Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE 2019)
155 authors
- Yan, Hai-jun
- Estimation for the Moisture Content of Oil-immersed Insulating Pressboard Using Dielectric Characteristic Parameter
- Yan, Xiao-peng
- Weak Signal Detection with Duffing Oscillator Based on Circular Boundary Counting Method and STFT State Identification Parameter
- Yang, Bao-long
- An Improved Cascaded-SVG Reactive Current Detecting Method
- Yang, Dong-sheng
- Design of Fiber Optic Gyro Inertial Measurement System with High Vibration Resistance
- Yang, Hong-wei
- The Research of the Data Platform System for the Systemwide Supervision and Management of the Intelligent Mine in the Opencast Coal Mine
- Yang, Wei-feng
- Fault Diagnosis of Locomotive Wheel-bearing Based on Wavelet Packet and MCA
- Yang, Xiao-ping
- Research into Power Distribution Network Condition Evaluation Method Based on Equipment Health Index
- Yang, Xiao-ping
- Fault Transient Analysis of Flexible Medium Voltage DC Distribution
- Yang, Xiao-ping
- Interval State Estimation Considering Randomness of Multiple Distributed Generations in Active Distribution Networks
- Yang, Xue-tao
- Voltage Stability Analysis and Online Monitoring Method Based on Fixed-Point Principle and Spectrum Calculation
- Yao, Zi-kai
- Fault Diagnosis of Locomotive Wheel-bearing Based on Wavelet Packet and MCA
- Ye, Hui
- Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Parking Positioning Assistant Device
- Yi, Ding-rong
- Rapid Autofocus Method for Optical Microscopes Using Dual Photodetectors
- Yu, Lei
- Application Effect Analysis of Energy Storage Technology in Power System
- Yu, Lei
- The Function and Application Prospect of Energy Storage in the Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things
- Yu, Yang
- Analysis on Trade Patterns in Electronic and Electrical Products: An Empirical Study of the U.S from 2008 to 2017
- Yu, Yang
- Application Effect Analysis of Energy Storage Technology in Power System
- Yu, Yang
- The Function and Application Prospect of Energy Storage in the Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things
- Yuan, Ling
- Operational State Analysis of Wind Turbines Based on SCADA Data
- Yuan, Ru-jun
- Combined Application of SRS and Photoacoustic Imaging in Vivo Leaf Tissue in Situ Detection System
- Yuan, Xi-chao
- Parameters Optimization of Passive Electromagnetic Armor Based on Orthogonal Experiment
- Zhang, Chang-zheng
- Three-phase Four-wire Photovoltaic System with Power Quality Condition Function
- Zhang, Chen
- A New Method for Reducing the Leakage Current in the Readout Circuit of Ultraviolet Focal Plane Detector
- Zhang, Cheng-ning
- Oil-water Composite Cooling Method of Hub Motor for Electric Vehicles
- Zhang, Da-zhi
- Control Strategy Research on Drugs Input in Intelligent Pharmacy Express Dispensing System
- Zhang, En-zhan
- Road Traffic Congestion Detecting by VANETs
- Zhang, Hai-chuan
- An Improved Cascaded-SVG Reactive Current Detecting Method
- Zhang, Jia-jun
- Application Effect Analysis of Energy Storage Technology in Power System
- Zhang, Jun-gen
- A New Multi-sensor Particle CPHD Filtering Algorithm for Bearings-only Multi-target Tracking
- Zhang, Lin-zhong
- Operational State Analysis of Wind Turbines Based on SCADA Data
- Zhang, Min
- Software Design for Test & Diagnosis System of Universal Portable Infrared Thermal Imaging Equipment
- Zhang, Ru-fei
- Sample Specific Multi-Kernel Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
- Zhang, Song
- Research on Radar Jamming Evaluation Method Based on BP Neural Network
- Zhang, Xi-ran
- A New Method for Reducing the Leakage Current in the Readout Circuit of Ultraviolet Focal Plane Detector
- Zhang, Xia
- Road Traffic Congestion Detecting by VANETs
- Zhang, Xin
- A Mobile Phone Charger Design Based on High Voltage Induction Current
- Zhang, Xin-yan
- Application Effect Analysis of Energy Storage Technology in Power System
- Zhang, Xin-yan
- The Function and Application Prospect of Energy Storage in the Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things
- Zhang, Ying-jun
- An Automatic Approach for Scoring Vulnerabilities in Risk Assessment
- Zhang, Yu-bo
- Estimation for the Moisture Content of Oil-immersed Insulating Pressboard Using Dielectric Characteristic Parameter
- Zhang, Yu-xian
- A Model for Micro-grid Short-term Load Forecasting Based on SR-LS-SVR
- Zhao, Jian
- Estimation for the Moisture Content of Oil-immersed Insulating Pressboard Using Dielectric Characteristic Parameter
- Zhao, Ling-li
- Research on the Optimizing Technology for Sparse Antenna Arrays Based on Aperture Function
- Zhao, Ning-bo
- Fault Transient Analysis of Flexible Medium Voltage DC Distribution
- Zhao, Ya-xin
- Research on Radar Jamming Evaluation Method Based on BP Neural Network
- Zhao, ZHong-jie
- Research and Design of Multi-Channel Telemetry Signal Digital Baseband Transmitter and Receiver Module
- Zhao, Zhuang
- The Function and Application Prospect of Energy Storage in the Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things
- Zhong, Hui
- A New Method for Reducing the Leakage Current in the Readout Circuit of Ultraviolet Focal Plane Detector
- Zhou, Qing
- The Method for Aging Condition Prediction of Transformer Oil-immersed Cellulose Insulation Based upon the Aging Kinetic Equation
- Zhou, Su
- Study of the Twelve Busbar Technology and the Stress-Induced Degradation within the Solar Modules
- Zhou, Zhi-hang
- A Flexible Over-Frequency Generator Tripping Method Based on Power Flow Tracing
- Zhu, Wei
- A New Method for Reducing the Leakage Current in the Readout Circuit of Ultraviolet Focal Plane Detector
- Zhu, Wei-jun
- Study on Method for Field Secondary Signal Simulation of Optical Current Transformer
- Zhu, Zhi-qiang
- Weak Signal Detection with Duffing Oscillator Based on Circular Boundary Counting Method and STFT State Identification Parameter
- Zhuang, Hao
- Study of the Twelve Busbar Technology and the Stress-Induced Degradation within the Solar Modules