digitalization Role of the Front Office in the Banking Business, Impact and Implementation
- Periansya
- Financial Reporting Practice in Pesantren: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Putra, M. Sang Gumilar Panca
- Evaluation of Tourism Business Activities and Multi-sectoral Income Optimization: Case in Pagaralam City, South Sumatra
- Putra, Rian Rahmanda
- Comparison of the Application of Just In Time (JIT) Business Principles and Traditional Philosophy in the Development of Integrated Digital Flour Mill Technology
- Putri, Dwi Kurnia Oktora
- Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness
- Rahim, Nur Riana Binti Abdul
- The Employer Satisfaction Study on Graduates from TVET Institution
- Reduan, Iskandar bin
- Measuring Academic Staff Job Satisfaction in TVET Institutions
- Ridho, Sari Lestari Zainal
- The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media
- Risnawati
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Saari, Norshahida Binti Hasan
- Evaluation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System at Lab Test Lembaga Air Perak
- Sabli, Habsah Binti Haji Mohamad
- The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media
- Sabli, Habsah Binti Haji Mohamad
- The Employer Satisfaction Study on Graduates from TVET Institution
- Sabli, Habsah Binti Mohammad
- Digitalization Role of the Front Office in the Banking Business, Impact and Implementation
- Sabli, Habsah binti Haji Mohamad
- Measuring Academic Staff Job Satisfaction in TVET Institutions
- Said, Jamaliah
- Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services
- Saleh, Nurul Safwanah Binti Muhammad
- A Financial Record Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Sari, Kartika Rachma
- Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness
- Sari, Yuliana
- A Financial Record Practice for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Sarikadarwati
- South Sumatra Business Showcase; Development South Sumatera Traditional Products Information System
- Sarikadarwati, Sarikadarwati
- Fraud Prevention in Government Procurement of Goods and Services
- Satriawan, Indra
- SWOT Analysis as a Basis for Identifying Risks to the Going Concern of the “Waring Jaya” Palembang Catfish Farm
- Sawal, Noor Azira Binti
- Financial Reporting Practice in Pesantren: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia
- Sibir, Suhaimi
- The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media
- Silvia Handayani, Ade
- Peer-Review Statements
- Silvia Handayani, Ade
- Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)
- Simanjuntak, Tiur
- The Use of Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method for Sriwijaya State Polytechnic International Office Website Quality
- Siswantoro, Dodik
- Peer-Review Statements
- Siswantoro, Dodik
- Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)
- Suharto, Ugi
- Introduction to Islamic Economic Methodology
- Ujihanti, Murwani
- Flipped Classroom Versus Traditional Classroom to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment During Covid-19 at SMA Negeri 7 Prabumulih
- Ummasyroh
- The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media
- Wahi, Mohammad Fardillah
- The Awareness Review of Muslim Friendly Tourism Map Through Utilization of Promotional Media
- Wasiran, Yulianto
- Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness
- Wijaya, Beni
- The Use of Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method for Sriwijaya State Polytechnic International Office Website Quality
- Yanto, Desri
- Role of Preventive and Functional Control in Budget Control Effectiveness
- Yulina, Bainil
- South Sumatra Business Showcase; Development South Sumatera Traditional Products Information System
- Yusri, Yusri
- The Use of Webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Method for Sriwijaya State Polytechnic International Office Website Quality
- Zainal Ridho, Sari Lestari
- Peer-Review Statements
- Zainal Ridho, Sari Lestari
- Correction to: Proceedings of 6th FIRST T3 2022 International Conference (FIRST-SS 2022)