Proceedings of the Universitas Indonesia International Psychology Symposium for Undergraduate Research (UIPSUR 2017)
131 authors
- Saraswati, Karina
- Resilience and Friendship Quality among Late Adolescents from Intact, Divorced, and Remarried Families
- Saraswati, Nimas Linggar
- The relationship between social comparison and depressive symptoms among Indonesian Instagram users
- Sary, Mita
- Association between Friendship Quality and Depression among High School Students in Jakarta
- Sary, Mita Puspita
- Association of Anxiety and Teacher Expectation among High School Students in Jakarta
- Setyawati, Josephine Indah
- Mathematics Belief and The Use of Metacognitive Strategy in Arithmetics Word Problem Completion Among 3rd Elementary School Students
- Shabrina, Arina
- Case Study on Illness Perception and Treatment Belief in Breast Cancer Patient Who Undergo a Traditional Treatment
- Shalsabila, Elsa Tamara
- Time Pressure Increases Component Fluency of Creativity
- Simarmata, Elidayani Rodearni
- Correlation between Assertiveness and Empathy with Adolescent's Social Adjustment in Social Home of South Jakarta
- Siregar, Nadya Desita
- Association of Anxiety and Teacher Expectation among High School Students in Jakarta
- Sjabadhyni, Bertina
- The Effect of Negative Celebrity Publicity and Celebrity Identification Towards Purchase Intention
- Sjabadhyni, Bertina
- The Comparison of Endorser Credibility and Corporate Credibility toward Consumers' Purchase Intension of Airlines Ticket
- Sjabadhyni, Bertina
- Choose Celebity or Common People? The Influence of Endorser Type on Instagram User's Purchase Intention
- Sjabadhyni, Bertina
- The Influence of Celebrity Endorsement Types and Congruency Celebrity with the Body Care Products on Instagram Users' Intention to Purchase
- Solicha, Solicha
- The Determinants of Academic Dishonesty in College Student
- Spence, Jessica
- Age-Related Changes in Children's Resource Giving: How Social Categories and Fairness Considerations Influence Distribution Decisions
- Suharso, Puji Lestari
- Relationship between Academic Buoyancy and Career Adaptability in 9th Grade Students
- Suleeman, Julia
- Resilience and Friendship Quality among Late Adolescents from Intact, Divorced, and Remarried Families
- Suleeman, Julia
- Experiences of Shame, Guilty Emotion, and Socialization of Batak Cultural Values among Batak Toba Older and Younger Generations
- Susanti, Maria Astrid
- Urban Civility: Train Commuters' Queueing Behaviour in Jakarta
- Sutrisno, Monica Budi
- The Impact of Psychological Capital and Work Meaningfulness on Work Engagement in Generation Y
- Syamsuri, Cathy Sofhieanty
- Academic Perfectionism among Adolescents: A Qualitative Study
- Takwin, Bagus
- Perceived Social Support as Predictor of Suicide Ideation in Gunung Kidul High School Students
- Takwin, Bagus
- The Relationship between Passionate Love with Belief in Free Will, Belief in Determinism and Second-Order Volition
- Takwin, Bagus
- The Effects of Written Emotional Disclosure to Subjective Distress and Mood on Individuals Experiencing Heartbreak
- Tharbe, Ida Hartina Ahmed
- Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence among Students in a Public Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia
- Utami, M. Sih Setija
- Factors that Influence University Students' Attitude Towards Smoking Prohibition
- Vionasafira, Virginia
- Choose Celebity or Common People? The Influence of Endorser Type on Instagram User's Purchase Intention
- Wahyudi, Ezra Putranto
- The Relationship between Passionate Love with Belief in Free Will, Belief in Determinism and Second-Order Volition
- Widyautami, Putri
- Inside the Survivor's Mind: The Portrayal of the content of rumination of breast cancer survivors experiencing post-traumatic growth
- Yee, Hong Sing
- Stigma of Mental Illness and Attitudes towards Seeking Mental Health Services among Undergraduates in a Public University in Malaysia
- Zhalyla, Zhillan
- Emerging Adults' Perceptions of Their Father Involvement: Significant to Sociosexuality