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193168 articles
Proceedings Article
Improvement of Students' Ability on Statistical Software Application (Public Service on Islamic Student for Early Childhood Education Program)
Reflianto Reflianto
The aim of this project is to improve are 1) Islamic Student for Early Childhood Education Program mastering in using statistical software program of SPSS. This study is Community-Based Research conducted in The College of Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman and in Diniyah Putri Padang Panjang. It took four months...
Proceedings Article
Family Resilience: A Conceptual Review
Ike Herdiana, Suryanto, Seger Handoyo
A family is a primary institution in the society which has dynamic system, and it frequently proceeds especially when its members face a crisis situation. The family's efforts and success to rise from crisis situations are known as family resilience. The purpose of writing this article is to get better...
Proceedings Article
Simulated Strategies to Customer Preferences in Determining The Amount of Bank Financing: Small and Medium Industries in Indonesia
Rachmad Hidayat, Muhammad Azmi Alamsyah
The present study addressed the simulation of conventional and Islamic bank financing systems. This simulation involved 20 small SMEs which were divided into 2 groups: salt farming SMEs (low-risk business) and shrimp farming SMEs (high-risk business). The three principles of experiment design applied...
Proceedings Article
Self Independence Of Family Planning In Urban Area Gresik District
Yuly Sulistyorini, Nunik Puspitasari, Diah Indriani, Rachmah Indawati
IDHS results 2012 showed that TFR East Java on trend remains that the figure of 2.6 per woman until 2012. It potentially will cause an increase in the number of births. FP services are free priority given to poor people. FP acceptors must pay from their own money to get contraception. After the 2007...
Proceedings Article
Existing Social Justice Choice for Underprivileged Society Members
Pheni Chalid, Astrid Nadya Rizqita
This research is intended to look for strategic approach and access on justice for under-privilege groups in society. The research will highlight two types of communal justice, namely positive justice, based on formal structure that is used to solve legal cases and social justice, a steadier form of...
Proceedings Article
Study on the Influential Factors of the Development of Outbound Travel Market Based on "The Belt and Road Initiatives"
Huize Chen
"The Belt and Road Initiatives" strategic background and significance of the research are explained. The present situation of the outbound tourism in Fujian province is investigated and analyzed. Through the analysis of the development characteristics, development stages and advantages of outbound tourism...
Proceedings Article
Geographic Tongue in Psoriasis: Case Reports
Ariyati Yosi, Cashtry Meher, Irma D. Roesyanto-Mahadi
Geographic tongue is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder resulting in the local loss of filiform papillae, which is present as erythematous patches with serpiginous borders resembling a map. The etiopathogenesis of geographic tongue is unknown. Geographic tongue has been postulated to be an oral variant...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
The Research and Field Application of Oil Displacement System for A Living Polymer
Guan Wang, Ran Huo, Jiliang Yu, Rui Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Lisha Duan, Shuai Wang, Yajuan Yang
for the increasing cost of gel displacement and the influence of alkali corrosion and scaling of multivariate composite flooding on production equipment, a new type of living polymer was adopted. The living polymer has well heat resistance, salt tolerance and viscosifying capacity, and its molecular...
Proceedings Article
Research on Cable-driven Robots
Yupeng Deng, Long Bai, Zhang Long, Jian Guan, Xiaohong Chen, Junzhan Hou, Wenbo Duan
Cable-driven mode has the advantages of low inertia, low noise, high accuracy and some other unique advantages in some occasions. Therefore, the application of cable-driving technology in robots is more and more extensive. Many researchers have also carried out in-depth researches and discussions on...
Proceedings Article
Research on MTI Education Model from the Perspective of Needs Analysis Theory
Yan Yao
To meet the growing needs of translation market, China has attached great importance to the training of translation talents. MTI was set up under this background. However, as a new major, education model of MTI is still relatively unclear for most MTI institutes. Market needs of translation talents haven't...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Research on Gesture Recognition Technology of Data Glove Based on Joint Algorithm
Shuran Yin, Jun Yang, Yukun Qu, Wenjun Liu, Yunfei Guo, Hongtao Liu, Dapeng Wei
A gesture recognition system were fabricated with distributed sensor networks as the core component, and could be wore in the hands. This data glove could detect the posture of fingers using the FLEX2.2 bending sensors and STM32 series single chip. Furthermore, we adopted a gesture recognition joint...
Proceedings Article
Pruning Support Vectors in the SVM Framework and Its Application to Face Detection
Pei-Yi Hao
This paper presents the pruning algorithms to the support vector machine for sample classification and function regression. When constructing support vector machine network we occasionally obtain redundant support vectors which do not significantly affect the final classification and function approximation...
Proceedings Article
Grounding Possible Worlds Semantics in Experiential Semantics
Matthew Ikle, Ben Goertzel
Probabilistic Logic Networks (PLN), a comprehensive framework for uncertain inference currently in use in the OpenCog and Novamente Cognition Engine AGI software architectures, has previously been described in terms of the ¨experiential semantics" of an intelligent agent embodied in a world. However,...
Proceedings Article
Functionally Expressible Multidistances
Javier Martín, Gaspar Mayor, Oscar Valero
In this paper we deal with the problem of aggregating pairwise distance values in order to obtain a multi-argument distance function. After introducing the concept of functionally expressible multidistance, several essential types of multidimensional aggregation functions are considered to construct...
Proceedings Article
Group Audio Application with Flash Multicast Streaming Based on RTMFP
Linghong Xue, Fuan Wen, Chunmei Fan, Jun Wang, Xiao Wang
In order to improve the user experience and reduce the operators’ cost, Real-Time Rich Internet Application (RIA) has become more and more important compared with other Web Applications. Real-time RIA combines the Multimedia and Real-time experience in the client side, which provides the live collaboration...
Proceedings Article
Mining Users for Organizations on Mi-cro-blogs
Zhenhua Zhang, Ruifang Liu, WeiRan Xu
This paper focuses on detecting relevant real-world users of organizations in mi-cro-blogs. Many organizations and indi-viduals choose to publish posts on micro-blogs. As the virtual social network may possibly be influenced by accounts’ real world social ties, it’s feasible to detect the user groups...
Proceedings Article
Epidemiological Analysis on 183 Cases of Congenital Syphilis
Hui Wu, Jing Cui, Dan Dang, Dongxuan Wang
To discuss the epidemiological characteristics of congenital syphilis. Methods: Retrospective analysed the 183 cases of congenital syphilis from Jan. 2002 to Jan. 2012 in our department, and the gestational age, sex, birth weight, delivery mode, age on admission, onset time, parents’ occupations, medical...
Proceedings Article
Tentative Idea About Extruding Regional Feature In Advanced Occupational Education Of Guangxi ??An Example From Vocational And Technical College Of Guilin University Of Electronic Technology
Hao Liu
Explaining Some disadvantages of higher occupation education at present in Guangxi through description of Guangxi higher occupation education present situation and introduction of Vocational and Technical College of Guilin University of Electronic Technology, puts forward some improvement ideas with...
Proceedings Article
Service Oriented Cost AccountingUtilization-based Accounting and Charging of IT Service Costs
Christopher Schwarz, S. Schmidt, A. Sellner, E. Zinser
Due to the immanent complexity of Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) partnerships and their underlying service technology, a sustainable management proofs to be highly challenging and inefficient. Being confronted with multidimensional business relations and complex services meshes, the accounting...
Proceedings Article
Vocabulary Profile of the Abstracts Written by Students Majoring in Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies: A Comparative Analysis
Imamatul Khair, Ahmad Faris Firdaws S, Risky Amalia Ramdhani
Vocabulary profile can be used to identify the uniqueness of certain texts among sub-genres. In this study, some types of vocabularies are examined. The study aimed at identifying vocabulary profile consisting of General Service List (GSL) and Academic Word List (AWL) in three different sub-genres of...
Proceedings Article
Local Economic Development Through Village Funds in Barru District
Herman, Dalilul Falihin
The purpose of this study is to impact the management of village funds for the local economy; the determinant factors in managing village funds in developing the local economy; the efforts made by the government in developing the local economy. This research uses descriptive type with a qualitative approach....
Journal: Artery Research
Review Article
Shear stress, inflammation and Atherosclerosis
Rob Krams, Simon Cuhlmann, Nicolas Foin, Paul Evans
Pages: 41 - 46
Background: Atherosclerosis is the disease with one of the largest mortalities of the Western world. An important cause of this high mortality rate is rupture of atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent total blockage of the vessel by thrombus. Because, plaque rupture has been associated with a distinct...
Research Article
Machine Learning in Failure Regions Detection and Parameters Analysis
Saeed Abdel Wahab, Reem El Adawi, Ahmed Khater
Pages: 41 - 48
Testing automation is one of the challenges facing the software development industry, especially for large complex products. This paper proposes a mechanism called Multi Stage Failure Detector (MSFD) for automating black box testing using different machine learning algorithms. The input to MSFD is the...
Proceedings Article
Production Of Working Electrodes Graphene Oxide For Phenol Analysis Voltammetrically
Pirim Setiarso
The working electrode in the voltammetry method is an electrode that responds to the current generated in a redox reaction. The working Electrode to response currents through the process of migration, convection and diffusion. Working electrodes can be made according to the needs for qualitative and...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing Indonesia Coffee Exports Volume
Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti, Suwito Eko Pramono, Fauzal Adzmin
This study aimed to analyze factors influencing coffee exports volume in Indonesia. The study belonged to quantitative research with secondary data of time series in the period of 1983-2017. For more, the technique of analysis employed in this study was Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with Ordinary...
Proceedings Article
Paradiplomacy of West Java Province in East Asia (2015–2018)
Sylvia Octa Putri
The purpose of this study is to determine the West Java Province paradiplomacy in East Asia countries. Specifically, this research wanted to identify the readiness and activities of paradiplomacy carried out by the West Java Province in trade, investment, and tourism (2015–2018). The research method...
Proceedings Article
Practice-Oriented Training as a Mechanism of Development of Professional Potential of Students of Higher Education in Russia and Abroad: Historical and Social aspect
Tatiana Rezer
This article deals with the theoretical and methodological justification of practice-oriented education as a mechanism for the development of professional potential of students in higher education. The authors consider the process from the point of the historical and social aspects of this phenomenon....
Proceedings Article
Accounting Students’ Perceptions of Electronic Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0
I. Natalia
This study focused on the continuance usage intention toward electronic learning environments using Dağhan & Akkoyunlu integrated model to understand better the determinants of students’ continuance intention to use these environments. The hypothetical model was determined using Technology Continuance...
Proceedings Article
Viral Marketing and E-Word of Mouth Communication in Social Media Marketing
H. Hendrayati, P. Pamungkas
Social media users in Indonesia are increasing by the speed of internet in Indonesia. Business stakeholders use this as one of the things covered. Opportunities to get potential target become one of the reasons of appear social media advertising concepts. As a new alternative to media promotion, social...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Boyer Moore Algorithm to Search Criminal Law Based on Criminal Code
A. Hanifa Setianingrum, Tabah Rosydi, Reza Hermawan
Balai Pemasyarakatan (BAPAS) or Penitentiary is one of the institutions to implement guidances. The Penitentiary (“Badan Pemasyarakatan in Indonesia. BAPAS”) has a role to make ex Prisoner are not committing a crime or a similar offence. KUHP is to provide knowledge of the articles of the Criminal Code....
Journal: Growth and Form
Mini Review
Allometric Laws in Modular Dynamics: The Bauplan of Ontogenesis
Peter L. Antonelli, Solange F. Rutz
Pages: 41 - 43
In recent decades, a resurgence of allometry in ecology and its associated scaling laws has been observed, going under the name macroecology. It is reasonable to think that the plethora of current works on experimental physiology using allometry is a continuation of the tradition of searching for the...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perception on Teacher’s Teaching Strategy and Its Effect Toward Students’ Motivation in Learning English
Ria Rahmiyanti, M. Zaim, Refnaldi
Teaching strategy is necessary in teaching and learning process. It is used as a way to achieve a certain goal. As one of extrinsic motivations in learning process, teacher’s teaching strategy has role to stimulate students’ motivation. This research aimed to analyze about students’ perception on teacher’s...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Current Ratio, Return on Asset, Net Profit Margin and Debt to Equity Ratio on Dividend Pay Out Ratio (For company listed in the LQ45 on Indonesian Stock Exchange)
Nelli Novyarni, Rhama Yudha Permana
This study aims to determine Effect of Current Ratio, Return On Assets, Net Profit Margin, and Debt to Equity Ratio on Dividend Payout Ratio for companies listed in the LQ45 index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2018. This study uses a quantitative type of descriptive research approach, which...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Legal Culture Toward Criminal Policies of Bribery in Indonesia
Anton Diary Steward Surbakti, Ediwarman, Madiasa Ablisar, M. Hamdan
This research aims to analyse the influence of legal culture on criminal policies of bribery in Indonesia. As a new weapon in the prevention and eradication of corruption, Indonesia has ratified the 2003 United Nation Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which stated that corruption is a common enemy...
Proceedings Article
Audit Responsibility as a Specific Type of Legal Responsibility
N Kim
Most of the theoretical and methodological problems of audit are related to the unresolved legal aspects, in particular, the specifics of audit responsibility.
The issue of legal responsibility is well developed in the legal and economic literature, but there is no General understanding of the specifics...
Series: Advances in Engineering Research
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Critical Land Based on the Erosion and Soil Organic Carbon in the Watershed of Girindulu East Java Province, Indonesia
Djafar Mey, Ahmad Iskandar, Junun Sartohadi, Djati Mardiatno, Muh Aris Marfai, La Ode Safuan, La Ode Amaluddin, Muhamad Tufaila, Baharudin
This study aims to analyze the relationship between erosion, soil organic carbon content with land critical. This research uses a geomorphology approach with the landform as the unit of analysis. Land critical is determined by the grade level of erosion hazard and soil organic carbon content class, taking...
Proceedings Article
The Semantic Field of Triste Adjectives in French
Alyza Kemala Ramadhani, Myrna Laksman-Huntley
Adjectives describe quantity, adequacy, sequence, order, quality, and word emphasis. Thus, the selection of the proper adjective must begin by finding the criteria which accord with the semantic aspects. In French, adjectives with triste ‘sad’ as the superordinate also have various hyponyms such as affligeant...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy for Increasing the Competitiveness of Craft Products in the City of Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Asngadi, Maskuri Sutomo, Asriadi
This study aims to establish a strategy to improve the competitiveness of Palu handicraft products. The prospect of handicraft industry of Palu is quite good considering that there are various and abundant resources. However, handicraft industry in Palu has currently not the host of its own country....
Proceedings Article
Association of Rhinoceros Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with Three Agave Plant Species
Sujak, Dwi Adi Sunarto, Nurindah
Rhinoceros beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is known as a phytophagous insect found associating with Agave spp. and has the potential to become a pest in crop cultivation. Agave is a fiber-producing plant utilized in natural fiber-based industries. This research was carried out with the aim to determine...
Journal: Clinical Hematology International
Practicing Clinical Hematology During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Challenge Like No Other
Mohamad Mohty, Arnon Nagler, Bipin Savani
Pages: 41 - 42
Research Article
Verification of a Combination of Gestures Accurately Recognized by Myo using Learning Curves
Kengo Kitakura, Hideyuki Tanaka
Pages: 41 - 47
This paper studies verification of a combination of hand gestures recognized by using the Myo armband as an input device. To this end, relationship between data distribution and learning curves is investigated for binary classification and multi-class classification problems. A verification method is...
Proceedings Article
Social Responsibility in ISO 26000 and Social Innovation
Nadhira Hardiana
This study aims to determine whether CSR and social innovation activities of Danamon already meet existing principles. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The methods of this research are literature study, analysis and evaluation, and interview methods. The results show that implementation...
Proceedings Article
Settlement of Disputes Over the Transfer of Rights to the Ulayat Land of the Piliang Tribe in Kuok Village, Kuok District, Kampar Regency
Hayatul Ismi, Firdaus Firdaus, Ulfia Hasanah, Ilham Saputra
The use of customary land is indeed used in the interests of the indigenous peoples who occupy the area. Because of the background of the increasingly high needs, indigenous peoples also began to use traditional land as plantation land in collaboration with the company to get more adequate results than...
Proceedings Article
Models of Pencaksilat Learning on Physical and Sport Education in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis
Nur Rohmah Muktiani, Soegiyanto, Hari Amirullah Rachman, Setya Rahayu
The purpose of this research is to uncover and analyse various models of Pencaksilat learning in physical and sport education through scientific journal articles that have been published on national and international journals. The research is an analysis on analysis by breaking down some research findings...
Proceedings Article
Predictive Power of Intellectual Ability Test Score on Students’ Fine Art Learning Outcomes
Siti Khodijah Lubis, Trie Hartiti Retnowati, Siti Syawalina
This study aims to determine the magnitude of the predictive power of intellectual ability test scores on Fine Art students’ learning achievements. Intellectual ability test is part of a psychological test conducted by State Islamic Senior High School MAN 2 Padangsidimpuan as one of the selection instruments...
Proceedings Article
The Art of Chain-Scission Creativity as a Business Opportunity at Kindergarten
Farida Mayar, Dadan Suryana, Eko Purnomo, M. Nasrul Kamal
This service aims to train Anugrah Sayang Ibu Kindergarten teachers in Kampung Jua, Sungai Limau District. The title of this service is Chain-Scission Art Creativity As A Business Opportunity In The Kindergarten Anugrah Sayang Ibu In Kampuang Jua, Sungai Limau, Padang Pariaman Districts. Previously,...
Proceedings Article
Agribusiness Financing Issues: Assessment Features
T.G. Bondarenko, A.I. Bolvachev, O.L. Shemetkova
The article studies difficulties and features of providing loans to agro-industrial enterprises. For all subjects of the market sector, in order to carry out a financial and economic analysis of their activities, there is a special accounting procedure. The authors identified stages of monitoring and...
Proceedings Article
Communication Gaps in Crisis Communication Management: Study at the Ministry of Transportation
Ari Sulistyanto, Achamd Jamil
The government organization, which is bureaucratic and hierarchical, tends to be slow in making decisions to respond to the crisis. This is caused by the communication gaps at the Sub-Sector level in its internal organization. This research aims to reveal the communication gaps in managing crisis communication...
Proceedings Article
The Wartime Art in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as a Basis for Forming the Civic Identity Among the Population of the Region
Svetlana A. Mitasova, Maria V. Voronova, Yulia A. Kolpakova, Elena A. Romanova, Nina P. Shutova, Svetlana A. Iakovleva
The paper is devoted to an unexplored topic in domestic art history. The art of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1941-1945 is investigated in the interdisciplinary discourse. It is studied as a unique socio-cultural practice that forms cognitive, value, emotional and regulatory components in the civic identity....
Proceedings Article
Strengthening of National Resilience: Leading Sector Mapping for Digital Economy In Indonesia
Eduardo Edwin Ramda, Supandi
Economic growth in Indonesia in general has experienced rapid progress where Indonesia’s economic growth has increased every year. The development of a digital economy echoed by the government requires appropriate strategies and identification to be able to answer the economic needs of each region. Proper...