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1582 articles

The Influence of Integrity on Employee Performance in Koto Tangah Subdistrict, Padang

Nur Putri Jayanti, Syamsir
The problem that occurs in Koto Tangah Sub-District is that many employees are above 50 years old, lack of human resources in each village, lack of office infrastructure, employees communicate poorly or unfriendly, employees are less creative and innovative, serving the public seems to be in a hurry,...

Operational Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Pandemic Era

Suci Putri Lestari, Arga Sutrisna
This study aims to examine the effect of implementing Supply Chain Management (SCM) on the operational performance of Embroidery SMEs in Tasikmalaya. A total of 45 participants were sampled for this study using a purposive sampling approach. This study employed a survey research design, with data collected...

New Media and Convergence: The Existence Of The Banyumas Wayang Museum As One Of Indonesia’s Cultural Heritage In The Era Of Disruption 5.0

Anas Azimi Qolban, Ahmad Muttaqin, Hendra Herdiyana, Naufal Nabhan, Inggit Melani Putri, Inggit Melani Putri
During the Disruption 5.0 era, new media and convergence occurred and have since altered the global cultural scene. To continue existing, the Banyumas Wayang Museum needs to resolve this problem. This essay looks at how the Banyumas Wayang Museum responds to this shift and seizes the chance presented...

Literature Review: Electroencephalogram (EEG) the Characteristics of Students’ Learning Concentration Due the Audio Stimulus

Megasari Kurnia, Ilham Bakri, Nadzirah Ikasari, Putri Indah Wardani, Priscillia Ingrid Tanditasik
The thinking concentration is easily affected by the presence of distractions around. One of the aspects that has a disturbing effect or eventually stimulates the mind is the audio stimulus. If the audio gives unwanted and destructive sounds or is noisy, it can affect the concentration of thinking. This...

The Reality and Role of Teachers in E-Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Aisyah Mustika Putri, Dias Aziz Pramudita
The Covid-19 pandemic period forced us all to adapt to the new environment, in the field of education to respond to this situation the government issued a learning policy from home based e-learning. Teachers as educators inevitably apply e-learning in carrying out the learning process. This article is...

Antecedent Factors of Self-Gifting Behavior and Its Influence toward Post-Purchase Regret of the Millennial Generation

Alia Rachma Ningtias, Sri Daryanti, Ilma Savira Putri
With the shifting trend from gifting behavior to self-gifting behavior, retailers are faced with a new challenge to win their consumers’ heart, especially Millennial consumers. Additionally, the growing landscape in a retail environment and the more options that consumers face when shopping may result...

Is There A Correlation Between Propaganda and Radical Actions?: A Critical Diiscourse Analysis

Inike Tesiana Putri, Sulis Triyono
In this era, the function of the language is not only for communication with each other but also can influence the views or thoughts of others to come with our thoughts. This case can be called by propaganda. Sometimes propaganda conveys a true and objective message. However, the message is often misleading...

Study on Chemistry Learning Quality Assurance

Abdul Gani, Daud K. Walanda, Ratman, Eska Perdanawati Kahar Putri
SMA Negeri 4 Palu had been targeted as a mentoring model school of education by Quality Assurance Agency Palu in 2016. How to implement a national quality assurance standards of education, especially the content standards, processes, and assessment of competence of graduates in chemistry learning? So...

Analysis of Macroeconomic Factors and Fundamental Factors to Sharia Stock Return on Trade, Services and Investment Sector Companies in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) Period 2014-2018

Siti Fathimah Nurul Hasanah, Ratih Hadiantini, Aninthitha Putri Kusumawardhani
This research aims to find out how much macroeconomic factors indicated by variable Inflation rate and Interest Rate (BI Rate) and fundamental factors indicated by market capitalization, Price Earning Ratio (PER) and Price Book Value (PBV) affect to Sharia Stock Return of trade, services and investment...
Proceedings Article

Tracheostomy in Short Neck Patient: A Case Report

Tri Noviasari Putri, Hikmah Fitria, Beny Kurnia, Lily Setiani
Background: Procedure tracheostomy may be performed quickly, but it can also be challenging in patients with burns, acute sickness, post-head traumas, juvenile patients, obesity, short necks, and masses in the neck that impede access to the trachea. The potential of difficulties after a tracheostomy...

Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Pineapple Leaf Fibres

An alternative to non-biodegradable PPE base materials

Putri Rizky Salsabila, Altair Boonraksa, Innamia Indriani, Sabrina Ilma Sakina, Benno Rahardyan
As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in Indonesia, there had been a steep increase in the need for personal protective equipment (PPE). This phenomenon left a directly proportional yield in solid waste production by 30-50%, generating a total of 1,662.75 tons as of October 2020. However, the capacity of...

Government Digital Payment and Marketplace (Digipay) in Indonesia: Problems and Solutions

Ima Putri Bruney, Lely Indah Mindarti, Endah Setyowati
The Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Treasury enacted a Money Supply (UP) policy through the Digital Payment and Marketplace (Digipay) mechanism on the work unit which aims to provide an efficient and effective payment system for government goods/ services expenditures, encourage...

How to Integrate Batik Kenanga as a Learning Resource for Integrated Learning at Elementary School

Putri Rachmadyanti, Vivi Rahmawati, Kartika R. Adhe
The purposes of this study are to describe the content of the material contained in Kenanga Batik as one of the learning resources in Elementary School and then to find out how to integrate the content of Batik Kenanga material into Integrated Learning in Elementary Schools in according to the 2013 Curriculum....

Islamic Financial Literacy in Mathematics Education: Proposed Design for Instruction

Intan B. Kusumawati, Achmad D. Fachrudin, Ratu I. I. Putri, Zulkardi Zulkardi, Soffil Widadah, Muhammad K. Mubarok
This study aims to develop a social arithmetic learning design by integrating Islamic economic principles. Using various Islamic financial products as a context in mathematical tasks, we propose a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) to support the students’ Islamic financial literacy (IFL) skills....

The Relationship of Family Function and Social Media Addiction among Adolescents

Ade Ayu Harisdiane Putri, Hani Khairunnisa
Social media addiction behavior is a problem that is quite interesting, especially among adolescents. Addiction involves psychological, physical, social and environmental components in which the individual cannot control addiction and raises various problems. It is undeniable that social media is misused...
Proceedings Article

Formulation and Evaluation of Suppositoria Supplies Extract of Pinang Seeds (Areca catechu L.) as Anthelmintik

Lusi Nurdianti, Fajar Setiawan
Areca palm is a type of palm and is commonly found in India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and other Asian countries, both individually and in populations (Jaiswal wt al, 2011). The pharmacological potential of Areca catechu is one of its benefits as an anthelmintic. Part taken from areca nut for anthelmintic...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors That Influence Stunting On Toddlers

Fitriana Noor Khayati, Ratna Agustiningrum, Puput Risti Kusumaningrum, Febriana Putri Hapsari
Stunting is one of the health problems that is closely related to the delayed growth and development of children. Children can be classified as stunting if their height is less than -2SD. Along in the 2018 stunting had been decreased from 37,2% to 30,8%. Those data were still higher than WHO restricted...

Legal Standing of IPR-Based Guarantee as a Breakthrough to Support Creative Economy Entrepreneurs

Zora Febriena Dwithia Hidayat Putri, Rumi Suwardiyati, Hanif Nur Widhiyanti
The high potential of the creative economy can improve the economy of business entrepreneurs. The establishment of Government Regulation Number 4 of 2022 concerning the Creative Economy is an opportunity to create Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as an object of guarantee. The intellectual property...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Medical Financing in Hospitals

Oktavia Lusiana Putri, M. Herzegovin Laxamana
Health funding is one of the factors that affects the health quality of individual countries in a meaningful way. Medical finance problems are: Lack of funds and additional funds. This writing method uses review literature. The purpose of this academic study is to increase knowledge about medical financial...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Storage Time on Colonization of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Breast Milk

Putri Pasalina, Vitri Amran, Hendri Devita
Breast milk is the best food for babies in early life. Ignorance of employed mothers about how to store breast milk is an inhibiting factor for exclusive breastfeeding. Improper storage of breast milk can reduce the number of bacteria in breast milk. The probiotic bacteria of breast milk are important...

Lecturer’s Perception of Using an Analytical Rubric for Assessing Summary Writing

Melvy Nancilia Putri
Assessment is truly essential in teaching writing skills. An analytical rubric is a common evaluation to find out the achievement of students’ writing skills. However, a kind of rubric which is adopted to score summary writing is different from the general writing skill rubric. This study aimed at finding...

Business in The New Normal Era

Disclosure of Accounting Practice at MSMEs in Malang City

Dhika Maha Putri, Slamet Fauzan, Masculine Muhammad Muqorobin, Mohd Rizal Palil
The Covid-19 pandemic currently requires business in various fields (including MSMEs) to adapt to the new normal life. This also has an impact on maximizing the use of accounting as the main finance media. Given the large contribution of the MSMEs activities, the owner of business should develop adequate...

Pentahelix-“An Ecotourism Marketing Application” Focuses on the Development of Mobile Application Platform Based on Android and IOS

Dwi Asri Siti Ambarwati, Dorothy RH. Pandjaitan, Lidya Ayuni Putri
Tourism in general plays a vital role in the development of a region. In addition, tourism is also a priority sector for the Indonesian government to help the country’s economic growth. This is because tourism has contributed quite a lot. The contribution of the tourism sector plays an important role...

“SI BAPAK ON” Innovation (Increasing local tax revenue in Surakarta)

Putri Wulandari Atur Rejeki, Yuyu Yuningsih
Local tax as one of the Own-Source Revenue (PAD) is an indicator that shows the fiscal potential. However, not all regions have it sufficiently. In order to increase local tax revenues, the city of Surakarta created the Online Tax pay Information System named “Si Bapak On”. This paper aims to discover...

Women’s Roles in Household Economy in Medono Village, Boja, Kendal District

Fulia Aji Gustaman, Gunawan, Ninuk Sholikhah Akhiroh, Nurul Fatimah, Didi Pramono, Putri Sonia Purnawati, M Ulin Nuha Saputra
Natural resource management sustains to this day is agriculture. It remains the main source of making a living in rural communities despite its decreasing activity. According to the results of the 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS), the number of farmers in Indonesia was 33 487 806. Categorized...

The Return of Indonesia’s Political Will: Implications of Takeover the Flight Information Region (FIR) Natuna’s Airspace from Singapore

Khairi Rahmi, Rizky Octa Putri Charin
Management of the Flight Information Region (FIR) airspace in Natuna was taken over by the Indonesian Government after being managed by the Singapore Government for a long time. The policy several years ago of delegating the Flight Information Region (FIR) to Singapore over the airspace of the Riau Islands...

Determination of the Economic Growth of the City and Districts of West Java Province

Putri Puspita Ayu, Tika Septiani
The purpose of this research was intended to 1) disclose data and information relating to regional indigenous revenue, transfer income, and other legitimate revenues to the rate of economic growth in West Java province. 2) The testing of data on the influence of indigenous revenue of the region, transfer...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Stroke Rehabilitation Hand Component of 3D Printing With Taguchi Method Approach

Fatahul Arifin, Fenoria Putri, Iskandar, Mulyadi, Suparjo, Franando, Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang
3D Printing commonly is known as additive manufacturing. It works by adding layer by layer resulting in a three dimensional shape. Using color change filament materials are safe to use for medical purposes. The parameters used in this study are layer height, print speed and print temperature. The most...

Indonesian Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English Learning

Sri Ningsih, Arum Putri Rahayu, Nyayu Yayu Suryani, Martriwati Martriwati, Masriatus Sholikhah, Eri Ester Khairas
In the era of digitalization and rapid technological advancement, AI-driven applications and platforms have become increasingly prevalent in language learning. This study aims to shed light on how Indonesian students perceive the role of AI as a supplementary tool in enhancing their English language...

The influence of brand communication, brand image, brand satisfaction, and brand trust on brand loyalty

Annisa Dieni Eka Putri, Ms. Indarini, Dudi Anandya
The purpose of the study is to analyze and determine the influence of brand communication, brand image, brand satisfaction, and brand trust on brand loyalty of Teh Pucuk Harum in Surabaya. This study used 170 respondents who are residing in Surabaya, minimum education level of high/vocational school,...

Urgency Formalization of Sexual Violence Eradication Bill Against Cyber Sexual Harassment in Digital Era

Apriza Putri, Ade Adhari
In digital era development of technology keep continue to grow. There are several impacts of this development, one of them is digital communications and social media are facilitating new forms of crime. The concern of crime in this digital era especially about cyber sexual harassment. Cyber sexual harassment...

Developing Instruments for Evaluating the Implementation of Authentic Assessment for Speaking Skill at Junior High School

Ike Kurnia Putri, M. Zaim, Refnaldi Refnaldi
The current curriculum implemented in Indonesia demands the use of authentic assessment to be used in assessing students’ competence including speaking skill for English subject. The authentic assessment instruments used in the classroom can be designed either by teachers or experts. Such product is...

Deradicalization of Religion in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Through Character Education

Linda Indiyarti Putri, Ali Imron
Character education position has a strategic position concerning with caunter to religious radicalism and various acts of violence happened in soceity. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic Elementary School) as a means of formal education based Islamic value is expected to be a basic filter and efforts in suppressing...

The University Students’ Perspectives on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning Due to COVID-19

Rizky Firmansyah, Dhika Maha Putri, Mochammad Galih S Wicaksono, Sheila Febriani Putri, Ahmad Arif Widianto
The purpose of this study was to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic from the university students’ perspectives. This phenomenon is a stage for humans to adapt to the current situation and conditions so that they will find a new pattern of life or...

Reconstruction of Presentation of Financial Statements of Village Credit Institutions (LPD): The ISAK 35 Approach and The Specific Characteristics of LPD

I. Made Agus Putrayasa, Made Dana Saputra, Ketut Nurhayanti, Ni Luh Putri Setyastrini, Jeni Susanti
Village Credit Institutions (LPD) are required to prepare financial reports that refer to the framework for preparing financial reports. LPD with its specific characteristics, as well as referring to the explanation of LPD equity, which in terms of financial accounting standards conforms to the characteristics...
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Nurse Job Satisfaction in Hospitals

A Literature Review

Dyah Ashari Putri Dewi, Sri Darnoto, Noor Alis Setiyadi
Nurse job satisfaction can be assessed based on the measurement of the difference between expectations and the reality of their real experience at work. Nurse job satisfaction needs to be specifically addressed because if nurse job satisfaction can be achieved it will benefit and affect the quality of...

The Role of Public-Private Relationships in The Development of Marine-Based Tourism in Bintan Regency

Fairuz Muzdalifa, Evi Novianti, Dina Oktavia, Rizqi Apriani Putri
Bintan Island is one of the tourist gateways in Indonesia. Bintan Island also has excellent maritime, cultural, history, education and religion potential. This makes Bintan Island a very potential to develop a tourism center and as well as marine-based tourism. The study aimed to examine the role of...

The Role of the Constitutional Court as a Stimulator of the Amendment of Traffic and Road Transport Act

Winda Wijayanti, Mery Christian Putri, Sharfina Sabila
There is a huge increase in the road traffic accidents by underage vehicle drivers. They should not be in the highway, therefore it becomes parent’s obligation to watch their activity. However, they often ride vehicles in a highway that may cause road accidents that takes victims. It seems to be an unjust...

There is No Such Thing as A Free Lunch

Capitalist Deception in N.H DINi’s Short Story Warung Bu Sally

Diantri Seprina Putri, Aditya Rachman, Hanifah Yulia Sari
N.H Dini’s Warung Bu Sally was a short story that depicted how capitalist taking advantages from lower-class community in order to enlarge their business. This study also discussed about how the strategy of Capitalist affected the life of lower-class people. The purpose of the study was to show the Capitalist’s...

Disparity in Judges’ Legal Reasoning on Marriage Dispensation Regarding Minimum Marriage Age: Indonesian Experience

Dika Putri Vindi Santika Anie, Herliana
This article identified and analyzed the disparity of judges’ legal reasoning in granting a marriage dispensation application in respect to the minimum marriage age in Indonesia. This study indicated that amendment to the Marriage Law which increases the marriageable age of women did not necessarily...

Cultural Attractions Development Based on Putri Boki Dehegila Legend at the Tourist Attractions fea of Morotai Island District

Sri Yono, Budi Agung Sudarmanto, Drajat Agus Murdowo, Siswanto
The wealth of nature and culture owned by the Morotai Island Government District is a tremendous asset to develop into a tourist attraction. However, at this point, those assets haven’t been fully developed. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the problem to provide the right solution. It is a qualitative...

The Influence of Work Environment on Performance of The Employees with Work Ethic as A variable Intervening at Kusuma Bali Mandiri Klungkung Beach

Yura Karlinda Wiasa Putri, Ni Putu Shinta Dewi, Ni Luh Nyoman Sherina Devi, Luh Pande Eka Setiawati, Luh Putri Mas Mirayani
Performance achievement is a factor that must be considered to achieve the company goals. The problem statement and the aim of this research is to determine the influence of the work environment on performance directly or through the role of work ethic at Kusuma Bali Mandiri Klungkung branch. The number...

Junior High School Students' Reasoning

Putri D Renocha, Diana Rochintaniawati, Ari Widodo
This research aims toidentify at the argument of students reasoning between the group trained with reasoning and withouttraining. The method used was quasi-experiment. With the sampling technique by the cluster random sampling. Total sample of 33 students in experimental group and 33 students control...

Development of Encyclopedia Media Based on Indonesian Cultural Diversity

Fredy Hermanto, Asep Ginanjar, Noviani Achmad Putri, Elin Atikah, Umi Dary Mu’Aafat, Heldi Prasetya
Based on a survey of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) conducted (2018) in 181 districts and 34 provinces involving 12,056 respondents found that 10% of respondents did not memorize Pancasila and only about 67-78% of respondents knew about the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhineka...
Proceedings Article

Comparison of Anatomic Images in Examination of the Ap Axial Cranium Towne’s Method With 30° and 37° Caudal Light Directions to View the Foramen Magnum

Oktavia Puspita Sari, Darmania Putri
The phenomenon in the field, the researchers found that there was an examination of the cranium using the Towne method using only one beam direction, in theory there were variations in the direction of the beam 30° caudal and 37°. The aim of this study to see better anatomical information and which results...

Coffee Culture and Urban Settings: Locating Third Place in the Digital Era. The Cases of About Life Coffee Brewers in Tokyo and Kopi Tuku in Jakarta

Anastasia Widyaningsih, Putri Kusumawardhani, Diana Zerlina
By moving online to digital platforms, the idea of third place is blurred and, therefore, going through significant redefinition as the physical proximity and spaces for social interactions become less relevant. Historically, coffee shops have been a notable third place in many cultures and societies....

The Analysis of Mcdonaldization Principles Application in E-Commerce

Cut Rizka Al Usrah, Muhammad Alhada Fuadilah Habib, Asik Putri Ayusari Ratnaningsih
This study aims to determine the application of McDonaldization principles in the e-commerce system and the consequences of rationalizing these principles for society. The research method used in this study is a literature study conducted by collecting data and information from various existing sources....

How Are Parents Disciplining Their Preschool Children?

Clara Putri Koentjana, Fitri Ariyanti Abidin, Eka Riyanti Purboningsih, Langgersari Elsari
The way parents disciplining their children become a hot issue in parenting practices, viewed from the aftereffect of disciplining. The purpose of this study was to investigate types of parents' disciplining behaviour on their preschool children. Participants were assessed using Dimension of Discipline...

Social Acceptance of Non-Special Education Lecturers for Students with Hearing Impairment in Lectures of Special Education Study Program

Dewi Ekasari Kusumastuti, Nimas Lintang Putri, Eviani Damastuti, Rohmah Ageng Mursita, Ms Mirnawati
One thing that plays important role in building inclusive education in universities especially Special Education Study Program is social acceptance of non-special education lecturers for the existence of students with hearing impairment in the lectures. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to know...

The Change of Beauty Standard, A Korean Wave Phenomenon Findings from Bandung City

Abie Besman, Rani Septrina, Putri Halleyana Adrikni Rahman
This work identifies the change of beauty standard, following the Korean Wave infiltration in the City of Bandung, Indonesia. The primary data were obtained by conducting a survey in June 2017. A set of questionnaires was developed to collect respondent beauty values. This questionnaire represents the...